The true meaning of life is to plant trees under whose shade you do not expect to sit.
Named to honour William and Jane Alexander who established Scotch College with a £500 gift. Fittingly their son Douglas was the first boy to be enrolled.

The true meaning of life is to plant trees under whose shade you do not expect to sit.
Named to honour William and Jane Alexander who established Scotch College with a £500 gift. Fittingly their son Douglas was the first boy to be enrolled.
Generations of Scotch boys have benefitted from the generosity of people who have bequeathed gifts to the College or the Foundation and the Alexander Society seeks to honour the pivotal role these individuals and their families play in supporting the future of our College.
The Alexander Society acknowledges and honours the philanthropic intentions of those who have helped secure the future of Scotch by remembering the College in the form of a bequest.
Cementing a culture of philanthropy that has been established for 125 years the Alexander Society encourages members of our community to consider leaving a legacy for the College and recognises that every gift is of equal importance and an investment in the College and its students of the future.
We are honoured by the trust of those who have committed to leave a bequest, either named or anonymously to the College.
Philanthropy is not a modern invention and the very existence of our College is testament to the endeavours of William and Jane Alexander.
Today many of those founding scholars of the College continue to support and attend Scotch College generationally.
The Alexander Society holds a special place in the life of the College, enhancing the educational journey of both current and future generations of Scotch Collegians, ensuring they are afforded every opportunity to make the most of their Scotch experience, reach their potential and leave well-equipped to contribute to society.
Membership of the Alexander Society is open to those who have made provision for Scotch College in their Will, regardless of the level of financial commitment. Choosing to let us know of your intent gives us an important opportunity to thank members for this commitment.
The School’s donor community is made up of a rich tapestry of people, Old Scotch Collegians, staff, parents and friends who share a common vision to enhance the educational environment of our students. Our donors are partners in our achievements, they are part of our success, embrace our vision and are valued by our community.
School fees and government grants continue to fund our running costs and the maintenance of existing buildings and facilities but are not sufficient to create increased scholarship and bursary provision or future building projects to fulfil our vision for the future.
The Alexander Society encourages bequests from our Community, Old Scotch Collegians, past and present parents and others who value the enduring benefits that only an education at Scotch College can provide.
These gifts have an invaluable impact on the lives of our boys through scholarship opportunities, development of teaching and learning facilities and support of staff and school programmes. An investment in students of the future.
The Alexander’s £500 donation sees the establishment of a school in Beaufort Street, Perth.
The Memorial Grounds are established through the hard work of students and old boys. The Old Scotch Collegians (OSC) raise £948 and in 1926 Council member Adam Baird, gave £50 for the construction of a hut for changing and showering.
Miss Gertrude Royce bequeathed her home on Shenton Rd in memory of her nephew, Douglas Royce (OSC 1936) killed in World War II.
The generosity of John Maxwell Ferguson effectively saves the school, allowing for the purchase of Barrett’s House plus surrounding land in Swanbourne. Ferguson secured the loan and paid the initial deposit while also securing an additional £1,500 for building costs.
The generosity of Gordon Gooch (OSC 1912) is apparent. Gooch gifts both donations and time to the College. In 1954 he contributes £12,500 toward the new Gooch Pavilion. In 1957 Gooch meets the shortfall on costs of Memorial Hall and organises major fundraising for other initiatives.
David Brisbane, a noted Chair of College Council, becomes renowned for his personal donations and fundraising efforts in aid of the College.
MacKellar Hall is named for former Council and Foundation member Sandy MacKellar (OSC 1970) known for his prominent fundraising support.
The Bunning Resource Centre is established, financed largely by the Bunning family.
Funds in excess of $1.3 million are raised for the Middle School .project.
Our rowing community raise over $700,000 toward the extension of our Boat Shed.
Funds in excess of $3 million are raised for the building of the Dickinson Centre.
Moray is purchased, Scotch Parents and the OSC contribute almost half of the purchase.
The College runs its first online Giving Day which raises almost $500,000 towards the refurbishment of the Gooch Pavilion.
Nancy Cotterell makes a significant gift to assist in the refurbishment of Memorial Hall, in honour of her son Malcolm Cotterrell (OSC 1976)
These are some frequently asked questions but all philanthropic contributions have different legal and tax implications and should be discussed with your lawyer or accountant and with the support of the Philanthropy Office.
My bequest is not likely to be large; is it worthwhile to give?
Yes, it is absolutely worthwhile. Over time, and with sound management to retain and grow the capital, funds invested distribute many times their initial capital value. Even modest gifts can have a substantial impact in assisting the community.
I would love to give a scholarship now and see it benefiting students in my lifetime, but will only have sufficient funds for the capital required through my Will – are there any options?
Yes, some donors would love to start a scholarship program in their lifetime and can do so by committing to fund the fees on an annual basis, and then provide the capital sum for a perpetual scholarship via a gift in their Will.
Is there a minimum bequest for establishing a perpetual scholarship?
Yes, in general the minimum donation required to establish a named scholarship in perpetuity is $1.2 million. Smaller amounts are welcome and can be directed to the Scotch College Foundation Scholarship Fund.
Can my bequest be conditional or directed to a specific philanthropic pillar of the College?
Bequests can be directed to support a specific philanthropic pillar of the College such as the Scotch College (WA) Foundation, the Scholarship and Bursary Fund, Building Fund or as an unencumbered gift to the School and Foundation.
I am thinking about leaving my bequest with a separate external entity to manage and distribute annual amounts. Is this helpful?
The Foundation has the benefit of expert advice to carefully and conservatively manage all of its endowed funds, to maximise their return on a longer-term basis. An important part of the Foundations role is to provide advice and oversight on funds which have been entrusted to Scotch, and ensure they are used as the donor intended.
Foundation also has the benefit of external expert advice. This is performed without cost to the Foundation’s endowed funds. Commercial entities often charge significant fees for their services which reduces the impact of your gift.
We recommend that you seek independent financial and legal advice when writing your Will or adding a Codicil to your Will.
Be a part of our community of giving.
Thank you for considering a gift to Scotch College in your Will. All gifts, no matter the size, collectively make a huge impact on the lives and future of members of our community.
We sincerely hope to welcome you as an honoured member of The Alexander Society.