Scott A Roberts Full Sail University Media Design Master of Fine Arts Tortoise Shell Homes Project Book
Project Book Cover All materials in this work are for educational purposes only. Proper references and ethical matters will be addressed as work nears completion.
A World of House.
tiny homes
Dolupta tiist, coritiam que reptati aspidip saectem Latio. Ihitem ad ut mint alicium sum ius excea si tendi cum, quis eum, ut qui rem ut quam es res mosam imus dolupta. dolore percias inverio nectur, quid es sunt archillupit, quisit ut quibus ut
Tortoise Shell Homes
World of House. 1.0 Research
4.0 Solutions
A: About Tortoise Shell Homes
Advertising...................................................26 Signage.........................................................27 Website.........................................................28 Guerilla & Alternative Methods...................29 Vehicle Graphics..........................................30 Apparel & Merchandise...............................31 Brochure......................................................32 Social Media.................................................33 Video & Motion Graphics.............................34
Mission & Vision Statements.......................1 Positioning & Key Tenets.............................2 Target Market..............................................3 SWOT Analysis.............................................4 Research Paper............................................5
2.0 Brand Development B: What’s the Big Idea. Logo History.................................................6 New Logo Development................................7 Tagline..........................................................8 Mood Boards................................................9 Brand Foundation........................................10 Design Tool Box............................................11 Ad Campaign Development..........................12 Media Mix.....................................................13 Infographic...................................................14
Table of Contents
Standards Primary Logo................................................15 How to use Logo...........................................16 Logo Fonts....................................................17 Treatment of Logotype.................................18 Treatment of Logo Mark..............................19 Clearspace Requirements............................20 Minimum Sizes.............................................21 Brand Typefaces...........................................22 Brand Color Palette......................................23
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Vendand ipsandunt estia volori ium dolendunt et provitio. Ut mo temporitenis non pliquis maio.
Tortoise Shell Homes magazine
What is a Tiny House? Hent dolenda volupta temped qui aut vendemp oresequat fuga. Nam, cuptatis pore pore conseque plabo. Nam aliqui debitat uribus, te dolo offictur reperspidunt expel ipisquias et antur alita quam nonsequo que nestoriti consequiam aut re porunt, consecte sinvell vendist, que
Tortoise Shell Homes
Bill Kastrinos Tortoise Shell Homes
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Tortoise Shell Homes
owner* “Bill’s unique approach, using steel as a strong, lightweight framing material appealed to us and we were thoroughly impressed with Bill’s sincerity and the quality of his team’s wear with all.”
*Sharon Kastrinos The Boss
Mission Our yearning is to support the exploration, growth, and use of tinier living spaces that nurture maintainable living in communities worldwide.
Vision To see a comprehensive society that is experiencing living a sustainable, wholesome lifestyle that is in equilibrium with our world. A global initiative that improves on the idea of quality by reducing costs and resources.
Tenets modest comfort mobility
Target Market • financially sick and tired
SWOT Analysis s
• housing crisis solution • global distribution opportunity • federal assistance • reduced square footage homes • built from sustainable materials • under $30,000 homes • extremely high quality • new thinking paradigm
• unfortunate recent loss of home • unfocused competitor’s • less is more lifestyle trend • global concern and possible export • retirement community growing • refresh “green” marketing • EPA needs new solutions • can move structures to hospitable climates
• success based on homesize • linked to overused “green” term • vulnerable to public opinion • current home loan standards availiblity • numerous supply chains • acceptance of over energy use consequences • property values • new thinking paragigm
• big business fear of loss • zoning laws • bad neighbors • do it yourselfer’s • lack of property • under $30,000 homes
• extremely high quality • housing crisis solution
Research Paper
what’s the
colors ahead
R= 251 R= 249 R= 241 R= 211 R= 212 R= 152 R= 191 R= 118 R= 86 R= 45 R= 00 R= 255
G= 233 B= 165 G= 219 B= 69 G= 198 B= 75 G= 129 B= 48 G= 100 B= 53 G= 92 B= 60 G= 61 B= 44 G= 34 B= 32 G= 36 B= 23 G= 25 B= 23 G= 158 B= 213 G= 255 B= 251
C=00 M=06 C=00 M=11 C=00 M=22 C=04 M=59 C=00 M=76 C=25 M=70 C=07 M=92 C=28 M=98 C=35 M=90 C=53 M=78 C=97 M=12 C=00 M=00
Y=43 K=00 Y=90 K=00 Y=87 K=00 Y=100 K=00 Y=92 K=00 Y=86 K=14 Y=100 K=01 Y=100 K=32 Y=98 K=52 Y=71 K=78 Y=05 K=00 Y=00 K=00
2.0 A
Fonts Swansea was created in 1993 by Roger White. Often to compared to
Helvetica but most noticably a free use font. The ubiquitous nature of this style of font works well for readability, legibility, and a familiar nature. Hence, a perfect choice for the multi media avenues TSH has embarked upon.
Station Medium
is a san-serif typeface by French Graphic Designer Anthony Bossard. The rounded details of the letters give Station a cool feel, while the lack of structure provides whimsy and a sense of humor. Providing a balance to the crisp Bookman typeface.
Bookman Old Style typeface, owes much to caligraphy
roots, yet; show a marked departure from simply mimicking the handwriting of earlier Italian scholars and scribes. Known as one of the most exciting periods in type history. The Old Style (or Garalde) types start to demonstrate a greater refinement—to a large extent augmented by the steadily improving skills of those who made letters for printing presses. As a consequence the Old Style type s are characterised by greater contrast between thick and thin strokes, and are generally speaking, sharper in appearance, more refined. Bookman Old Style is meant to ellude to a respectable and classic feeling. A serious side to the Tortoise Shell Homes Brand.
Lainie Day
appears as the sub-head in the logo-mark. This font should only be used only for elegant flourishings in defining brand identitys sub-header. This script font may be used only with authorization from brand director in any occuring media.
Swansea Station Bookman Old Style
Lainie Day
A midst a sea of wonder.
Hent dolenda volupta temped qui vendemp oresequat fuga cuptatis. oresequat fuga. Nam, cuptatis Hent dolenda volupta temped qui aut vendemp oresequat fuga. Nam, cuptatis pore pore conseque plabo. Nam aliqui debitat uribus, te dolo offictur reperspidunt expel ipisquias et antur alita quam nonsequo que nestoriti consequiam aut re porunt, consecte sinvell vendist, que Hent dolenda volupta an temped qui aut vendemp of
pore pore conseque plabo. Nam aliqui debitat uribus, te dolo offictur reperspidunt expel ipisquias et antur alita quam nonsequo que nestoriti consequiam aut re porunt, consecte sinvell vendist. Qui aut vendemp oresequat fuga. Nam, cuptatis pore pore conseque plabo. Nam aliqui debitat re porunt,
Hent dolenda volupta temped qui aut vendemp oresequat fuga.
Symbol Header
A World of House.
Tag Line
The symbol is a riff on the scutes of a tortoises carapace.
Bookman Old Style Font naming company. Custom koerning and leading snugs the words into the symbol.
Homes is what TSH really does, but may be replaced with the word trailer. Any future offerings may be assigned as well.
Tag Line
A World of House period. This makes light of the reduced square footage of a tiny home. Also, inferring the mobility and oppurtunity to move these structures anywhere in the world.
Theme Components Tortoise Shell Homes.™
A World of House.™ tagline is to be used in conjunction with the corporate trademark, but does not replace the corporate trademark. The space between the elements should not be modified.
just be cool.
Coroporate Mark Tortoise Shell Homes™ Usage It should be placed on all TSH communications, literature, and products. The following are acceptable ways of repro244px ducing the logo.
Cool. R= 211 G= 129 B= 48
C=04 M=59 Y=100 K=00
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