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It’s Spring Cleaning Time – Catch the Fever!

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Spring Has Sprung

Spring Has Sprung

by Denver Schwimming, BHS, LLC

It’s spring cleaning time! Have you caught the fever? Full disclosure…when my wife tells me it’s time for us to begin our spring cleaning, I usually share with her I have an actual fever. Sadly, it never works.

Spring is all about new beginnings and transformations. Spring cleaning helps us identify all the clutter that has accumulated over the past year – for many of us, the past several years! Spring cleaning can actually be a wonderful time of the year. To be sure, it’s not quite Christmas, but it is worth celebrating.

If you are a Community Manager, it’s a great time to review your property. What areas of your building need a lot of attention? Is it the lobby? This is where many prospective renters experience their first impressions. How about the amenities? Areas such as the fitness center, clubroom, movie room, golf room, coffee station and pool – places where your residents can enjoy family and fun activities – ddeserve an immaculate community to live in. Spring cleaning helps you identify areas in need of decluttering and reorganization.

All this may seem overwhelming. Choosing an experienced cleaning company to partner with can help reduce your stress by providing ideas to help create that sparkling community your residents will be proud to call home.

Spring cleaning your homes or your communities is important, but let’s not forget about the notion of spring cleaning our lives, a time to rediscover your unique talents, a time to change your routines. Think about what you do every day and maybe try a new way of doing things. How about considering clearing out your technology. Unfriend, unfollow, and unlike pages and people who are negative. Fill your social media with positive people who bring you light and love. Reclaim your inner peace. This may be best to keep as the last thing you do to spring clean your lives. Get back to you.

It’s spring cleaning time. Catch the fever!

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