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The Clubhouse

by Wendy H. Jones

Words Matter


Last month in my column I talked about pushing the boundaries of your creativity. This month I would like to talk about the words you use in order to do so. There are two words used for those who love words – logophile or lexiphile.

As a lover of words, myself, I love them both. This brings me to the first point I would like to make. Using the same word too many times becomes distracting and pulls the reader from the narrative. My overuse of the word love and lover was deliberate in this instance but reading it over it sets my teeth on edge. So, my first tip is to consider overuse of a certain word and look at ways you can shake it up by using a thesaurus (another great word). This will make you sound articulate – the word for someone who is good with words.

However, - isn’t there always a however? –don’t use big words just to show you know them. Again, whilst you don’t want to treat your reader like an idiot, if they have to stop every few words in order to look them up, most readers will not continue. When writing you should always have your ideal reader in mind. Use words and language which will appeal to them.

Then, you need to consider your characters, especially during dialogue. What words would they use? Would they use different words in different circumstances, such as a cop who is undercover versus when they are at home with their kids? Your detectives might use different language when running a high-level operation or talking to a gang member.

A good way to use words is to mix things up. You can do this by being unexpected – a cleaner who has a PhD in English and has a cut crystal accent is not what you usually expect. Hey, I’m going to use that in a book, so no poaching.

When writing, use your words to intrigue, inform, educate, entertain and bring about surprises. Enjoy using them as much as I do and have fun in the process. And that is, quite literally my final word on this for Mom’s Favorite Reads. However, keep an eye out for Writers’ Narrative, a new monthly magazine, the first issue of which will be out in August – it will be jam-packed with advice for writers.

EditorinChief/ExecutiveEditor WendyH.Jones

WendyH.Jones,EditorinChief,/ExecutiveEditorisalsoourFeatureEditorandworkshardtoprovidecontentthatisinteresting,informativeandprofessional. She’stheawardwinning,internationalbest-sellingauthoroftheDIShonaMcKenzieMysteries,CassClaymoreInvestigatesMysteries,FergusandFloraMysteries,BertietheBuffalochildren’sbooksand theWritingMattersbooksforwriters.SheisalsoawritingandmarketingcoachandformerPresidentoftheScottishAssociationofWriters. YoucanlearnmoreaboutWendyonherwebsite: https://www.wendyhjones.com/

DeputyEditor&ArtDirector—Sheena Macleod

OurDeputyEditor coordinatestheproductionschedule. Sheadministerstheday-to-dayoperationsofthepublicationand organizeseacheditionofthemagazine.Shealsoworkshardtocreatenewcoverseachmonththatcapturestheessence ofeachpublication. SheenaMacleod Historicalfactandfictionwriter-lecturedattheUniversityofDundee,whereshe gainedherPhD.SheistheauthorofReignoftheMarionettes,TearsofStrathnaverandWomenofCourage AForgottenFigure FrancesConnelly.

GraphicDesigner EileenRolland

TheGraphicDesignerisresponsiblefordevelopingthelayoutofMFReMagazine. Eileenisresponsibleforthegraphics thatappearthroughoutthepublicationeachmonth. Sheworkshardtoensuretheimagescapturethespiritandmessage ourauthor'sconveyintheirarticles.Eileenwritesmainlycontemporarywomen’sfiction.Herworksincludethe Chrysalis TrilogyandIsleof Somewhere.


Paulinemanagesoursubmissionsandsetsrealisticschedules.eachShe is a prolific novelist and children’s author. Based in Scotland, she writes both suspenseful romance and children’s picture books for 3 to 7 years. With a background in Primary Literacy Support, Pauline is passionate in encouraging children in their own reading and writing.


Allison Symes works diligently each month to generate flash fiction writing prompts that will stimulate creativity in our authorsandentertainourreaders.AsStoryEditor,shealsoensureseachentryisprofessionalandpolished.Allison Symes is an award winning, published flash fiction and short story writer. She also writes a weekly column on topics of interest for writers for online magazine, Chandler's Ford Today. Allison's fiction has appeared in anthologies (CafeLit and Bridge House Publishing) over many years. Allison judges competitions, runs workshops, and is always happy to talk/write about flash fiction writing. https:// allisonsymescollectedworks.com

Copy Editors—Wendy H. Jones & Sheena Macleod



OurMarketingDirector,MaressaMortimer,overseesmarketingcampaignsandsocialmediaengagementforourmagazine. ShemanagesMom’sFacebook and Instagram pages. Maressa is the author of the Elabi Chronicles, Burrowed and Saphire Beach.

Our Content Writers arefreelanceauthorswhocontributearticles,shortstories,etc.totheeMagazineonaregularbasis. Theyworkhardtomakeourmagazineinterestingandprofessional.

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