Exploring the Other Downtown
Daegu's Old Town: Yangnyeongsi
Relax and Rejuvenate at Spa Valley Daegu's Very Own Water Park
Full Flavored and "Zdorovo"
International City Russian and Uzbekistan Restaurant
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Editor’s Notes Hi Daegu, Let's first start out with apologizing to our readers for the photo misprint in last month's issue. The inappropriate photo was printed by mistake and we have publicly apologized for our proofreading error. We have taken measures to ensure that will not happen again. We are sorry again for upsetting our readers and will do our best to make up for it in the future with more care and dedication to proofreading before we print. This month we get back to business with food reviews and great summer relaxation getaways you can find right here in Daegu. On p8, you will find a food review of a fantastic new Russian and Uzbekistan restaurant located right downtown. On the cover we printed, "Zdorovo," which means "Awesome" when translated into English or "짱" in Korean. Hopefully, you will agree when you try it out. Looking for a traditional Korean restaurant that stands above the rest? Head to Shilla downtown. Catch the review on p16. On p28, read up on great camping and water fun at Spa Valley, a great place for friends and family to escape the Daegu heat this summer! Yuri Lee and the Daegu Compass team
Managing Editor Publisher Creative Director Assistant Editor Graphic Designers Translation Director
Yuri Lee Miyong Ha Scott McLaughlin Brian Van Hise Soo Yeung Byun & Eun Ji Lee Scott McLaughlin & Yujeong Lee
Sales & PR Miyoung Ha 대구시 중구 달구벌대로 446길 13-16 fax: 053.635.2709 tel: 070-7514-2709
Translators Bosun Kim, Hyunju Kim, Hyunseung Lee, Jaeheon Lee, Jinil Kim, Kyung Hee, Mina Park, Miyong Ha, Siron Jang, Soojeong Han, Stephanie Yang, Suhyun Lee, the Jaguar, Yejin Yi, Yujeong Lee, Jimin Kim Writers and Photographers Brian Van Hise, Ciou Wei Li, Daegu Medical Tourism Council, Dann Gaymer, Emily Gotwals, Hyerin Kim, Ivan Broida, Jeff Molasky, jimmySK, Kate Seung, Katy Babiarz, Kenneth Quillinan, Matthew Caracciolo, Mike Son, Rosamund Feeney, Stephanie Holden, Tuan Ahn Le
Cover by Big Band Volcano
The Daegu Compass is published and printed by the Daegu Compass. The views expressed by the writers in the Daegu Compass do not reflect the opinions of the company. Maps, the Daegu Compass logo, and original designs are all property of the Daegu Compass. If you have any questions, please email: Thanks for reading. DAEGU COMPASS 2014.JULY
p08 - Full Flavored and "Zdorovo" p12 - Ice Cream with a Twist p16 - Stirring the Pot p20 - Play, Play and Play Again! p24 - Gachang Art Studio p26 - Summer Festival in Daegu p28 - Relaxing in the Healing Waters and Air of Spa Valley p34 - The Other Downtown: Yangnyeongsi p40 - Navigating the Streets of Daegu p44 - The First of Many Charity Events is a Huge Success p46 - Daegu Ultimate Gets Pumped p50 - GUIGUISUISUI & Noise Arcade Tour East Asia p53 - July Events p54 - Event Calendar p63 - How to Order Food p66 - Downtown Restaurant Guide p70 - Bar and Club Guide p73 - Downtown Shopping Spots p78 - Hotel Guide p80 - Guest House Guide p56 - Kyungpook & EXCO MAP p57 - Suseong-gu Map p58 - Bongsan Art & Culture Street Map p59 - Apsan Map p60 - Suseong Lake Map p62 - Seomun Market Map p64 - Downtown Daegu Map
Full Flavored and "Zdorovo" International City Russian and Uzbekistan Restaurant Written by Katy Babiarz / Photographed by Ivan Broida / Translated by Yujeong Lee
Are you craving some ‘just like home’ European food, specifically Russian and Uzbekistan? Well, look no further! International City has Halal style food that is homemade by Anjelika Yang. Anjelika has a unique history that fully qualifiers her for being the chef and owner at this delectable eatery. She was born to a Korean mother and an Armenian father in Uzbekistan, but lived in Russia for most of her life, before moving to Korea. ‘집에서 먹는’ 유럽 음식, 특히 러시아와 우즈베키스탄 음 식이 먹고 싶어 견딜 수가 없는가? 그렇다면 멀리 가지 않 아도 된다. 인터내셔널 시티에는 안젤리카 양씨가 만드는 홈메이드 할랄푸드가 있다. 안젤리카씨는 이 유쾌한 식당 의 요리사 겸 주인이 되는 데에 완벽한 자격을 갖추기까지 독특한 이력을 가지고 있다. 한국인 어머니와 아르메니안
아버지 사이에서 태어났으며, 태어난 곳은 우즈베키스탄 이지만 한국으로 오기 전까지 대부분 러시아에서 살았다.
Anjelika prepares International City’s food to be full of mild and simple flavors. Uzbekistan and Russian food have some similarities and differences with Korean foods that you might just be looking for. The biggest difference is that it is not spicy, like many Korean foods, despite it being full of red-colored foods. However, Anjelika says that they do share the large presence of meat and vegetables together. 안젤리카씨는 인터내셔널 시티의 음식을 자극이 없고 단 순한 맛으로 준비했다. 우즈베키스탄과 러시안 음식은 힌 국 음식과 비슷한 점도 있고 당신이 찾고 있는 바로 그 색 다른 점도 있다. 가장 큰 차이점은 음식의 색이 빨간색 천
Daegu Food - Full Flavored and "Zdorovo"
지임에도 불구하고 많은 한국음식들처럼 맵지 않다는 것이다. 하지만 안젤리카씨는 고기와 채소가 함께 많 이 사용된다고 했다.
The menu items we tasted were the Lagman (Uzbekistan soup – 8,000 won), Greece Salad (6,000 won), Lamb Shahslik (Uzbekistan – 9,000 won for 2 skewers), and Golubtsi (Russian – 10,000 won for 4 pieces). Lagman is a warm noodle soup with a broth full of vegetables (carrots, green and yellow peppers, onions, radish, and garlic) and small cubes of tender beef. It was the ideal homemade vegetable soup that can be enjoyed in the colder days that will come later this year. The Greek Salad is more like a side-dish than a main meal. A little dish of lettuce is mixed with tomatoes, cucumbers, and olives sauced over with olive oil and lemon juice. 우리가 맛본 메뉴는 라그마(우즈베키스탄 수프-8천 원), 그리스식 샐러드(6천원), 양고기 꼬지(우즈베키 스탄 음식, 꼬지 2개 9천원), 골룹찌(러시아 음식, 4 개 1만원)이었다. 라그만은 채소(당근, 초록색과 노란 색의 피망, 양파, 무, 마늘)로 낸 국물에 부드러운 쇠 고기가 들어간 따뜻한 국수이다. 나중에 올해의 추운 날이 왔을 때 T다. 작은 접시에 토마토, 오이, 올리브 -continued on p10-
가 섞인 상추에 올리브 오일과 레몬 주스가 섞인 소스가 곁들여 졌다.
The most popular of the dishes though are the kebabs. So, it was natural that we had the Lamb Shahslik (kebab). Two metal skewers pierce through about 4 oneinch pieces of juicy, tender meat covered in fresh onions. Other options were beef, chicken, and beef liver that fill up each of the skewers. 하지만 가장 인기가 있는 요리는 케밥이다. 그래서 우리 는 자연스레 양고기 꼬지(케밥)를 먹었다. 두 쇠로 된 꼬챙 이에 3cm 정도 크기의 부드럽고 육즙이 가득한 고기 조 각 4개가 끼워져 있었고, 그 위에 신선한 양파가 덮여져 있었다. 다른 옵션으로는 쇠고기, 닭고기, 소간 등을 꼬지 로 주문할 수 있다.
My favorite dish is something that the Polish side of my family and I used to make every Thanksgiving. International City’s Golubtsi are definitely a great comfort food for me! If you love cabbage, but aren’t one for kimchi, this is totally your dish, too! Four large pieces of cabbage are rolled around a mixture of meat and rice, and then covered with a light tomato sauce. 필자가 가장 좋아한 것은 필자의 폴란드 쪽 가족과 필자가 매 추수감사절에 만들었던 음식이었다. 인터내셔널 시티 의 골룹찌는 필자에게 단연코 큰 위안을 주는 음식이었다!
양배추를 엄청 좋아한다면 이 음식은 당신을 위한 것이기 도 하다! 고기와 쌀을 섞은 것을 양배추로 말았는 롤 네 개 에 맛이 진하지 않은 토마토 소스를 끼얹었다.
Don’t know much about Russian and Uzbekistan foods to choose which dish to chow down on? It’s ok; here are some helpful tips. Russian food is low in calorie made predominately with tomatoes, peppers, salt, and various spices. On the other hand, Uzbekistan food has a lot of different spices, vinegar, and lamb that is grilled and served with raw onions. One is made for hot weather people (Russian), while the other is for colder climates (Uzbekistan). 어떤 음식을 선택해서 먹어야 할 지 러시아 음식과 우즈 베키스탄 음식에 대해 많이 모른다면? 괜찮다. 여기에 도 움이 될 만한 팁이 있다. 러시아 음식은 주로 토마토, 후 추, 소금, 다양한 향신료로 만들어져 칼로리가 낮다. 반면 에 우즈베키스탄 음식은 많은 각종 향신료와 식초, 그릴에 구워 생양파와 함께 나오는 양고기를 사용했다. 전자는 따 뜻한 계절에 사는 사람들(러시아)를 위한 것이고, 후자는 추운 기후(우즈베키스탄)를 위한 음식이다.
International City is located in the heart of downtown nearby the 24-hour coffee shops: Angel-in-Us and Holly’s Coffee. With the two 24-hour coffee shops on your left, head straight towards the foreign bar street.
Daegu Food - Full Flavored and "Zdorovo"
It is near the ABC mart and Adidas stores on your right hand side. Just look for the blue sign and the brick-lined stairs. 인터내셔널 시티는 시내 중심가에 있으며 24시간 하는 엔 젤리너스와 할리스커피 근처에 있다. 두 카페를 왼쪽에 두고, 외국인들의 바가 있는 거리 쪽으로 직진해라. 식당 은 ABC마트와 아디다스를 오른쪽에 두고 그 근처에 있 다. 푸른색 간판과 벽돌로 줄지어 만든 계단을 찾아봐라.
Many of you have probably walked past this bright blue sign that leads down into the basement restaurant. The stairs going down are lined with brick, so it feels like you are walking into a whole other world; which is exactly what Anjelika was striving for. Hanging from the walls are beautiful rugs and vibrant traditional dresses. And to fully take you away is the music from the Uzbekistan and Russian flowing through the open room!
With the business hours of 1 pm to midnight on weekdays and 12 pm to 2 am on the weekends, International City is the perfect place to come after work, have a few beers, and enjoy a healthy and completely different style of food! 주중에는 오후 1시에서 자정까지, 주말에는 오후 12시에 서 새벽 2시까지의 영업시간 동안, 인터내셔널시티는 퇴 근 후에 가볍게 한 잔 하거나 건강하고 색다른 음식을 즐 기기에 최고의 장소이다.
아마도 많은 사람들이 지하에 있는 식당으로 안내하는 밝 고 푸른색의 간판을 지나쳤을 것이다. 아래로 내려가는 계 단은 벽돌로 줄지어 만들어 마치 다른 세계로 걸어 들어 가는 느낌이 든다. 안젤리카씨가 애쓴 그대로 말이다. 벽 에 걸려 있는 것은 아름다운 양탄자와 강렬한 전통 드레 스이다. 그리고 당신을 완전히 다른 세계로 안내하는 것 은 식당 안을 채우는 우즈베키스탄과 러시아의 음악이다!
Ice Cream with a Twist Ice Cream Nitrogen Lab
Written and photographed by Rosamund Feeney / Translated by Yujeong Lee
If there is one thing Korea loves it is themed cafes and ice cream. Recently the two have been combined at Nitrogen Ice Lab, a laboratory themed ice cream parlor that uses science, beakers and liquid nitrogen to produce deliciously creamy and unique ice cream. With the notorious Daegu summer right around the corner, the timing couldn’t be better. 만약 한국이 사랑하는 한가지가 있다면 테마카페와 아이스크림이 다. 최근에 니트로젠 아이스 랩에서 그 두 가지가 만났다. 맛있고 부드러우면서 독특한 아이스크림을 만들기 위해 과학과 비커, 액 체 질소를 사용하며, 실험실을 테마로 한 아이스크림 가게 말이 다. 악명 높은 대구의 여름이 다가오는 이 때에 이보다 타이밍이 좋을 수 없다.
The concept isn’t new to Korea as these stores have popped up throughout the country for the past year. Busan’s lab is particularly popular with people waiting for at least half an hour in queues that stretch around the street. It’s hard to ignore ice cream parlors with huge nitrogen tanks adorning the street and staff in white coats greeting you at the door. In typical Korea fashion no detail is left unnoticed as the stores are filled with giant beakers and complicated looking mixers which are often surrounded in a cloud of smoke.
Daegu Food - Ice Cream with a Twist
이전부터 전국에 이러한 가게가 곳곳에 생겨나서 가게 의 개념은 한국에서 새로운 것이 아니다. 부산지점은 특히 인기가 많아서 사람들이 거리에까지 늘어진 줄 에서 최소한 30분은 기다린다. 길거리를 장식하는 커 다란 질소 탱크와 문에서 하얀 가운을 입고 손님을 맞 이하는 점원이 있는 아이스크림 가게를 무시하고 지나 가는 것은 어려운 일이다. 이것은 전형적인 한국 방식 으로, 가게가 커다란 비커와 종종 수증기 구름으로 둘 러싸이는 복잡하게 생긴 믹서기로 가득하기에 상술을 눈치채지 않을 수 없다.
Ice cream is truly a science here with each order being individually made in front of your eyes in a process that involves blow-torches and syringes. The staff take different flavors from beakers filled with interesting looking syrups which are then blasted with nitrogen and other fun things. Getting ice cream isn’t just a way to cool down, but a chance to see how the treat is made, and watch some cool science in the process. Plus there is something special about being able to watch people make your ice cream for you. 바로 눈 앞에서 토치와 주사기가 사용되는 과정을 통 해 개별적으로 만들어지는 주문을 보면 실제로 이곳에 -continued on p14-
서 아이스크림은 과학이다. 점원이 신기하게 생긴 시럽과 다른 재미있는 것들로 채워진 비커에서 각기 다른 맛을 선 택하는데 시럽은 나중에 질소와 함께 터진다. 그냥 아이스 크림을 사는 것은 시원해 지는 방법이 아니지만 아이스크 림이 어떻게 만들어지는 지 볼 수 있는 기회는 그러하다. 만들어지는 과정에 담긴 멋진 과학을 지켜 봐라. 게다가 당 신을 위해 당신의 아이스크림을 만들어주는 사람들을 볼 수 있는 것은 특별하다.
The flavors themselves are individual with the strawberry option coming adorned with a syringe full of syrup, and the marshmallow one decorated with marshmallows which have been blow torched to achieve a melted perfection. For something really special, order the crème brulee and watch the staff use a flame to perfectly crisp the top of the ice cream. Other choices include tiramisu, rice bubbles and candy floss, all of which have their own
Daegu Food - Ice Cream with a Twist
take on ice cream. The design of the store and the fact that tasty ice cream has seen the downtown Daegu location have similar success to Busan. After being open for less than 6 months, the store was so popular that a second branch was launched in the Kyungpook National University area to please students and ice cream lovers alike. 아이스크림의 맛은 각각이며 딸기맛은 시럽으로 채워진 주사기로 장식되서 나오고, 마시멜로우 맛은 토치로 완벽 하게 녹인 마시멜로우로 장식한다. 정말 특별한 것을 원한 다면 크림뷜레를 주문하고 점원이 불꽃을 이용하여 아이 스크림 위를 완벽하게 바삭하게 만드는 것을 지켜봐라. 다 른 종류로는 티라미스, rice bubble, candy floss가 있으 며, 모두 그 맛만의 독특한 아이스크림이다. 가게의 디자 인과 맛있는 아이스크림이 대구의 시내에 위치해 있다는 사실은 부산과 비슷한 성공을 만들어냈다. 오픈한 지 6개 월도 되기 전에 가게의 인기가 매우 높아서 학생들과 아이 스크림 애호가들을 기쁘게 하기 위해 경북대 근처에 두 번 째 지점을 열었다.
however, be prepared to wait as these places can get busy, particularly during weekend evenings. Nitrogen Ice Lab can be found in a downtown location or by the North Gate of Kyungpook National University. 아이스크림 가게는 한국 어디에나 있지만 니트로젠 아이 스 랩은 이번 여름을 식혀줄 특별함을 제공한다. 가게 자체 와는 별개로 아이스크림은 맛있어서 실망시키지 않는다. 하지만 가게에 가보길 원한다면 가게가 바빠질 수도 있어 서 기다릴 각오는 해야 한다. 특히 주말 저녁시간에 말이 다. 니트로젠 아이스 랩은 시내와 경북대학교 북문, 두 군 데에서 찾을 수 있다.
Ice cream parlors are everywhere in Korea, but Nitrogen Ice Lab offers a refreshing take on cooling down this summer. Aside from the store itself, the ice cream is delicious and doesn’t disappoint. If you want to visit
Stirring the Pot The Shilla Restaurant Written and photographed by Brian M. Van Hise / Translated by Kate Ko
It seems like most of the Korean restaurants that are most frequented by foreigners tend to be those that offer somewhat “western-friendly” foods. Korean BBQ is something foreigners can easily relate to, so word-ofmouth recommendations for great meat places are easy to make. The same goes for Andong chicken since its relation to western stews seems so obvious. But what about foods that are only to be found here in Korea. Things like kimchi-jjigae or tofu jjigae and the like? 외국인들이 자주 찾는 한국식당은 다소 “서구적인” 음식 을 판매하는 식당인 경우가 많은 것 같다. 한국식 BBQ는 외국인들이 쉽게 접할 수 있는 것이라 근사한 고기 식당 은 입소문을 타기 쉽다. 서양의 스튜와 비슷한 안동 찜닭
의 경우도 확실히 비슷한 경우이다. 하지만 오직 한국에 서만 찾아볼 수 있는 음식은 어떨까? 김치찌개나 두부찌 개와 같은 것들은?
Look no further than a great little restaurant tucked away downtown called The Shilla. Using a traditional Korean facade, the open door to The Shilla will occasionally have a line of patrons spilling out. Once you get a table, you’ll see the menu boards posted on the walls with text in both English and Korean. The menu is short, with only 12 items listed, so deciding what to eat shouldn’t take much time. 시내 한적한 곳에 위치해 있는 작지만 근사한 ‘신라식당’
Daegu Food - Stirring the Pot
이라는 곳에 눈길을 돌려보자. 한국의 전통적인 외관을 하고 있는 신라식당은 때때로 단골 손님들의 잇다른 줄 로 넘쳐난다. 자리를 잡고 앉으면 벽에 걸린 한국어와 영어로 쓰여진 메뉴판을 볼 수 있다. 메뉴는 12개로 간 소하여 선택에 긴 시간이 걸리지 않는다.
The spicy tofu stew, kimchi stew, and beef soybean paste stew will come to you piping hot, so be ready for that. Veggie dishes, octopus, and even the summertime classic naengmyun (cold noodles) are served here. 매운 두부 찌개, 김치 찌개, 돼지 된장찌개는 굉장히 뜨겁게 끓여 나오니 뜨거운 음식을 먹을 준비를 해야 한다. 채소 음식, 문어, 심지어는 여름 메뉴인 냉면도 나온다.
On weekdays, all entrees are served not only with the typical banchan (side dishes) but also a piping-hot free serving of steamed eggs. 주중에는 일반 반찬뿐만 아니라 뜨근뜨끈한 계란찜 (Steamed eggs)도 나온다. -continued on p18-
Daegu Food - Stirring the Pot
The Shilla offers two seating options. Comfortable tables and chairs or traditional Korean floor sitting options are also available. 신라신당은 두가지 종류의 좌석이 있다. 편안한 테이블과 의자 좌석이 있고 한국 전통 방식인 바닥에 앉는 좌석 또 한 이용 가능하다.
My favorite menu item has to be the sundubu-jjigae, or soft tofu soup. Soft tofu chunks scattered among a broth filled with garlic, green chili pepper, green onions, hot pepper flakes, mixed seafood, mushrooms, and sesame oil give this small dish a burst of flavor. Served hot, you might want to wait a minute or two to let it cool off. Think summer is too hot for a hot soup? Think again! Koreans love to “fight fire with fire” in the hottest summer months and since you’re in Red Hot Daegu anyway, might as well follow their lead, right? 내가 가장 좋아하는 메뉴는 순두부 찌개이다. 마늘, 청고 추, 양파, 고춧가루, 각종 해산물, 버섯, 참기름, 그리고 곳 곳에 퍼져있는 순두부 덩어리들이 이 작은 그릇에 풍미 를 더한다. 뜨겁게 끓여 나오기 때문에 1~2분 정도 식혀 서 먹으면 된다. 여름에 먹기에는 너무 뜨거운 것 아니냐 고? 다시 생각 해보는게 좋을 것이다! 한국인은 뜨거운 여
름을 “이열치열”로 이겨내는 것을 좋아하니, 당신도 어쨌 거나 무더운 대구에 있으니 이들을 따라해 보는 것도 좋 지 않겠는가?
The Shilla restaurant is quite simple to find. From the stage outside Debec in the center of downtown, walk the small street that runs between McDonalds and the Burger King. Before you get to the main bus road, you will see the Shilla on your left, on the first floor, most likely with its door wide open. 신라 식당은 찾기 쉽다. 시내의 중심인 대백 앞 스테이지 에서 맥도날드와 버거킹 사이의 작은 골목을 따라 걸어라. 메인 버스차로에 다 다르기 전, 좌측편 1층에 넓은 문을 활짝 연 신라식당을 찾을 수 있을 것이다.
So, why not stop in, take advantage of their simple menu in English and get a taste of something unique that’s still a bit “off the radar” among the foreign community here in Daegu. 한 번쯤 신라식당에 들려 영문으로 된 간단한 메뉴를 참고 하여 대구의 외국인 커뮤니티에 아직 잘 알려지지 않은 특 별한 맛을 경험해 보지 않겠는가?
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by Stefanie Holde
by Stefanie Holde
by Stefanie Holde
Play, Play and Play Again! Daegu Play Day Written and translated by Kate Ko
Do you want to enjoy this and that and everything in between? This July, Daegu will hold an awesome new festival for Daegu citizen where people can enjoy art, music, performance art and a flea market in one place. Come to Daegu Play Day, whose Korean title is Nolja, Nolja, Dashi Nolja (Play, Play and Play Again); it is a sensuous festival where people can take part in direct art performances with artists. Daegu Play Day staff will guide participants in fun activities throughout the festival. The concept of Daegu Play Day is “creating something new from something used” like recycled bags made with old banner, chair made with milk container etc. 20
이것 저것, 행사들은 많은데 내가 원하는 것을 한데 모은 축제는 없다고? 7월 대구, 미술, 음악, 행위 예술, 플리마 켓을 한자리에서 즐길 수 있는 대구 시민을 위한 축제 한 마당이 펼쳐진다. 놀자 놀자 다시 놀자 페스티벌은 수 십 명의 아티스트들과 함께 시민들이 직접 아트에 참여할 수 있는 오감을 만족시키는 행사이다. 대구 리마인드 신축공 사라는 컨셉으로 현수막을 재활용한 쇼핑백, 우유박스 의 자 등 재미난 소품들을 볼 수 있으며, 공사장 옷을 입고 진 행하는 스텝의 모습이 즐거움을 더한다.
You can experience a ‘Live Art show’, not just see finished art but observe the entire process of drawing pictures. There is a ‘DIY Wood Stamp’ section where you
Special Event - Play, Play and Play Again!
ie H
can put famous artist’s art stamp on a paper yourself and keep it. Also, a section labeled ‘Exquisite Corpse’, allows participants to create a line of whole different art sketches by connecting the edges of other people's art. Many foreign artists and Gachang Art Studio artists of Daegu Culture foundation will present ‘Window Art’ and ‘Chalk Art’. Citizens can also participate in ‘Window Art’, drawing pictures on a big glass wall and in ‘Chalk Art’ which allows you draw anything you want on the ground outside of Daegu Citizen Hall. This festival encourages participants to become their own artists. 이미 그려진 그림을 보는 것이 아니라 아티스트가 현장에 서 직접 그림을 그리는 것을 볼 수 있는 ‘Live Art show’ 에서는 스케치부터 채색까지 실제 아티스트의 작업을 속 속들이 볼 수 있는 색다른 기회가 될 것이다. 유명 아티 스트의 판화를 내 손으로 직접 찍어 간직할 수 있는 ‘DIY Wood block’ section 또한 마련되어 있다. 다른 사람이 그린 그림의 가장자리 점을 이어 나만의 새로운 그림을 그 려 일렬의 일러스트를 만들어내는 ‘Exquisite Corpse’ section에서는 아티스트가 그린 그림의 점 하나로 나의 그림을 이어 그려 각기 다른 사람들의 이어진 그림을 탄생 시킬 수 있다. 외국인 아티스트들과 대구문화재단 가창스
튜디오 아티스트들이 대구시민회관의 통유리 창문을 도화 지 삼아 투명한 유리 너머에 있는 어떠한 것이든 그릴 수 있는 윈도우 아트와 넓은 광장의 바닥에서 이루어지는 다 채로운 초크아트도 선보일 예정이다. 이와 같이 아티스트 와 시민이 다 함께 참여할 수 있는 흥미로운 아트 퍼포먼 스들이 당신을 기다리고 있다.
You can win prizes during the day by participating in small events like artist Bingo. Live music performances by local musicians will keep the atmosphere up-tempo and lively. There will be a flea market with lovely handicrafts, accessories, snacks and ice flakes. Also, do not miss the chance to participate in Daegu's biggest flash mob, pantomime, publications, showing independent movie, beverage tasting events and more! In addition, exciting performance by Big Band Volcano will fuel your passion at night. 입장하는 모든 고객에게 빙고게임을 할 수 있는 종이를 나 눠주어 빙고를 완성하면 선물도 주는 소소하지만 재미있 는 놀이도 더해진다. 행사 당일 곳곳에서 벌어지는 인디밴 드의 공연 또한 시민들의 눈과 귀를 즐겁게 해줄 것이다. 각종 공예품과 액세서리, 간식을 판매하는 플리마켓도 진
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by jimmySK
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by jimmySK
by jimmySK
Special Event - Play, Play and Play Again!
행된다. 아기자기한 소품부터 무더위를 날려줄 팥빙수까 지 다양한 물건을 살 수 있는 장이다. 또한 플래쉬 몹, 마 임 퍼포먼스, 독립출판, 독립영화상영, 시음회 등 다양한 행사들로 축제는 더욱 활기를 띨 것이다. 저녁 무렵 펼쳐 지는 화려한 빅밴드 볼케이노의 무대는 무더운 여름밤을 시원하게 적셔줄 것이다.
So why don’t you come experience Daegu Play Day which is expected to be a new entertainment culture of Daegu? It will indulge your senses and fill your heart with the most memorable moments this summer. Flash mob will take place in front of Debec at 2 pm. and the main festival will be in the big square of Daegu Citizen Hall July 12. 5pm to 10pm. See you there Daegu! 대구의 새로운 놀이문화로 탄생할 것으로 기대 되는 놀 자데이 페스티벌에서 그저 바라보고 듣는 것이 아닌 직 접 참여하고 소통하는 역동적인 에너지를 즐기길 바란다. 플래쉬 몹은 오후 2시 대백 앞 스테이지에서 펼쳐지고, 본 놀자 페스티벌은 대구시민회관의 광장에서 7월 12일(토) 오후5시부터 10시까지 진행된다.
Hosted by Daegu City Supervised by Citizen Hall, Big Band Volcano, Standing People, Compass Supported by Daegu Culture Foundation, Art Council Korea Sponsored by Daegu Bank, Pulmuone, Korea Yakult, Book club 2p, NeulSom, Haitai Beverage, CHERISH Coffee 주최: 대구시 주관: 시민회관, 빅밴드볼케이노, 스탠딩피플, 컴파스 후원: 대구문화재단, 한국문화예술위원회 협찬: 대구은행, 풀무원, 한국야쿠르트, 독서모임2P, 늘솜, 해태음료, 체리쉬커피
Gachang Art Studio Where Young Artists' Dreams Come True Written and translated by Kate Ko
Gachang Art Studio remodeled Urok Elementary School in Gachang-myeon, Daegu in 2007. The studio, which is supported by Daegu City and Art Council Korea, has turned out more than 70 artists including 59 Korean and 16 foreign artists from Germany, Japan, France, Italy, USA, and Mexico etc. Now 8 Korean and 2 Chinese artists continue to communicate with each other and to stay creative in the studio. 2007년, 우록 분교를 개조하여 지은 가창 스튜디오는 대 구시 달성군 가창면에 둥지를 틀었다. 대구광역시와 한국문화예술위원회의 후원을 받는 가창 스튜디오는 설립 이래 59명의 한국작가와 독일, 일본 프 랑스, 이탈리아, 미국, 멕시코 등 총 16명의 해외작가, 총 70여명 이상의 젊은 아티스트들을 배출해 내었고, 현재는 8명의 한국인 아티스트와 2명의 중국인 아티스트가 교류 하며 현대적인 창작활동을 이어가고 있다.
There are a total of 8 studios, 2 exhibit halls, artist lounge, outdoor workplace and a fully furnished dormitory. Artists can drum up enthusiasm for creation better than ever in the studio filled with peaceful and fresh air. 총 8개의 스튜디오와 2개의 전시실, 휴게공간과 숙소를 갖추었고 다양한 작업활동을 위한 50여 평의 옥외 작업장 도 구비되어 있다. 평온함과 상쾌한 공기가 가득한 스튜 디오에서 작가들은 그 어느 때보다 창작에 대한 열정을 불 태울 수 있을 것이다.
The most basic condition, but the hardest one that young artists have, is having a place for creative activity. Gachang Art Studio provides rookie artists the space 24
where the artists display their art ability freely. Offering space for them plays a large role in helping them to concentrate on their art. The vision of Gachang Art Studio is “to provide the best creation space and program for making everyone’s favorite creativity space.” They support rising artists to try to be more experimental and develop contemporary art senses. 젊은 아티스트들에게 가장 기본적이지만 가장 갖추기 힘 든 사항은 예술을 위한 최소한의 공간이다. 가창스튜디오 는 젊은 아티스트들이 마음껏 재능을 펼칠 수 있는 예술공 간을 제공하여 그들이 예술에 온전히 집중 할 수 있도록 하는 큰 역할을 한다. 이들의 비전은 “최적의 창작공간과 프로그램을 제공하여 모두가 좋아하는 창작 공간”을 만드 는 것이며, 이를 통해 신진작가들이 실험적이고 현대적인 창작활동을 할 수 있도록 지원한다.
Also, they invite foreign professional artists and hold private exhibition to exchange culture of visual art. This year alone, there have been 2 private exhibitions of Maria Vazquez Castel and Giuseppe Santagata. Enjoying art of foreign artists in Daegu and opportunity to communicate with them is a valuable experience. 가창스튜디오는 해외작가를 초청하여 개인전을 열어 시 각예술분야의 문화를 교류한다. 올해만해도 공모를 통 해 선발 된 해외 작가인 Maria Vazquez Castel과 Giuseppe Santagata의 개인전이 열렸었다. 해외 작가의 작품을 대구에서 만나볼 수 있는 것, 그리고 그들과의 교 류는 정말 값진 경험일 것이다.
When I think of their vision and the course they have fol-
Special Event - Gachang Art Studio
lowed for 6 years, Gachang Art Studio embodies three values. First, communication between artists. They hold ‘Art Critic Camp’ and regular workshops to promote cultural exchange between artists from different areas and to encourage them to be inspired by each other. Second, communication with citizens. For me, as a normal citizen, a chance to encounter young artists’ art is few and far between. One place in particular stands out though, the Beomeo Artstreet! Gachang Art Studio holds exhibitions at Beomeo Artstreet and Gachang Studio to create more exposure for artists' art pieces. Third, communicating with contemporary art. They are pushing ahead with the activities which are hard for artists to act alone. For example, they support artists in showing their art at domestic Art Fairs and big exhibitions in the Seoul area. Those supports enable Gachang Art Studio artists keep motivated. 그들이 비전과 그들이 남겨온 발자취를 봤을 때, 가창 스 튜디오는 크게 세가지 소통을 중시하는 것 같다.첫 째, 아 티스트 간의 소통이다. 타지역 작가들과 교류하며 영감을 받을 수 있는 크티틱 캠프를 진행하고, 정기적인 워크숍 을 통해 작가 간의 소통을 촉진 시키기 위해 노력한다. 둘 째, 시민과의 소통이다. 나와 같은 일반인들은 참신한 젊
은 아티스트들의 작품을 접할 기회가 흔치 않다. 그럴 땐 함께 범어아트스트리트를 방문하자! 가창 스튜디오는 이 들의 작품을 더 많은 사람들과 공유하기 위해 범어아트스 트리트 및 가창 스튜디오에서 전시회를 열어 공연과 전시 가 어우러진 문화행사를 개최한다. 또한 미술 아카데미를 운영하여 지역 주민 및 청소년들의 미술에 대한 이해 증진 을 위해 공헌하고 있다. 셋 째, 현대 아트 트랜드와의 교류 이다. 그들은 개인 아티스트로서 혼자 행동하기 힘든 활동 을 적극 추진한다. 국내 아트페어, 수도권의 대형전시 관 람을 통해 현대미술의 흐름을 이해 할 수 있도록 도우며, 이러한 가창스튜디오의 지원은 아티스트들이 항상 동기부 여가 되도록 만드는 것 같다.
With every step they make, I expect Gachang Art Studio to be a stronghold of contemporary art. Check out its website (www. for more information about exhibitions coming up in July, August and September. 그들이 내딛는 모든 발걸음을 봤을 때, 가창 스튜디오 가 현대미술의 거점이 될 수 있으리라 기대한다. 7,8,9 월에 열리는 전시회의 정보는 가창 스튜디오의 웹사이트 (www.에서 확인할 수 있다.
Ask for Jessica when you call~
Summer Festival in Daegu Written and translated by Yujeong Lee
As a part of ‘Borderless Cultural Community’ project by Space Ulim, "Summer Festival in Daegu“ has been held for six years and it grows one of Daegu’s popular summer festivals. Especially, celebrating the 130th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between Korea and Germany, "Summer Festival in Daegu 2013 – German music, making Sujak(秀作)" got so popular from Daegu’s people and fill the city with sensibility of Europe. As an extension of the previous projects, “Summer Festival in Daegu 2014 – Ciao, Italy" will meet you this Summer. The Pope Francis will visit this year, and it has been 130 years since diplomatic relations between Korea and Italy established. Most of all, both Daegu and Italy has its hot emotion and share romance and passion. The coincidences and the encounter will make you have deeper empathy for Italian music. 26
Programs Outline 1. Opening Night - (Petit Opera), “Vissi D'arte, vissi d'amore” from Tosca by Puccini - Date & Time : July 19th(Sat) 7PM - Venue : Convention Hall in <Hotel Inter-Burgo Daegu> 2. Jazz in Italy - “That’s Jazz!!” - Date & Time : July 20th (Sun) 7PM - Venue : Yongji Hall of <Suseong Artpia> 3. Concerto in Italy - “The Evening with Concerto Barocco” - Date & Time : July 21st (Mon) 7:30PM - Venue : Adam’s Chapel of <Kyimyung Uni.>
Special Event - Summer Festival in Daegu
4. Music Tour in Italy - “Music Tour in Italy with Jaehyuk Jo” - Date & Time : July 22nd (Tue) 8PM - Venue : Yongji Hall of <Suseong Artpia>
8. Closing Night - “Ciao! Mucia Italiana !!” - Date & Time : July 26th (Sat) 7PM - Venue : Yongji Hall of <Suseong Artpia>
5. Chamber music of Italy - “Cantabile, Daegu” - Date & Time : July 23rd (Wed) 8PM - Venue : Yongji Hall of <Suseong Artpia>
9. Late night music - “The Night of Chamber music with Guitar_Buona notte” - Date & Time : July 22nd (Tue) 10PM - Venue : Concert Hall of <Space Ulim>
6. Voice of Italy - “Celestial Voice and Handbells” - Date & Time : July 24th (Thur) 8PM - Venue : Yongji Hall of <Suseong Artpia> 7. 4Hands in Italy - “Vivid Italia!!” - Date & Time : July 25th (Fri) 8PM - Venue : Yongji Hall of <Suseong Artpia>
10. Fringe Festival (4 times) / Flash mob (1 time) - Date & Time : July 20th (Sun), 22nd (Tue), 24th (Thur), 25th (Fri) 5PM - Venue : Stage at Suseong Lake (20th, 24th), Artpia’s Square (22nd, 25th) 11. Terrace Restaurant, Cafe & Stage - “Eat, Drink and Sing!” - Date & Time : during the festival 5PM~11PM - Venue : Fountain Square of <Suseong Artpia>
Relaxing in the Healing Waters and Air of Spa Valley Written by Katy Babiarz / Photos by Ivan Broida / Translated by Kate Ko
Relaxing in the Healing Waters and Air of Spa Valley ForRest On a hot Saturday afternoon, my boyfriend and I ventured out to the countryside to experience the healing waters and air of Spa Valley. Below are some helpful tips and pieces of information about our experience.
How to Get There:
Bus: 급행2 (Rapid 2), 405, 449, 452, 704, 가창1 and 가창2. Taxi: Tell the taxi driver, “가창 스파밸리로 가 주세요.” Drive: Get on the ApsanRingway that runs along the Sincheon River (신천강) towards Gachang (가창) and follow the signs to Spa Valley. Spa Valley ForRest의 힐링 워터와 힐링 에어에서 휴식 을 취하세요 무더운 토요일 오후, 남자친구와 나는 무더위를 무릅쓰고 Spa Valley의 힐링 워터와 에어를 경험하기 위해 시외 지 역으로 향했다. 우리의 경험을 토대로 유용한 팁과 정보들 을 아래에 소개하겠다.
찾아가는 길: 버스: 급행2, 405, 449, 452, 704, 가창1, 가창2. 택시: “가창 스파밸리로 가 주세요.”라고 기사에게 말하기. 자가용: 앞산순환로에 진입하여 신천강을 따라 가창 방면 으로 주행한다. Spa Valley 안내판을 따라 간다.
ForRestSpa Valley (Pirate Theme this season): One Day Ticket Prices (adult/youth): Foreigners: 26,600/21,000 won (weekday) 32,200/25,900 won (weekend) Koreans: 38,000/30,000 won (weekday) 46,000/37,000 won (weekday) July and August Hours: Inside: 9:00 am - 6:30 pm Outside: 9:00 am - 5 pm (It’s in the mountain, so it gets a bit chilly at night) Building: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm What to Bring?: Beach towel (but not necessary), hat (mandatory to wear while in the water), sunscreen, cash (to buy food
Healthy Living - Relaxing in the Healing Waters and Air of Spa Valley
inside park), swimsuit, and toiletries What is There to Do?: Outside: 7 Slides (4 body, 3 tube) – Boomerang, Su perbowl, and Speed Slide are our favorites Wave Pool (must wear vest – can be rented for 4,000 won, plus a 2,000 won refundable deposit) The life vests aren’t required on any other ride, so if you don’t want to go in the wave pool, then you don’t need to buy a vest. Kiddie play areas Lazy River, hot tubs, Diving Pool Tanning beds or a hut can be rented Inside: Saunas, massage jet pool, hot tub, kiddie play area (2nd Floor) Food: Korean and Western (1st Floor), Lotter ia (between the 2nd and 3rd Floor) Shop (3rd Floor): hat, swim suit, or any other related items How to Enjoy the Park?: 1. Ticket Desk (1st Floor):Get your wrist bands and locker numbers (여자: women / 남자: man), and go to the 3rd floor. 2. Shoe Lockers (3rd Floor): Take off your shoes, look at the number on the paper you were given, and find your shoe locker. Put your shoes in and take the key. 3. Cashier: Add money to wrist key to use throughout park, not mandatory though. No cards are accept ed, only cash and key. 3. Locker Rooms: Your key from the shoe locker will open up your locker here. Change into your suit, and bring your hat. 4. Enjoy the park!!! 5. Shower Room (2nd Floor): Grab your toiletries (and the small hair towel they gave you) from the Locker Room and head back downstairs. Take off your suit, and put it into the drier. Then, take your show er, and put your dried suit into the plastic bag pro vided. 6. Locker Room: Head back upstairs to change. There are blow driers, lotions, cotton swabs, and brushes available. 7. Shoe Lockers: The last thing to do is to grab your shoes from the locker. They key will stay in the door. If the locker doesn’t open, then go to Cashier Counter to pay for charges. -continued on p30-
Season Pass: 331,500 won (Silver) – 442,000 won (Platinum) {for a family of three to four} Available from now until September 30th Check on Coupang for more details / or Spa Valley’s website ForRestSpa Valley (이번시즌테마 - 해적): 일일 사용권 가격(성인/어린이): 외국인: 26,600/21,000원 (주중) 32,200/25,900원 (주말) 한국인: 38,000/30,000원 (주중) 46,000/37,000원 (주말) 7월 8월 영업시간: 내부: 9:00 am - 6:30 pm 외부: 9:00 am - 5 pm (산 속에 위치해 있기 때문에 저 녁에는 다소 쌀쌀함) 건물: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm 가져가야 할 것?: 비치타월(선택 사항), 모자 (수중에 있을 때 반드시 필요 한 것), 썬크림, 현금 (파크 내 음식을 사먹기 위한 것), 수 영복, 세면도구 무엇을 하면 좋을까?: 외부: 7개의 슬라이드 (4 body, 3 tube) - 부메랑, 수퍼
볼, 그리고 스피드 슬라이드가 가장 재미있었다. 웨이브 Pool (구명조끼 필히 착용 - 4,000원에 대 여할 수 있으며 그 중 2,000원은 반납시 환급되는 보증금이다.) 다른 ride에는 구명조끼는 필수 사항이 아니므로 웨이브 Pool에 갈 것이 아니라면 대여는 필요 없다. 어린이 전용 구역 Lazy River, hot tubs, Diving Pool Tanning beds 혹은 파라솔 대여 가능 내부: 사우나, 마사지 제트 풀, 핫 텁, 어린이 전용 구역 (2층) 음식: 한식과 양식 (1층), 롯데리아 (2층과 3층 사이) 상점 (3층): 모자, 수영복, 또는 관련 상품들 파크를 더욱 즐겁게 즐기는 방법?: 1. 티켓 창구(1층): 손목띠와 사물함 번호를 받아 3층으 로 간다. 2. 신발 사물함(3층): 신발을 벗고, 받은 종이에 적혀있 는 번호를 확인하여 사물함을 찾아 신발을 넣은 뒤 열 쇠로 잠근다. 3. 계산원: 필수 사항은 아니지만, 파크 내에서 사용할 수 있는 돈을 손목키에 충전시킨다. 신용카드는 받지 않고 오직 현금과 손목키로 결재할 수 있다. 3. 락커룸: 신발 사물함의 열쇠로 락커룸의 락커를 열 수 있다. 수영복으로 갈아입고 모자를 챙긴다. 4. 파크에서 신나게 즐긴다!!!
Healthy Living - Relaxing in the Healing Waters and Air of Spa Valley
5. 샤워룸(2층): 락커룸에서 세면도구와 지급 된 헤어타 월을 챙겨 아래층으로 내려간다. 수영복을 벗은 뒤 건 조기에 넣는다. 샤워를 한 뒤 건조된 수영복을 지급 된 비닐봉지에 담는다. 6. 락커룸: 윗 층으로 올라가 옷을 갈아 입는다. 드라이기, 로션, 면봉, 빗을 사용할 수 있다. 7. 신발 사물함: 사물함에서 신발을 꺼낸 후 열쇠는 사물 함에 꼽아 둔다. 문이 열리지 않을 때에는 계산원에게 추가 금액을 물어본다. 시즌 이용권: 331,500원 (실버) - 442,000원 (플래티넘) {가족구성원 이 3-4명인 가족} 지금부터 9월 30일까지 사용 가능 Coupang 이나 Spa Valley’s website에서 세부사항 확 인 가능
ForRest 12 Camping / Villa de ForRe: Prices: Camping: 150,000 – 214,000 won Villa(Hotel style): 235,000 - 603,000 won Check in at 3 pm and Check out at 11 am Vary throughout the season & week – July and August: includes Spa Valley, sleeping accommodations, and
“ForRest Garden of Lights” What’s Provided?: A large JEEP tent (easily sleeps 2 to 4 people): a netted socializing area, a matted sleeping area, and a little wooden deck 4 chairs (2 big, 2 mini), a long table, a 5-plug power strip, and a light 2 sleeping bags, 4 air pillows, and 2 blankets (This is supplied per 2 people, any additional are an additional fee) BBQ grill (included in the BBQ Party fee, OR rent a grill, charcoal, scissors and tongs for 25,000 won) Bathroom and shower room What to Bring: Plates for food (included in the BBQ party), cups, utensils A towel for showering at the camp site, chargers for phones Bug spray, sun screen Cooler for drinks, and ice Beverages and snacks -continued on p32-
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2.28 Park
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BBQ Party: 80,000 won = ice chest packed full of food for four people Onions, mushrooms, peppers, and lettuce leaves Fourtypes of meat: 4 pieces of pork belly - 삼겹살, 3 pieces of pork shoulder - 목살, 2 pieces of beef tenderloin – 안심, and five types of sausages Each season, there are some slight differences, such as the addition of shrimp or other vegetables. What to Do: Owl Craft Center and Snack Bar Boat rides in a pool, horseback riding Various wildlife (peacocks roaming freely, deer, rabbits, and other various birds) ForRest Garden of Light (free admission for Camping/ Villa guests) ForRest 12 Camping / Villa de ForRe: 가격: 캠핑: 150,000 - 214,000원 빌라 (호텔 스타일): 235,000 - 603,000원 체크인은 오후 3시이고 체크아웃은 오전 11시 시즌과 주에 따라 달라짐 - 7월과 8월: Spa Valley를 포 함하여 숙박시설과 “ForRest Garden of Lights”도 이 용가능 무엇이 제공되나?: 큰 JEEP 텐트 (2-4명이 넉넉히 잘 수 있는): 사교공간, 매 트가 있는 침실공간, 그리고 작은 나무 갑판, 의자 4개 (큰
것 2, 작은 것 2), 긴 탁자, 5구 콘센트, 조명, 침낭 2개, 공 기베개 4개, 담요 2개 (두 명을 위한 기본 옵션이며 추가 는 추가요금이 발생한다). 비비큐 그릴, (비비큐 파티 가격이 포함 된 것이며 25,000 원으로 그릴, 숯, 가위, 집게를 대여할 수 있다) 화장실과 샤워룸 가져가야 할 것: 음식을 담기 위한 접시(BBQ 파티 등을 위한), 컵, 각종 집기, 캠프장에서 샤워하고 사용할 타월, 핸드폰 충전기, 벌레 스프레이, 선크림, 음료 냉장 박스, 얼음, 음료와 스 낵 BBQ 파티: 80,000원 = 얼음상자에 냉장 보관 된 4인분량의 음식 양파, 버섯, 고추, 상차 4가지 종류의 고기 : 삼겹살 4조각, 목살 3조각, 안심 2조 각, 5가지 종류의 소시지 각 시즌마다 새우, 다른 종류의 야채 등 작은 차이가 있다. 무엇을 할까?: Owl 수공예 센터와 스낵바 Pool에서의 보트 라이딩, 승마체험 각종 야생동물 (자유롭게 돌아다니는 공작, 사슴, 토끼, 그 리고 각종 새들) ForRest Garden of Light (캠핑이용자와 빌라고객은 무 료 입장)
ForRest Garden of Light Ticket Prices (adult/youth) / Hours: 8,000/5,000 won
Healthy Living - Relaxing in the Healing Waters and Air of Spa Valley
Seven days a week at about 8 pm (when the sun sets) What’s Available?: Beautiful nature trails, lighted sculptures and waterfalls, and plants decorated in colorful lights “Red Riding Hood and Flowers”; popular fairytale characters: Alice in Wonderland, The Little Mermaid, the Three Little Pigs, and more. Theme changes each season. ForRest Garden of Light 입장권 가격(어른/어린이) / 1시간 당: 8,000/5,000원 주 7일 저녁 8시 (해가 질 때) 무엇을 할 수 있나?: 아름다운 자연 오솔길, 조명을 받은 조각상과 폭포, 각색 의 조명들로 꾸며진 식물들 “빨간 모자와 꽃”; 유명한 동화 캐릭터: 이상한 나라의 앨리스, 인어공주, 아기돼지 삼형제 등등. 시즌에 따라 테마가 바뀐다.
What’s New? DJ Swimsuit Party in the end of July and beginning of August DJ with club style music 6:30-9:00 pm (building closes at 10:00 pm) 2 weeks (every night of the week) Shuttle to a downtown club afterwards (Club will cohost the event, so admission to club is free with Spa Valley DJ Party wristband) All in all, I strongly recommend the camping portion, and park together. So, gather some friends, get your suits ready, and take a bus or drive on out to the water park in the mountain that will heal your body and relax your mind. 새로운 소식 7월 말과 8월 초에 열리는 DJ 수영복 파티 클럽음악과 함께하는 DJ 6:30-9:00 pm (건물은 10시에 닫음) 2 주간 (매주 금요일 저녁) 파티 후 시내 클럽으로 가는 셔틀버스 운행 (시내 클럽 이 함께 진행하는 이벤트로, Spa Valley DJ 파티 팔찌 가 있는 고객은 입장료가 무료) 캠핑과 공원 모두를 강력히 추천한다. 친구들을 몇 명 모 아 수영복을 준비한 뒤, 버스를 타거나 혹은 직접 운전대 를 잡아라. 당신의 몸을 힐링하고 마음을 안정시키는 산 중 워터파크로 꼭 가보길 바란다.
The Other Downtown: Yangnyeongsi Written by Matthew Caracciolo / Photo by Exco
Medical tourism in Daegu is booming, but this increase in traffic is not limited to western medicine. For over 350 years, Daegu has been a leading center of Korean oriental medicine, and that streak continues to this day. Along with such modern wonders as plastic surgery and LASIK, Daegu Medical Tour promotes traditional medicine experiences in the Yangnyeongsi district downtown such as tours of the Daegu Yangnyeongsi Museum of Oriental Medicine, restaurants that serve medicinal cuisine, and clinics that specialize in oriental medical treatments. For an exclusively Korean experience, head down to the Yangnyeongsi Medicine Market area, nestled roughly betweenSeomun Market and the buzzing Dongseongro 34
district. Although only a block removed from the sprawl of shopping, it is a block and a world. You’re more likely to find the root of some gnarly mountain bush and a deer-less set of antlers than a $100 pair of jeans. Wander the crooked streets and discover a new (or truthfully, really old) part of Korea. You can also take this opportunity to learn something. Tucked a few blocks behind the massive Hyundai department store is the Daegu Yangnyeongsi Museum of Oriental Medicine. After soaking your feet in the front courtyard’s stream, explore the free museum’s exhibition halls (ask for an English-speaking audio tour, as most of the museum’s text is in Korean). Better yet, try one of the experience programs. You can make soap,
Healthy Living - The Other Downtown: Yangnyeongsi
lip balm, and other herbal concoctions under the instruction of a hanbok-attired staff member, or relax with an herbal foot bath. These additional programs cost anywhere between KRW 3,000 and KRW 5,000. Yangnyeongsiis also a great place to grab some grub. The area features some great restaurants, cafes, and street food and is a welcome respite from the crowds just a few blocks away. YakjeonSamgyetang just a few steps from the museumserves up its famous recipe of samgyetang, a boiled chicken soup popular during the summer. It serves mostly the same purpose as the West’s chicken soup, as Koreans claim it’s good for health and a comfort while ill.This restaurant’s variety is especially healthful; besides the tender chicken and addicting broth, medicinal herbsarealso aningredient. Side dishes include Ginsengju(a liquid made of ginseng) and chicken gizzard. And while not technically in Yangnyeongsi, across the street and behind thenorthboundYangnyeongsi -continued on p36-
bus stop is the Hoo Oriental Medicine and Wellness Clinic. An absolute must for anyone wanting to experience oriental medicine, the clinic offers tests, consultation services, and oriental medicine treatments for the weary guest. The clinic is peaceful and quiet, which alone is worth the cost of a visit in Korea, where half a million people are usually trying to do the same thing you are. Your visit begins with a series of simple and brief tests (stand here, lay there, etc.) to examine your BMI, your heart rate, your bodyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s imbalances and tolerance of stress, and other things. After these tests, Dr. Shin reviews the results and provides a consultation. Her excellent Englishand warm demeanor help assuage any lingering fears or doubts about the upcoming procedure, which could include acupuncture, massages, and other therapies.If your prescription is acupuncture, for instance, they will first want to improve your blood circulation with footbaths and massages before they start the procedure. They also use suction cups that vibrate on your body for a tingling massage. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s all extremely relaxing! First time visits, which include the tests, consultation, and subsequent treatment run for -continued on p38-
50,000won, or considerably less if you have the national health insurance. If you need a change of pace, you could do a lot worse than give Korean oriental medicine a try, and there’s no better place than the museums, shops, restaurants and clinics of Yangnyeongsi to do it. You have nothing to lose. Korean oriental medicine’s 5,000 year history is a testament to the Korean people’s devotion to its practice. Rather than focusing on a single ailment, Korean oriental medicine seeks to cure the body as a whole; illness is an imbalance in the body, and traditional medicine aims to restore the balance. Treatments include aroma therapy, moxibustion, acupuncture, herbal medicine, and meditation.
Healthy Living - The Other Downtown: Yangnyeongsi
Big Band Volcano Flea Market
Art Performance
Indie Film & Books
Navigating the Streets of Daegu Anjeon Driving School Written by Mike Son / Photo by Anjeon / Translated by Sun Lee
Driving have become as essential to us as breathing. Obtaining a driver’s license used to be for an occupational purpose. Now it is an indispensable license in our wallet and most commonly used ID. In the purpose of making the process more systematic and making the road safer, in 1997, the regulation was enacted, in which driving education is required to do through a agency. Now about 150 countries and Korean mutually recognize the driver’s license from each country. 자동차운전을 한다는 말은 곧 숨을 쉬고 있다는 이야기와 같다고 할 수 있다. 과거에 직업적으로 사용 되었던 것이 이젠 내 지갑에 없어서는 안 될 자격증이자, 신분증이 되 어 버린 것은 최근의 일이 아니다. 우리나라는 1997년 운 전전문학원 교육제도로 변경 후 운전이 체계적이고 안전 에 입각한 교육이 되어 왔다고 할 수 있다. 이제 약 세계
150국가에서 우리나라 면허제도를 인정하여 상호 면허증 교환이 이루어지고 있는 실정이다.
Dramatic advancement in Korean automobile technology and changes in driving culture within such a short time tend to cause some social problems. As getting a driver’s license became rather easier due to the simplification of the process enacted three year ago, there have been a raising voice of concerns that people do not take the importance of safe driving seriously. Given the special circumstances on Korean roads, it could not be easy and even dangerous to learn driving from a family member like in Canada or the U.S., instead of using a driving school. So many Koreans are obtaining driver’s license through a driving school.
Daegu Community - Navigating the Streets of Daegu
우리나라의 급변한 자동차 기술의 발전과 운전문화 변 화는 사회적으로 다소의 문제점을 야기 시키는 점은 있다 하더라도 3년 전 면허증 취득 간소화로 면허증 취득이 매우 쉬워졌고 편리해진 반면 쉽게 취득한 면 허증으로 안전운전을 가볍게 생각하지 않을까 걱정이 되는 것은 사실이다. 우리나라 도로 특성상 미국이나 캐나다와 같이 자동차 운전 학원을 이용하지 않고 가 족에게 바로 도로상에서 운전을 배우기는 매우 어려 운 환경이며 위험한 방법이 아닐 수 없다. 그래서 대 부분 한국인들은 운전 전문학원을 이용해 면허증을 취 득하고 있다.
Ravioli, T-Bone Steak Gnocchi, Calzone
After completing 5 hours of theory education, 2 hours of basic driving training, which you will be doing in a 2 acre practice site in our school, and 6 hours of road training, you are qualified to apply for the final road driving test. When you pass the final road driving test, you can get your driver’s license. Obtaining driver’s license itself is not too complicated; however, the minimum requirement hours of practice is no where near the sufficient hours to be able to drive on an actual road by oneself. So we recommend our students take road driving training
-continued on p42-
program run by the school as many hours as they need. Especially foreigners, who are not familiar with driving environment, will need to get accustomed to Korean drivers’ driving habits, road circumstances, and traffic laws before they start driving a long distance or in a busy city. 5시간의 이론 교육을 받고, 2시간 동안 약 2에이커 넓이 의 학원 교습장 에서 기본 운전 교육을 득한 후, 도로에서 6시간 이상 교육을 받고 나면 최종 도로시험을 칠 수가 있 으며 이에 합격을 하면 운전면허증을 발급 받는다. 면허 증은 매우 간단한 과정에서 취득 할 수 있으나 실제 도로 상에서 혼자서 바로 운전하기에는 턱 없이 부족한 연습 량이라 할 수 있다. 그래서 면허증 취득 후 전문 학원에 서 직접 운영하는 도로연수 교육을 통해 자신의 운전 실 력에 맞는 시간만큼 받을 것을 적극 추천 한다. 특히 외국 인들은 한국의 교통 상황을 이해하지 못하기 때문에 우리 나라 운전자들의 운전 특성과 습관, 도로 사정 및 교통 법 규를 잘 이해하고 난 후 장거리 운전이나 복잡한 도심 운 전을 하기를 바란다.
Because you only need a few hours of training to get a driver’s license, choosing a right school is even more important. Driving schools offer similar methods or process to get the license; however, the content and the way the instructors help you learn about safe driv42
ing can be vary depends on the school. Having said that, our school is highly focused on safety education where we offer interactive learning about driving habits, understanding traffic, defensive driving, utilizing the regulations, etc. To help the Daegu residing foreigners, who are missing out the opportunity to explore and understand Korea better without a driver’s license, our school have offered special classes for the international community with experienced instructors who are fluent in English, have taught driving in and out of Korea, and are qualified to teach safety education course. 이렇게 짧은 운전교육 시간에 있어 중요한 것은 학원 선택 이다. 면허증을 취득하는 방법이나 과정은 별 차이가 없 겠으나 교육 과정에서 교육 내용과 안전운전 방법에 대한 설명은 학원 마다 큰 차이가 있다고 할 수 있다. 특히 본 학원은 상호와 같이 안전 운전을 위한 운전 습관, 교통 이 해, 방어 운전, 법규 활용 등을 기초로 하는 안전운전 교육 에 역점을 두고 있다. 또한 많은 외국인들이 대구에 거주 및 학업 그리고 업무를 수행 하고 있으면서 면허증이 없어 좀 더 넓게 한국을 이해하고 여행을 할 수 있는 기회를 놓 치는 외국인에게 운전면허 취득에 도움을 주고자 본 학원 은 약 10년 전부터 외국인을 위해 외국어를 능통 하게 구 사하면서 오랜 운전 경력(국내, 해외)과 운전교육을 위해 자격을 갖춘 강사를 보유하고 외국인 전담 운전 교육반을 편성 운영하여 왔다.
Daegu Community - Navigating the Streets of Daegu
Until today, people from more than 30 countries successfully obtained the license through our school, and taking full advantage of the experience in Korea, driving around the country. Also we hear that our former students use the license to drive from places to places all around the world, which they say that made their life easier. All of them are highly satisfied with the curriculum of our school and they have recommended our school to their friends. So we have the biggest group of international student group and we are the only school with English speaking instructors. Through this article, we would like to let the readers know that obataining a driver’s license is very easy, and we can help you along the every step. 지금까지 30여 개국의 국민이 본 학원에서 면허증을 취득 하였으며 대구 그리고 전국을 운전 하며 한국을 더 넓게 경험을 하고 있으며 또는 한국면허증으로 세계 곳곳에서 운전을 하며 그쪽 생활을 편리하게 하고 있다는 소식을 듣 고 있다. 그들 모두가 본 학원의 교육과정에 큰 만족을 하 였으며 많은 친구들을 소개해줘 대구에서 가장 많은 외국 인 등록생을 유치하고 있으며 유일 하게 외국어(영어) 구 사 강사를 보유 하고 있다. 이번 Compass를 통해 대구
에 거주 하고 있는 많은 외국인들에게 한국에서 운전면허 증 취득하기가 매우 간단함을 알리고 싶고 본 학원에서 그 러한 도움을 드릴 수 있는 좋은 기회가 되기를 희망 한다.
It is expected that Daegu will see increasing number of foreigner tourists. We would like to assure you that we will our best to help you by supporting you administratively as well as making the safety education more accessible. I hope all of you enjoy your time in Daegu. Call Mike at 010-8858-0567 for English inquiry. 앞으로 더욱 많은 외국인들이 대구를 방문 할 것으로 예상 하여 본 학원에서는 외국인들이 좀 더 간단하면서 안전 운 전 교육을 받을 수 있도록 운전 교육은 물론 행정 서비스 적으로도 많은 도움을 주고자 꾸준하게 노력할 것을 이 지 면을 통해 다짐을 해본다. 대구에 거주 하는 동안 많은 추억 만들어 가시길 바란다. 영어상담 연락: 010-8858-0567(Call Mike)
The First of Many Charity Events is a Huge Success Daegu Softball League Gives Back Written by Kenneth Quillinan / Photos by Jeff Molasky
Chris Bolger, Doug Karalius and Jason Yantorn, founders of the Daegu Softball League, have a lot to smile about these days, as a new chapter begins for the league. Since 2007, the DSL has played a pivotal role in creating a tight knit community amongst the foreigners residing throughout the city. Consisting mainly of teachers from all corners of the globe, the DSL runs from March until late June annually. During the time period, teams both compete against and socialize with each other on Sunday afternoons, with tears of sorrow and joy regularly witnessed on and off the field. The leagues 44
popularity continues to grow and members agreed that now is the appropriate time to give something back to the city of Daegu, as a token of appreciation for its ongoing success. On Saturday, June 14th, the DSL hosted a charity softball event in conjunction with a local orphanage, which proved to be a rousing success for all involved. Firstly, the DSL donated all of the necessary softball equipment as well as jerseys and hats for each of the children. After splitting into teams of two, some of the leagues veterans held introductory training sessions, in an attempt to
DAEGU COMPASS 2014.JULY Daegu Community - The First of Many Charity Events is a Huge Success
clarify the rules involved. Obviously dealing with a bunch of children meant that attention spans were lacking and a lot of the advice given out was quickly forgotten, which added to the day’s entertainment. This is the first in a series of events planned by the league over the coming months. One of the event organizers, Dustin Waters, who has lived in Daegu since 2003 felt that it was time to give back to the local community that has helped him and his family enjoy a very comfortable life here, ''Daegu has meant a lot to me and my family; it has been our home for over a decade and we are very grateful to have such a good life here. This is just a small token of my appreciation to the community that has given me so much.'' The event itself involved 15 members of the DSL and 21 children from a local orphanage. It was funded by generous donations, weekly raffles and all of the money raised from league merchandise sales this year. A group of individuals from the league also wrote personalized letters to each child from the orphanage; the beginning of what will possibly be a lifetime friendship with each other. The day concluded with everyone enjoying dinner together followed by an award ceremony for both the teams. The children were also pleasantly surprised to each receive an individual gift pack before saying their goodbyes. Rob McClure, along with his wife Ray and 8-yearold daughter Hannah, has laid the foundation for these ongoing charity events and expects them to continue for the foreseeable future, ‘’the director of the orphanage has opened their doors to us for future events. We have already heard league members chatting about movie nights, game nights, and Samsung Lions ballgame nights.’’ Rob moved to Korea way back in 1999 and married his Korean wife three years later in Daegu. He feels that it is important for his daughter to understand the concept of charity from an early age, ‘’ Hannah has been helping with the charity also by organizing shirts, hats and equipment and helped assemble the gift bags with DSL members Eva Melican, Amy Joseph and Ariella Bar-Nissim . I wanted her to get a grasp of charity early in life.’’ Nowadays, the daily news worldwide is consistently full of grief and despair, but it is days like this that give us hope for a better future.
Finals Weekend Spring 2014
Daegu Ultimate Gets Pumped New Players and New Season Sign up Begins Written by Emily Gotwals / Photography by Tuan Ahn Le / Translated by Yujeong Lee
“Frisbee? Like, the thing you throw with your dog?" This, or various dog-referencing statements, is probably your first thought when you hear someone talking about frisbee. Or you hear the term "ultimate" bantered about, and quietly think, "ultimate what? There has to be something that comes after it can't just be 'ultimate'!". So, put 'em together: Ultimate Frisbee. So… not the thing you play with your dog. 프리즈비? 뭐, 애완견이랑 같이 던지고 노는 그거?" 누 군가가 프리즈비에 대해서 이야기하는 것을 듣는다면 가 장 먼저 생각나는 것이 이것이거나 개가 연관되는 다른 다양한 개념들일 것이다. 혹은 농담을 할 수 있는 "얼티
밋(ultimate)"이라는 단어를 들으면 조용히 생각하길, " 얼티밋 그래서 뭐? 그 뒤에 다른 단어가 와야지 그냥 '얼 티밋' 그러고 끝이야?" 그러니 두 단어를 함께 붙여라. : Ultimate Frisbee(얼티밋 프리즈비). 결코 당신의 애완 견과 노는 그런 게 아니다.
There is a frisbee involved, and also some dog owners. But the two are unrelated. Simply put, Ultimate Frisbee is a sport. Played on a field the size of a soccer field, the idea is to pass the disc up the field until you score a football style touchdown. Easy, right? Just throw the frisbee. One tiny problem is, there is no running with
Facebook Daegu Ultimate
Daegu Community - Daegu Ultimate Gets Pumped
Republic of Korea Ultimate
the disc, and there are seven players on the other team trying to make your throws and catches as physically challenging as possible. The games run 50 minutes long, and there is often more than 1 game in a day. The sort of exhaustion you feel at the end of the day is one I associate with treks up Seoraksan or dance club all nighters: complete physical annihilation paired with mental elation. Ultimate frisbee is a fun, challenging, sweat inducing workout that you will unwittingly fall in love with.
your opponents, and yourself. There are no referees in ultimate, no red cards, and no (or very very few) sideline brawls. With spirit of the game, we make our own foul calls, our own travel calls, our own in or out calls. ( For those of you thinking "sweet! I can cheat my way to a win!" be warned, there is a system of checks and balances.) the rewards of making your own calls and respecting the other team are manifold: there are no terrible refs mucking things up, very few cheaters, and a larger sense of camaraderie on the field.
원반도 있고 개를 기르는 사람들도 있다. 하지만 그 두 요 소는 전혀 연관이 없다. 간단히 말하자면 얼티밋 프리즈비 는 스포츠이다. 필드는 축구경기장과 같고 미식축구의 터 치다운 방식으로 득점할 때까지 디스크(프리즈비)를 패스 한다. 간단하다. 그렇지 않은가? 그냥 프리즈비를 던져 라. 단 한가지 작은 문제는 프리즈비를 들고 뛰지는 않으 며, 상대팀에 있는 일곱명의 선수들이 프리즈비를 던지고 받는 것을 가능한 한 육체적으로 도전하게끔 만든다는 것 이다. 경기는 50분이 소요되며 보통 하루에 한 경기 이상 하게 된다. 필자는 하루의 끝 무렵에 느끼는 피곤함을 설 악산 등반이나 클럽에서 밤새 춤추는 것과 맞먹는다고 한 다.: 육체적인 전멸과 커다란 정신적인 충족감이 완벽하게 짝을 이룬다. 얼티밋 프리즈비는 재미있고 도전의식을 자 극하고, 땀으로 흠뻑 젖는 운동이며 자신도 모르는 사이에 사랑에 빠지게 될 운동이다.
이 운동의 한 가지 독특한 점은 "경기의 정신”이라고 불 리는 것이다. 아니, 둠글게 모여 앉아서 대마초를 피우며 (한국에서 찾을 수나 있는가?) 소감을 얘기하는 걸 말하 는 게 아니다. 얼티밋의 가장 기본적인 의미, 경기의 정신 은 상대팀과 소속팀, 그리고 스스로를 존중하는 것이다. 얼티밋에는 심판도, 레드 카드도, 사이드 라인에서의 싸 움(이 건 굉장히 희박하게?)도 없다. 이러한 경기의 정신 으로 우리는 스스로 파울, 트래블, 인혹은 아웃을 선언한 다. ("대박이네! 이기려고 속일 수도 있겠네!"라고 생각하 는 사람들에게 경고한다. 경기에는 확인과 밸런스의 시스 템이 존재한다.) 스스로의 콜과 다른 팀을 존중하는 데에 대한 보상에는 여러가지가 있다. 필드에는 경기를 망치는 엉망진창인 심판도 없고, 속이는 사람도 거의 없고, 커다 란 동지애가 있다.
One unique aspect of the sport is something called "spirit of the game". No, this does not mean we sit in a circle and talk about feelings while smoking weed (where in Korea would we find any?). in its most basic sense, spirit of the game means respecting your team,
The fitness benefits (while occasionally downplayed by the beer) are incredible. Ultimate depends on speed, strength, and agility. If you don't have any of those now, oh well, come along and learn. Ultimate is a fantastic way to get out of the house for a while, or get out of town for a weekend, see new places, and meet new -continued on p48-
Marnie about to throw a forehand. 47
Sometimes ultimate looks like dancing. Get it, Nick.
Curt about to do his stomp huck people. Like any sport, it can envelop you into an emotionally complicated relationship with an inanimate object, the frisbee. If you've never experienced being a die hard sports enthusiast, here is an opportunity to check it off the bucket list. If you want to remain a neutral explorer, we've got space for you too. 신체단련적인 측면에서의 효과는 믿어지지 않을 정도이 다. (가끔씩 맥주 때문에 형편없어 지질 때도 있지만). 얼 티밋은 스피드, 힘, 민첩성이 중요하다. 지금 당신에게 이 러한 능력이 없다면, 글쎄, 와서 배워라. 얼티밋은 집에서 얼마간 나오거나 주말 동안 사는 곳을 벗어나서 새로운 곳 을 보거나 혹은 새로운 사람을 만나는데 아주 좋은 방법 이기도 하다. 다른 스포츠처럼, 무생물의 물체, 프리즈비
와 감정적으로 복잡한 관계로 끌어들일 것이다. 만약 이 제껏 엄청나게 열광적인 스포츠팬이 되는 것을 경험해 보 지 못 했다면 여기에 버킷리스트의 목록을 한 지울 수 있 는 기회가 있다. 중립적인 경험자로 남고 싶다면 역시 당 신을 위한 자리가 있다.
The sport side of it is only half of what makes ultimate frisbee great, and for some people, it is the smaller half. The sport would be nothing without the community that comes along with it. From beginners to professionals, from first year hagwoners to seasoned professors with families, there is a place for anyone. Belonging to a team means belonging to a family. You belong to
Daegu Community - Daegu Ultimate Gets Pumped
a Daegu family, a Korea family, and in many cases, a global family. If I got a dollar every time an Ultimate player housed me, fed me, or toured me around a new city, I could quit my terrible hagwon job and retire. You will also have permanent party pals (say that five times fast). Groups of frisbee players from different teams and different places can be seen still partying away into the early hours of the morning, probably making throws that are increasingly inaccurate. Ultimate is not only a way to improve your fitness, but you will also be a better dancer in one season or less, guaranteed. So whether you want one beer or 10 plus tequila, the ultimate family has room for all. Welcome. 스포츠적인 측면은 얼티밋 프리즈비를 위대하게 만들어 주는 요소의 절반에 불과하다. 어떤 사람에게는 반보다도 적다. 이 스포츠는 스포츠와 함께 있는 커뮤니티 없이는 아무 것도 아니다. 초보자에서 전문 선수까지, 새내기 학 원강사들부터 경험이 풍부한 가족이 있는 교수까지, 누구 에게자 자리가 있다. 팀에 소속된다는 것은 가족에 소속 된다는 것을 의미한다. 당신은 대구의 가족, 한국의 가족, 그리고 많은 경우에 국제적인 가족에 소속된다. 만약 매 번 얼티밋 선수들이 필자에게 잘 곳을 제공해주고, 음식을 주고, 새로운 도시를 보여줄 때마다 필자가 1달러씩 받는 다면, 당장 끔찍한 학원 일을 관두고 은퇴할 수도 있다. 또 한 영원한 파티 친구들이(permanent party pals를 빠르
게 다섯번 말해보라) 생길 것이다. 다른 팀, 다른 도시에서 온 프리즈비 팀의 선수들이 아침 이른 시간까지 여전히 파 티를 즐기는 모습을 목격하기도 한다. 아마도 점점 더 부 정확해지는 스로잉의 원인이기도 할 것이다. 얼티밋은 신 체를 단련시키는 방법일 뿐만 아니라 한 시즌이나 시즌이 끝나기도 전에 더 뛰어난 춤꾼이 될 수도 있다. 확실히 보 장한다. 그러니 맥주 한잔을 원하든 추가로 데킬라 열잔 을 마시든, 얼티밋 가족은 모두에게 열려 있다. 환영한다.
Registration for the fall season is open from July 1st through 30th. To get involved go to our Facebook page, the official Republic of Korea Ultimate web page, or ask any of the shirtless men downtown. 이번 가을시즌 등록은 7월 1일부터 30일까지이다. Republic of Korea Ultimate의 페이스북 페이지나 공식 웹사이트를 방문하거나 시내에서 상반신을 노출하고 다니 는 남자들에게 물어보면 된다.
Korea Herald: php?ud=20140114000628 ROK U list of published stuff:
GUIGUISUISUI & Noise Arcade Tour East Asia Skateboard Guitar Returns to the Gu! Written by Dann Gaymer / Photos by Ciou Wei Li
One man punk-blues 8-bit horror band GUIGUISUISUI has teamed up with Noise Arcade, a solo ambient drone EDM project, to tour China, South Korea, and Japan this summer. What’s more, the duo are bringing along film maker John Yingling of The World Underground in partnership with to document the bands they meet along the way. The three week tour will begin in Beijing and take the trio up through Northeast China for three shows, across to South Korea for fives shows, traveling from Seoul down to Busan, stopping off at Communes for a show on July 22 with Daegu's very own math rock champions Co50
lours.In addition the Daegu show will be somewhat of a nostalgia trip for GUIGUISUISUI, who lived and played in the city between 2008 and 2010. The trio will then take a ferry across to Japan, playing from Fukuoka to Tokyo for a total of eight shows. While for GUIGUISUISUI this will be a return tour, having done a similar route in 2013, following up his 47 date tour of China and SE Asia earlier this year. Meanwhile this will be Noise Arcade’s first time playing South Korea and Japan, bringing his unqiue ambient soundscapes and deep beats to a new audience . This will also be John Yingling’s first time in Korea and Japan, following on from an epic expedition last year that saw the film
Daegu Community - GUIGUISUISUI & Noise Arcade Tour East Asia
maker following legendary Chinese band P.K.14 on tour around China, documenting artists countless Chinese bands he encountered along the way. Together the trio are not only going to play their way across East Asia but at the same time document the artists they meet along the way to create a snapshot of a point in time in underground music in the East. Covering everything from pop to harsh noise, the documentary will include bands such as Bedstars,Doc Talk Shock, and Wangwen (China); Les Sales, Yamataga Tweakster, and Say Sue Me (South Korea); Grave Grinder, and Android Beach Party (Japan) and many, many more.
South Korea Tour dates: July 18, Yogiga, Seoul July 19, Radiostar, Jeonju July 20, Space Moon, Seoul July 22, Communes, Daegu July 23, Basement, Busan GUIGUISUISUI : Noise Arcade :
Come out to Communes, get raw, get down; be there, do that, buy the t-shirt!
This is an overview of our June events. For more information about events on our calendar, check out the next two pages or email us: If you have events you want to add for the July issue, please email us by June 15th. Thanks!
the daegu compass
July 2014 SUN
Musical “Lost Garden” @ Daegu Opera House / 7.3~7.6 - Thu:19:30 /
Fri:19:30 / Sat:15:00, 19:00 / Sun:14:00
Zhang Xiaogang, Memory +ing @ Daegu Art Museum / 7.1~ Y artist 5 An Yu Jin “Me you and the Others” @ Daegu Art Museum
/ 7.1~
Wednesday Night Trivia @ Traveler’s Bar and Grill
POUR YOUR OWN DOUBLES @ Traveler’s Bar and Grill
Live Jazz @ PANN /
8:30, 10:00
Musical “Monte Cristo” @ Keimyung Art Center
/ 7.11~7.13 - Fri:19:30 / Sat:15:00, 19:30 / Sun:14:00 / 18:30
Open Mic Night @ Traveler’s Bar and Grill
Wednesday Night Trivia @ Traveler’s Bar and Grill
POUR YOUR OWN DOUBLES @ Traveler’s Bar and Grill
Daegu National Symphony Orchestra “Square Concert” @ Daegu Citizen Hall / 20:00
“Play Play and Play again” Festival @ Daegu Citizen Hall / 15:00
Live Jazz @ PANN /
8:30, 10:00
Daegu Chicken and Beer Festival @ Duryu Park / 7.16~7.20 Daegu Strings Symphony Orchestra Concert Opera “Tosca” @ Suseong Artpia / 19:30 Open Mic Night @ Traveler’s Bar and Grill
Boryeong Mud Festival @ Daechun Beach /
Wednesday Night Trivia @ Traveler’s Bar and Grill
POUR YOUR OWN DOUBLES @ Traveler’s Bar and Grill
8:30, 10:00
Live Jazz @ PANN /
Summer Festivla “That’s Jazz” @ Suseong Artpia, Hotel Ineter-Burgo, Keymyung Universty, etc in daegu / 7.19~7.26
- 19:00
Summer Festivla “That’s Jazz” @ Suseong Artpia, Hotel Ineter-Burgo, Keymyung Universty, etc in daegu / 7.19~7.26 - 19:00 Boryeong Mud Festival @ Daechun Beach / 7.18~7.27
Open Mic Night @ Traveler’s Bar and Grill
Open Mic Night @ Traveler’s Bar and Grill
Daegu Metropolitan Chorus “A Midsummer Night’s Love Songs” @ Daegu Culture Art Center
/ 19:30
Wednesday Night Trivia @ Traveler’s Bar and Grill
POUR YOUR OWN DOUBLES @ Traveler’s Bar and Grill
8:30, 10:00
Live Jazz @ PANN /
Pohang Fireworks Festival @ Bukbu Beach / 7.31~ Wednesday Night Trivia @ Traveler’s Bar and Grill
July calendar
POUR YOUR OWN DOUBLES @ Traveler’s Bar and Grill
July 2014 Event Calendar Zhang Xiaogang, Memory +ing
•Time: 7.1~ •Ticket Price: 5,000w •Place: Daegu Art Museum •Information: 053-790-3000 •
Y artist 5 An Yu Jin “Me you and the Others” •Time: 7.1~ •Ticket Price: 5,000w •Place: Daegu Art Museum •Information: 053-790-3000 •
Musical “Lost Garden”
•Time: 7.3~7.6 - Thu:19:30 / Fri:19:30 / Sat:15:00, 19:00 / Sun:14:00 •Ticket Price: Vip:70,000w / R:50,000w / S:30,000w / A;20,000w / B:10,000w •Place: Daegu Opera House •Information: 053-762-0000 •
Daegu National Symphony Orchestra “Square Concert”
•Time: 7.11 - 20:00 •Ticket Price: free •Place: Daegu Citizen Hall •Information: 053-250-1475 •
Musical “Monte Cristo”
•Time: 7.11~7.13 - Fri:19:30 / Sat:15:00, 19:30 / Sun:14:00 / 18:30 •Ticket Price: Vip:70,000w / R:50,000w / S:30,000w / A;20,000w •Place: Keimyung Art Center •Information: 053-622-1945 •
“Play Play and Play again” Festival
•Time: 7.12 - 15:00 •Ticket Price: free •Place: Daegu Citizen Hall •Information: 053-250-1475 •
Event calendar
July 2014 Event Calendar Daegu Chicken and Beer Festival •Time: 7.16~7.20 •Ticket Price: free •Place: Duryu Park •Information: 053-631-0052 •
Daegu Strings Symphony Orchestra Concert Opera “Tosca” •Time: 7.17 - 19:30 •Ticket Price: 20,000w / Student:10,000w •Place: Suseong Artpia •Information: 053-668-1800 •
Boryeong Mud Festival •Time: 7.18~7.27 •Ticket Price: 10,000w •Place: Daechun Beach
Summer Festivla “That’s Jazz”
•Time: 7.19~7.26 - 19:00 •Ticket Price: R:20,000w / S:10,000w •Place: Suseong Artpia, Hotel Ineter-Burgo, Keymyung Universty, etc in daegu •Information: 053-688-1800 •
Daegu Metropolitan Chorus “A Midsummer Night’s Love Songs” 대
Daegu City Choir 125th Regular Concert
A Midsummer Night’s
Love Songs
•Time: 7.29 - 19:30 •Ticket Price: A:15,000w / B:10,000w •Place: Daegu Culture Art Center •Information: 053-250-1493 •
한여름 밤 사랑의 노래
합창계의 세계적인 거장
브루스 챔벌린 (Dr. Bruce Chamberlain)
2014. 7. 29. |화| 오후 7:30 대구시민회관 그랜드콘서트홀
장애인(동반 1인), 국가유공자(본인), 경로(65세 이상 본인), 학생 50% / 단체 (10인 이상) 30% / 일반 회원 20% (증빙서류 미지참시 차액을 지불하셔야 합니다.)
■티켓 판매
053)422-1255 /
A_ 15,000원 / B_ 10,000원 / 발코니_ 5,000원
■공연 문의
■입장 연령
초등학생 이상 관람 가능(8세)
대구시립합창단 053)250-1493
Pohang Fireworks Festival
•Time: 7.31~ •Ticket Price: free •Place: Bukbu Beach •Information: 054-270-8282 •
Event calendar
Kyungdae North Gate
Try your Korean. Say to a taxi driver, or point to this and show him. Maya 마야
Kyungpook University is famous for three great Indian restaurants, New Aladdin, Indobangrangi and Maya. Also, there are live music nights at Sugar Joes, Kyungpook's one and only expat bar
Indo Bangrangi 3F 인도방랑기 (Great curry!)
Saladdin 2F 살라딘 (Tanduri!)
North Gate
(Kyung Dae Buk Moon)
경대북문 Sugar Joe’s 슈가 죠스 (Expat Bar)
ow To D
Kyungpook National University
EXCO 엑스코
Costco 코스트코
Jeonjagwan Electronics Market 전자관
Interburgo Hotel 인터불고 엑스코
CVB 대구컨벤션센터
Daegu Bank Station 대구은행역
5 To Downtown
New Yeongnam Hotel 뉴영남호텔
10 9 Mac Dental Hospital 맥 치과 병원 6 7
Daegu Grand Hotel 대구 그랜드 호텔 Women’s Medipark 여성메디파크 병원
IN Dental Clinic
to Beomeo Station 범어역 Spa Yan (Massage)
Noodle Bowl
Eorini Hoegwan Intersection 어린이회관 삼거리
Hyosung Hospital 효성병원
Invino Italian
Hwanggeum Intersection 황금네거리
Cocorico Waxing Salon
Bocaccio Brau Deurangil Food District 들안길
Napoli Italian
Ganga Indian
Arianna Hotel
Ha Long Bay Vietnamese
Dusan Intersection 두산오거리
COHEART Hair Salon Club Nomade La Bella Cucina Italian
Suseong Lake 수성못
Daebong Library Area Map
대봉도서관 근처
Daebong Library
Ipceylon Tea House
Cheongwoon Sulsang Galbi Namja Hwacheondoga Inosake SLINKY N°7 Mapo Galbi TAPS Farmer Woopo’s Morning Don Cuan Branch YULL Dong Ne Wonderfull Okoman Sogeum Coffee The Daebong jaengee Mimian Joomak DGB Mooneo Sale Beer Cheongwoon Cheongchun Modern 205 Sulon de Gamseong Taeyoung Table Bareun Tuegim 180° Draft Beer 1964 Makchang Saenghwal W Picniq the Moonlight Kitchen Jeongyook Tudari Collection Night town To Down So Wa Namu Paris Baguette Cafe Doong’s Ma Belle Belcanto 1F Coffea Coffee 2F Magna Magna Jeongukji
Ba nw old an gS tat ion
Bongsan Art & Culture Street Map
• Gallery Soo • Joong-ang Gallery • Soheon Gallery • Sinmi Gallery
VITIS Deurak Cafe Eucalyptus
Sweet D. Hands Coffee
Gallery G Yesong Gallery
Wooson Gallery In the Kitchen
Cafe Modiglian
Gallery Hyewon Gallery Joongang
Gallery Oneul
Polish Pottery Mosquito Gallery Grimchon Gallery Ro / Gallery Moran Dongbaek Lee Sangsook Gallery Songadang Gallery J One
Apple Tree Bongsan Cultural Center
Bangcheon Market Map
Shin Cheo nDae Ro Kim Gwangseok Cafe
(barley rice restaurant)
Kim Gwa ngse ok
Cafe Autumn VIPS
Shin Cheo nDae Ro
Stree t
Cafe Eucalyptus Bathroom
Ban Statiowoldang n
Pic&ic Teugim Ajushi Gajok
Baekdu Daegan Floce Coffee
Space BAR
Macaron Cafe
Bangchen Hwaro Daehan News
Gallery TOMA
Apsan Map Brothers Hyeonchungno Station
Anjir ang S tation
Coffe Roo 12 Kitchen&Bar
• Cafe Reveillau • 33Steak House
Mariage coffee
The Alask
Tuesday Morning Cafe Bene
Gooksu Fresh Coffee The Bridge Sunny Side
Urban Garden
Beansbins Coffee Havana Express
Davinci Coffee Bean Market Brunch Studio Cafe 508
Merry Go Round
Pie&Crochet Casa
Starbucks Sleepless in Seattle Twosome Place
Apsan Beltway
Pastamin Blue Oven
Cafe Assam
The One In The Garden
Cocoro Teahouse
Suseong Lake Map
Ganga (Indian) Napoli (Italian)
Tasting Table (Italian)
Africa (Pasta & Coffee)
Japanese (Sushi) Business Bar
5 6
Hai Long Bay (Vietnamese)
Bin (Italian)
Cafe Francessco
9 10
Long Bar
Dusan Ogori 두산오거리
La Bella Cucina (Italian)
Pita Bono (Sandwich)
SuseongLake Carlo Italian Pasta & Wine (Italian)
New York, New York (Western Steak)
Suseong Lake area is one of the classiest places in Daegu, a perfect date area. After taking your sweetheart out to a nice meal, I’d recommend Napoli, Ganga, La Bella Cucina or New York New York, take a stroll around Suseong Lake until you come upon the famous ‘duck boats’ and paddle your way into each other’s hearts. Thanks to the photogs who took the great pics you see here. Aygul Sarvarova, Jeremy Taylor and Chanel Barlow. Photos by Aygul Sarvarova, Chanel Barlow and Jeremy Taylor
Suseong Lake area offers a change of pace to the hustle and bustle of downtown. Suseong Lake also boasts an amusement park (Suseong Land) reminiscent of those carnivals you went to with your parents at the local fair ground. There’s something to be said when you are on the back of the seahorse with a safety bar that barely locks you in place as you float for a few brief seconds in mid-air before being plunged back down in your seat. Thrilling, exhilarating are just a few choice words to describe the experience.
Seomun Market is Daegu’s biggest market. Each type of product is concentrated in a specific area. BARGAIN, it’s challenging, but fun. We hope you have an awesome time and try to enjoy and see as much of the market as possible. We would like to thank Dyren J. Billups-Adam for his photos of the different areas. Thanks bud!
Seomun Market Map 6 7
1 Traditional Clothes, Souvenirs
2 3
Knicknacks, Knicknacks, clothes,food food clothes,
Textiles, Blankets, Leather goods
Women’s Clothes
8 Wholesale
Parking Parking LotLot
Clothing Wholesale Clothing Main Entrance (5min walk to subway)
to Seomun Market Subway Station
Bargaining tip : Ask for a discount in Korean, “Gga Gga Ju Say Yo.”
Written by Brian M. Van Hise and Hyerin
How to Order Food
An easy step-by-step guide on how to get food delivered right to your door.
Mastering food delivery by phone in Korea is not difficult. Think of all those dozens of restaurants that are just a stone's throw from your apartment. Get past the nervousness of ordering once or twice and you will see an entirely new world of dining possibilities open up before you. Step 1
Step 2 (your Gu)
Step 3 (your Dong)
여기 (Yogi)
Step 6 (your food)
동구, etc...
두류동, etc...
Step 4
Step 5
Street number + Building name + Apt Number
-인데요 (in-dae-yo)
Step 7 (quantity)
Step 8 (drinks)
불고기 (bulgogi)
하나랑 (1) hana rang
콜라 (cola)
김치찌개 or 된장찌개 (kimchi or bean soup)
두개 (2) do gay
사이다 (cider)
세개 (3) say gay
맥주 (beer)
네개 (4) nay gay
오렌지주스 (O.J.)
김밥 (kimbap) 떡볶이 (tteokpokki)
다섯개 (5) daseot gay
만두 (mandu)
여섯개 (6) yeoseot gay
Step 9
가져다 주세요. (ga-joe-da ju-se-yo)
돈까스 (tonkkatsu)
This is a sample conversation you might have when you order food. Try it out to get your favorite dish delivered right to your home. How convenient!
Restaurant You
(yeobo say yo? / Hello?) 여기 수성구 범어동 598-23 컴퍼스 빌라 202호 인데요.
(yeogi “your address” in-dae-yo. / My address is Suseong-gu, Beomeo-dong Compass Villa 202.)
자장면 하나랑 볶음밥 하나 주세요.
(jajangmyeon hana-rang pokkeumbab hana juseyo. / One Jajangmyeon and one fried rice, please)
(ul-ma-ye-yo? / How much is it?) 8,000원입니다.
(pal-cheon-won imnida. / It’s 8,000 won.)
네, 고맙습니다.
(ne, go-map-sum-ni-da. / Ok, thank you)
Junga ngno S tation
CGV Daegu Hanil H&M
See Chanel
Hot Tracks CGV Daegu Academy
Skin Care 5000 (KFC 7F) KFC
Cheongju Beoseot
Billibow 2F
Lotte Cin Joseph Skin Car
Dos Tacos
DakGalbi (Fried Chicken and rice)
International City HAVANA
Glass Baba
Little Italya
Mies Factory
Hoo Oriental ZARA GAP
All for Skin
Sushi Neko Hyundai Department Store
Thursday Party II Buy The Book
Joongang Police Station
14 13
Lazy Diner
Traveler’s Bar and Grill
ang Stat 12 ion
22 64
11 6
10 8
Radio C
Downtown Map Nightlife Directions taxi - “she nay ga ju say yo. sam duk so bang seo.”
Shopping and Cinemas taxi - “she nay ga ju say yo. lotte young plajja CGB” (remember there is no true 'Z' sound in Korean)
Cinema eph Care
Mies ory
2.28 Park Memorial park
New York Dental Clinc
(Lee Pal GongWon) Gulliver’s Travels
Kingston Hair Shop
Bulzip Samgyeopsal
Gold Label
Old Skool
Rock&Tacos Hot Gossip
Thursday Party I
1F Seorae 3F Club That 4F Horus Garage
Leo Chow’s Chinese Food
Bunny's VIN
B1 Who’s Bob 3F MF Bar 2F Pan Asia
B1 Haberdashery
Seoga n’ Cook
Go Go Vinyl
Samduk 112 Police Station
Burger & Pasta
Mies Container
Viniroo Bombay Rounge
119 Communes
Samduk Fire Station
AU 10 o’clock (Japanese) Caliente (new bar) Jeju 18 Doyaji
Club Pasha What? Samgyeopsal
Old Blue
La Luce
Cafe Francesco
55Dining Club Frog
Shovel Samgyeopsal
adio City Music Hall
Club EGG Bus
Hooka Bar (꽃)
To Zoo2004 Motel, Yellow Mellow Motel
GUIDE Photos by Ivan Broida, Vacquer Richard, Fuzz @
The Daegu Compass and its volunteers have come up with this comprehensive guide to the bring you the best places to enjoy the night in beautiful downtown Daegu. Won’t break the bank Who cares, hav’n funz Millionaire Club
94-19, Dongseongro5-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
55 Dining
053.214.5521 12:00~02:00 Fusion-style Food
25, Dongseong-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu
053.424.8200 Everyday 11:30am – 10:30pm Western American Food Holidays: Second Mondays
Bombay Lounge
3F, 57, Dongseongro4-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
010.9717.1118 [Weekdays] 18:00~ [Weekends] 12:00~05:00 Bar & IndianFood
83, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
053.257.2220 Everyday 11:30am – 10:30pm Samgyeopsal - thick slices of pork belly
36-6, Dongseong-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu
053.426.2268 Everyday 11am – 4am Tex Mex
Chungju Mushroom Restaurant
36-6, Dongseong-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu
62, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Gukil Bulgalbi
172, Taepyeong-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu
11:00~21:30 Korean Food Holidays: The day and the next day of Seolnal and Chuseok 053.253.0331 [Mon-Thur, Holidays : 18:00~02:00 [Fri-Sat] 18:00~03:00 Japanese Pub Holidays: Mondays
053.424.5820 11:00~22:00 Korea BBQ(Daegu's local food) Holidays: The day and the next day of Seolnal and Chuseok
gno St ation
CGV Daegu Hanil H&M
Cheongju Beoseot
Havana Outback
gno St
Makgeoli Mies Factory
Hoo Oriental ZARA GAP Skin Care 5000 UNIQLO (KFC 7F) KFC
CGV Daegu Hanil H&M
See Chanel
Cheongju Beoseot
Sushi Neko
Billibow 2F
t tric dis
Little Italya
MISS M. PIE Kingston Hair Shop
Hoo Oriental ZARA GAP
Thursday Party II Buy The Book
All for Skin
Old Skool
Banwolda ng
Bunny's VIN
Traveler’s Bar and Grill
12 5
11 6
La Luce 55Dining Shovel Samgyeopsal Club EGG
Viniroo Bombay Rounge
Hooka Bar (꽃)
To Zoo2004 Motel, Yellow Mellow Motel
Samduk 112 Police Station
Burger & Pasta
Mies Container
119 Communes
Samduk Fire Station
Old Blue
28, Gongpyeongro8-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
10 o’clock (Japanese) Caliente (new bar) Jeju 18 Doyaji La Luce
55Dining Club Frog
Shovel Samgyeopsal
Radio City Music Hall
Club EGG Bus
10 8
Old Blue
10 o’clock (Japanese) Caliente (new bar) Jeju 18 Doyaji
What? Samgyeopsal
Club Frog
Go Go Vinyl
Cafe Francesco
Gulliver’s Travels
Leo Chow’s Chinese Food Radio City Music Hall
What? Samgyeopsal
Lazy Diner
Cafe Francesco
Club Pasha
Joongang Police Station
B1 Who’s Bob 3F MF Bar 2F Pan Asia
B1 Haberdashery
Samduk 112 Police Station
119 Samduk Fire Station
Club Pasha
Rock&Tacos Hot Gossip
Thursday Party I
1F Seorae 3F Club That 4F Horus Garage
Viniroo Bombay Rounge
10 Gold Label
Go Go Vinyl
Burger & Pasta
Mies Container
Traveler’s Bar and Grill
11 Makgeoli
6 Mies Factory
Bunny's VIN
B1 Who’s Bob 3F MF Bar 2F Pan Asia
B1 Haberdashery
Lazy Diner
Bulzip Samgyeopsal
Rock&Tacos Hot Gossip
Thursday Party I
53-4, Gongpyeong-dong, Jung-gu, Daegu
New York Dental Clinc
(Lee Pal GongWon)
BanwoldaInternational City 12 ng Statio n
Glass Baba
1F Seorae 3F Club That 4F Horus Garage
14 DakGalbi (Fried Chicken and rice)
Gold Label
Old Skool
Seoga n’ Cook
2.28 Park Memorial park
Dos Tacos Joongang Police Station
Hyundai Department Store
Thursday Party II Buy The Book
All for Skin
Lotte Cinema Joseph Skin Care
Gulliver’s Travels
Leo Chow’s Chinese Food
t tric ing
District Little Italya
Glass Baba O
Jeju 18 Doyaji 21
Kingston Hair Shop
International City
053.427.9399 17:00~02:00 Korean BBQ
New York Dental Clinc
Memorial park (Lee Pal GongWon)
Bulzip Samgyeopsal
Seoga n’ Cook
Hyundai Department Store
Lotte Cinema Joseph Skin Care
International City
Sushi Neko
2F, 49-12, Dongseongro2-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu 2.28 Park
DakGalbi (Fried Chicken and rice)
Hot Tracks CGV Daegu Academy
053.284.6009 1pm-12am, 12pm-2am(Fri & Sat) Russian & Uzbekistan Restaurant Halal Food
Billibow 2F
Dos Tacos
053.257.9007 12:00pm-11:00pm Pasta, Salads, Coffee
Skin Care 5000 (KFC 7F) KFC
See Chanel
Hot Tracks CGV Daegu Academy
Hooka Bar (꽃)
To Zoo2004 Motel, Yellow Mellow Motel
406-14, Jungang-daero, Jung-gu, Daegu
(꼬꼬촌) Everyday 11am – 9pm Fried Chicken and Rice
La Luce
2F, 141, Dongdeok-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu
053.606.0733 12:00~22:00(break : 15:30~17:30) Italian Food Holidays: Sundays & Holidays
2F, 15, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Lazy Diner
Interesting interior Everyday 11am – 10pm Burgers and Breakfast
Little Italia
49-18, Dongserongro2-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Chef studied in Italy. 053-426-3992 12:00~23:30 Italian Food Holidays: The day and the next day of Seolnal and Chuseok 58-12, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Mies Container
Electronic music and Bacon Pizza Everyday 11am – 2am Pasta, Pizza, Salad
50-14, Dongseongro2-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Mies Factory
One of the busiest restaurants downtown. Everyday 11am – 2am Pasta, Pizza, Salad
Pan Asia
58-18, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
053.287.7940 12:00~23:00 (break : 15:00~17:00) Holidays: Asian Food Once a month(Tuesday)
43-9, Gyeongsanggamyeong-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
28-12, Dongseongro4-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
053.252.7529 [Weekday] 11:30~23:00 [Weekends] 11:30~24:00 Jazz/ Guest house/ Italian restaurant Holidays: Second & Fourth Sundays
(Shovel Samgyeopsal)
053.252.1266 Everyday 3pm – 3am Samgyeopsal - thick slices of pork belly
3F, 59, Dongseong-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu
053.252.4021 11.00~22:00 Russian & Uzbekistan food Holidays: Second & Fourth Sundays
68, Dongseongro5-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Seoga & Cook
053.254.9989 Everyday 11:00am – 11pm Korean Western Fusion
Seorae Galmaegi
1F, 58-6 , Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
053.255.8970 16:00~17:00 Korea BBQ
YMCA 1F, 375, Jungang-daero, Jung-gu, Daegu
Sushi Neco 053.252.7855 11:30~22:00 Japanese Food
412-10, Jungang-daero, Jung-gu, Daegu
053.256.9707 Everyday 11am~11pm (order 10pm) Western Food
Thursday Burger & Pasta
1F, 58-20, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
053.426.0384 11:00~01:00 Burger & Pub
Traveler’s Bar & Grill
4F, 7, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
053.426.5567 [Weekdays] 17:00~ [Weekends] 12:00~ Burger & Sports Bar Holidays: Mondays
32-43, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Different flavored Samgyeopsal. Everyday 11am – 1am Samgyeopsal - Korean BBQ
Yakjun Hanbang Samgyetang
54, Dalgubeoldaero415-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
09:00~21:00 Korean Food Holidays: New Year's Day, Seolnal(3days), Chuseok(3days)
BARS& CLUBS Photos by Ivan Broida, Vacquer Richard, Fuzz @
Daegu thrives at night. Downtown is loaded with bars and clubs to meet everyone’s drinking and partying needs. Challenge yourself and try out places you’ve never been. Won’t break the bank Who cares, hav’n funz Millionaire Club
80, Dongseongro5-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
AU Lounge
Upscale and good for large groups. Everyday 6pm – 4am Bottle service, trendy
Billi Bow & Dart
95, Dongseongro2-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Lots of Dart Machines and Pool Table Everyday 6pm – 4am Western food, on 2FL of Lotte Cinema 20-3, Dongseongro4-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Bus Bar
Theme bar, fun atmosphere. Everyday 6pm – 4am Korean fusion food
Bunny’s Bar
58-19, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
010-7417-6288 - English 010-4434-1207 - Korean Sun - Thu = 8pm-2pm Fri - Sat = 7pm-4pm Take-out Bag Drinks available / Sit in
85, Dongseongro5-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Longest running bar in Daegu. A must go to. Everyday 8pm – 4am Beer, Trivia Night, Sports
2F, 58-6, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Club THAT 053.427.7171 19:00~03:00 Live bar
Old Blue
34, Gongpyeong-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu
053.427.8447 05:00~02:00 Jazz Club Holidays: Sundays & Holidays
20-13, Dongseongro4-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Flower Bar
Apple is the best! Everyday 6pm – 4am Wine and Hooka Bar
28-6, Dongseongro4-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Club Frog
4am~headed to Frog? Everyday 9pm – 4am Hip-hop / Dance / Party
Gold Label
62, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Good for large groups who drink. Everyday 6pm – 3am Top 40 hits / Good Beer 58-19, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Go Go Party
Everyone’s favorite bag drink! Everyday 7pm – 4am Party / Hip-hop / Dance
20-7, Dongseongro4-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Club EGG
Upscale club, 17,000w cover. Everyday 9pm – 4am Party / Hip-hop / Dance
23, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
010.7527.4879 Everyday 8pm – 4am Party / Hip-hop / Dance
MF Bar
58-10, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
My Favorite bar ~ owners are cool! Everyday 7pm - 4am Darts / Music Requests / Cheap Booze 56, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Old Skool
Ghetto blaster! Everyday 7pm - 4am Hip-hop / Dance / Pool
Club Pasha
40-5, Dongseongro4-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
3 : 1 Women to men ratio, always. Everyday 9pm - 4am Large Club / Banging House Music
Teum Lounge
4F, 55, Dongseongro5-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Classy lounge with a sexy, futuristic atmosphere. Everyday 7pm – 3am Electronic Music B1, 58-8, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Thursday Party I
The best of the best go here. Everyday 7pm – 4am Beer Pong, Darts, Danc’n
50-8, Dongseongro2-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Thursday Party II
053.252.1266 Everyday 7pm – 4am Beer Pong, Shuffle Puck, Darts
50-18, Dongseongro2-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Urban Club & Lounge Live Music on the weekends. Everyday 7pm – 4am Live Music, Darts, Hip-hop
58-10, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Who’s Bob
The Bob. Everyday 8pm – 4am Beer Pong, Dart Machine, Pool
SPOTS Photos by Ivan Broida, Vacquer Richard, Fuzz @
Chung Baek Won
25-1, Jong-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu
053.253.1121 09:00~20:00 Tea & Ceramics Holidays:Sundays
Glass Baba Optical Shop
402, Jungang-daero, Jung-gu, Daegu
053.423.9001 09:30~23:00 Eyewears
604, Gukchaebosang-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu
See Channel 053-427-0033 10:00~22:00 Eyewear
Tokyo & Pearl
65, Dongseong-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu
053-253-9034 10:00~20:30 Jewelry Holidays:Wednesdays
Vanity London Haberdashery
B1, 58-8, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
053-422-7708 12:00-03:00 Men Clothing
39, Gongpyeongro4-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
053-710-3700 [Weekday] 10:00~20:00 [Weekends] 10:00~21:00 Velvet Gallery Holidays:Seolnal(3days), Chuseok(3days)
Connoisseur Check out these other great eats around town.
Apsan Area Gooksu Gooksu is known for its 'slow food' approach when preparing its delicious dishes for customers. Slow food doesn't mean it takes hours to cook, it just means everything is made from scratch. The restaurant has an Italian Firenze style atmosphere and serve fabulous pasta dishes. It is also famous for its T-bone steak and Ripieno pizza. Try it tonight! Your taste buds won't be disappointed. Check out the Apsan Map on p59 for directions. 12PM~12AM • 053-625-1365 • 2, Hyeonchungro7-gil, Nam-gu, Daegu
12 Kitchen & Bar Homemade style pizza and pasta are on the menu at 12 Kitchen & Bar. The chef and owner, Yoon Gyeong-su, has studied in Italy and brought back some amazing recipes. The restaurant uses organic vegetables and ingredients from their own farm. If you are a meat lover and looking for the best steak in Daegu, this may be the place to come. 1kg of succulent, juicy T-bone steak served with roasted potatoes and garlic is a mouth watering, inducing thought just waiting to fill your appetite. Check out the Apsan Map on p59 for directions. 11:30AM~10:30PM • 053-652-8007 • 41-1, Hyunchoong-ro, Nam-gu, Daegu
Bongdeok-dong Area Hamimami's The best brunch restaurant in Daegu. HamiMami's has been in Bongdeok area since 2008. HamiMami's serves real western style breakfast, sandwiches, burritos, and other comfort food foreigners enjoy while living in Korea. Mr. Ha's friends shared special home-made recipes that they craved to eat in Korea, but couldn't find before; making HamiMami's an one of a kind restaurant. HamiMami's home-made biscuits, gravy, hash browns and sausages are the best in the country. They also have fresh bread delivered daily to make their sandwiches irresistible. Come on down to HamiMami's and experience a bit of home. 8AM~9PM(break time for weekdays : 3PM~5PM) • closed on Mondays 053-475-5242 • 87, Samjeong-gil, Nam-gu, Daegu
Daebong-dong Barazi Barazi brings Japanese flair to Daegu. Barazi specializes in great Japanese cuisine. The restaurant feels like a home away from home. The soothing atmosphere provides customers a chance to relax with a cup of tea or some warm saki! The owner of Barazi is also an expert florist and can help arrange all your floral needs. Check the Bangcheon Market Compass Map on p59 for directions. Check out the Bangcheon Market Map on p59 for directions. 12PM~12AM • 010-4505-3396 • 13-16, Dalgubeoldaeto446-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Gajok Gajok means 'family' in Korean. That's the feeling you get when you step inside this wonderful Korean restaurant. Now, before you start to get a mental picture of the food it serves, just know that most of the meat is from the thigh and not the actual foot. What??? Yes, Gajok serves pig's foot for dinner.. But it's not like you are eating the hoof of the pig. In Korea, the foot and leg seems to go hand in hand, so it is similar to eating drumsticks (chicken legs). Enjoy! Check out the Bangcheon Market Map on p59 for directions. 1PM~1AM • 053-252-1481 • 7-16, Dalgubeoldaeto446-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Daehan News / Two Ppul Grilled over an open flame. That's the concept behind Daehan News and Two Ppul. After selecting your choice of steak or pork, a server really heats things up as it cooks your meat with a mini blowtorch. Sounds hot, right? The Korean sides provided compliment the meal perfectly. The interior of both restaurants is in true Korean 'pojang macha' style where dining around a stainless steel table with clear plastic walls sheltering you from the elements. So next time its Korean night, head on over to either of these meaty restaurants. Check out the Bangcheon Market Map on p59 for directions. <Daeghan News> 12PM~12AM • 053-423-3990 • 6, Dalgubeoldaeto446-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu <Two Ppul> 5PM~1AM • 053-422-1033 • 7-15, Dalgubeoldaeto446-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Pic&iq VIP treatment at Pic&iq is what you get when dining at this special restaurant. The owner and chef caters personally to your dinner party since you have to make a reservation before coming. Why, you might wonder? Pic&iq is only opened from 6-10pm, and you can call from 3pm to reserve one of four tables. The dinner is a set menu of grilled, marinated pork, tortilla bread, salad and grilled tomatoes and bananas. The chef also prepares a special ramyeon for the meal. VIP treatment without the VIP prices makes this a wonderful experience. Check out the Bangcheon Market Map on p59 for directions. 6PM~11PM • 053-253-9782 • 2232-15, Dalgubeol-daero, Jung-gu, Daegu closed on Sundays
Kim Gwang-suk Road Not far from bustling downtown next to the Bangcheon Marketplace, Kim Kwang-suk Road is a lengthy alleyway that displays several murals and other small works of art upon its walls, dedicated to the popular Korean folk singer in the late 80’s and early 90’s, Kim Kwang-suk (1964~1996). He was well loved by the younger generations at the time for his soulful vocals and contemplative lyrics which deeply reflected the transition of Korea in late 80s. The area is quite isolated, taking you away from the busy and hectic city life, and dropping you into a surrealistic wonderland of art where time seems to be still for a moment.
Suseong-gu Pietra - Pietra (삐에뜨라) is a fine dining experience that everyone should try at least once in their life. Pietra uses Italain recipes that have been passed down from generation to generation. Along with fresh ingredients and spices, meals are served with homemade bread that is baked daily. Enjoy your meal with hand-select wine by the owner and chef. Impress that special someone tonight at Pietra! 11:30AM~11PM (break time : 3PM~5PM, last order 10PM)
Ganga - A cuisine worthy of Shiva. This upscale Indian restaurant has great curries. Their naan is quite exquisite as well. You can even order samosas! Wash it down with a nice mango lassi and you have yourself an aroma massage for your stomach! Check out the Suseong Lake Map on p60 for directions. Weekedays : 11:30AM~10PM (break time : 3PM~5:30PM) Weekends : 11:30AM~10PM 053-768-3610 • 35, Muhak-ro, Suseong-gu, Daegu
Carlo Owner Giovanni Kim has lived and trained in Italy for 14 years. Mr. Kim can speak several languages including English and Italian. Trained as an Italian Chef. The menu is traditional Tuscan style cuisine; however special requests are available with 24 hour notice. Check out the Suseong Lake Map on p60 for directions. 11:30AM~12:30AM (last oreder : 11:30PM) 053-781-5655 • 47, Suseongmot2-gil, Suseong-gu, Daegu
Kyungpook Uni. area Indo Bangrangi Sanjay welcomes you! Renovated and redesigned last year, this Indian restaurant is famous for its curries. The chef is from India and speaks English very well. Plus, he’s super friendly and will answer all your existential Indian food questions. The restaurant is located on the 3rd floor right across from Kyungdae Buk Moon (north gate). Check out the Kyungdae North Gate Map on p56 for directions. 11AM~10PM • 053-956-9940 • 81, Daehak-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu closed major holidays
Saladdin Rashid Ahmed and his family strive for excellence in creating the most delicious and authentic dishes available. He and his brother, Shafiq, have more than 20 years of experience between the two of them in cooking traditional Indian-Pakistani food. Walking up the photo packed stairway will begin your journey into the atmosphere of India and Pakistan. And then the sweet and spicy aromas of curry and spices permeating the air will confirm that you have arrived. Come by and be engulfed by the aromas, sights, and tantalizing tastes of India and Pakistan! 11AM~11PM • 053-942-3535 • 3F, 79, Daehak-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu
HOTEL GUIDE Downtown Area Hotels Near the nightlife
Welcome to the Daegu Compass hotel information guide. We will also be adding a guide about motels soon. Daegu is very spread out, and not all the hotels will be convenient for you. We hope our hotel guide will help you with making your decision on where to rest your weary bones for the night.
Novotel Ambassador Daegu Add : 대구광역시 중구 국채보상로 611번지 Tel : 053- 664-1111 Website : Email : Room rates start from 154,000+ won (10% VAT will be added)
Fantastic all you can eat dinner buffet!
Eldis Regent Hotel Add : 대구광역시 중구 동산동 360번지 Tel : 053-253-7711 Website : Email : Room rates start at 100,000won
Close to Hyundai and Dongha Shopping
Nam Gu Area Hotels Near Camp Walker
Hotel the Palace Add : 대구광역시 남구 봉덕3동 688-1번지 Tel : 053-471-9911 Website : Email : no online reservation system Room rates start at 99,000won
Near Camp Walker Clean and Friendly
Prince Hotel Add : 대구광역시 남구 대명2동 1824-2번지 Tel : 053-628-1001 Website : Email : Room rates start at 105,000won
Western and Korean rooms available
HOTEL GUIDE Buk Gu Area Hotels
Inter-burgo EXCO Add : 대구광역시 북구 유통단지로 80 Tel : 053-380-0114 Websiste : Email : Room rates start at 19,000 won
Great for conventions
Suseong Gu Area Hotels 10 min from Dongdaegu station
Daegu Grand Hotel Add : 대구광역시 수성구 범어1동 563-1번지 Tel : 053-742-0001 Website : Email : Room rates start at 240,000won
One of the top hotels in Daegu
Hotel Inter-burgo Add : 대구 수성구 만촌동 300번지 Tel : 053-6027-171, 173 Website : Email : Room rates start at 330,000won
Daegu Casino is open!
Hotel Ariana Add : 대구광역시 수성구 두산동 200-1번지 Tel : 053-765-7776 Website : Email : Room rates start at 110,000won
Great all-you-can-eat buffet located in the basement
Hotel Suseong Add : 대구광역시 수성구 용학로 106-7 Tel : 1899-1001 Website : Room rates start at 270,000won
Beautiful view of Suseong Lake 79
GUIDE Downtown Area Hotels Near the nightlife
Welcome to the Daegu Compass guest house information guide. Guest houses offer a more personal experience while staying in Daegu. Many of the guest houses are located in what is considered "old Daegu" and still retain much their traditional charm. The owners are very helpful in setting up tours and guides around the city and offer activities for their guests to take part in during their stay. If your just passing through, or looking to stay for an extended time, Daegu's guest houses are always open.
Danim Backpackers (Bongsand-dong)
Add : 대구광역시 중구 봉산문화2길 42-31 Tel : 070-7532-9119 Website : Dormitory rates start at 20,000won
Cozy rooms and great location
Danim Backpackers (Jin Golmok)
Add : 대구광역시 중구 진골목길 12 Tel : 070-7504-4115 Website : Dormitory rates start at 20,000won
Grew location and friendly staff
Pann Guest House Add : 대구광역시 중구 경상감영길 43-9 Tel : 053-252-7529 Website : Email : Dormitory rates start at 25,000won
Traditional Korean room and great food
The Style Guest House Add : 대구광역시 중구 서성로14길 26 Tel : 010-3932-0727 Website : Email : Dormitory rates start at 25,000won
Clean rooms and great location 80
Downtown Area Hotels Near the nightlife
The Empathy Guest House Add : 대구광역시 중구 중앙대로79길 32 Tel : 070-8915-8991 Website : /empathy215/50178074339 Dormitory rates start at 23,000won
Great dorm rooms and helpful staff
Peter Pan Guest House Add : 대구광역시 중구 국채보상로123길 23 6층 Tel : 010-4023-7982 Website : Email : Dormitory rates start at 18,000won
Wonderful dorm rooms and excellent staff
Cheongra Eondeok Add : 대구광역시 중구 달구벌대로401길 22 Tel : 010-3823-9662 Website : Email : Dormitory rates start at 23,000won
Love the bunk beds
Compass All-Stars The Daegu Compass wants to be the best source of information for visitors and foreigners living in Daegu. In order for that to happen, we need your help. Although we have lived in Daegu for many years, we know that each personâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s experience in Daegu is different. We would like to help share your experiences with others living in and visiting this unique city. Get started by joining our team of volunteer writers, photographers, translators and promoters as we gear up for something special, something different, something new. The Daegu Compass will help make your stay in Daegu a memorable one. Gift certificates, discounts on events, travel opportunities, and more are available for those who sign up. Email us at: to start getting involved in your community. We feel the Compass is on the right track, but with your help it can be GREAT! Thanks Daegu, for gettâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;n it done! - The Daegu Compass team -