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Micah 6:8


We’re in the middle of Lent, which many people keep. To me, it’s a confusing name, as it’s similar to the Dutch word for Spring, Lente. Lent is kept by many Christians around the world and is similar to Advent. Lent is more solemn, as it’s the forty days leading up to Easter when Christians remember the death and resurrection of Jesus.

I didn’t grow up in a church where Lent was kept, so it was new to me when coming to England. Many of my friends would give up chocolate or television for those six weeks, after a good feast of pancakes. Some people would be more traditional and go without meat and fish during those weeks. It is a time to refocus on faith and a joining in faith with Jesus.

There are some lovely devotionals around specifically for Lent, which many people find helpful. Others join in with a forty-day challenge to be more giving, more generous and show acts of kindness.

Of course, Lent as such is not in the Bible, but the Bible does talk about the way God wants us to live, not just during Lent, although Lent is a great place to readjust our focus. So in the book of the prophet Micah, near the end of the Old Testament, the prophet tells the people: He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?

That’s the essence of Lent and all the days of the year. It’s not about what we stop ourselves from eating or enjoying. It’s not even being more involved with our church or our Bible. It’s something we can all do, wherever we are. It’s also harder than not watching television or staying away from social media for six weeks.

I hope this year Lent will be special to you and I pray for justice and mercy to be planted around our world as Spring will show its new life all around us.

MaressaMortimerisDutchbutlivesinthebeautifulCotswolds,Englandwithherhusbandandfour(adopted)children. Sheisahomeschoolmumandapastor’swife,.SheloveswritingChristianfiction,asit’sagreatwaytoexplorefaithin dailylife.Herbooksareavailablefromherwebsite,www.vicarioushome.com,Amazonorlocalbookshops.

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