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ISSUU Version For Perusal Only



for Oboe and Chamber Ensemble

Full Score

ISSUU Version For Perusal Only


ISSUU Version For Perusal Only


for Oboe and Chamber Ensemble

ISSUU Version For Perusal Only

ISSUU Version For Perusal Only

ISSUU Version For Perusal Only

Commissioned by and Dedicated to Jacqueline Leclair

NB: this section (mm. 352-383) uses high register chords to simulate oboe multiphonics. For each oboe multiphonic the anticipated pitch content and dynamic balance is indicated via notehead size. Each of these sustained, restrained sonorities has particular balances. Take care to distinguish primary pitches [mp/mf] from secondary [p/pp].

ISSUU Version For Perusal Only

Roger Reynolds (b. 19 34 in Detroit, Michigan) is a Pulitzer Prize-winning American composer known for his capacity to integrate diverse ideas and resources, and for the seamless blending of traditional musical sounds and those newly enabled by technology. During his early career, Reynolds worked in Europe and Asia, returning to the US in 1969 to accept an appointment in the music department at the University of California, San Diego. His extensive body of works includes solo instrumental, vocal, chamber and orchestral music, which has been performed by the National Symphony Orchestra, Philadelphia Orchestra, Los Angeles Philharmonic and San Francisco Symphony, among others, and recorded commercially on audio and video.

Roger Reynolds (*1934 in Detroit, Michigan) ist ein mit dem Pulitzer-Preis ausgezeichneter amerikanischer Komponist, der in seinem Werk unterschiedlichste Ideen und Besetzungen miteinander verknüpft sowie traditionelle und auf moderner Technologie basierende Klänge nahtlos integriert. Nach anfänglicher Tätigkeit in Europa und Asien folgte er 1969 einem Ruf an die University of California, San Diego. Sein reiches Schaffen umfasst solistische Instrumentalwerke, Vokal- und Kammermusik sowie Orchesterwerke, die u. a. vom National Symphony Orchestra, vom Philadelphia Orchestra, vom Los Angeles Philharmonic und von der San Francisco Symphony aufgeführt wurden sowie in Ton- und Videoaufnahmen erschienen sind.

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