February Highlander

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The Highlander Carlmont High School Newspaper Volume II, Issue 5, February 2011 See us online at http://scotscoop.com

Stealth detentions anger students Staff Writer

An increasing number of teachers are issuing stealth detentions, or detentions without notification, for not wearing IDs and for many other reasons. The recent increase in use of technology has led to more detentions because they have gotten easier to assign. A couple of years ago, detentions had to be delivered by hand to the administration who would then give the students a

notification. Now that the attendance and various other things are run through Infinite Campus and eBehavior, teachers use this to give detentions. Vice Principal Mr. Ralph Crame stated, “We have asked teachers to inform students when they get a detention, but I think that some teachers assume that parents and students are signed up for eBehavior and will get an email or text from that,” when asked why teachers do not inform students of their

detentions. Although the bulk of detentions come from being late to class, there are many other reasons. According to the Scots Handbook, found inside the student planner, the administration can punish students for a number of things ranging from being abusive to others, having an unacceptable appearance, loitering in restrooms, refusing to go to class while on campus, or being

Photo by Jeff Sudmeier

By Shannon Chang

Junior Editor

SamTrans schedule change Carlmont students are running to their morning classes as a result of the SamTrans bus schedule change. On Dec. 19, 2010, two days after the start of Winter Break, the SamTrans 260 bus line was revised without prior warning to many Carlmont students. The main purpose for the schedule change was to reduce

Yes No

Seventy students respond to the question: “Do your teachers notify you when you receive a detention?”

Continued on page 7

ing the bus,” stated SamTrans employee Jim Famolare. In addition to reducing bus traffic, the new schedule was thought of as being a more efficient way to organize bus lines. “These buses are only transporting students for and when they get to the end of line, they are at the same place at the same time. They have to find some-

Continued on page 4

The billion dollar industry of human trafficking is not only attracting the eye of prospective customers throughout the world, it is also striking up interest in the hearts of many people such as Justin Dillon, who are taking steps forward in the war against modern day slavery. Dillon is a musician who happened to come across the growing issue of human trafficking while touring in Russia. Through his interpreter, Dillon was granted an insight into the lives of young Russian girls and the ubiquitous scams preying on the women’s hopes of a building a better life. Appalled, Dillon returned home, conducted benefit

concerts, and donated the profits to organizations determined to fight human trafficking. Eventually, he wished to take his involvement to the next level, leading to “Call and Response,” a documentary on modern day slavery with a musical twist. On Feb. 9, 2011 “Call and Response” came to Carlmont High School along with guest speaker Kevin Kim, a pastor from Menlo Park Presbyterian Church. Carlmont student Carly Reed suggested that the school should screen “Call and Response.” “I saw Call and Response a while ago and suggested to ASB that we have a screening at Carlmont, and now we’re making it happen! It’s an issue that not many

“Here in the US, 800,000 people are trafficked across the borders each year.”

Continued on page 7

Photo by Carly Bertolozzi

Students rush to first period on a frosty morning after being dropped off by the bus. Photo by Gianna Dimick.

the number of buses that arrived at the same area. “We had to deal with two schools, Ralston and Carlmont, and we had a number of buses [five to seven] that were all playing leap-frog down the street, arriving at the same spot. We planned to spread out the trips to have a four to five minute gap between the buses. This eliminates bus traffic and provides flexibility for students tak-


Call and response By Carly Bertolozzi

By Erica Valbusa Staff Writer

29% Sometimes 27% Yes 44% No

Pastor Kevin Kim holds up a cell phone during the assembly.

Black history more than just textbook stories By Alex Porter Junior Editor

File photo. Mary McLeod Bethune Memorial. She was an educator, civil rights leader, and government official.

“Black History Month is dedicated to people in like the Civil Rights Movement, right?” asked sophomore Vlad Miftakov. Yes, but those leaders are not the only black people to have done something for our history. So many more African Americans deserve to be recognized for

their parts in shaping the world today. Black History Month honors all blacks, even those less-known contributors. Although they do not have as large of names in the textbook, some outstanding achievements were made by people like Dr. Philip Emeagawali to Benny Carter. Their accomplishments are illustrated below in a way that helps to preserve the history and culture of

African Americans. Son of former slaves, Benjamin Banneker was the inventor of the first American clock. In the early 1750’s, after looking at a pocket watch, Banneker self-taught himself to produce a fully functioning clock made of only wood. It was extremely precise and ran perfectly for forty years.

Continued on page 7

News and Opinions

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Children brought to America lose their original culture By Gloria Cruz Staff Writer There are many Latino children who immigrate to the United States with their families. Some of these child immigrants who begin to grow up in the American culture, lose their roots with their language often times the first part of their culture to be forgotten. Communication with parents and grandparents becomes increasingly difficult until it reaches a point where they can’t communicate at all. Student Taylor Cala-Palter has experienced something similar to this within her own family. With ancestral background from Mexico and Cuba, both Cala-Palter’s mother and grandmother speak Spanish, however, failed to teach her. “I wanted my mother to teach me but she chose not,” commented Cala-Palter, “I wanted to understand my family.” “It is rare that any of my grandmother’s grandchildren know or understand Span-

ish,” she stated, “we don’t really even celebrate any of the Cuban and Mexican holidays.” Disappointed that she herself was not taught Spanish as a little girl, Cala-Palter is determined to not continue this tradition in her family. “I would teach my kids Spanish,” she said, “I would want them to know about their culture.” Other Latino children who come here have a more difficult time adapting to the American culture. After many years of being in this country they can hardly speak any English even if they attend and American school and are surrounded by the language on a daily basis. This may come as a result of the person immigrating at an adult age and having to immediately begin working leaving them little time to learn the language. Or some may be like student Sarahi Farias who could not begin to learn English because she had come to this country not yet knowing how to even read or write in Spanish.

“Everybody has a choice, but you should never forget where you came from,” Arrellin explained

Illustration by Elizabeth Max

In an interview conducted entirely in Spanish, Farias told us her story. “I came here and entered the six grade where I had a teacher who would take me aside and teach me how to read and write in Spanish,” said Farias. With this time being dedicated to Spanish, Farias fell behind in her English studies which she did not begin until the eighth grade. “I can understand English now,” Farias added, “but I cannot really speak it that well.” There are very few Latino children immigrants who can actually keep their two cultures balanced. David Arrellin, who came to the United States at ten years old, can fluently speak both English and Spanish thanks to opportunities given to him at school. “When I entered the fifth grade, I was put into a Spanish speaking class, but

when I got to the sixth grade, my new school did not offer a Spanish speaking class. It was then that I realized that to survive in this country I had to adapt,” Arrellin explained. “I began to listen to my teacher speak English and I practiced every chance I got,” he added. Although he began to speak English more frequently, he did not stop speaking Spanish working to keep both languages balanced. Arrellin celebrates both Mexican and American holidays but still considers himself Mexican. “Everybody has a choice, but you should never forget where you came from,” Arrellin explained, ”Always remember your culture, but also be balanced and try to adapt to the culture around you.”

Soul System: What makes up ourselves By Arik Schoessow Staff Writer What is a soul? Or, rather, what do we perceive to be a soul? Over the history of humanity, humans have increased their knowledge and understanding of the body, which truly defines who we are. It is a common scientific deduction that what we perceive as ourselves is the neurological activity of the brain and the many thousands of signals that pulse through us, carrying information, sensations, reactions, memories. However, despite this, there is an even more common belief in the fact that we are in two parts, a soul and a body - dualism. All over the world, countless religions portray the human condition as a double existence, with there being body and souls, or spirit, or essence. It is understandable that there would be so common

a perception, because anyone can tell you that we humans do not feel like simply electric signals, we feel like there is something more. However, it is really all just a matter of perception. When we look at an apple, do we consciously see the entire spectrum of colors being deflected besides red in a display of light-physics? No, we simply see a red apple. When we hear a dog barking, do we perceive a sine wave that has an amplitude and a frequency? Once again, no. Our boundaries of perception obviously limit the physical realities that we can clearly observe. So, to understand our ‘souls,’ what must

we choose to observe, or study? In our search for knowledge, we use science as our primary tool in discovery, but in this quest, the scientific reasoning for souls is something alien to us. For instance, we will always feel like we are choosing, even if it turns out we’re not. The universe may be predictable, in the sense that the laws of physics could be the laws of fate, and that would mean that everything is laid out as if it has already happened. Still, we feel like we are choosing, just as we feel like we are more than plain organisms. I don’t believe in souls or any kind of afterlife but my belief brings comfort to me. It makes me happy to know that I, a

“Many people need the idea of a soul.”


simple organism, am even able to conceive such thoughts while only being the product of the earth and no supernatural forces. Many people need the idea of a soul. It is the same concept that religion is based on: the idea that there is no end, that ‘souls’ continue to exist. But souls, things that may or may not exist, are not a necessary part of life, in fact they can be a hindrance. Religion and the idea of afterlife feeds off of the fear of natural death, and as long people ‘need’ their souls they will be afraid of death without life, true death. Living always in subconscious fear of the inevitable is just a crime to the individual. From that, no good can come, in either philosophy or life.


Just show your student ID card at the register.

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News and Opinions

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The end of the world as we know it? Highlander Staff Does the coming of December 2012 really foretell an Apocalypse? By Connor Moore Staff Writer December 21, 2012: Rumored to be the end of the world as we all know it, but this rumor may be less plausible than many give it credit. Hundreds of years ago lived a Mesoamerican civilization called the Mayans, who have been credited with conquering more mathematic, scientific, and even astronomic, mysteries than any other group. One feat conquered by the Mayans was the creation of a calender that was devised by astronomical discoveries and repetitions. On Friday, Dec. 21, 2012 the Mayan calender reaches a point they say is the beginning of a new era. This does not specifically mean that the world actually meets its end on any said date, however many have interpreted it as the end of Earth. Many people have reason to believe that a Mayan


prediction to the end of the world but the ending of the number of days in their calender, for the current era, is anything but symbolic or foreshadowing. Scientists have dated the existence of the Mayan civilization from around 2000 B.C. until 900 A.D. and the era of the creation of their calender is unable to be determined, however many scientists believe it was created from anywhere between 250 A.D. to 900 A.D. Almost 2000 years later is the time of the modern human being. It is a more logical thought to think that Mayan religious leaders were predicting a metaphorical end to Earth’s tendencies or patterns, than relying on their predictions for the expected end of a world that extended nearly 2000 years into their future and believing that a civilization that had not even discovered the Western Hemisphere had a grip on any sort of valid prediction for the end of the world. There is more that can disprove the rumored end of the world however. Not only are there flaws that reside in the belief of the ending of the world because of a random date in which the Mayan calender halts, but the reasoning behind an Apocalypse on any given singular day is flawed as well. Seeing as that the world is split into

time zones China sees mid-day, by the time us in America reach midnight. Basically, if the date of Dec. 21, 2012 was to be taken into serious consideration as a possible date for the end of the world, then over half of the world would see an Apocalypse before the other half would. If the world were to end because of some sort of cataclysmic event such as an earthquake, flood, or whatever the case may be, the entirety of the world would not be affected in a single day. This much can be said not only because of time-zone differentials but because of the fact the world is split into different oceanic sections, tectonic plate separations, topographical variations, and further more the presence of many different climate zones that cover the Earth.

Christina Belasco

Entertainment: Sarah Biklen

Scot Scoop: Gianna Dimick


Jenna Chambers


Dana Bloom


Steven Tsujisaka

Photo Editors: Gianna Dimick Curtis Fan

Staff Writers: Emily Beiers Kendall Bishop Gloria Cruz Shannon Chang Ashley Dierolf Mary Farmar Joshua Faulkner Jorja Flynn Nikolas Frazier Ivan Garin Savannah Jack Sarah Levin Connor Moore Bridget Newman Reyna Ortiz Matthew Ray Jasmine Rishi Miranda Santana Arik Schoessow Erica Valbusa Annie Wesolek Noelani Zane

Junior Editors: Carly Bertolozzi Jacob Cox Alexandra Porter Anna Wheeler

Cartoonist: Elizabeth Max

Faculty Adviser: Justin Raisner

The Highlander is published eight times a year as an open forum for student expression. Comments can be sent via email to editor@scotscoop.com Visit scotscoop.com for daily content updates, videos, slideshows, and more.

A generation’s choice

An analysis on Generation Y’s chance for revolution By Matthew Ray Staff Writer

There must come a point in which the new generation, the youth of today, begins to question their existence in the current social paradigm. We have reached the climax of our civilization. The social paradigm today is about domination, competition, and the like. It is the old evolutionary paradigm; it is cold, sterile, and efficient. We ought to see a new evolutionary paradigm, one of sustainable productivity and community, individuality and compassion. The life experience of this new generation is the most exciting time one could wish to be alive in. Your life is yours to create. We are in a transitory and revolutionary time frame. With the information age at our doorstep, we are in a potential enlightenment period. I often find myself wanting to grab people on the street, screaming, “Haven’t you heard? You are alive.” There is a telescoping nature to the evolutionary paradigm. With the evolution of the hominid, later the homo sapien, you then have the agricultural revolution, the scientific revolution, the industrial revolution. Now we are in the midst of a new revolution; a mental revolution, the evolution of the individual. We are seeing the creation of a potential neo-human, a new consciousness being awakened, stemming from the quality and abundance of information available. We can see immense changes in each passing generation. The manifestations of

this type of human can be dramatic and indeed counterintuitive. So what will these changes constitute for our generation? As well, we are seeing the amplification of human existence on the individual level. A new era of social adaptation is among us with real human compassion at the wheel. Once we let go of our fears and our insecurities we can utilize the potential and innovativeness latent within each of us. This is a time of creation. The new evolutionary paradigm will provide with truth, justice, and loyalty. The old evolutionary traits of war and predation will be subject to de-emphasize. Previous generations have forgotten how to ask “Why?” Our generation must utilize the mind. We can no longer be passive observers to the socio political and scientific schemes of the present. We must lead the way to a better future with a constant reminder that we are the change, rather than just the potential to be. The extent to which we waste time and resources is becoming absurd. We can come together, join hands, and explore space, inner and outer, together, forever, in peace. Or we can lose ourselves among our egos and continue along the old evolutionary paradigm. It’s a choice, between fear and love. It always has been. And now we are posed with the question, “What will our purpose be?”

“Your life is yours to create. We are in a transitory and revolutionary time frame.”

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Time spent on websites wasted or worthwhile? planned. 37 Clearly, the Internet is used in many cases to procrastinate. However, there are also several ways that the Internet can be helpful and useful while working. Through Google, many questions will be answered. A large amount of the time, Google can lead to phenomenal research and save time on work. Internet users are fighting a one-sided war against themselves. Although the Internet offers 40


Students reveal their favorite website (65 students responded)







10 Other





Since the invention of the Internet in the 20th century, it seems to have become a top escape for people all over the world. With the average person spending around 32 hours online a month and an estimated 1,407,724,920 users per day, it is almost shocking to find that things are still being done without the Internet. The Internet provides a wide variety of things to do ranging from procrastinating to passing the time with games or chat to work. It’s no wonder a large amount of time is spent online. Whether someone is five years old or 85 years old, there is something on the Internet that can help pass the time. As of Jan. 2011, the three most popular, or frequently visited, websites are Google, Facebook,

visited website was none of the three, but instead others, including Pandora, eBay, and more. Even within specific websites, there is so much diversity to be found. For example, on YouTube, one can find themselves watching music videos, makeup tutorials, segments of their favorite shows, and much more. “What I really do on YouTube is listen to music and watch dumb videos,” said Ashley Turick. Millions of people take advantage of all that YouTube has to offer, oftentimes taking it a little too enthusiastically, using their time in the least productive ways possible. Facebook is often used in the same way. With its many features being offered, its users are trapped or tempted to spend all of their time online. Chats, Robot Unicorn Attack, pictures, and fan pages end up taking up more time than originally


Junior Editor

and YouTube respectively. Google is receiving approximately 320 million hits a day and Facebook logs just under 300 million visitors a day. In 2006, YouTube revealed that they received somewhere around 100 million views a day. However, the statistics go deeper as, according to ChaCha, a question and answer website, the average Facebook user logs on about four times a day. Within the Carlmont community, the most visited websites are the same but in a different order. When a group of 65 students were asked which website they visit most often, the results were hardly unpredictable. Fifteen percent of students said that they spent the most time on YouTube, while another 12 percent named Google as their most visited site. Facebook brought in another 58 percent, and the last 15 percent of students stated that their most

Number of Students

By Anna Wheeler






Websites so many positives, such as fun ways to pass the time and a great resource for work, its negatives begin to cancel the good things out.

The musical evolution of love songs By Miranda Santana Staff Writer

Love songs have been around since the beginning of music; even though they have evolved throughout the past sixty years the purpose of showing love and emotion through music and song has remained the same. A love song is not entirely about the pace of the music, but rather the lyrics and the meaning of the words. They convey an emotion one has towards another person. “Some people are more into the beat than the words. Some people are so caught up in the rhythm that they don't listen to the words,” said teacher Mr. Richard Vallero, whose favorite love

song happens to be “Crazy” by Aerosmith. When asked what is thought to be the best era of love songs, Lisa Cooper replied, “Definitely not now. Probably the seventies or the eighties.” In the 1950s, rock n’ roll began to emerge, and jazz stars became big. Elvis and Frank Sinatra took the music industry by storm through their early rock and roll. Sinatra asked women to “come fly away” with him and Elvis wanted women to “love him tender.” In the fifties, artists were more clean-cut and less sexual with their love lyrics. The sixties began the what is known as the “British Invasion.” More psychedelic rock came about and pop became more popular. They held the famous concert all about peace, love, and music, Woodstock. The Beatles captured the hearts of many with “I Wanna Hold Your Hand,” “Love Me Do,” and “All You Need Is Love.” Their love songs still remained conservative, and each song seemed to be focused on a specific person; and of course every Beatles fan thought the song was about them, or at least wished it. The Beatles were not as sexual in their lyrics as the The Rolling Stones with songs

such as “I Can’t Get No Satisfaction.” Motown and disco were also big in the sixties. The Bee Gees (also part of the British Invasion) let there love be known with much softer songs such as “To Love Somebody.” As for the seventies, with the hippie movement, America was all about peace and love. That motto went into the music of that era. There was nothing conservative about the seventies. To begin the decade was the cute and adorable Jackson 5. It was hard to believe such young artists could make love songs that powerful and enjoyable to listen to. The feeling in the song “I’ll Be There” can be heard in young Michael Jackson’s voice. “When the night has come And the land is dark And the moon is the only light we'll see No I won't be afraid, no I won't be afraid Just as long as you stand, stand by me,” (Ben E. King “Stand By Me.”) Rock music added more makeup and heavy metal started to break through. In 1976 Queen’s hit “Somebody To Love” wasn’t about the person they loved, but searching for that person. The song also happens to be Michael Saber’s favorite love song, “It’s make me think of a very special someone,” stated Saber. The eighties began the time of hip hop,

SamTrans schedule change where else in the bus line to start and there is not an opportunity for them to find five places to go at the same time,” continued Famolare. Secretary Ms. Sharon Bologna’s son is affected by the new schedule change. “He was waiting for the bus at the normal time, but it did not arrive. I told him to go earlier to the stop the next day, but he said that it still was not coming. He takes the 7:25 bus, but when the schedule changed, it didn’t come until 7:41. One day, it didn’t come to the stop until 7:50. The only other option for him was to take a much earlier bus,” commented Bologna. “The new schedule wasn’t advertised as well as we would have liked it to be. The announcement was posted on our website and in the Rider’s Digest that is placed in all buses. We would have liked to take a step further and sent a letter to the school administration. Though we normally do this, we failed to do that this time and will try to avoid that in the future,” commented Famolare. In addition to the times of the bus being changed, some pick-up and drop-off locations have been altered as well. In an attempt to understand the new changes, Carlmont administrator Mr. Marshall Burgamy collected two schedules, one from August 2010 and one from December 2010. With these schedules, he compared the drop-off sites and times of both sched-

glam rock and more pop. Love songs became way more overly sexual with the help of artists Madonna and Prince. All glam rock bands seemed to be about sex and one night stands. Poison told women to “talk dirty to them,” And Def Leppard wanted sugar poured on them. However, although known for being tough and sexual, Guns N’ Roses showed their softer side with 1987’s “Sweet Child O’ Mine.” Hip hop emerged even more in the nighties along with grunge. In a way love songs became angrier. So, Aerosmith brought some of the less angry more loving lyrics with their 1998 classic “I Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing.” As for this century, there have been way more break-up songs and love songs turned sad. The songs that seem to shine the most so far are “Baby” by Justin Beiber and “Just Way You Are” by Bruno Mars. In “Just The Way You Are” Bruno Mars knows exactly what to say to a girl to make her feel amazing, which is probably why it went to number one and stayed number one for weeks. For years to come, it’s unpredictable to know how love will affect music. However, as long as love is around and music can be played the world will always have love songs.

(continued from front)

ules. “From what I can see, the bus used to go all the way up to Carlmont, but as of now, it only stops at the Belmont library,” stated Burgamy. Though this new schedule was thought to be proficient, it has not been a hit with some Carlmont students. “I don’t really like it,” remarked junior Drew Thompson. “It would be nice if they changed the schedule back. Sophomore Virgil Neyroud is not a fan of the new pick-up sites. “I have to walk basically a mile to the next stop,” complained Neyroud, whose original bus stop was at Twin Pines park. “It would be nice if they put my old stop back.” With the intention of making a compromise, Burgamy contacted the SamTrans office on Jan. 11, 2011. “I attempted to speak to the supervisor and explain how it affects many students. We want to have input in order to support our students during this schedule change,” stated Burgamy. The next possible time for the schedule to change is in April, but as of right now, there are no plans for it to be changed. If you have any further questions or concerns about the new bus schedule, you can contact SamTrans at www.samtrans.com/contact or 1-800-660-4287.


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Teachers attempt to accommodate all student learning styles By Noelani Zane Staff Writer

For years, teachers have been changing their style of teaching in the hopes to educate their students in the most effective way possible. With higher education standards, growing class sizes and the need to incorporate new technology, teachers are in a constant struggle to accommodate to every student’s learning needs. Everyone has their own unique way of absorbing information because everyone has their own learning preferences. While some students may enjoy a teacher’s method of instruction, others may find it extremely unhelpful. Why is this? Auditory, visual, and kinesthetic are the different learning styles a person may have. Depending on your learning style, you may find lectures helpful while having a class discussion may seem extremely useless. According to Idpride.net, an audio learner will enjoy verbal lectures, class discussions, and oral reports. They also tend to be good at explaining things, remembering names and they’re not afraid to speak in class. Visual learners tend to enjoy diagrams, sitting toward the front of the classroom, and

videos. They usually are good spellers, often forget names and tend to dream in color. Kinesthetic learners absorb information best with hands-on activities. They often have poor handwriting, but are effective in group work situations, and they enjoy field trips. Contrary to popular belief, tests and transcript grades may not reflect a person’s ability to understand the material taught in class. School systems often rely on standardized tests to place students in appropriate classes and generally measure their understanding of the material. However, students may have a brilliant understanding of the material and experience testanxiety, resulting in poor performance in testing situations. Generally, students who are shy and fall into the “introvert”

category often don’t perform as well in social activities such as oral presentations, oral exams and group work than they do in individual work. This is due to

uncomfortable situations that make it difficult for introverts to work effectively. On the contrary, specialists have concluded that introverts process information faster and more efficiently.

“Scientists now know that, while introverts have no special advantage in intelligence, they do seem to process more information than others in any given situation,” said a specialist, in Psychology Today. Individual work forces students to give forth their best effort and receive their deserved grade. Timed in-class essays aren’t the best way to judge a person’s writing skills. These stressful time writes may test for critical thinking, but can a 45 minute essay really show a writer’s potential? There are many different teaching techniques that require patience and teamwork. One of these methods is group work. Some students find group work better because they can collaborate as a group and share ideas. However, other students

dislike group work because of the unfair distribution of work that usually results in the group getting the same grade. “I like group work when everyone works but I don’t like it when people don’t pull their own weight,” said Jacqueline Concilla. Growing class enrollments make it difficult for teachers to effectively accommodate to all student’s needs. According to a study by zhidao.baidu.com, there are many advantages of having a smaller class size. One advantage of a small class is that struggling students can receive more individual help from the teacher. If there were less students in a class with one teacher, the teacher would be able to direct his or her attention and help students with their specific needs. A small class may also provide teachers the ability to really understand their students’ strengths and weaknesses. By becoming familiar with their students’ abilities, teachers can individualize their lesson plans to benefit their students. Teachers are doing their best to educate students in the most effective way possible. Although this task may seem difficult with a class full of students with different learning styles, students will hopefully find their way.

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Page 6


GPA: Pressure is on for one little number How GPAs can affect not only your grades but create a constant shadow on your future at the same time By Mary Farmar Staff Writer

Although Grade Point Averages can fill students with anxiety, they can also be seen as an opportunity for hope. Whether it’s getting them high enough to get into the dream college or to stay on the team to play sports, high school life is dominated by the number. GPAs, among other things such as SAT scores, go on the transcript and are sent to the colleges that students apply to. Although many students only take GPAs into consideration when applying to colleges, there are other aspects involved in deciding who goes to which college. According to the UCLA online FAQs, other aspects that they look at are the quality of college prep courses you have taken, the strength of your senior year coursework, the number of, and performance in Advanced Placement (AP) classes and college courses you have taken. Greater emphasis is placed on your junior and senior years and the degree to which a student has challenged himself within his own high school. With the tests, quizzes, notes, and homework it’s a lot to deal with as a

student. After working hard all semester, seeing a lower GPA than you had hoped for may make you feel that your work was for nothing. The college life a student may have envisioned may disappear because of that one small number. “GPA matters a lot to me because I want to go to a liberal arts college, so I take my GPA seriously,” said Michelle Marsiske when she was asked why her

Photo by Dana Bloom GPA is important to her. Colleges such as Stanford, Harvard, UCLA, UC Berkeley, and UC San Diego have students entering with grade point averages of 4.5 and higher, creating a lot of competition for students. However, getting into a dream college isn’t on every high school student’s “todo” list.

Student Priscilla Chan related that her main concern about her GPA was that it was stopping her from playing the sport that she loved. The policy at Carlmont requires a GPA of 2.0 or higher to be on a school sports team, “On the progress report, I received a low grade in Math and I couldn’t race. GPA is something I never took seriously, but now it’s important for getting on the team,” commented Chan. Chan is not the only Carlmont student who did not have a GPA high enough to be on a school team. Sophomore Joseph McGill stated, “Two people I know got kicked off of a sports team I was on.” Student’s study habits are different for every person. “I usually study until I think I’m prepared for my test,” commented Marsiske. Alan Kaptanoglu said, “I only worry about my grades a moderate amount, and for tests I study about an hour.” Study habits not only determine the outcome of your grades, but also help you prepare for the SATs. When asked about her successful study habits, Maegan Folger suggested “to review the notes you take in class everyday, and review the chapter you’re learning about every night.”

“Many students only take GPAs into consideration when applying to colleges, but there are other aspects involved in deciding who goes to which college.”

When asked how he studies, Kalvin Tousant said, “I get a good night’s rest, I don’t procrastinate, and I actually study.” Whether you’re reviewing your notes for hours or merely taking a quick glimpse before the test, study habits differ for everyone. GPAs are a results of how much effort you put into studying. Next time you think about getting ready to shoot some hoops for the school team or completing the application to your dream college, think about how much you need to put into studying and that will determine your GPA.

GPA GPA 1.0 GPA 1.0 2.0 GPA GPA 2.0 GPA

3.0 GPA 3.0 GPA 3.5 < GPA 3.5 < GPA

4.0 GPA 4.0 GPA

4.0 < GPA 4.0 < GPA


-Possibilities Graduate -- Graduate Graduate

- Graduate Play sports - Apply Play sports to CSU to CSU - Apply Graduate - Graduate Play sports - Apply Play sports to UC - Apply to UC CSU to CSU -- Apply Graduate - Graduate Play sports - Apply Play sports to UC - Apply to UC CSU - Apply CSU Honor to roll Honor roll - Graduate - Graduate Play sports - Apply Play sports to UC - Apply to UC CSU - Apply CSU Honor to roll Honor rollabove -- All of the - All of the above Valedictorian? - Valedictorian?


Page 7

The effects of video games on teenagers Online editor

With the rise in technology, video games that contain violence, sexual content, drug and alcohol usage, and inappropriate language have become popular among teenagers. For years, many parents did not allow their children to play mature-rated games because they believed it would cause them to be violent or mimic acts done in the game. “I like [rated M games]. They’re fun and “M” is just a rating,” said Drew Thompson. Parenting.com states on their website that video games such as Medal of Honor, Call of Duty: Black Ops and Fallout: New York are some of the worst games for children. The site gave Medal of Honor the honor of being the worst video game for children because “[It’s] based on a real, ongoing war, this game hits close to home for many families and is much too violent for children.”

The site rated Call of Duty: Black Ops as the second worst game because it’s “realistic ‘ragdoll’ physics govern the way bodies flail and fall when struck, and blood often soaks soldiers' clothes and the ground.” “...Call of Duty is the best game ever. But yeah, shooting games are the best,” said Trevor Nixon. The site also says Fallout: New York allows “[teenagers to] choose which part of their enemies’ bodies they want to shoot in slow motion, potentially wounding or blowing off specific limbs.” Studies done by NPD Funworld show that mature-rated games are now the fastest growing segment of the video game

industry. About one-third of video games now purchased are rated "M.” The FTC states that approximately 40 percent of those who play Mature-rated games are under 18. However, recent studies conducted by Daphne Bavelier, a professor of brain and cognitive sciences at the University of Rochester, show that there are positives to video games such as the fact that they boost brain power and enhance multitasking skills. Bavelier’s study shows that gamers do better than non-gamers on certain tests on attention, speed, accuracy, vision and multitasking. Photo by Gianna Dimick

By Steven Tsujisaka

The kind of vision that is improved in gamers is called "contrast sensitivity," which is the ability to see soft shades of gray. The study shows that contrast sensitivity can help, for example, when you’re trying to see the car ahead of you while driving in the fog. It also shows that gamers are able to see smaller text than non-gamers. Bavelier wanted to find out if better vision is caused by playing action video games or is better vision a skill that gamers need to have beforehand. To find out, Bavelier tested non-gamers by training them for a few weeks to play action games. At the end of the week, the non-gamers were told not to play anymore games and had eye checks every few months. Bavelier’s studies show that the non-gamers’ vision did improve even without playing action games. "We looked at the

Human trafficking documentary screened know about, and this film is targeted toward high school and college students to raise awareness about modern day slavery,” said Reed. Though human trafficking is the fastest growing crime in the world, many people are ignorant to its severity. Human trafficking is slavery. Men are most commonly forced into hard labor jobs while women and children work in the sex industry. According to the UN Office on Drug and Crime, over 161 countries are affected by Human Trafficking, the United

States being one of them. Here in the US, 800,000 people are trafficked across the borders each year, with New York, Florida, and California being the most common destinations. Eighty percent of those people are women and over 50 percent are children. Female forced laborers in the sex industry go through extreme brutality, both physically and emotionally. In the beginning of their servicing days, women are often raped and/or drugged by their trafficker to break them in and instill fear into them, thus ensuring that

effect of playing action games on this visual skill of contrast sensitivity, and we've seen effects that last up to two years," Bavelier stated. Bavelier also found that action games help people stay focused on tasks more than non-gamers. Jay Pratt, a brain researcher and professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, studied another part of spatial cognition known as "the useful field of view," which is how much of the visual field a person can perceive at any given moment. Pratt said playing action video games changes your ability to learn and to find and integrate new information. Although video games are violent and have content that parents do not want their children to be exposed to at an early age, these action or mature-rated games do have their positives which some can help teenagers.

They boost brain power and enhance multitasking skills.

they are more obedient and cooperative when they later sleep with five to ten men each night. Those men not only carry away a piece of the women’s dignity, they also tend to carry home a sexually transmitted disease. This poses a serious threat to communities, along with other violence and illegal activity, such as drug usage, that comes hand in hand with human trafficking. After enduring the physical pain, women struggle through post-traumatic stress, shame, fear, depression, homesickness,

(continued from front) and insomnia due to the immense stress prostitution has on them. Consequentially, the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 was created to help victims rebuild their lives in the US and prosecute traffickers. Before TVPA was enacted 19 trafficking cases were prosecuted from 1995 to 2000; in 2001 alone 139 cases were prosecuted. Although there are laws such as TVPA, there is not enough being done to prevent these tragedies from occurring.

Black history lesser-known tales Stealth detentions (continued from front) (continued from front)

A potato chip is so common as our country consumes millions per day, but have you ever wondered where they came from? A chef by the name of George Crum accidentally invented the potato chip when a customer of his was not satisfied with his french fries. Out of spite, he sliced a potato as thin as he could and fried it as crispy as possible, adding lots of salt in the end, thinking it would taste unappealing, he formed a new American snack. Toni Morrison was the first African American woman to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature. According to nobelprize.org, Morrison won her award in 1993 because her novel, “[gave] life to an essential aspect of American reality.” Her vivid descriptions from the perspective of a black American also earned her a Pulitzer Prize in 1988. We use computers so often in everyday life that we tend to pass over how they came about. Dr. Philip Emeagwali, who was home-schooled in Nigeria, invented the world’s fastest computer. In 1989 he designed a computer based on bee’s honeycomb structure that could produce George Crum accidentally invented 3.1 billion calculations per second. His computers are the potato chip when a customer was now used for things such as not satisfied with his french fries predicting the weather. With only $1.50, Mary McLeod Bethune established the Florida college of BethuneCookman University, or BC-U in 1923. She rose from being the youngest of seventeen to an advisor for the president. Her hard work for the dream of a school for blacks who worked in labor camps on the railroad came true and prospered into a national university in 2007. Everyone knows what peanut butter is and some may even recognize the inventor: George Washington Carver. He revolutionized southern agriculture by experimenting with peanuts and soybeans. He produced products like shaving cream, rubbing oil, and linoleum; perhaps he is most famous for popularizing the use of peanut butter. Carver decided not to patent his idea and now peanut butter is widely produced throughout America. Black History Month is celebrated in February by the United States and Canada and in October in the United Kingdom. Dr. Carter G. Woodson, the “Father of Black History Month,” established Negro History and Literature Week in 1926 and it was later extended to a month’s worth of celebration in 1976.

in possession of any electronic signal fication at lunch, while collecting water devices. bottles and other recyclables counts as Crame later commented, “Some teachtwo detentions. Another way is to stay ers do not inform students about detenafter school and do homework in the tions for being tardy because it is written student union for an hour. in their syllabus and the students are Even though these are relatively easy, supposed to know that.” sophomore Grace Chang would rather This year, there have been many stukeep her detention-free status. “Some dents who have gotten detentions without students have not gotten a detention and being notified by the teacher or by the it is not fair to break that streak without administration. even being given a reason why.” Among those student is junior Oliver Sophomore Jackie Li said, “I think it John Jek who felt that, “They don’t help is really unfair that students aren’t being the school because notified when Stealth detentions are mostly a student doesn’t they get a detenknow what they due to being tardy, and teachers tion because are doing wrong then they do not expect students to know they and then they feel know that they will get a detention. they are unjustly have to serve it punished.” without looking at the list.” Many teachers have used this type of Mr. Crame also suggested, “All punishment as a way to encourage comstudents and parents can sign up for munication between students and teacheBehavior.” An eBehavior account will ers and students and the administration. email or text the person if they receive a Mr. Hai Nguyen stated, “Sometimes detention or a praise. [I give detentions without notification], Another option is to check in with the mostly for tardies so the students should office before school, after school, or durknow that they will get a detention.” ing lunch. English teacher Ms. Sarah Clarke also Sophomore Ryan Hutson commented commented, “I try to tell students when that, “I got a couple of detentions for bethey get detentions but sometimes they ing late to class but, thanks to eBehavior don’t listen. When I confiscate a phone, praises, they got cleared.” it’s a policy so I don’t notify them but if Stealth detentions are mostly due to it’s behavioral then I always do.” being tardy and teachers expect students There are two main ways to serve a to know they will get a detention, so detention. One is to do campus beautistudents beware.

Page 8

Scot Scoop

Messing with a Masterpiece Publishers change the classic Huckleberry Finn By Jorja Flynn Staff Writer

The classic novel, “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”, by Mark Twain, taught in high schools across the country will have some major edits in a new edition printed by NewSouth Books. It is a tale about a young boy running away from his violent, drunk of a father, with an escaped slave and the hardships they encounter on their journey together. Although this name is a big part of the history of slavery in the U.S., it still commonly appears on banned books lists from some schools. The publishers of NewSouth Books believe that by removing all 219 “N” words and all uses of the slang term ‘injun’ the book will be better suited for readers of all ages. According to newsouthbooks.com, “…language affects learning” and that is why they altered the classic

piece of literature. Though the “N” word is now seen as offensive and racist, most readers of Huckleberry Finn do not see it so in the book. “The problem isn’t with people using it in classical literature; it’s using it in colloquial language that’s bad. Removing the “N” word changes the meaning of the book,” said Carolyn Saund. The book is generally taught in high school because of the deeper meanings imbedded in it, and though the word used now in everyday language is offensive, most students have heard it before and do not get offended when reading it in classical literature.

The U.S. has a history of slavery and the treatment of slaves and other nonwhites was depicted very vividly in “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.” Some believe that the of-

fensive way slaves were treated and referred to in the book exemplifies how they were treated in real life. “Never mess with a masterpiece,” said Carlmont English teacher, Gail Langkusch, “Students should recognize how degrading, debasing, and demeaning it [the “N” word] was in that time. Slaves even called themselves that sometimes.” Some people think that NewSouth Books is trying to deny how bad slaves were treated, by changing the book to make it less offensive. “You lose authenticity when you change something like that; it’s part of our history,” said Langkusch. Removing the “N” word can be seen as an attempt to ignore the fact that people once were cruel and that the U.S. had slaves. Though

slavery has been banned for almost 150 years, it was not until 1965 that the Civil Rights Act was passed, which banned racial segregation. It can sometimes seem like racism only occurred in the U.S.’s history, but it was barely just over 40 years ago when everyone in this country became legally equal. Banning racist words in books that expose America at its worst is like forgetting that America was not always the perfect country that people like to think it is. “Huckleberry Finn” reminds readers that slavery is part of America’s history and that the country has come a long way from where it once was. Changing the book to make it less offensive only makes it seem like the country has always been perfect and has always treated everyone equally.

Bathroom passes cause issues Illustration by Elizabeth Max

Is extra credit worth the discomfort of holding it? Staff Writer

It is realistic for students to have to use the restroom during school, but restrictive bathroom passes, limited time, and overall cleanliness may prevent some students from answering nature’s call. The main goal of bathroom passes is to control those students who choose to abuse the right to use the bathroom and disrupt class in the process. Although that is understandable, refusing a student to use the restroom may cause problems. Using the bathroom when needed is a fundamental right. “My body doesn’t have a schedule. When I have to go, I have to go,” said Andrea Gonzalez, “It’s my human right to be able to use the bathroom when I need to.” “Holding” one’s bodily functions can cause serious health problems. According to the Mayo Clinic, urinary or bladder infections and kidney diseases can occur due to high levels of bacteria staying in the bladder for long periods of time when bathroom usage is prolonged. “I’ve had to go to the bathroom so bad one time that I almost peed my pants, but my teacher wouldn’t let me, so I held it,” said Gonzalez. Teachers who give out bathroom passes frequently offer extra credit for those that are unused. Critics of bathroom passes often debate that it is unfair to give anyone an academic advantage based on something like bathroom habits.

“I would rather turn in my chance to use the bathroom “The bathrooms here are honseems like toilet paper can be bathroom passes and raise my instead of having to disrupt their found on the floor and in sinks; estly scary. There’s toilet paper grade than use the bathroom learning and miss class time. all over the floor, sometimes everywhere except the holder during class,” replied Kathleen “Passing periods are definitely where it’s supposed to be. Many even on the ceiling, and they Palma. too short to go to the bathroom bathroom stalls have a container always have a nasty stench,” The purpose of high school is and the lines are way too long,” said Gonzalez. for toilet seat covers, but most to prepare students for college replied Gonzalez, “I just use the of them are empty. Policies for using the bathand future jobs. The usage of bathroom during dance class room differ from each teacher, Although, according to Judy bathroom passes, however, instead. It would be nice if we but it being able to use the bathDaly, professor of pathology at indicates that some teachers had a break period, because I’d room when needed is a human the University of Utah in Salt believe students are unable to be use the bathroom then.” right that should be allowed at Lake City, it’s near impossible responsible about going to the One of the major issues with anytime, even during class. to catch anything from a toilet restroom. the bathrooms at Carlmont seat, it’s mentally pleasing when “When you have a job, your is their overall cleanliness. It seat covers are available. boss doesn’t tell you how many times you can use the bathroom a semester or year, like some teachers do with passes,” said Michelle Fox. “It makes it seem like they just assume we’re going to mess around.” Passing periods between classes are supposed to give students the opportunity to prepare for their next class. When only six minutes is given, however, students hardly have time to walk to across campus, let alone use bathroom without being late. Students must then waste class time going to the restroom because they either didn’t have enough time, or the lines were too long to wait. Many other high schools in the district have adopted a block schedule which gives them a ten-minute break period called “brunch,” similar to what Carlmont does during finals. Students buy roses for friends or that “special someone” the week of February This “brunch” period offers students the perfect 7. The roses were delivered on Valentine’s Day.

The monthly quad snapshot

Photo by Gianna Dimick

By Ashley Dierolf

Scot Scoop

Mini Madness

Page 9

Students celebrate the basketball season with an intramural competition and spirit days.

Photos by Gianna Dimick

Opinion: Detention policy leads to fewer fans at sports games By Josh Faulkner Staff Writer

This year at Carlmont basketball home quad games, the Screamin’ Scots section has had few supporters and the spirit level at these games has been a disappointment compared to past seasons. Why is this? What is the reason for the poor Screamin’ Scots section and student support at home quad games? Many students believe the main reason is because of the school’s new detention policy. The policy is that if you have one or more detentions and you show up to the game, the school security guards will not let you in to watch the game. Junior Eryk Nappi stated, “I go to the games whenever I can, but the reason I can’t go to these games is because of the strict detention policy at Carlmont. Even when I am able to go, my friends might not be able to go, so I won’t end up going.” This detention policy is creating a chain effect on the how many students attended the home quad games, and as a result, making the school spirit at these games not as high as it could be. There are high numbers of students at Carlmont who have a small number of detentions, who are basketball fans, and who can’t come cheer on their school’s sports teams because of detentions. Even the players are noticing

that student support at these home quad games is not good, and not what they expected it to be for this season. Varsity basketball player, sophomore Mikael Magsino, transferred to Carlmont this year from Serra High School and was expecting to see more fans at these big games. “I am disappointed when I look at the number of students in the Screamin’ Scots section attending our big home quad games. It would definitely pump up our team more, and give us more energy to put on a show for the fans and win the game.” All of the teams in the Carlmont basketball program have performed well this year and are equally exciting to watch. They deserve to have their friends at the games to cheer them on. It does not hurt only people who can’t come to these games, but also the players on the teams. Poor attendance also reduces the ability to raise money because of the lack of paid attendance. If you allow these students to attended these games, the money earned could be near a couple more hundred dollars a game. The detention policy should be changed so that all these reasons can be met to make everyone happy from the students, to the players, and even to the school. Numbers will go up in Screamin’ Scots, money for the school, and even in the victory column for all the basketball teams.

Talk Back What is the craziest food combination you have ever eaten? “Top ramen and hot sauce” Raychel Mattman, sophomore

“Pickles and ice cream” Vincent Briscoe, sophomore

“Hot cheetos and cream cheese” Kingston Jack, sophomore

“Cup of noodles with ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, and black pepper” Alana Burton, junior

“Fries and mayonnaise” Clifton Lau, sophomore

Photos and interviews by Carly Bertolozzi

“A chocolate milkshake with fries, grapes, and barbecue sauce” Connor Fenech, sophomore

“Pancakes and ketchup” Julian Herns, freshman

Page 10


Music rooted in black history

Influential black artists build a foundation for today’s sound By Miranda Santana Staff Writer

All dreams start with an inspiration. Whether it is the sound of someone’s voice, their lyrics, or the way the music sounds, these black musicians have produced some of the most inspiring material in the past fifty years. As always, ladies first. “I like Aretha Franklin because she’s R-E-S-P-E-CTful,” said Michael Saber. Franklin, also referred as “The Queen of Soul,” has been performing since 1945 and since then has won eighteen Grammy awards. Rolling Stone magazine named her number one on their list of 100 Greatest Singers of All Time. She also became the first female to be inducted into the Rock N’ Roll Hall of Fame. However, many people only know of Franklin because of her classic hit “Respect.” That is only one of her many hits. Her songs are still heard in movies, TV, and radio, so Aretha is not going anywhere. Then we have the one and only, Prince. A mixture of funk, R&B, rock and pop went into ten platinum albums and thirty

Top 40 singles. He’s an actor, singer, songwriter, and a guitar player. As if Prince Rogers Nelson didn’t have enough achievements, include seven Grammys , a Golden Globe and an Oscar for Purple Rain. “When Doves Cry”, “Lets Go Crazy”, “Purple Rain”, “Kiss” can come right off the top of the head when thinking about the icon. “The ‘D’s for Doing it all of the time, the ‘M’s for the rhymes that all are Mine, The ‘C’s for Cool - cool as can be.” Arguably the best hip hop group of all time, Run-DMC. Said to be the core of what is and what always will be hip hop. No one knows how great they could have become if it wasn’t for the murder of Jam-Master Jay. When Aerosmith was laggin’ in their careers Run-DMC boosted Aerosmith back up in the collaboration and remix of Aerosmith’s “Walk This Way.” The real guitar hero never got the chance to play the video game. Named the greatest guitarist of all time by Rolling Stone, is the late Jimi Hendrix. “Hendrix is just insane,” said Joe McGill, “When he plays the guitar he makes that thing explode with sound, in

a good way.” Whether he played it behind his head or with his tongue he was still very talented. His short career before his untimely death when he was only twenty-seven was what most artists cannot achieve in a lifetime. The psychedelic rock he put out reflected the era of time he was able to produce in song and music. “Hey Joe”, “Purple Haze”, “The Wind Cries Mary”, and “Fire” were some of his major hits from solo-work and with his band The Jimi Hendrix Experience. Hendrix played Woodstock and was one the most memorable acts. Unfortunately, his drug use is what ended his career, and his life. “The first person to come up in my mind is Michael Jackson,” said Alana Burton (When thinking of who she thought was a very influential black artist.) “It sucks that he’s not here anymore. There’s too much to say about The King of Pop in just a few paragraphs. How about over seven-hundred and fifty million albums sold? Or Thriller being the best selling album of all time worldwide? From his childhood in the Jackson 5 to his solo career, Michael gave us hit after hit after hit. Not to mention his amazing

Superbowl commercials 2011 The only thing bigger than the game are the advertisements By Ivan Garin Staff Writer

Every year on Super Bowl Sunday, millions of Americans crowd around their TV’s to witness a great example of sport, and ingenious advertising. This past Feb. 6, approximately one in every three Americans watched the Green Bay Packers duel the Pittsburgh Steelers. Many of these viewers are fans of the great sport of football. Most are just there to watch the best part of Super Bowl Sunday - the commercials. Super Bowl Sunday is considered a true American holiday, complete with massive dishes and 52 inch LCD TV’s. It is the second largest day for food consumption in America, only behind Thanksgiving. Companies all across the U.S. are willing to pay big money during the Super Bowl. Last year, a 30 second commercial cost about three million dollars. Many Super Bowl viewers see the commercials as the real highlight of the game. Daniel Johnson said, “The only reason I watch the Super Bowl is because of the Go Daddy commercials.” Here are my top five favorite commercials of 2011: Number 1: The Volkswagen Darth Vader Kid This cute yet funny commercial made big news even before the game as it al-

ready had 13 million views on YouTube. It featured a mini Darth Vader attempting to use the force for everyday household tasks. Number 2: Chrysler (Eminem) The 2011 Super Bowl had too many car commercials. This one really stood out. It portrayed Detroit as a tough city that’s been through a lot of troubles and how they remain proud of their history of car making. Eminem stars in this ad. Number 3: Doritos (House Sitting) In this hilarious commercial, a guy is house sitting for his friend and uses his Doritos to clean up his friend’s room, save his goldfish, and even bring his Grandpa back from the dead. Number 4: Snickers (Logging) The ad starts with comedian Richard Lewis complaining about how much wood he has to cut. His buddy hands him a Snickers and he is transformed back into a tough wood logger. Afterwards, comedian Roseanne is slammed with a giant log. Number 5: Carmax “I feel like a ___ at a ___!” is one of the most cliche, overused terms ever. Not in this commercial, with everything ranging from a mermaid to a hippie feeling as happy as a customer at Carmax.






videos, dancing, singing, and songwriting skills. Then there’s his style. The glove. The red leather jacket. The moonwalk. The nose. The slowing turning white and morphing face. And that weird monkey... His songs are in TV, movies, and games, let alone the radio or in your iPod. Sadly, he is no longer with us. Gone too soon at the age of 50. And ladies, Jackson also inspired Justin Beiber. However, these are only a few selected talented black artists. They will always be remembered from the past, and their music will last forever.

3D comes home By Niko Frazier

Staff Writer As technology evolves, so do our home viewing options. The newest choice is the revolutionary new 3D TVs being sold now. Movie theaters were incredibly transformed in 1953, when Rhonda Fleming debuted in Inferno, which was at the time, the first real 3D movie. Since that time, many generations of TVs have evolved, along with the newly found 3D TVs. The first digital 3D movie was Spy Kids 3D: Game Over that featured those annoying red and blue glasses that never really work. But today, advances in technology that allows viewers to have 4D in theaters and now also 3D in homes. The 3D market was so demanding that companies like Samsung decided to invest in an at home version. These 3D TVs create a unique viewing experience in the home but may have some downsides to them. One of these downsides is the price of the TV. The lowest estimated 3D TV is $799.99, courtesy of Best Buy, which raises the question to how much is a TV really worth. Peter Ravenelle stated, “It is kinda dumb, there is so much in the movie theaters…that companies are just trying to get into another market to sell in.” This new revolution of TV may or may not also be hazardous to our health. Ms. Elizabeth Chun, the computer science teacher said, “I saw Avatar, and for me, 3D gives me a headache.” Ms. Chun wasn’t the only one to be concerned about her safety. Samsung’s published warning guide states that "children and teenagers may be more susceptible to health issues associated with viewing in 3D and should be closely supervised when viewing these images. Pregnant women, the elderly, sufferers of serious medical conditions, those who are sleep deprived or under the influence of alcohol should avoid utilizing the unit's 3D functionality.” With these risks released to the public, are the these TVs really worth it? As the new generation of TVs’ pros and cons are debated, many viewers may not be very interested in the TVs in the end.


Page 11

Gong Xi Fa Cai Real spies not at all like movie spies

By Annie Wesolek

By Bridget Newman

Staff Writer

Although most cultures brought in a new year a little over a month ago on Jan. 1, traditional Chinese culture began to celebrate Chinese New Year on Feb. 3, 2011. Chinese New Year starts with a new moon on the first day of the new year and ends with full moon 15 days later. This year the Chinese language class hosted their fifth annual Chinese New Year learning event on Feb. 16th in the Student Union. These 140 students did not attend any of their regular classes and spent the day doing hands-on crafts and enjoying a traditional lunch. Most of the dishes served in the Student Union included noodles, potstickers, eggrolls, green onion pancakes, mixed vegetables, brocolli beef, and orange chicken. In addition there was tea testing and traditional New Year sweets snacks for the students to taste. “Chinese New Year is the biggest festival for the Chinese, and the Chinese call it ‘Spring Festival.’ You can think of it as a combination of Thanksgiving and Christmas together,” added Ms. Mindy Chiang, the current Chinese language teacher. “We get to miss the whole day of school and just celebrate Chinese New Year in the Student Union,” said Han Li, a junior in a Chinese class. In the traditional Chinese culture, people can begin to prepare about a month before the new moon. These preparations generally start with the cleaning of one’s house from top to bottom. The cleaning symbolizes a cleanse for the entire family over the past year and a way to welcome in the new year. 2011 is the year of the rabbit, based on the fourth sign of Chinese horoscopes symbolizing diplomacy. “The rabbit is a placid year, very much welcomed and needed after a ferocious year of the tiger,” according to an analysis of the Chinese rabbit zodiac sign. Chinese New Year traditionally begins with a religious ceremony given in honor of heaven and earth, the gods of the household, and the family ancestors. On the New Years eve day a family affair is held and it is a time of reunion and giving thanks. Families share their last meal of the year and their first meal of the New Year together while bringing in the new year. The end of Chinese New Year is marked by the Festival of Lanterns. This final celebration has been a tradition in the Chinese culture for more than 2000 years. Master craftsman constrict multicolored paper lanterns in various shapes and sizes. These lanterns contribute in setting the scene for dragon and lion dances, parades, and many other festivities. Under the full moon, during the Festival of Lanterns the Chinese New Year celebration comes to an end while families reunite and prepare for the new year to come.

It seems that in today’s world, action movies are becoming increasingly unrealistic. The characters, plots, and often the stunts appear near to impossible. Classic spy movies are among the genre that has been overly exaggerated. Hollywood portrays the average spy in an unrealistic and overly glamorous way compared to the true nature and responsibilities of undercover operatives. The use of spies on the big screen began at the start of WWI. This period of film making was called the “silent era”, because the use of audible dialogue wasn’t implemented until the mid1920’s. As WWII began and silent movies were becoming obsolete, the spy genre continued to increase in popularity. The ability to synchronize film and sound allowed for the plots to become more intricate and involved. The new films featured the adventures of allied agents in occupied Europe. Some of these films include 13 Rue Madeleine and O.S.S, both centering around American agents in Germanoccupied France. In movies the average Hollywood spy is cunning, sneaky, and impervious to any assault. While being interviewed for his movie Bourne Identity Matt Damon said “[Bond movies] are fun because they’re so outrageous and he’s constantly topping himself.” With each new spy movie, producers are constantly trying to top the last show by adding a combination of more violence, weapons, and humor. These changes have proven popular with the public, but they diminish the credibility of the films. In an attempt to be more realistic, former spies have been brought in as movie consultants. In preparation for the movie Salt, in which she would be playing the role of a Russian spy, Angelina Jolie spent time with many different retired spies from the Russian house and the CIA. “I think the biggest note I took

Highlander file photo

Staff Writer

Sex, Drugs and MTV By Kendall Bishop Staff Writer

MTV seems to be suggesting that teens should become pregnant, sexually active, drug abusers. MTV has established itself as a controversial TV station with the release of shows that include 16 and Pregnant, Teen Mom and their newest, Skins. When the reality show 16 and Pregnant first aired in July 2009, it immediately stirred controversial opinions regarding whether the show glamorized or exposed the reality of teenage pregnancies. 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom have confused viewers as to what kind of message the producers are giving off. Now that these teenage moms’ lives have been exposed to the public, their faces are plastered all over magazine covers. These so-called ‘celebrities’ have not only gained fame, but according to suite101.com, an income of around $280,000 per year.

Critics voice that all the perks of being on these MTV shows, may give teens a selfish urge to get pregnant. Some believe another negative aspect of the show is that it fails to present the different options a pregnant mother has when it comes to keeping the baby or not. Critics wish to see more stories about teen pregnancies that result in adoption or abortion. Out of all three seasons of 16 and Pregnant, there have only been three girls profiled who’ve given their baby up for adoption. “I can see how the show may offend some because a lot of people believe you shouldn’t have kids before marriage. I watch 16 and Pregnant all the time, and I don’t think people should worry about what exactly the show is trying to promote because it’s just good entertainment,” senior Kendall Dempsey commented. Fans of 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom argue that these shows expose the realities and struggles that adolescent moms endure.

from them was how isolated and lonely they felt not being able to talk about their life and their work with anybody in their family,” said Jolie. Real spies are commonly employed by government intelligence agencies to recover information from unsuspecting targets for militaristic, political, and economic defense. In intelligence agencies, employees use espionage, communication interception, and cryptanalysis to obtain information that can protect their country from foreign threats. Some famous American intelligence agencies are the O.S.S (Office of Strategic Services) and it’s successor the C.I.A. (Central Intelligence Agency), whose headquarters are located in Langley, Virginia. Get Smart, released in 2008, humorously depicts the general set up of an intelligence agency. In the movie, Control (an American intelligence agency) was developed during the cold war for the purpose of spying on the Russians. Similarly, many real intelligence agencies were utilized during the cold war for the same reason. The developing espionage genre has begun to use more plots centering around government corruption. Television shows such as Burn Notice and Nikita, along with movies like the Jason Bourne series emphasize mass conspiracies involving intelligence agencies. In actuality agencies rarely have been legitimately accused of arms sales, coup d’e’tats, and assassinations. Spy films tend to drift farther and farther way from the truth with every new outrageous and accusatory plot.

Illustration by Liz Max

Lunar New Year celebrated by Carlmont Chinese classes

Controversy surrounds network programming choices

Supporters believe that kids will understand what the harsh statistics are if they were to become pregnant. That being said, in the U.S. alone, one in six teenage girls will become pregnant, more than two-thirds of those girls will not graduate from high school, and 80 percent of teenage moms end up on welfare. Research has shown that babies born to young parents are more likely to be unsuccessful in school, have health problems, go through abuse or be teen parents themselves. In addition to the accusation of promoting teenage pregnancy, MTV is accused of promoting sexuality and drug use on its newest show, Skins. The current MA rating hasn’t stopped the Parents Television Council from being livid about the scandalous and “pornographic” behavior portrayed on the show. The show was accused of violating child pornography laws. The president of the council stated, “Skins, may well

be the most dangerous show for children that we have ever seen.” The Skins teens who experiment with drugs, sneak out at night, lie to their parents and have sex like it’s no big deal, have got parents worried about what example it’s setting for their kids. MTV defends the show by saying that they are confident that the episodes of Skins comply with all applicable legal requirements and that they are taking numerous steps to alert their viewers of the strong subject matter. MTV shows have stirred much controversy, but ultimately they are out there for the public to see. Viewers need to decide for themselves whether to watch.

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Did you know...

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D��n ďż˝ 2 ďż˝nďż˝h�� ďż˝r��nd ďż˝nd 22 f��t Leo (July 23 - August 22) lďż˝nďż˝ Dance like no ones watching... even though they are. ďż˝ ďż˝p��� bďż˝t���n ���br��� Virgo 23 - September 22) 4 ďż˝trďż˝n���t ����lďż˝ rďż˝lďż˝tďż˝vďż˝ tďż˝(August ��zďż˝ Fighting in your household seems to have dramatically ďż˝ F��t��t ďż˝r���nďż˝ t����� ďż˝nheightened. thďż˝ Try looking at the situation from their Pisces (February 19 - March 20) bďż˝dďż˝ point of view. This may make everything less stressful. Laugh at yourself. I’m Al Schneider. Happy new year. Where’s Lďż˝r���t the rabbit? 8 ďż˝r��n Libra (September 23 - October 22) �� ���pďż˝ ����t fr�� rďż˝nnďż˝nďż˝ ďż˝ntďż˝ Go on a walk by yourself. The combination of the Aries (March 21 - April 19) fresh air, sunshine, and alone time may help you un2011 has���� not been the best year for you. If you keep windďż˝nd and get in a better mood. your chin����hďż˝ up and drive through school year, ďż˝2 l���thisthďż˝n ďż˝ you’ll p��nd realize it isn’t that bad after all. ��n ����rt bl��d ďż˝p tďż˝ ďż˝0Scorpio f��t (October 23 - November 21 ďż˝4 N��dďż˝ tďż˝ prďż˝d��� ďż˝ n�� l���r ďż˝fso seriously. It’s not a “test drive.â€? Stop taking life Taurus (April 20 - May 20) Pick up a����� book, technology ďż˝vďż˝rďż˝ t�� ����� ďż˝r ďż˝t Sagittarius (November 22 -December 21) is rotting your brain. ���ld d����t ďż˝t��lf Do you feel like you’re trying hard on a project, event �� ďż˝hďż˝tďż˝ pďż˝rt ďż˝f ��� or activity and you’re not getting praised? Stop exGemini (May 21 -


June 20) Memories are forever. Start one today. Cancer (June 21 July 22) Stare at your brain.

pecting somebody to praise you, and praise yourself.

Capricorn (December 22- January 19) Every class seems to be getting more difficult for you. Talk to your teacher or have a friend explain what you’re just not understanding.

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Page 13

Spring sports teams look forward to successful seasons


Swimming Tennis

Staff Writer

Staff Writer

By Curtis Fan

Last year the Carlmont Varsity softball team didn’t do as well as they usually did in the past. However, this year they have hopes for a better outcome in the lower classmen. Junior player Kelly Robinson put hope in the freshmen who are trying out for the team. “Well this year we’ll do better because we’re motivated and also because of the new pitchers coming in.”

By Jasmine Rishi

By Jasmine Rishi

Swimming is generally one of Carlmont’s most successful sports. While tryouts are still taking place for the upcoming season, there is a lot of promising talent in the pool. Old-time coach, Mr. Kelly, is very excited to get into the swim season and start off the season strong with some of the best talent he’s seen all year. Seniors, Hannah Liittschwager, Pammy Wach, and Emily Schrick are all very excited for this season. “We have fun every year in swimming, for us it’s more about making new friends and having fun,” said Wach. “I join it for the fun and the fitness,” commented Liittschwager. Their slogan for this swim season is “tone, tan, fit, and ready!”.

Last year both varsity and frosh-soph boys tennis teams didn’t do as well as they had hoped to, but this year they are training harder in hopes of a better season. “I feel that the team this year is going to go really good and we’re going to have an amazing and productive season,” said Byron Wu, sophomore. “”I don’t think we have the best coaching, but we definitely have a lot of talent, especially on the varsity team. It’s going to be a really competitive season.”

Staff Writer


Badminton By Curtis Fan Staff Writer

The Carlmont badminton team is looking forward to a good season this year. Although several strong senior students left, there are high expectations for the incoming students who are trying out this year. Last year the team made it to CCS but didn’t make it all the way. But this season, the freshmen are coming in strong and many think they’ll do well this time round. Freshman Jenny Chen stated, “I think we’ll make it this year because I’ve seen other people practicing, and in my eyes they play well.” However Geoff Cheung, a senior, added, “We have a lot of work to do to be able to do better this year..”

By Jasmine Rishi Staff Writer

Photo by Shannon Chang

Track By Curtis Fan Staff Writer

2009-2010 wasn’t a great year for the Carlmont track team. There were several individual successes but as a team they didn’t make it very far. Sophomore Priscilla Chan remembered, “Last year we held up pretty well as a team for the best that we could do, but this year, with a better organized team, we can do way better. We lost some seniors but we’ll get better.” Freshman Alex Kumamoto also thinks so. “I’m not very experienced but if the team works together, I believe we’ll have a chance to make it to CCS.”

Photo by Gianna Dimick

Lacrosse By Curtis Fan Staff Writer

Lacrosse was approved as a sport for Carlmont at the beginning of the 2010 school year after a student appealed to the school board. Students and families were a huge factor in the approval, gathering donations, players, and supporters to show the school board that lacrosse deserved to be a sport. Many students have signed up to play already and regular meetings are scheduled for players to discuss future plans. Sophomore Zack Diesh said, “I think we will be able to do well this year since we have a good coach.”

Senior swimmer Hannah Liittschwager Photo by Curtis Fan

“We are defending PAL champions, so every other team will be gunning for us.” - Varsity baseball coach Mr. Richard Vallero

Tryouts have just ended for baseball, and the young athletes are ready to get into the season. “We have a great team this year,” said one of the frosh-soph players, Evan Brummer. “Last year we did really well, and this year I think we’re going to do even better. We have great coaching and a ton of new freshmen players, as well as some fresh blood from Serra. This is going to be a great season.” Varsity coach, Richard Vallero, expressed very high standards for this year’s varsity team. “We are defending PAL champions, so every other team will be gunning for us,” commented Vallero. “We have tons of new faces as well as a lot of returning players. We have some amazing starters and we are definitely aiming to keep our title.”

Senior badminton player Geoff Cheung Photo by Curtis Fan

Page 14


Carlmont basketball Boys soccer looks to teams heading to CCS avoid one and out the two teams who Lazzarotti claimed “are kind of our rivals, and we lost Staff Writer previously to them, so they probably felt pretty confident that they would win.” This season, Carlmont’s basketball program was moved down a division. Before this year, they were in the Bay division, which is considered to be the most prestigious competition. Despite their descent to the Ocean division, the Scots have proven themselves to be tenacious competition. The Varsity boys center, Taylor Crawford, has a positive outlook on the final Photo by Gianna Dimick outcome of their season. Through all the wins, the losses, the “It’s been a good season because we determination and the constant devotion, have been executing our plays very well Carlmont’s varsity basketball teams are all season and are working hard,” stated heading for CCS. Crawford. CCS is under the control of The CaliTeam unity may have been a negative fornia Interscholastic Federation whose factor towards the beginning of the seaduty is to govern all high school sports in son, but that quickly changed. California enabling the safest and fairest “We were a little rough at first, but then sportsmanship between teams. Their we got to know each other, and we came motto states, “We are dedicated to devel- together as a team and not individuals,” oping student athletes of character.” he added. Lady Scots guard, Alyson Lazzarotti, As for his views on CCS, he bluntly explained, “So far our season has been stated, “We gotta go 100%.” really good. It started out a little shaky, The team’s forward Brandon Stovall, but we came back and started winning also sees victory in the Scots future. games.” “Our success in CCS will be shown The Lady Scots team unity seems to through how we practice for it. If we play a huge role in their success so far play hard in practice, execute and stay this season. “We really like each other, focused, then we should do fairly well,” and we all get along really well,” comexplained Stovall. mented Lazzarotti. With a lot of newcomers onto the team Alexandra Corvello, who plays post this year, the boys had to start fresh. “We for the Lady Scots, agreed, “The team is started off knowing that we were going really close. Our strength is that we all to be an inexperienced team, but we’ve contribute, and really come tothough there gether and have are high scorcompeted as a ers, everyone top contender,” contributes commented with points and Stovall. good defense.” Carlmont’s Corvello Varsity basketadded that the ball teams seem team compares to be headed themselves to for success in the San Frantheir hopes to cisco Giants become the Photo by Gianna Dimick CCS champions. where there aren’t too many “Hot-Shots.” They all All of their hard work really paid off this just have fun, work together and get the season, and it has proven to be beneficial job done. throughout this season. The Lady Scots have a lot to be proud Whether or not the 2011 CCS Basketof this season, but Lazzarotti believes ball Champions are one of Carlmont’s the Homestead Tournament they played teams, the Scots have a lot to be proud of in over Winter break was their biggest and their season record and their perforaccomplishment. mances on the court prove it. They beat Burlingame High School and Half Moon Bay High School which are

Senior James Testa attempts a reverse lay up against Terra Nova Photo by Gianna Dimick

By Jacob Cox Junior Editor

last second lapses in our defense that caused the game to slip from us,” stated

center back Kevin Petrie. Another successful season has the CarlCarlmont knew they would have to mont boys varsity soccer team in position bounce back, but their next opponents to reach CCS. were defending league champions and riCarlmont participates in the PAL Bay vals, Sequoia. The Scots dug themselves Division, which grants an automatic bid into an early 1-0 to the top three hole, but came teams in the back with a ton final standings. of fire in the The fourth place second half. team has an After tying opportunity to the game up reach CCS as a 1-1, junior Alan wild card, based Kaptanoglu on their perforsent a beautimance over the ful through ball entirety of the to captain AJ season. Kevin Petrie eludes a Woodside defender Beloff for the goThe Scots have undoubtedly been a second half team this ahead goal. Beloff commented, “[T]he goal was year, coming from behind to win or tie huge for us and so was the win, especialfour times thus far in league play. They ly after that loss to Menlo-Atherton. We are extremely resilient, and know that made a statement that we were not going they’re never out of a game. to give up yet.” Junior Alan Kaptanoglu took pride in Despite the chaos and unpredictability their ability to finish games, but agreed of this season for the Scots, they know that it was important to start games off that CCS is in reach. Carlmont’s boys with more energy if they wanted to beat soccer program has exited the CCS Playmore talented teams. “Our ability to offs with a sour taste of late, having been take over matches in the second half has knocked out in the first round in three of been great, but we can’t afford to put the past four seasons. However, the Scots ourselves in that kind of hole going up are fully expecting success this year. against great teams. In order to advance The Scots faced plenty of challengdeep into CCS, we have to motivate ing opponents this preseason, includourselves early and play with energy for ing WCAL opponents St. Ignatius and the full 80 minutes. Sacred Heart Cathedral. Another key to the Scots success has “These preseason games were a big been their ability to bounce back from factor in our performance. As a team, we tough losses. In the first week of the season, Carlmont faced Burlingame at home felt much more prepared for league compared to our less competitive preseasons and were completely outplayed, losing in the past,” added Beloff. 3-0. Instead of getting down on themThe Scots final two games will not be selves, they practiced hard and defeated easy, as they face Menlo-Atherton and Westmoor in their following match, 3-2. Sequoia. After losing to Woodside last Later in the season, the Scots had an week, the Scots dropped into fourth place important battle against second-place but are still in good position to reach Menlo-Atherton. The match was knotCCS as a wildcard qualifier. ted up 2-2 with seconds remaining, and The talent has been there for Carlmont Menlo-Atherton capitalized on a corner over the past few years, but this squad’s kick for the win. chemistry and resilience has them poised “It was heartbreaking because we had for a CCS run. the game under control. We had a few

Photo by Jacob Cox

By Reyna Ortiz

Throwing the distance By Niko Frazier Staff Writer

Throughout history, javelins have been flying through the skies in times of war, in times of the Summer Olympics, and in track and field events. So why doesn’t our school have this sport? This event can only be found in private invitationals, colleges and in Washington and Oregon. When asked why she wouldn’t trust fellow track members throwing javelins, Josi Flynn stated, “they could kill people.” The same question keeps appearing why does Washington and Oregon allow it with high schools, when California doesn’t? Casey Shade, the track and field captain commented that “[she] doesn’t trust high school students with javelins because only two states [trust them].” Today, the sport has largely decreased in popularity due to the many deaths and injuries.

The decrease started “[After the 19]80’s where, students at high school level don’t pay attention to objects that can injure them,” stated track and field Head Coach, Cheyne Murray. He also stated that the schools had dropped the sport because of “[the] safety hazard[s], to eliminated all the liability and insurance [a school would have to have].” These hazards seem to make a good argument for why high schools haven’t had javelins for around thirty years, but why do two state still have them? Starting in the 1780’s the Olympics welcomed the javelin as a major event in track and field. This historic sport is an event that is like no other. It is a sport that has been a giant success in the Olympics, allowing many athletes a chance to compete in the same way as the countless warriors and athletes that have died throughout the golden age of man.


Page 15

Giants spring into action Why is Spring Training such a popular vacation spot?

Bandwagon fans ruin tradition for Spring Training regulars

By Emily Beiers

By Dana Bloom Sports Editor

Staff writer Every spring, Arizona and Florida have become very popular as millions of baseball fans travel to spring training in order to watch their team prepare for the upcoming season. Spring training is a series of practice and exhibition games prior to the regular season in order to allow new players to try out for spots on the roster, and for returning players to get in extra practice before opening day. Spring Training has two locations, Arizona and Florida. Most West coast major league teams have home spring training stadiums located all over Arizona, and most East coast teams have their home stadiums located in Florida. Both the Cactus League, located in Arizona, and the Grapefruit League, located in Florida, run from the last week of February until right before opening day, which is usually the first week in April. All teams travel to different stadiums and play approximately 33 games during the Spring Training Season. Spring Training is made into a spring vacation for several families because Arizona and Florida are both vacation destinations. Both states are known for their heat during the springtime, which draws in many fans. Every year, there are several new prospects that try out for a position on the team. Spring training gives people a chance to view the new players and see what the team will look like for the upcoming season. All baseball stadiums around Arizona and Florida are built specifically for Spring training, and are put to use for other events after spring. Most stadiums hold, on average, anywhere from 8,000 to 14,000 people, which is much smaller than home stadiums. Since the stadiums are so small, all fans are very close down to the field, and all viewers get closer to the players and the game.

Photos by Dana Bloom

Before and after the game, it is very common for the players to come out and sign autographs. It is much easier to meet the players and get signatures at Spring Training then it is during the regular season. It is much more personal at Spring Training. Fans get to watch Major League Baseball on a smaller stage. In Spring Training season 2010, the Florida Grapefruit League averaged 6,640 fans attending each game, which was a record high. 215 games were played in 14 different locations. The Baltimore Orioles held the record for having most fans at their Spring Training games, followed by the Philadelphia Phillies, the Minnesota Twins, the Tampa Bay Rays, and the Toronto Blue Jays. However, Arizona’s Cactus League topped Florida’s Grapefruit League in Spring Training attendance by 43,121 fans, or three percent. Junior Nicci Betteo, plans to attend the 2011 season in Arizona. “My dad said if the Giants won the World Series, then we would go to the following Spring Training. I am excited to go watch the rookies and see how they are playing as a team.” Spring training is a popular destination for residents of the Bay Area. Junior Nic Bongi went to Arizona’s Spring Training in 2008 with his family. “It was a lot of fun. It has good weather and was very crowded. I got a lot of autographs and I would love to go back,” stated Bongi. Our local home teams, the San Francisco Giants and Oakland Athletics will both train in Arizona starting this month.

After becoming world champions on November first of last year, the San Francisco Giants will play for a much bigger crowd this year in Scottsdale at spring training. Spring training box offices opened on Jan. 13 and since then, many eager fans have bought tickets to watch the Giants play at Scottsdale stadium. Are all these eager people really fans though? Or are they just going because the Giants won the World Series? Of course many people who will attend spring training this year have attended in previous years and are hard core Giants fans, but for others this is not the case. A majority of attendees this year will be people who have never been and are going for the first time just because the Giants have finally won the World Series. But there is nothing wrong with that right? They are just supporting their local team. Some people agree with this while others do not. For many years some people saw the Giants as a disappointment and would not consider traveling 769 miles to Arizona to watch them play in games that do not even count. But now, things have changed. When asked if she thought more people would be attending spring training this year, junior Kristin McCarrick stated, “Yes, because once they [Giants] got into the postseason, a lot more people started to watch them. They have a lot more fans now then in the past because of their success.” It is definitely true that many more people began to watch the Giants last season once they began

playing baseball into late October, but do these bandwagon fans have enough passion for the Giants to take it all the way to Arizona? Spring training may be more crowded this year because of all the people who became fans after the Giants victory, but junior Pete Eakin doesn’t think band wagon fans will make a major impact on the size of the crowd, “ There is a set group of fans that go to spring training no matter how well the Giants do.” Many spring training regulars will pass this year so they don’t get involved with new comers, but other regulars are not stopping tradition now. Especially because it would mean missing the first cactus league season after the Giants have become world champions. The only disadvantage of going this year for regulars is that the price for tickets has increased dramatically. For many years the price has ranged from 20-35 dollars and now they are selling for over 100 dollars. Because of so many newcomers the prices for tickets have increased due to the high demand. This is a let down for regulars including math teacher Mr. Matt Miskelly who commented, “To me, the fun part of going [to spring training] is you pay so much to get down there but the tickets are cheaper. This year, since the Giants won the World Series, tickets cost a ton. I hope to get tickets some other way so I will be able to go and don’t have to spend that much.” The Giants will play in 29 games this spring before the season starts and are prepared to play for a packed stadium every day. No matter which people attend this year, whether it be the bandwagon fans or the spring training regulars, the Giants will be playing for a full stadium and will prepare for another winning season.


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Quick Quotes What is your most memorable moment while playing...? Baseball:

“Winning league sophomore year.” -Ryan Anthony



Badminton: “My most memorable moment of badminton was the team bonding. It was really fun.” -Zoe Dubrow

Track: “When I first jumped over 20 feet in the long jump back in sophomore year.” -Thomas Yeh

Girls Swimming: “My most memorable moment with Carlmont was when I made CCS in the 500 freestyle my junior year.” -Carly Reed

Boys Swimming: “I got so close to the record in swimming.” -Vlad Khrolov

Lacrosse: “The most memorable moment during lacrosse was when my team won against all of Northern California.” -Kalvin Tousant Photos by Curtis Fan

Badminton: The Carlmont badminton team is looking forward to a good season this year with many freshmen trying out. Last year the team made it to CCS but didn’t make it all the way; the team hopes that will change this year. Softball: Although the softball team did not do as well as usual last season, they are hoping to have a winning season behind many freshmen call-ups. Lacrosse: The first ever lacrosse team at Carlmont hopes to have a winning season and welcome the sport to the school with a bang. Track: This year the track team is trying to increase their success as a team instead of just individual success which was more common last year. Baseball: The baseball team is really looking forward to their season this year and believe they will succeed this year. Swimming: The swim team has a lot of talent in the pool this year and is very excited to compete because it might be their best season in a while. Boys Tennis: Although varsity and JV boys tennis did not do well last year, this year they have been training a lot with a new coach in hopes of a winning season. Golf: The golf team is preparing for a really good season and are looking forward to the season beginning.

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