A bike bag you can wear.
Complaints Weight inside bag shifts and effects balance. Shoulder straps hurt shoulders and constrains movement. On upright bike weight seems to pull you backwards. Backpack limits visibility when checking for cars. Backpack drenches back with sweat.
This is Carl. Carl loves to commute to work but hates to wear a backpack while riding his bike. His backpack makes his back very hot and he is left with a backpack sweat silhouette.
Carl represents a problem faced by many!
Panniers Weight displacement. Not aerodynamic. Balance issues. Bulky.
Main Triangle Out of the way. Aerodynamic. Easy Access. Balanced.
ideation sketches
Refined Sketches
Sketch models
Preliminary Renderings
How it works
From your home.
To your
And off to work.
exterior pocket for on the go items interior laptop sleeve webbed siding to keep contents dry and safe EVA injection molded design brass shoulder strap clip tanned leather accents Modular carying, attach the shoulderstrap to the top tab to cary as a shoulderbag and attach to the bottom tab to cary on your bike.