1 minute read
Wood for Building Sustainability
from 2022 SMARTBURN Newsletter
by Scotts
Due to the emissions created in the production of concrete and steel materials, and energy consumption needs over time, these building materials generate nearly 40% of global greenhouse gas emissions. According to a new meta-study, switching to wood for construction could bring emissions down since the material naturally absorbs and stores carbon from the atmosphere. Over the next 20 years, 420 million tons of carbon dioxide could be sequestered within wooden buildings in Europe—the equivalent of a year’s worth of emissions from 71 million homes or 108 coal plants!
Source: Nate Berg - FastCompany
Earthday.org 22-04-22
The theme for Earth Day 22nd April 2022 is Invest In Our Planet, What Will You Do? This year is all about focusing on making changes for the better whether that be in the business climate, the political climate, or how we act on climate at a community level. How will you Invest In Our Planet? What will you do?
Living Off The Grid
Living Off the Grid has seen a rise in popularity in recent times. It’s when you are not dependent on everyday utilities, mains, gas, electricity, sewage and water. You’re essentially self-sufficient, using alternate methods such as solar panels or wind turbines, rainwater tanks and either a composting toilet or eco septic systems that turns sewerage into reusable grey water. There can be a lot of up-front costs, however, people who have chosen this lifestyle say switching to off-grid living can pay for itself within three to five years. Living in an off-grid home provides the opportunity to follow a sustainable lifestyle. More affordable and smart technologies are evolving, allowing people to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle while reducing their impact on the environment. It is not illegal to live off the grid in Australia but you should always look at the laws governing construction, zoning and land use. It is also worth checking if there are any government incentives and rebates to help kick start your off-grid transformation.