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Words of wisdom Q&A

- from Carlmont seniors

Mari Ramirez


The end of the school year is approaching, meaning that the seniors are graduating, and everyone else is moving onto the next grade. With graduating high school comes knowledge about how to survive these crazy four years. Here are some stories and words of wisdom from the Class of 2021!

Camran Hitchock

Camran Hitchock’s favorite AP classes entail AP Statistics and AP Psychology as she enjoyed the classroom environments. While Hitchcock claims to not be the best at studying, she still recommends taking AP classes. Continue reading to get some of her tips and insights regarding AP classes!

Q: Are AP classes worth the stress?

A: I don’t regret taking any of the AP classes I’ve taken, so I would say it’s worth the stress. While the content can be difficult, I think the more stressful component is keeping up and managing your time wisely. Also, I think it’s worth it because you get college credit if you pass the AP test. That way, you can take other exciting classes in college.

Q: What’s your advice for someone who is feeling overwhelmed about AP classes?

A: I can’t stress this enough: budget your time wisely. It’s easier said than done, but it’s super important, and you feel less stressed when it comes time to take a test or the AP test. Also, use your online resources, and don’t be afraid to find a study buddy if you need help.

Q: What’s your advice for anyone taking finals at Carlmont for the first time?

A: My advice is don’t just study the night before. Do practice problems or practice tests so that you can do your best. It’s also important to remember that it’s not the end of the world if you don’t get an A on your finals. Just give it your best.

Andrea Brehovska

Andrea Brehovska was originally motivated to start working in November of 2019 as she wished to earn some extra pocket money. Now, she’s saving so she can travel post-Covid. Everyone knows that balancing school and work is no easy task, so stay tuned to read about her tips on keeping a balanced lifestyle!

A: If it’s for a chain, watch YouTube videos because there might be videos on what they’ll ask during your interview. It helps if you look committed and that you know a lot about the company. Then just be nice, friendly, and yourself!

Q: How do you balance working while staying on top of your schoolwork?

A: I’m pretty good at managing my time and notprocrastinating, so it’s not hard to balance everything. I think it depends on how many hours you’re working and how well you can manage your time. I have a pretty consistent work schedule, so I manage my school work based on that.

Q: How do you suggest finding a job?

A: What I did was I made an account on some find a job website and found a lot of listings for parttime jobs. Also, if you go into stores at the mall, many of them have ‘hiring’ signs and ask the manager to give you more information.

Q: What’s your advice for students who are nervous about interviewing for a job?

Maya Kaileh

Maya Kaileh looks back at her time with Carlmont’s school spirit positively. Her favorite assembly is the Back to School Assembly because it generates the most school spirit with some of the most preparation, promotion, and fun that comes with it. Although many are hesitant to participate in these activites, Kaileh highly encourages all students to participate. Continue reading to find out why!

A: My advice would be to go for it. If there’s a certain activity that sparks your interest, then you should do it and, most importantly, have fun! Though it can be nerve-wracking to join, you’ll be able to meet new people, branch out to different interests and gain overall new experiences and memories. No need to be hesitant or worried about joining and try new things!

Q: Do you think school spirit affects your time at Carlmont?

A: I think school spirit is always a fun thing to participate in, as it can span a range of activities and interests. I think school spirit has affected my time at Carlmont positively by allowing for student individuality and a sense of fun activities to participate in within a school environment.

Q: Which activities do you think boost the most school spirit?

A: I would say the spirit weeks and football games boost the most school spirit because they have high student engagement and encourage everyone to have fun.

Q: What’s your advice for a student wanting to participate in school activities but doesn’t know how to?

Katarina Sharonin

When she’s not at school, Katrina Sharonin uses her passion for art to create character designs for firefighters and paramedics that are used for spirit and fundraising purposes. Continue reading to find out why Sharonin thinks students should have a creative outlet!

A: It comes down to experimentation and gut feeling. My outlet kicked off from a very small curious project and grew over time. Don’t expect to have a single magical discovery about your outlet or passion. It will stem from doing multiple projects. I do think when you do these projects, you’ll feel drawn to them in an unexplainable way.

Q: How do you manage to balance your schoolwork and extracurricular?

A: I balance everything by having a list. It’s simple but effective; crossing stuff off in an organized manner works! Canvas calendar was also very helpful, that thing is really well made. I also make sure to keep up my sleep and exercise. It’s harder to be productive when you feel like crap, so taking care of myself has helped me maintain a balance in a healthy way.

Q: Do you recommend students to have a creative outlet?

A: I absolutely recommend students to have a creative outlet. When school gets stressful, it gives me a community and space that I turn to. One thing to note is that everyone’s creatvity manifests in a different way. It sounds cheesy, but creativity can’t be defined or limited. However, you express yourself, do it! Doing what you enjoy can really reduce stress and make you feel fulfilled.

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