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The Scottish Government introduced the Hunting with Dogs (Scotland) Bill earlier this year with aims to address the loopholes in the current legislation. This Bill is still ongoing and we will continue to engage with the Scottish Government as the Bill progresses.


The Bill states it will still be an offence to hunt a wild mammal using a dog, however, licenses can be applied to manage wild mammals if they are damaging livestock, crops or woodland and to prevent disease or protect human health. Dogs must only be used to flush out the targeted species and allowing dogs to kill any wild mammal remains illegal. Hunting will be limited to two dogs above ground and one dog below ground. Anyone wishing to hunt with more will have to apply for a licence.

While we welcome the improvements, we would like to see non-lethal alternatives in the control of mammals to have been exhausted before lethal control is considered. The Scottish SPCA would prefer a complete ban on the use of dogs involved in the control of foxes. We strongly believe that using dogs to control any wild mammal, or for sport, has no place in modern society.


The Fireworks and Pyrotechnic Articles (Scotland) Act 2022 has come into force after receiving Royal Assent in August.

The new legislation includes the prohibition of supplying fireworks or pyrotechnic articles, such as flares, to anyone under the age of 18 which will take effect from this year. Any member of the public wishing to use fireworks will need to apply for a licence. These changes plus further restrictions around the supply and use of fireworks and implementation of firework control zones are set to come into place in 2023.

Stricter regulations around the purchase, supply and use of fireworks and pyrotechnics will undoubtedly improve the lives of animals and people living in Scotland’s communities whilst still allowing people to enjoy fireworks responsibly.


The Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Bill is currently progressing through the UK and Scottish Parliaments and aims to stop the import and export of farm animals for fattening or slaughter.

The Bill will also help to tackle the low-welfare puppy trade by increasing the age that puppies can be imported in to the UK and placing further restrictions on pregnant dogs being brought in to the country.

The Bill also aspires to stop the import of dogs with cropped ears, something that the Scottish SPCA has long called for. The procedure is already illegal to carry out in the UK.

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