new life into old memories by Scott Aitken
olidaymakers across the country are being urged to relive some of their fondest memories and make new ones with a trip to somewhere in Scotland this summer. Tourism experts hope that as thousands of people stay at home for the holidays the magic of memories will encourage them to relive childhood experiences or seek ‘modern twists on old favourites’ north of the border. According to VisitScotland, the national tourism organisation,
staycations look set to be popular this year and it’s hoped an increasing number of visitors will turn to reliving their best holiday experiences from the past. New figures suggest almost two thirds of people are keen to revisit places in Scotland that they haven’t been to for years with some doing so in a different way, for example, revisiting a favourite holiday destination from childhood but swapping the family game of rounders on the beach to an adrenaline fuelled kayaking experience.
Issue 55