1 minute read
Providing Key-Making Services Has Never Been Easier
This could be the sales ignition you need in 2023.
There are millions of car owners who have only one car key or remote. A percentage of those millions could end up in your wallet. X Tool USA is a new vendor at Partner Perks opening the way to a new revenue stream with great potential. You can make over $100 in minutes by cutting keys and programming remotes using two innovative products.
• Triton CNC Machine cuts keys
• NitroXT scan tool programs key remotes
• Nitrous Keys provides a curated set of keys and remotes
Want to learn more about the complete key-making system? You are invited to attend our Zoom live training events, hosted every Wednesday morning at 9 AM PST. This is an open forum event welcoming questions from the audience. To attend, log in to Partner Perks and click on the X Tool USA logo to speak with a rep.