Water Filtration in the Home Do you know what is actually in the water that comes out of the taps in your home? Is the answer no? Well, you’re not alone, very few people do. This is a great shame because if more people realized just what they were drinking then they would very quickly realize that having a water filter in the home is a very worthwhile idea, these days it is almost a necessity, and one that can protect the health and well-being of yourself and your family. Now, the water in your home, providing you do not get it from your own well, will have been treated by the water utility providers. This means that all of the bacteria and some of the other 'bad things' which reside in the water should have been eliminated. The problem is that in order to clean the water they have to pump tons of chemicals into it. Chlorine is perhaps the 'most used' chemical by the water utilities. This is pretty much the same as bleach. These chemicals reside in the water that you drink and they are known to cause all sorts of health issues. The safety of these chemicals, even in small doses, is definitely not to be taken for granted. In addition to this, studies have shown that things that really should not be in water can creep into the water supply. This includes pharmaceutical drugs, and in a few cases lead. You do not have to be an expert to realize that this is not really a gamble you want to take with your health. Water filtration will enable you to remove impurities from your water. This means getting rid of all of those nasty chemicals that have remained after the water purification process. In addition to this, water filtration will help retain all of those healthy minerals in the water. These minerals help enhance the taste of the water considerably. Most bottled water is made by reverse osmosis and has minerals added to enhance the flavor. Of course, if you really wish to take your water filtration to the next level then you may wish to look into the idea of refrigerator water filters. There is nothing like a nice cold glass of completely pure water, particularly in the summer. The majority of manufacturers out there make refrigerators with built-in fridge filters. In fact, refrigeration filters are perhaps the most common method of water filtration in the home. If your refrigerator has an icemaker, but not a fridge filter, one can easily be added into the line feeding water to the icemaker. Many people are sadly put off by the cost of purchasing filters, whether they are fridge filters or countertop or under sink with a separate faucet. This is a great shame because as you can see, there are a number of benefits to utilizing them in the home. I am sure that if you had one installed you would start to realize that it is an absolutely fantastic investment and enhances the taste of your coffee, tea and every glass of drinking water. One word of warning here; make sure that you purchase the best filters that you can afford. The best filters tend to last a great deal longer than simple water filter pitchers, or inexpensive faucet mount filters and the operating costs are much less as well as eliminating impurities much more effectively. This means that you will actually end up saving lots of money in the long run.