Connect February 2018

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Connect Pre-Accredited Ministers Deep Impact

February 2018

Pre-Accredited Ministers

Last month all 34 of our pre-accredited ministers gathered in a snowy Pitlochry. Every January we hold a three-day conference as part of our commitment to give a high level of support to these men and women in the first years of ministry. A number of things struck me about these 34: their enthusiasm, their commitment, their considerable gifts, skills and abilities, their growth year-on-year and their deep desire to be faithful servants of Jesus. I also noticed their age. One third of the group are in their twenties and one third are in their thirties. It’s good news that a high percentage of our newest pastors bring the can-do attitude, the energy and the high expectations of younger adults into the leadership of our churches. Moreover, at a time when we are recognising as a family of churches God’s call to invest in young adults, it’s significant that we have so many pre-accredited leaders who are part of the generation that is on our hearts. We often remember Paul’s words to Timothy: ‘Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.’ Our pre-accredited ministers are setting us a great example. This is a time for celebrating what they bring to our churches and keeping our eyes (and hearts) open for the other young adults God is raising up to lead and serve in these days.

Rev Martin Hodson

Ministry Development Coordinator

At the Scottish Baptist College, we try our best to equip our students and resource the wider church. We have one of the most exciting terms ahead and we are inviting you to join us! In and amongst all the usual classes and buzz of student life, we have a few special events to share with you. In recent years we have had a number of students who have gone on from their studies to mission work – both at “home” and overseas. From France to Cambodia to Ethiopia, the reach of the College spans the globe. In light of this we are pleased to have an Insight Day led by the Baptist Missionary Society (BMS) on Tuesday February 20th (10am-1:30pm). They will be focussing on the scope of their work and reflecting on the practice and theology of mission across a variety of contexts. The day is primarily for students, but we’d like to open it up to anyone who is interested in joining us for the morning. To register your interest please email: scottishbaptistcollege@ We’ve seen a good number of the students who graduated from the College this past year go into a variety of vocations – teaching, church work, chaplaincy, and further study. If you’d like to discover a little more about studying at SBC then come along to our Open Day. Last year it brought about many good conversations around studying theology and we’d love to invite you to our next one on Tuesday March 20th (10:15am-1:30pm). It’s a no pressure Open Day – so if you’re not sure then still come along as it might help clarify your thoughts one way or the other. Speak with any of our students and I’m sure they’ll recommend you come along! Contact for more information. Finally, we are delighted to co-host the Whitley Lecture with the BUS, delivered this year by Helen Paynter. The theme for this year’s lecture is: “Dead and Buried? Attending to the voices of the victim in the Old Testament and today.” We have heard excellent reviews of this lecture when it was delivered earlier this year in Manchester and so we look forward to welcoming Helen to share with us. The event will be held at Kirkintilloch Baptist Church on Thursday 26th April at 1pm (including a light lunch). You can find out more information about this and all our upcoming events on our website: We look forward to seeing you in the coming months!

Deep Impact Since 1997 youth leaders, and increasingly children leaders, have been gathering in Aviemore for a conference designed to encourage, equip and refresh those who minister to our children and young people. Check out for more information. Many of our Union churches have attended over the years but this year we saw over 130 delegates (about 1/3 of the total number) attend the conference. We were considering the theme of ‘Our reality and God’s perspective’ with our bible teaching coming from Rev Dr Ian Wills, of Parkhead Nazarene Church. A church that has seen God transform their reality over the past decade by becoming a hub of Kingdom activity in what is traditionally a very deprived ward of Glasgow. The worship, seminars and interviews allowed delegates to think through their practice and consider afresh what God might be wanting to do through them. As part of the conference, we gathered as BUS family and had a time of sharing, connecting and praying for each other. It was a really significant time where those working with the youngest amongst our churches could get together and get to hear the amazing things God is doing from Orkney and Tiree, down to those ministering in the lowlands of Scotland. Here is what some of them had to say…. For me Deep impact was a really refreshing time. Taking time to stop and regain perspective as to why we do what we do, and what God is calling me to in the coming year. It’s great to have the space to connect with God and other youth leaders from across Scotland, and encourage each other with stories of what God is doing in the nation with our young people. Thanks again for all the hard work that was put into organising it! Kenneth McKinlay, Orkney Deep Impact 2018 empowered and encouraged me as a leader, reminding me that we are part of a much bigger family, community, and mission - one that is building the Kingdom of Jesus and raising the next generation. It also encouraged me to not limit youth work, children’s work and discipleship to my plans and routines — but to dream big, and remember that He is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, through His power that is at work within us. Abbie Nelson, Leven

Mission in a Changing Culture The Mission Initiative Group exists to support and encourage mission across our family of churches. One of our key goals in the coming year is to spark our collective imagination as to the possibilities that exist in our local contexts through the telling of stories from around our Union. To facilitate this we will run a number of day conferences. The first conference is on 27th February and will look at pioneering and innovative church planting around our Union. We will have input from those currently involved in these ministries as well as a keynote talk by Peter Anderson of Destiny Church. The day is open to all who are interested, further details and sign up are available on the website. We are also launching a podcast (the MIGcast) which will be a monthly opportunity to hear from experienced voices bringing practical insights and unique stories from around the country. Keep your eyes peeled for it. MIG belongs to our family of churches, in that context I would like to make a request. What resources do you want, what type of stories do you need to hear - What do you want from your Mission Initiative Group? We would love to hear from you. Email me at

27th February at Carronvale House, Larbert 10am – 3pm Church Planting and Pioneering Creative Expressions of Church A day of story-telling by people in our church family who are already doing this and a keynote address from one of Scotland’s foremost church-planters, Peter Anderson from Destiny Church. Ideal for anyone or any church wondering if the Lord is leading you to establish something new. This is a FREE day conference with lunch and refreshments provided. Please book using Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.

Prayer Link February February 4th

• Bellshill Baptist Church • Bo’ness Baptist Church • Bourtreehill Baptist Church

February 11th

• Marion Carson (Pastoral Support Coordinator, Glasgow City Mission) • Brae Baptist Church • Bridge Community Church, Aberdeen • Bridge of Don Baptist Church

February 18th

• John Craib (Chaplain, HMP Low Moss) • Bristo Baptist Church • Broughty Ferry Baptist Church • Broxburn Baptist Church

February 25th

• Philip Craven (Chaplain, Inverclyde Royal Hospital, Greenock) • Buckhaven Baptist Church • Buckie Baptist Church • Burra Isle Baptist Church

Buckhaven BC Give thanks for the success of the Friday community cafe and its on-going children’s work. Prayers are appreciated for future fundraising efforts to upgrade and modernise the kitchen and other parts of the church. This will enable us to further engage with our local community and advance the good news of Jesus.

Bellshill BC We praise God for the on-going witness and ministry of Bellshill Baptist. We have just gone into Pastoral vacancy and we thank God for the service and ministry of Rev Kieran Banks over the past 4 years. Please pray for wisdom and guidance as we seek God’s will for the way ahead. Please also remember the leadership of the church at this time. But most of all pray for the furtherance of the gospel in Bellshill The Bridge Community Church Join us in giving thanks for the new people who have come along recently, the opportunity to work with our local food bank and the opportunities God seems to be opening up in 2018. We’d love you to join us in prayer as we seek God for some people to help strengthen our core group. Perhaps most importantly that we would be effective in evangelism and mission in the year ahead. Bourtreehill Baptist Church Give thanks for the continuing sense of togetherness and blessings, for the enjoyment of being church and for the desire to reach out to the unchurched. Please pray that those we make contact with in the local community would experience the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Pray also for healing, protection and blessings on church members and members of their families.

Bridge of Don BC Be encouraged and thank our Lord with us for the wonderful ways in which He is bringing His blessing to those seeking Him through our daily Striders Coffee Shop, Sunday Worship, and also our monthly Saturday evening Service, Tea Time Together. Please pray for our church family that we would be faithful and spiritually alert in serving in these and other ministries through the gifts He has given us. Bristo BC Give thanks for a real sense of God’s presence with us and guiding us, increased optimism, increased attendance, increased membership with more new applications being made and the possibility of new ministries reaching to the community beginning soon. Pray that we would continue to discern God’s will for us, that we would be obedient, and that He would continue to equip and empower us to be His faithful disciples and witnesses in the new year ahead. John Craib (Chaplain: Low Moss Prison) Give thanks for all those prisoners who connect with the work of the Chaplaincy team and the volunteers who come into the prison, especially Prison Fellowship Scotland. Please pray for the opportunities that will arise to promote our work with these broken and vulnerable people through a planned BBC series on prison chaplaincy to be filmed in 2018.

Broughty Ferry BC Praise: For the completion of the building project; the launch of: Club 567 for Primary age children, ‘The Place’, the teenage dropin centre, the new counselling service for teenagers with mental health issues and a successful Christianity Explored course. Prayer: For sufficient staff for current ministries due to the relocation of key workers for work or family reasons; prayer for healing for people with health problems; clear vision for the church for the next phase of mission and ministry

Broxburn BC We give thanks for: an increase in membership and attendance; a change in our vision of church and a willingness to do what we can and trust God to do what only He can. Pray for our members for: continuing faithfulness; openness to new ideas and people and a deepening trust in God Pray for our wider church community that they may: feel welcome; see Jesus in His people and come nearer to Christ

Philip Craven (Chaplain) Give thanks for the four and a half years I have joyfully served the people of Inverclyde Royal Hospital as Chaplain. During this time I have met many wonderful people, and I have worked with many inspirational colleagues and fellow chaplains. Please pray for me as I begin my training as a chaplain to the RAF at RAF Cranwell in Lincolnshire in February. This is a time of great excitement and anxiety for me as I prepare to move into a new ministry. Please pray that I adjust to a new expression of ministry, and that I will be able to be a Christ-like presence to all I meet.

Buckie BC Give thanks for existing and new ministries involved in reaching out to our wider community, including our Little Fishes/ Little Lights (a Mums and toddlers group) and Junior Church. Give thanks for our Youth Worker’s access to local schools and pray for growing links with the local Skatepark. Give thanks too for many faithful members and for the ministry of our Pastor and his wife recently returned from a period of Sabbatical. Pray that we may keep enlarging our vision as a church.

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