1 minute read

Movies/Video Games/Music

The Boarding Common Rooms are equipped with DVD players and students are permitted during appropriate times to watch shows/movies in the Common Rooms. In addition, many students have personal computers, laptops or mini-stereos set up in their rooms in which they may play computer games, watch DVD’s or listen to music in their leisure time. The following guidelines have been established to protect all parties. • Year 7-8 Boarders are only permitted to watch movies, play games or listen to music that carry a G or PG rating. M rated movies are permitted but only at the discretion of the Head of House or Resident on Duty and with parental permission. • Year 9-12 Boarders are permitted to watch movies, play games or listen to music that carry a G, PG, M or MA rating. Students must be 15 plus. (subject to discretion) • Some of the boarding houses provide separate common room areas for the juniors and the seniors for the viewing of movies under the supervision of a member of staff. • Boarders must request permission from the Resident on Duty to watch a Video or DVD. • No unclassified material is permitted in Boarding. Boarders may not bring their own Videos or DVD’s into Boarding, or view them in Boarding, without the permission of their Head of House or Resident on Duty. • Boarders watching unclassified material, or inappropriate material, as judged by the Resident on Duty, either in their dormitory rooms or in the common rooms, will have the DVD, Video, Computer Games or Music confiscated by the Resident on Duty and handed into to the Head of House. • Year 7-11 Boarders using computer games during Prep time will forfeit the right to use their laptop during prep time for a specified period. • Year 12 will forfeit the right to do prep in their room and will attend supervised prep indefinitely if found using computers for entertainment purposes rather than educational during designated prep times.

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