4 minute read
Mr Mark Paganin
A hive of activity
A beehive is the closest analogy to reflect the breadth of activities that take place at Scotch on a daily basis. The campus certainly resembled one when staff welcomed students at the start of this year, with an extra kick in their step as we have much to celebrate: our 125th anniversary.
As an institution that has been a part of the educational fabric of Western Australia over the past 125 years, it is not lost on the students, the value of heritage and the significance of the Old Scotch Collegians community that awaits them after school.
The Council greatly respects the College’s history; we are custodians for the period of our tenure and, in every decision we make, are mindful of the values that form the pillars of the College. On that note, I am pleased to announce the most recent addition to the Council, Professor Harlene Hayne, the Vice- Chancellor of Curtin University, who will bring her global educational experience to our deliberations. Welcome, Harlene.
I hope your families have not been too significantly impacted by the pandemic, and things are getting back to a new normal during the year. The Executive and staff have performed admirably in navigating the practical restrictions imposed on delivering educational and co-curricular activities whilst having a fundamental focus on students’ health and safety. We welcome the recent relaxation of those restrictions enabling our students to have greater social interaction, which is so much a part of their learning experience.
It was tremendous to see our Headmaster, Dr Alec O’Connell, return to campus in mid- March; energetic and with a lot of initiatives. On behalf of the Council, I would like to recognise Peter Burt, Head of Senior School. During Alec’s absence, Peter stepped into the Acting Headmaster role and led from the front in a manner that the students, staff and community greatly appreciated. It gives the Council great comfort that the Executive leadership group has strong capabilities to adapt and lead.
I thought I would share a recent initiative by the Independent Schools Association of Australia: ChairConnect. The purpose is to connect the chairs of independent schools throughout Australia to share common experiences, challenges and governance issues, which are then relayed to the councils and principals of those schools. On the Master Plan, the redevelopment of the Boat Shed is on track, and we expect it to be completed mid this year, with an official opening soon after. The Foundation must again be acknowledged for its continuing financial support of the College.

The Boat Shed upgrade in progress
I am sure you are all experiencing the recent inflationary pressures and rising living costs, a phenomenon in Western Australia and globally. The Council has managed to maintain a minimal increase in school fees over the past five years. However, we will no doubt need to consider for the first time in that period the rising salary and operational costs we are facing. We will continue to maintain a prudent balance between a financially responsible approach and focus on minimising internal expenses while striving to deliver exceptional educational offerings and value to our students.
On behalf of the Council, I wish you and your families an enjoyable year through your connections with the College, particularly that your sons and, in some cases, daughters thrive in what Scotch has to offer. To my fellow Council members, thank you for making yourself available and engaged as we collectively seek to make decisions in the best interests of the College and its students.