reach www.scottsdalebible.com
ur theme this year is “Reach.” We believe this theme reflects the heart of God, who is in the business of finding the lost (Luke 15). The Great Commission is Jesus’ command to His Church to go and REACH the nations with His life-saving gospel. Scottsdale Bible Church fulfills our calling to the Great Commission in three specific ways: Reaching the Unreached, Equipping the Global Church, and Defending the Vulnerable.
out there 2
Reaching the Unreached About 3 billion people today live in places where there is little or no access to the gospel. There are no churches in these parts of our world. Scottsdale Bible Church has families and individuals who are boldly serving in these dark places. We hope you learn more at this year’s Summit about how God is moving in the Muslim world, the Hindu world, and the Buddhist world!
Equipping the Global Church SBC missionaries are helping to strengthen the local church wherever they serve. The Church is God’s plan to reach the world—and the global Church is growing! The needs for discipleship, leadership development, and economic stability are huge. Whether our missionaries are serving in the Americas, Europe, Africa, or Asia, the work they are doing is helping to mature and reproduce the local Church.
Defending the Vulnerable God’s heart breaks for the marginalized. The Bible clearly reveals this aspect of God’s compassion (Ps. 82:3; Prov. 31:9; Isaiah 1:17). Our global partners are on the front lines and meeting needs of the poor, the marginalized, the orphans, and the widows. As our missionaries meet these tremendous physical needs, they are given the opportunity to meet the even greater spiritual need. God is on the move around the world! SBC is involved in some of what God is doing. We believe God has a calling on your life and a role for you to play among the nations. Whether you get engaged in Reaching the Unreached, Equipping the Global Church, or Defending the Vulnerable, we are praying that this year’s Global Summit helps you find your place in God’s mission. As you meet our missionaries on the following pages and learn of our growth opportunities, my prayer is that God shows you how you can be involved right here in Scottsdale, Phoenix, or somewhere SBC is serving around the world through those we have sent.
Ethan Collins // Global Outreach Pastor
cripture charges us to who have never met a believer, and who In the city where I live, most people “go therefore and make have never even seen a Bible. And they would tell you that Christians believe in disciples of all nations.” are dying every day—without hope, three gods. They believe the Bible has This command is given without truth, without light. These are been changed and that Jesus couldn’t to all believers, yet what exactly does it the unreached. possibly have died on the cross. In their mean? For me, it has involved moving belief system, they never quite know Every believer should seriously consider to another country, learning a new their position before God. Simply put, how the Lord is asking them to be a language, and continuously adjusting the reason I live in an unreached part of part of this task. Is He calling you to go? to cultural differences. But the heart of the world is so that I may bear witness Is He calling you to pray? Is He calling the command is to reach out to those to the hope that is found in Christ—a you to give? Has He put it on your heart who do not know Christ, to share your hope that is extremely unfamiliar to to talk to the new family that has moved faith, and to pour into others so that them. The majority of people here have into your neighborhood? We each they too will become faithful followers never heard the gospel, not even once. of the Lord. Regardless There are still millions of people in this world who I am here to bring of where we live, the glory to God by have never heard the gospel, who have never met task is the same. So if living out my faith a believer, and who have never even seen a Bible. the task is the same, in a way that causes why did I move to might have a different role, but as the others to seek out the truth and to grow another country at all? Because the Lord body of believers, we are to accomplish in their relationship with the Lord. This impressed upon my heart the weight of this task together. The ministry the Lord is done both directly and indirectly. those three little words, “of all nations.” has given me is possible because of the Indirectly, the way we conduct our lives There are still millions of people in this support and care of many individuals is witnessed by the community around world who have never heard the gospel, and the church as a whole. us. People here watch everything. They
reaching the unreached { The task is not yet done… }
by Erika // undisclosed location 4
and giving people opportunities to serve. and working. So each time we met, we know where I buy groceries, when I have In all of this, prayer is a priority. Without read through a different Bible passage friends over, when I leave my house, and it, none of our work is effective. We daily and discussed its meaning. We talked even how often I wash my windows. ask the Lord to give us direction and to about who Christ is, what He did, and They notice how we as foreigners call people to Himself. what that meant for her. Little by little, conduct ourselves in daily life, and if we she became more are people of integrity convinced that what or not. Sometimes the People here watch everything. They know where I simple act of being buy groceries, when I have friends over, when I leave we were reading was the truth and not honest will open up a my house, and even how often I wash my windows. just a nice book. She conversation. My desire started to recognize the Lord’s work in her is to conduct myself in a manner worthy One of the things I enjoy the most heart and life. And then one day she sent of the calling of Christ so that others is meeting with people one-on-one. me a message that said, “I have believed.” may see this and glorify God. Recently a girl came to our fellowship It has been so exciting to watch the Lord with a friend from university. At that Directly, we as a team have goals and draw her to Himself! Since that time, we point, she was simply curious about tasks to intentionally reach out to new have continued to meet, so that she might church and what Christians believe. people and to promote the growth of grow in her walk and better understand Someone else recommended that she go believers. These efforts include hosting her new-found faith. through some lessons with me, so we people in our homes; using ads on social started to meet. She had been reading And so I do what I do for people like media to broaden our contacts; planning the Bible on her own, but had many her—for the sake of the one lost sheep. outreach events; having a dedicated questions. She started this journey And the task isn’t finished yet! There phone line that seekers can call; meeting because she wanted to know the meaning are still millions of lost people out there with people one-on-one for discipleship; of life. She was convinced it had to be waiting to be brought into the fold. guiding people in the process of about more than just eating, sleeping becoming leaders within the fellowship;
global partners
india Middle East
Mike & Lori Floyd
H & N are involved in reaching Muslims through writing, designing, and promoting print materials. They develop publications and maintain a website especially for young Arabs and several chat rooms. In addition, H helps with radio and TV broadcasts to the 10/40 window. They currently live in Scandinavia with their three children.
Walt was a pastor at Scottsdale Bible Church for 11 years (1980-1991), and then was sent out as a missionary to Indonesia. For the next 10 years, Walt lived in SE Asia, doing evangelism and church planting among a Muslim unreached people group. Since 2003, Walt has been training national missionaries to do what he did in Indonesia. Walt travels to missionary training centers in Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe and the Middle East, equipping national believers who are being sent out as cross-cultural church planters. Many of these national missionaries are going to the most difficult and dangerous places on earth for Christians.
Mike and Lori were both raised in Phoenix, attending Scottsdale Bible Church from an early age. They later met in the college ministry and married in May 1997. They have three children: Jadon, Grace, and Christian. Mike and Lori have been missionaries since 2004 and have been in northeast Thailand since 2010. They are working with Pioneers to plant churches among the Isaan people—a heavily unreached people group of 22 million with only 0.2% being Christian.
Agency: Pioneers Serving with SBC since: 1997
reaching the unreached
From: H—Egypt; N— Algeria
Birth Dates: H —9/27/1966 N—2/26/1979 S—9/4/2002 A—7/30/2005 M—7/30/2005 Anniversary: 12/4/1999
Contact: BrotherWalt2@yahoo.com Agency: CMI Serving with SBC since: 1992 From: U.S. Birth Date: 7/2
Mackenzie Holman
Mackenzie Holman grew up at SBC and has been serving with The Navigators among university students in Strasbourg, France, since September 2017. The University of Strasbourg is the second largest university in France, and the city is full of young adults, including international students from all over the world. God is at work! The Navigators team in Strasbourg hosts Bible study groups in apartments, offering a place for students of all backgrounds to experience gracious Christian community, the truth and love of God, and his Word. C'est une grande joie [it's a great joy] for Mackenzie to be serving in France!
Contact: pinkgumshoe@gmail.com
north africa
Kevin & Debbie Ludwig
Gianpaolo & Maria Pagni
Kevin and Debbie have been serving with Ethnos360 (formerly New Tribes Mission) in Papua New Guinea since 1994. Kevin is the mission doctor and looks after the health care needs for Ethnos360 missionaries so they can continue with their work among the tribal people of PNG. He also provides medical care to other missions, the local population, and many tribal villagers in locations where missionaries are working. Ethnos360 does translation, literacy and church planting among some of the most remote, unreached tribal people in the world.
S and J have worked in the Muslim world for more than 30 years, primarily in church planting among one Muslim people group previously unengaged by the gospel. Expelled several years ago from their country of ministry, they now live in Ireland and travel extensively, coaching and giving oversight to church planting teams in very difficult places in the Muslim world.
Contact: kevin_ludwig@ntm.org
From: U.S.
Agency: Ethnos360
Birth Dates: S —1/30/1954 J—4/5/1956 Stephanie—8/13/1981 Ian—2/7/1983 David—6/12/1987 Daniel—10/13/1990
Gianpaolo began serving on Young Life Military staff, known as Club Beyond, in March 2012 at Aviano Air Force Base, Italy. The ministry reached out to both middle and high school students stationed there as military dependents. In October of 2013, Gianpaolo was relocated to serve the students at US Army Garrison Vicenza. With more than 600 students on base, the ministry is multi-faceted, with outreach events weekly and monthly, along with small group Bible studies. The ministry has a summer camp in Scotland where hundreds of military kids from all over Europe come together to hear the gospel. He and Maria were married in September of 2014, and have just recently welcomed Lorenzo Samuele into their home.
Agency: Pioneers From: U.S. Birth Dates: M ike—5/25/1970 Lori—9/19/1974 Jadon—8/25/2000 Grace—10/17/2003 Christian—10/11/2005 Anniversary: 5/10/1997
Contact: mackenzie.holman@navigators.org Agency: The Navigators Serving with SBC since: 2017 From: U.S. Birth Date: 10/16/1992
Serving with SBC since: 1994 From: U.S. Birth Dates: K evin—2/2/1956 Debbie—9/1/1958 Brent—2/18/1986 Nathan—3/8/1987 Andrea—1/27/1989 Paige—7/7/1992 Cameron—1/6/1996
Agency: Frontiers Serving with SBC since: 1998
Anniversary: 3/15/1980
Agency: Young Life Serving with SBC since: 2012 From: U.S. Birth Dates: G ianpaolo—10/17/1984 Maria—12/25/1985 Lorenzo—8/05/2018 Anniversary: 9/6/2014
Anniversary: 8/1/1981
global partners
jerusalem asia
Kelly Quek
Nancy works with International Students, Inc. at Arizona State University, where it is known by the name ISC (International Students Club). The ministry involves sharing Christ’s love with international students, discipling and equipping them. Nancy hosts a weekly Friday night dinner and Bible study in her home for international students and does follow up with former students. Nancy has two married daughters, four grandsons and one great granddaughter.
Kelly has served with International Students Incorporated (ISI) for 12 years at Arizona State University. Involved in full-cycle evangelism, she holds weekly Bible studies for international students, assists them with adjustment to American life and culture, and ministers via hospitality, individual Bible studies and mentoring, and outreach to international students.
Serving with SBC since: 2007
Erika is a career missionary ministering in a sensitive country. She is part of a church planting team that is working with a small but growing fellowship. She is highly involved with the young people of the fellowship and spends most of her time ministering with and among the young adults. This involves studying the Bible with nonbelievers, discipling new believers, and helping more mature believers get plugged into ministry. She also helps coordinate and plan city-wide gatherings where young adults from different churches can come together for fellowship and encouragement in the Word.
From: Malaysia
Agency: Christar
Contact: npeterson@isionline.org Serving with SBC since: 1997 From: U.S. Birth Dates: N ancy—2/2/1949 Kristy—7/27/1974 Sharon—2/2/1976
Contact: k ellysquek@hotmail.com or Kquek@isionline.org Agency: ISI
Birth Date: 5/13/1969
Serving with SBC since: 2008 From: U.S. Birth Date: 12/27/1977
Cathy Wilson
T and T have served with East-West Ministries for 23 years, primarily in the Muslim world. They lived for almost 10 years in Kazakhstan, working with the young and growing church in the five Central Asian nations. Currently, T and T live in the Middle East, and T serves as regional manager and field leader over an unreached Muslim population of 80 million people. They are asking God to powerfully move and spawn a church planting movement among this people who are resistant to the gospel.
Cathy has worked within Jewish missions for 27 years. She currently serves as a missionary and Branch Director under Chosen People Ministries (CPM) while leading the active Jewish ministry team at Scottsdale Bible Church. Cathy shares Jesus with Jewish people and equips fellow believers to do the same. She teaches multiple weekly Bible studies among Jewish people and presents outreaches at communities with large Jewish populations. As her heart is for evangelism, she meets regularly, oneon-one, with Jewish non-believers (including Holocaust survivors).
In 1999, C and S were commissioned by a group of churches in Argentina to serve the Lord in the heart of an Islamic province that has no missionaries. In 2008, they moved to Indonesia. Their vision was to train and disciple national leaders as church planters; to develop tent-making strategies to work long term, with the purpose of planting autonomous and reproducing churches among unreached people groups; and to partner with other workers (local and foreign) who shared this vision. Currently, their focus is on supervising teams of Latinos who are working in church planting in four countries
Agency: East-West Ministries Serving with SBC since: 2003 From: U.S. Birth Dates: T —10/29/1967 T—8/8/1966 Abigail—11/21/1990 Timothy—9/3/1992 Stephanie—5/27/1994 Christopher—7/11/1996 Anniversary: 12/17/1988
Contact: cathylouwilson@live.com Agency: Chosen People Ministries Serving with SBC since: 1999 From: U.S. Birth Dates: C athy—8/30/1952 Bob—8/22/1948 Jarrod—1/25/1978 Anniversary: 5/31/1975
Agency: Frontiers Serving with SBC since: 2008 From: Argentina Birth Dates: C —7/22/1956 S—6/5/1965 Emiliano—8/12/1986 Adaia—8/24/1988 Sarai—1/2/1991 Anniversary: 1/5/1985
reaching the unreached
Nancy Peterson
his might sound is the called-out ones of God on an What is even more amazing is that funny coming from a unstoppable and global adventure. It’s Jesus is building His global church missionary, but when I the restoring of all things under King through His local church! The book of was younger I never Jesus. What could be more glorious, Matthew does not end with chapter 16 saw the church as something special. or more adventurous, than joining but with chapter 28, where in verse 19, I still remember being 18 years old our King as He storms the gates of Jesus gives His church a purpose, “Go and having someone tell me that I hell to save the lost? and make disciples of all of the nations, should be a youth pastor. My reaction baptizing them in the name of the When I started to get this idea, it was quick and without hesitation—I Father, Son and Holy Spirit, teaching completely changed the way I viewed laughed and said, “Never!” I saw the them to do all I have commanded the church and I asked where I could church as an obligation, a building, you.” sign up. I saw that it wasn’t about bad coffee and a list of meetings. Obeying this I didn’t want to go to command, it was the I saw the church as an obligation, a building, church, let alone work bad coffee and a list of meetings. I didn’t want to local church of SBC for it or serve in it. go to church, let alone work for it or serve in it. that raised me in the
___________ C h u r c h
__________ G l o b a l
__________________ t h e
___ E q u i p p i n g
I really didn’t have that much of a problem with the church or the people (almost everyone was always kind), I just didn’t think much of it. I wanted glory and adventure and I didn’t believe that those could be found in an old stuffy building. How about you or the people you know? Living in Europe now, I see that the church has moved from being the center of a town or city to the place where babies are christened, couples get married, and people get buried. I believe many others would agree with the younger me—Church? Never!
the programs or the methods. These are just the different tools that each congregation uses to do the work of the church—but in the end, it is about the people. Methods and programs will come and go, but the Church (the saved ones of God) will last forever. Just this year, our local church started to talk about ending one of our summer programs. It has been going on for twenty years, and through this ministry we have seen people come to know Christ, serve others, and some even called into the mission field. At first, I was a little sad and frustrated about this idea, but culture and
gospel and prepared me for missions. If not for the faithfulness of SBC members supporting shortterm mission trips, I would never have come to Slovakia at the age of 21 (just a few short years after I said “never”). Without the generosity of SBC members supporting and caring for missionaries, many (myself included) would find it hard to bring the gospel to the nations.
I love how Jesus just blurs the line between local and global and uses His church to continue the spread of the gospel to all nations. At 24, I landed in Slovakia with just two suitcases My problem was that I only looked at and a heart to serve. Over the last 14 what the church did and not what the years, I have been greatly blessed to see church is. The word church the Lord work in many lives I discovered that the church is not just a comes from the Greek word and do great things. I am very “ekklesia” which is defined as building—it’s the called-out ones of God on an unstoppable and global adventure. excited to partner with SBC for “an assembly” or “called-out the next season, and may the ones.” This is the same word people change and so do the methods Lord continue to use His church to do Jesus used in Matthew 16:18 when and programs. It is encouraging to even greater things for His name and he told the disciples, “…I will build see all God had done through this His glory. my church (ekklesia) and the gates of ministry, but Jesus did not promise to hell will not stand against it.” What build a program but a church. And this shows is that the church is not what is amazing is who He is using just a building or a meeting, but it by Noah Johnson // Slovakia and how He is building it.
global partners
north africa
Ignacio & Genoveva Alvarez
Equipping the Global Church
Isaias & Ginny Colop-Xec
Fred & Kristin Beasley
Ignacio and Genoveva have been serving with Ravah in Northern México since 1996. They are currently living in Parras de la Fuente and are dedicated to the integral development of leadership within local churches through formal and non-formal education, conferences, seminars and other interactive learning tools. Their goal is to promote collaboration and cooperation for the establishment and expansion of God’s Kingdom among the cities of Torreon, Parras and Monterrey. Contact: ignacioygenoveva@hotmail.com Agency: Ravah Serving with SBC since: 1996 From: Mexico Birth Dates: I gnacio—2/1/1966 Genoveva—3/3/1969 Karen—6/8/1989 Lydia—5/28/1992 Isaias—10/29/1990 Anniversary: 8/27/1988
James & Karen Ashley
James and Karen have served with Wycliffe for 28 years, primarily in the Solomon Islands. They lived and worked amongst the Sa’a people on the island of Small Malaita, completing the Sa’a New Testament in 2005. The couple has since been involved in various roles for the Solomons’ Bible translation group, training both national translators and Wycliffe project advisors, checking what they produce, and assisting them with the many steps involved in readying translated Scripture for publication. They also helped national translators analyze and develop grammar rules for their own languages. Having recently relocated to Texas, they will still be fully involved with Wycliffe’s work in the Solomons. James will continue in his role from afar via technology and regular trips back to the Solomons. They also hope to complete the full Bible for the Sa’a people.
A and S have been missionaries in Africa for 24 years. During their first three years, they lived in Equatorial Guinea (Central Africa) working with youth in a center for child nutrition and established a Christian school. This is where they adopted their daughter. Next they moved to North Africa, participating in the planting of two underground churches formed by ex-Muslims. Now, their daughter is living and studying in Argentina, and they are living in a city in North Africa with a majority Muslim population where they have planted a multicultural church and work with children and young people who live on the streets. The city borders the Muslim country where they previously lived, so they continue to visit and train their brothers from the underground churches.
Contact: james.ashley@sil.org
Agency: PM International
Agency: Wycliffe Bible Translators
Serving with SBC since: 1995
Serving with SBC since: 1986
From: Argentina
From: U.S.
Birth Dates: A —4/22/1967 S—8/19/1967 Agustina—5/1/1995
Birth Dates: James—6/2/1958 Karen—9/29/1959 Kent—11/6/1981 Phillip—11/12/1984 Susan—11/25/1988
Fred and Kristin ministered in Mexico with Partners in Christ before joining the staff of Scottsdale Bible Church in 1997. Fred served as the SBC Outreach Pastor for 17 years until 2015, when he and Kristin joined One Challenge International’s Ministry Team to the Middle East. Kristin has a doctoral degree from Phoenix Seminary and has served there as a professor and Dean of Women. She also developed a program teaching Middle Eastern women leaders, traveling to Turkey for the training modules. Fred and Kristin are coaching, teaching, and building unity and vision for many ministry partners in the ME region. Their mission statement as a couple is to empower and release others to fulfill their God-given purpose by providing Christ-like holistic support, godly life example, and effective biblical teaching. Contact: f redb@worksmail.net, kristinb@worksmail.net. Agency: One Challenge International Serving with SBC since: 2015
Jeff & Jackie Benedict Jeff and Jackie have been serving with SonSet Solutions in Elkhart, Indiana, since 2010. SonSet Solutions is an engineeringfocused mission that uses cutting edge technologies to reach the world for Christ. Jeff is an engineer and works in the Broadcast Services Department, designing, manufacturing and installing Christian radio stations around the world. He is also using his previous satellite experience to help develop a tool to use the internet to remotely monitor clean water wells all around the world by satellite. Jackie volunteers part-time in the media department to create promotional and trip report videos and helps maintain the central photo database. Contact: jebenedict@sonsetsolutions.org Agency: SonSet Solutions Serving with SBC since: 2010 From: U.S.
Birth Dates: F red—11/18/1944 Kristin—1/25/1947
Birth Dates: J eff—1/19/1972 Jackie—8/15/1983 Mikey—8/20/2015 Sarah—11/18/2017
Anniversary: 12/22/1972
Anniversary: 11/8/2008
From: U.S.
Isaias and Ginny have served in Guatemala for 31 years. They work with Isaias' people, the Quiches, a Mayan group numbering two million. The Colop-Xec's goal has been to train Quiche pastors and church leaders with the Word of God in their own language so that they can pass it on to their congregations. Isaias creates the Bible training materials, trains and disciples the ministry's itinerant teachers, records a weekly radio program, and is a consultant for the translation of the Old Testament into Quiche. Ginny trains and disciples women, youth and children. Contact: colopshep@gmail.com Agency: C ommission to Every Nation (COTEN) Serving with SBC since: 1987 From: Isaias—Guatemala; Ginny—U.S. Birth Dates: I saias—7/14/1952 Ginny—8/6/1949 Annie—3/9/1989 David—10/12/1991 Anniversary: 4/11/1987
north africa
Anniversary: 8/11/1990
Anniversary: 12/27/1980 14
global partners
Equipping the Global Church 16
Dave & Kathy Cottrell Dave and Kathy have served with Cru / Campus Crusade for 20 years, training pastors, church planters, and other church leaders on four continents. Using a self-replicating system for leadership multiplication, they are seeing spiritual movements of leaders producing multiple generations of leaders who are equipping their congregations in effective evangelism and discipleship, reaching thousands for Christ who are then trained to reach and train others. Dave develops and refines curriculum, and both Dave and Kathy love to teach and model God’s Word cross-culturally to leaders around the world. Stateside, the Cottrells have developed a large network of disciples, sent many to full-time ministries, provide counseling and pastoral care, and minister to young adults. Kathy gives a variety of seminars on parenting and discipleship.
Martin & Susie Gonzalez Martin and Susie were commissioned as SBC missionaries in 1991. They serve with The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM), planting two churches on the Baja Peninsula. They are currently on special assignment to the U.S., hoping to return to Mexico in 2019. Martin is co-pastor of El Faro (the Lighthouse) church, as well as Senior Director for TEAM in Mexico/Central America/Caribbean. He also teaches Latino leaders at the master’s level. Susie is the Member Care facilitator for TEAM Mexico’s missionaries and is currently interning at Phoenix Rescue Mission as she finishes her Master of Arts in counseling at Phoenix Seminary. Over the years Martin and Susie have hosted many workers from Scottsdale Bible Church whom God has used to further His kingdom work in Mexico.
Serving with SBC since: 1991 From: U.S.
Serving with SBC since: 1999
Birth Dates: Martin—3/20/1959 Susie—8/20/1960 Martin Jr.—7/20/1985 Rachel—11/12/1987 Natalie—4/30/1993
Anniversary: 10/17/1981
Contact: tgood@josiahventure.com Agency: Josiah Venture From: Tyrel—U.S.; Natalie—Czech Republic Birth Dates: Tyrel—11/17/1985 Natalie—11/20/1991 Anniversary: 1/20/2018
Contact: gyoritj@gmail.com Agency: Hungarian Ministries International (HMI) Serving with SBC since: 2018 From: Hungary Birth Dates: T amás—5/4/1977 Virág—10/20/1976 Hanga—10/28/2004 Panna—10/18/2006 Míra—7/9/2012 Anniversary: 8/5/2000
north africa M&S
Ester Jankovicova
Noah & Lucia Johnson
M and S served at Malaga Media Center in southern Spain from 1996 to 2018, where God allowed them to creatively use media to establish and build the Church in North Africa. Their focus for the last few years has been the translation and audio recording of the Moroccan Arabic Bible. Currently, they are focusing on working with couples and giving marriage seminars in Morocco.
Ester and her first husband served in pastoral ministry for 26 years. In 1999, they started a ministry to help struggling marriages in Slovakia. They conducted pre-marital, marital, and marriage crisis counseling for many couples of all denominations, Christian and non-Christian. Tomas and Ester also established Marriage Ministry in the Czech Republic. Tomas went home to be with the Lord in 2014, but Ester continues the ministry through counseling and teaching courses on marriage and parenting. She also leads a ministry for family members of addicted lovedones. She married Slavomir Jankovic, a widower, in July 2016. His son Jacob is now her new son.
Noah has been serving in Slovakia with I.N. Network since 2004. Noah and Lucia were married in 2009, and in 2011, God blessed them with a son, Matúš. They are expecting another child in November of 2018. Noah works with youth and outreach as well as regularly preaching, mentoring, leading teams who are serving, and also serving on the elder board. In 2017, Noah was asked to join the national Baptist church planting board and help with recruiting church planters, equipping church planting teams, and coaching church planters. Lucia is a social worker for the city and is working primarily with the Roma (gypsy) community.
Contact: jankovic.ester@gmail.com
Agency: IN Network Slovakia
Agency: Avant Ministries Serving with SBC since: 1999 From: Palestine
Anniversary: 3/26/1983
Birth Dates: M —4/10/1964 S—8/8/1965 David—7/16/1993 Natalie—12/3/1997
Czech Republic
Anniversary: 7/20/1991
Agency: IN Network Serving with SBC since: 1989 From: Slovakia
in Bible schools, and is a well-known conference speaker and apologist. His wife, Virág, holds several MA degrees and is the editor-in-chief of The Family Magazine, which is the most popular Christian periodical in the country.
Serving with SBC since: 2014
Agency: TEAM
Agency: Cru
Birth Dates: Dave—10/14/1957 Kathy—1/21/1958
Tyrel grew up at SBC and first visited the Czech Republic in 2003 to serve at an English camp with Josiah Venture on a high school mission trip. He returned for several years after. During this time, he met his now wife, Natalie, who was serving as a translator at the camps. Tyrel and Natalie now live in the capital city of Prague, where Tyrel serves with Josiah Venture as a media specialist helping integrate media and film into the ministry while Natalie is pursuing a career in politics and business in her home country.
Contact: martinsusieg@hotmail.com
Contact: bigdeadrock@gmail.com
From: U.S.
tyrel & natalie Good
Tamás &Virág Gyori
Tamás and Virág live and work in Hungary. Tamás comes from a Christian family with great historical background; he is a tenth-generation pastor. Between 2000 and 2015, he was working for Hungarian Ministries International (HMI) as a volunteer, and since February of 2016, he has been a full-time worker. The goal of HMI is to serve Hungarian speaking people through literature, radio, television and Bible education. Tamás is working on various projects as the general editor of the Hungarian edition of the ESV Study Bible and other Bible editions and as the director of The Budapest Institute for Contemporary Christianity. He is actively involved in various evangelistic outreaches, teaches
Birth Dates: E ster—1/14/1967 Slavomir-4/10/1959 John—11/19/1987 Noemi—4/16/1989 Jacob—12/18/1991 Jacob from Slavomir´s marriage—7/29/2002
Contact: noah.daniel.johnson@gmail.com Serving with SBC since: 2016 From: Noah—U.S.; Lucia—Slovakia Birth Dates: N oah—4/27/1980 Lucia—11/3/1986 Matúš —1/4/2011 Anniversary: 8/2/2009
Equipping the Global Church
global partners
Dave & Carolyn Meyers
Bill & Laurie Keyes
Paul & Hilda Kibona
Labib & Carolyn Madanat
Bill and Laurie have served with One Challenge International since 1965. They served in Brazil for 13 years, and then Bill served for 30 years as Vice President of Personnel at OC’s Mobilization Center in Colorado Springs, CO. Since then, he and Laurie have assisted OCI in the areas of recruitment, church relations, and with greater emphasis as mission pastors and mentors to all OCI/Sepal Brazilian missionaries who serve cross-culturally in 11 different countries outside Brazil. They currently live in Washington State and have four married children, fourteen grandchildren, and one great-grandson born last March. They spend much of their time traveling representing both OCI and the Brazil field.
Since 2009, Paul has provided leadership to the almost 30 trainers and facilitators of Samaritan Strategy Africa Tanzania. Through VISION Conferences, he helps participants understand and live according to a biblical worldview and provides practical tools and training designed to equip individual Christians, organizations, agencies and churches to practice holistic, incarnation ministry in their own communities using their own resources. He and his wife, Hilda, live in Arusha and have three children.
Labib attended the College of Agriculture, Mosul University in Iraq (1981-1985), during the war with Iran. In 1989, he enrolled in the Jordan University in Amman working towards his MSc in Soils Irrigation. When the Gulf War erupted, so did his desire to serve the Lord. He received an invitation to serve in Jerusalem as a lay pastor in the same church his father served 30 years before. While there, Labib learned Hebrew and practiced it by speaking to Israeli soldiers about Christ. Labib encourages fellowship between the Palestinian and Messianic believers, assists Middle East Bible Societies in expanding their ministries deeper within their cultures and countries, and advises the American Bible Society on all issues related to the Middle East. He is based in Reigate-U.K. since September 2017.
Contact: billkeyes@oci.org
Birth Dates: Paul—11/25/1967 Hilda—3/23/1973 Victoria—7/19/1999 Abigail—9/21/2005 Joel—5/10/2011
Agency: OC International Serving with SBC since: 1965 From: U.S. Birth Dates: B ill—12/18/1941 Laurie—1/19/1942 Donna—3/12/1964 Deanne—3/19/1965 Darlene—4/26/1967 Dale—11/28/1969 Anniversary: 4/5/1963
Contact: pkibona@yahoo.com Agency: Samaritan Strategy Africa Serving with SBC since: 2012 From: Tanzania
Anniversary: 8/16/1997
Contact: lmadanat@biblesocieties.org Agency: Bible Society of Jordan/American Bible Society Serving with SBC since: 2011 From: Labib—Jerusalem; Carolyn—U.K.
Dave and Carolyn Meyers served for 27 years with New Tribes Mission (now Ethnos360) which allowed them to travel and serve in more than 70 countries across South America, Africa, Asia and Oceania. They have mainly been involved in mobilizing, training and sending out new missionaries worldwide. In 2013, they helped found ZimZam Global whose vision is to see “A Church for Every Child.” They now train majority world leaders to plant new churches through reaching and discipling children across Africa and Asia. As a founding partner with ZimZam Global, Dave is impassioned with casting vision; creating opportunities for leaders; and helping children, especially those with disabilities, come to know, love and serve Jesus. Dave and Carolyn met in college in Tennessee and have been married since 1984. Besides her global ministry alongside Dave, Carolyn is the Director of Special Ministries at SBC. Contact: davem@zimzamglobal.org Agency: ZimZam Global Serving with SBC since: 2018 From: U.S. Birth Dates: D ave—6/2/1963 Carolyn—8/4/1963 Kevin—5/30/1987 Brian—2/16/1989 Megan—7/26/1993
Werner & Daphne Mischke
Bob & Judy Moffitt
Werner and Daphne have been serving with Mission ONE since 1992. Werner is Director of Training Ministries, and currently serves as Interim President. He is the author of The Global Gospel: Achieving Missional Impact in Our Multicultural World (2015). Werner is a key member of the Honor-Shame Network which helps facilitate a global conversation about “Honor, Shame, and the Gospel” in missiology and theology. He has taught on this topic in Brazil, India, Lebanon, New Zealand, Spain, Thailand, Turkey, and the United States. Werner and his wife Daphne have been active members of Scottsdale Bible Church since 2006.
Bob and Judy have served with Harvest for 37 years. Bob is the Founder and President of this Phoenixbased organization that equips local church leaders in the majority world to demonstrate God’s love in their communities with their local resources. Bob also serves as President of Trinity Education, an NGO that works with local churches, schools, and nonprofits in the majority world to help start discipleshipdriven higher education programs. He has traveled to teach and consult in more than 40 countries. Judy teaches art history at Scottsdale Community College and is Bob’s at-home helpmate who hosts international guests in their home, edits Bob’s writing, and occasionally travels with Bob on his teaching and consultation trips.
Contact: werner@mission1.org
Contact: bmoffitt@harvestfoundation.org
Agency: Mission ONE
Agency: Harvest Foundation
Serving with SBC since: 2018
Serving with SBC since: 1982
From: U.S.
From: U.S.
Birth Dates: W erner—12/31/1955 Daphne—8/17/1978
Birth Dates: B ob—10/15/1939 Judy—11/27/1942 Tasha—7/7/1970 Barak—5/10/1972 Nate—2/13/1974
Anniversary: 6/23/2007
Anniversary: 11/27/1969
Anniversary: 6/23/1984
Birth Dates: Labib—3/3/1964 Carolyn—8/29/1972 Matthew—10/26/1998 Katie—8/25/2000 Rami—9/21/2002 Jad—2/20/2005 Tim—11/17/2012 Anniversary: 12/12/1997
Equipping the Global Church
global partners
south asia spain
Nick & Leslie Piantedosi Mariano & Fanny Pineda
Tom & Deborah Nite
Brent & Melanie Palmer
Rick & Heather Peacock
Tom and Deborah became missionaries to Russia in 1995. In 2004 they expanded to Moldova and Ukraine and more recently, India and Africa. Although based in the U.S., Tom makes frequent trips during the year, training nationals to reach their own countries for Christ. He teaches at Bible colleges and seminaries, equipping students to make multiplying disciples who are prepared to reproduce in their own cultures. To date, he has trained more than 1,700 students who in turn have planted more than 600 new churches. Deborah teaches ESL classes and also music in a preschool ministry.
Brent and Melanie served with Mission Aviation Fellowship in Papua, Indonesia, from 1998 until the summer of 2014. As a pilot, Brent provided transportation to and from remote villages in the mountainous interior of Papua. He also used his computer skills to help manage the IT network over five MAF bases in Papua. Melanie provided hospitality for visiting pilots, taught at the international school, and also helped prepare national students for the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language). Since moving to Idaho in 2014, Brent has served in a variety of capacities at MAF headquarters with both the Disaster Response Team and the IT Department. He also has the privilege of flying the Kodiak as a relief pilot in Central Asia several times a year. Melanie is involved in the Women’s Ministry at their local church and continues to host MAF visitors and staff in the Palmer’s home.
Rick and Heather Peacock are Timothy Ministry missionaries with T.E.A.M. (The Evangelical Alliance Mission). The Peacocks are homebased in Phoenix, AZ and are able to travel into the mission fields to support those who are serving in Latin American countries. SBC has been their home church for more than 30 years. Together the Peacocks earned their graduate degrees in Christian Counseling from Phoenix Seminary and their master’s degrees in professional counseling from Ottawa University. For more than 15 years, they have traveled with a team of physicians, dentists, and triage nurses who set up clinics in remote villages and prisons in Mexico and offer free medical, dental, and Christian counseling care. Rick is a veteran, honorably discharged from the United States Air Force. Their passion is to assist missionaries living in the field with their life challenges.
Contact: thomas.nite@gmail.com Agency: International Biblical Training Serving with SBC since: 2000 From: U.S. Birth Dates: T om—5/18/1950 Deborah—6/18/1950 Andrea—7/7/1975 Joshua—9/24/1977 Evelyn—2/23/1985 Anniversary: 8/22/1969
Contact: b palmer@maf.org or mpalmer@maf.org Agency: Mission Aviation Fellowship Serving with SBC since: 1998 From: U.S. Birth Dates: B rent—5/5/1964 Melanie—9/20/1954 Jennifer—2/23/1991 Jordan—6/8/1993 Eric—5/7/1995 Anniversary: 8/26/1989
Nick served 10 years as Director of Leadership Development for CHIEF, Inc. He now serves as Founder and President of Hope Response, Inc. Leslie has ministered in the mental health field for 25 years, and is trained and certified in crisis intervention. She served as an Area Coordinator for International Exchange Students, our country’s diplomacy initiative, for more than a decade. She is currently Executive Vice President of Hope Response, Inc. Together, Nick and Leslie have planted churches and done outreach among Latinos and Native Americans. Their ministry to those in loss, pain and grief has opened doors to working among refugees as well as with disaster response teams worldwide. Contact: dpianti@yahoo.com
Contact: marianoyfanny@gmail.com
Serving with SBC since: 2006
Agency: One Collective
From: U.S.
Serving with SBC since: 2001
Birth Dates: N ick—1/17/1959 Leslie—5/30/1962 Olivia—7/7/1997 Matthew—11/19/2000
From: Argentina
Agency: TEAM (The Evangelical Alliance Mission) Serving with SBC since: 2018 From: U.S.
Anniversary: 8/6/1988
B and P minister to Latinos who are planting churches in the Muslim world. They have been working overseas since 1989, in Argentina, Morocco, and now Spain since 2000. Through field visits, mentoring online, serving the needs of third-culture kids and matching human resources with needs on the field, this amazing Latino workforce is being encouraged and enabled to stay longer and live healthier lives in ministry. As a result, churches are being planted in historically resistant areas. Agency: OC International Serving with SBC since: 1989 From: U.S. Birth Dates: B —6/26/1956 P—10/4/1961 Daniela—2/20/1994 Jordan—4/12/2001 Anniversary: 8/20/1988
Birth Dates: M ariano—8/7/1972 Fanny—10/1/1974 Teo—3/19/2009 Tomás—3/19/2009 Anniversary: 10/10/1997
Contact: peacocks2.team@gmail.com
Birth Dates: Rick—3/24/1948 Heather—8/3/1960
Mariano and Fanny are originally from Argentina and have been serving in Spain since 2001.They live in Galicia (NW Spain) and work with One Collective (formerly International Teams) in a ministry called Pilgrim House Santiago, a welcome center for pilgrims who walk the Way of St. James. Mariano serves as Pilgrim Care coordinator, helping the team build a culture of care for the physical and spiritual needs of travelers in an integrated and holistic way, opening space for them to explore questions about God, life, and meaning. Fanny is a home-school mom and author. Through hospitality and writing, they hope to see lives transformed by the love of God as they give what they have and share what they learned along the way with other fellow pilgrims who He puts on their path. Mariano and Fanny have been married for more than 20 years and have twin sons.
Agency: Hope Response
Anniversary: 5/30/1993
Pavel & Jane Sinko GE T GO D | GE T RE A L | GET OUT THE R E
Pavel and Jane have served in fulltime evangelistic ministry since 1993. Pavel serves as Executive Director of International Needs Slovakia. He is responsible for all areas of the Slovakian ministry, including youth evangelism, summer English camps, and the ministries to children, youth, women, seniors, and families. They are also involved in church planting and ministry among Roma (Gypsies) in Slovakia.
Contact: inslojak@stonline.sk Agency: IN Network Serving with SBC since: 2000 From: Slovakia Birth Dates: P avel—8/17/1965 Jane—9/15/1970 David—9/26/1995 Eunice—3/19/1997 Ester—10/10/1999 Anniversary: 11/20/1993
Equipping the Global Church
global partners
Eugene & Irina Sologubenco Evghenii (Eugene) and Irina have served with the ministry of Kishinev Bible Church in the Republic of Moldova since 1998. Eugene serves as the president of Moldova Bible Seminary and teaching pastor of Kishinev Bible Church. Irina serves as music ministry director. The ministry is designed to fulfill the great commission through reaching Chisinau (the capital), the country of Moldova, and then the Eurasian continent with the Gospel. The uniqueness of the ministry is focused on reaching, disciplining and sending the nationals to places the Westerners have difficulty accessing. The ministry then focuses on planting churches in Chisinau, in Moldova, Europe and Asia as well as supporting ongoing outreaches by sending short-term teams.
Ivan & Ester Staron
Pat & Sharon Sullivan
Ivan and Ester live in Slovakia. The couple heard God’s calling in 2007, drawing them into Marriage Ministry. Ivan started his study in theology and graduated with an M.A. degree in 2013. He is a director of the nonprofit organization “Our Marriage.” Together with the Marriage Ministry team in Slovakia, they prepare motivational weekend retreats. To see and hear the testimonies of healed married couples is a great encouragement to them. They also helped establish Marriage Ministry in the Czech Republic and supervise the Czech Marriage Ministry team. In 2018, they established a Family and Relationship Center in their own town. The couple is a member of the Slovak Marriage Week team, as well as the local MW team, and each year prepares a national MW campaign. They have three adult children and two grandchildren.
After almost 25 years of ministry at Scottsdale Bible Church, Pat and Sharon Sullivan joined Encouragement International, Inc. Serving as Director of Shepherding and Mentoring, Pat works alongside agency president, Hal Hays, to equip Russian-speaking pastors and church leaders throughout Eastern and Western Europe to train and shepherd their churches and spread the gospel in their communities. Pat's years of ministry at SBC have uniquely equipped him for this new role.
Contact: staronivan@gmail.com Agency: Baptist Church of Slovakia
Contact: eugene4jesus@gmail.com
Serving with SBC since: 2012
Agency: KBC Ministries
From: Slovakia
Serving with SBC since: 1998
Birth Dates: I van—9/21/1964 Ester—11/18/1972 Kristina—9/30/1992 Ester—10/25/1993 Kristian—2/1/2000
From: Moldova Birth Dates: E ugene—7/9/1977 Irina—12/21/1979 Anniversary: 6/1/2001
Contact: encouragepat@gmail.com Agency: Encouragement International Serving with SBC since: 2014
Willy & Marilina Vega
Richard West
Jerry & Sue Whittaker
Willy and Marilina have served in Southeast Asia for the past eighteen years. They worked alongside a local team translating a New Testament that is now in the last stages before publication. During their years in Asia, they were also involved in various language development and multilingual education projects among the people group they served. Willy and Marilina, together with their kids, Timoteo and Trinidad, have now relocated to their home town, Buenos Aires, Argentina. From there, they will continue their ministry as Bible translation consultants, helping translation teams in Asia and Latin America. Willy and Marilina are originally from Argentina, where they were sent into ministry through SBC’s sister church, La Iglesia de la Puerta Abierta.
Richard began ministry with Trans World Radio in 1973 in Swaziland, Africa, where he and his wife, Carolyn, served until 1980 as he helped to build and maintain the new radio station. They subsequently served in Guam and Bonaire, where Richard had many and varied responsibilities including building construction and grounds upkeep, vehicle and machinery maintenance, chief antenna rigger, and electrical engineering and operating of the transmitters. In 2007, they relocated to Elkhart, Indiana, where Richard continues to serve with TWR at SonSet Solutions, providing technology-based solutions to advance the Gospel worldwide. Carolyn went home to be with the Lord in early 2012.
Jerry and Sue served in Turkey for ten years but have recently returned to the U.S. and continue their mission via internet and short-term trips. Sue is an ethnomusicologist, encouraging and equipping indigenous people groups to worship in their own heart language and music. Jerry is the technical support.
Contact: guillermo_vega@sil.org
Contact: rwest@twr.org
Agency: Wycliffe
Agency: Trans World Radio
Serving with SBC since: 2000
Serving with SBC since: 1976
From: Argentina
From: U.S.
Birth Dates: W illy—6/28/1965 Marilina—1/13/1974 Timoteo—9/20/2005 Trinidad—2/9/2011
Birth Dates: R ichard—4/23/1951 Heather—2/20/1976 Stacy—10/3/1977 Sara—8/27/1979 Roxanne—2/6/1990 Katie—5/18/1997 Bryce—11/11/1997
Anniversary: 3/11/1995
From: U.S. Birth Dates: P at—5/6/1950 Sharon—12/26/1948 Holly—7/6/1976 Shannon—1/5/1979 Anniversary: 10/20/1972
Music is an identity marker. It helps believers to express who they are culturally as well as spiritually. To that end, the Whittakers have managed to create a large collection of culturally appropriate musical resources for Turkish and Kurdish believers in West Asia and The Netherlands. This includes sheet music, a songbook, CD albums and music videos. Additionally, they partnered with the 'All Things Possible' ministry in producing 25,000 "Lion and Lamb" musical toys for Syrian refugees in Northern Iraq. The toys, containing recorded children's prayers and soothing Middle Eastern music, are meant to comfort young ones in the midst of terrifying circumstances (Of course, parents are listening, too). Contact: toowhitt@cox.net Agency: A rtists for Community Transformation Serving with SBC since: 2008 Birth Dates: J erry—3/14/1941 Sue—2/17/1942 Anniversary: 8/9/1968
Anniversary: 12/1/1990 GE T GO D | GE T RE A L | GET OUT THE R E
I kno w tha t th e L O R D wi l l mai n tai n the cause of the affl icted, and justice for the poor. -Psalm 104:12 used that short, but powerful, Bible verse as part of my email signature for many years. I loved it because with every email I wrote, I was reminded of who God is and what His character is like, what He cares about, and His promises. But, I also enjoyed it because it gave me a steady reminder of my own faith story and journey with Him—one in which I like to say I had a “conversion within a conversion.”
the vulnerable 24
I describe it like this because even though I had believed in God and Jesus for a long time and knew I was going to heaven one day, I was not truly seeing and living the fullness of God and His purposes and will on earth. Moving toward a more “kingdom living in the here and now” mindset gave me this double conversion—and my world opened up. This second conversion opened my eyes and heart to see clearly God’s heart for the vulnerable, the poor, and the oppressed. Pastor Rick Warren once summed it up well, “I found those 2,000 verses on the poor. How did I miss that? I went to Bible college, two seminaries, and I got a doctorate. How did I miss God’s compassion for the poor? I was not seeing all the purposes of God…”
grant// undisclosed location
I am humbled and honored that SBC has allowed me to unpack their “Defending the Vulnerable” Global Outreach category. Sometimes I think it’s easy to get confused and think that God’s commands (and desires) for the vulnerable in our world are secondary concerns in the Christian life. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. The Bible often talks about the idea of “defending the vulnerable” with commands and dictates like taking care of the widow or fatherless, helping the poor, welcoming the immigrant, or defending the needy and afflicted. These mandates and callings are front and center at the very heart of God’s will. In fact, there are more than 2,000 verses that relate to these issues, and Jesus talks about
is your purpose.” This particular red light district was home to thousands of enslaved women who were being forced to sell their bodies to make a living for their family or to line the pockets of pimps. A total injustice. Something Jesus was not okay with. Something against His very character and nature. God’s heart breaks.
prayer, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Though we will always fall woefully short of God’s kingdom vision for this world and its people, we nevertheless should strive for His desires and will for them. This world is God’s creation and He desires right relationships and goodness throughout it. All people bear the image of God and the earth is His handiwork. As the Jewish theologian Abraham Heschel says, “Justice is what we call “a priori” of biblical faith, that is, self-evident; not
Listen to the words of Mahun. “I have never been given a chance. My parents couldn’t afford to educate me
The Bible outlines that the primary way we fulfill these various commands of “Defending the Vulnerable” is to “do justice” for them. Biblical justice is only partially, and incompletely, about consequences for bad actions—and that’s the aspect of justice we primarily hear about or tend to focus on. However, robust and full biblical justice, at its core, has way more emphasis on seeking restoration and human flourishing throughout all of creation. This includes right relationships between God and man, man and man, and man and creation. The Bible describes this as “shalom” and is the impetus behind Jesus’
Many of them have become followers of Jesus after reading stories in the Bible of how Jesus loved and valued women, and by our steady and persistent (though fallen and inadequate) pouring out of grace and love. In short, their whole lives have been transformed. God gives them valuable and important work; they are earning a living wage; and our business helps educate their children in an effort to break
“ I w o u l d l e av e i n a s e c o n d i f s o m e o n e c o u l d give me a different job and a chance—but no one will.” I told her, “We will.”
How we treat “the least of these ” is a serious and eternal issue to God. “the poor” more than any other people group in the New Testament. These are not periphery issues. These are front and center. How we treat “the least of these” is a serious and eternal issue to God.
call this red light district home. We sit with them every day and pray, encourage, and lead them to encounter Jesus. We have seen their pain and abuse slowly but surely turn to hope and a future by the power of our God who makes clear He loves and values them.
an attribute added to God’s essence, but belonging to God Himself…His character.” It should be ours, too.
and then when my husband abandoned me and my three children, I couldn’t find a job to feed my children. No one will hire me—I am worthless and have no hope,” she said. “That is how I ended up here… but I would leave in a second if someone could give me a different job and a chance—but no one will.”
For the last six years, my family and I have been “Defending the Vulnerable” by serving God in Asia through a holistic justice ministry that uses both word and deed to reach people. One of the clearest times I heard God “speak” to me overseas was when I visited my city’s red light district. Within minutes of being inside this dark area, I heard God whisper to me, “I want you to do something about this.” I heard Him say, “Their spiritual AND physical lives matter to me…This
I told her, “We will.” Fast forward six years later, and we have created two businesses that have hired almost 40 total staff. Nearly half of them are ladies who used to
the cycle of vulnerability. We also provide them much needed health care, retirement funds and more. There is invaluable power when you enter into “Defending the Vulnerable” in real life and real circumstances with tools like jobs and business, because there is inherent credibility and authenticity in the work. We enter into their lives completely and walk with them day in and day out through all the good and bad and the ups and downs. In summary, when the power of the Good News of Jesus gets combined with real life Kingdom work that involves God’s character and heart for the vulnerable and the “least of these,” you have a recipe for God’s transformative purposes in the world as it is in heaven—true shalom.
defending the vulnerable
global partners
Nabeeh & Ruba Abbassi
Barry & Abeer Cordova Jozef & Julia Demjan
Nabeeh is the Arab Affinity Director with Christar and is instrumental in supporting ministry throughout the Middle East. He also serves as the founder and Director for Arab Center for Consulting and Training Services (ACCTS). Ruba is founder and Director of Arab Women Today (AWT) which develops radio programs, conferences and a website for women in the Middle East. Together they have been involved in church planting in the Middle East, as well as leadership training through Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary. They are also heavily involved in the ministry to Syrian refugees in North Jordan.
Barry, a native of Scottsdale, began his ministry as a missionary to Jordan in 2000, where he served for 15 years. He taught discipleship at the Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary and directed the practical ministry department. Barry and Abeer, an Arab Israeli from Nazareth, met at the Seminary in 2004 while she was studying music and worship. The Cordovas returned to Scottsdale in 2014 to start Spiritual Care Link, a non-profit that serves and assists the Church of Jesus Christ in the Middle East. This is done by linking U.S. churches and believers in Christ to Arab brethren and churches in the Middle East through strategic and fruitful partnerships. Abeer has produced three Arabic/English worship CDs that serve the Arab World, and just finished recording her fourth CD in 2017.
Contact: nabeeh.abbassi@ interlinkmanagement.net Agency: Christar Serving with SBC since: 2004 From: Jordan Birth Dates: Nabeeh—8/26/1963 Ruba—6/22/1964 Ramzi—11/9/1988 Rami—9/30/1991 Randy—8/22/1995 Anniversary: 7/24/1987
Contact: bacdova@gmail.com Agency: Christar Serving with SBC since: 2000 From: Barry—U.S.; Abeer—Israel Birth Dates: B arry—4/18/1965 Abeer—4/29/74 Mark—11/25/2007 Andrew—12/2/2013 Anniversary: 12/18/2005
Jozef is part of the Gypsy community in Slovakia. He became a believer in 2001 and has served the Lord full-time with International Needs since 2006. He leads worship, writes worship songs, and is part of a worship group that ministers through songs and testimonies. His passion is to spread the gospel to his own people, the Gypsies—the largest minority group in Europe and growing three times faster in Slovakia than the general population of the country. Often Gypsies live in severe poverty with a high rate of unemployment, alcoholism, drug abuse, and gambling. The first few Gypsy believers have started a groundswell of interest in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Elizabeth Hirmiz
Isack & Upendo Lyimo
Elizabeth is a Bible student with a great love for teaching the Bible and ministering to refugees. After receiving her Master of Theology degree, she joined the teaching faculty of Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary (JETS) and later traveled to the U.S. for additional counseling training at Scottsdale Bible Church. Elizabeth has served in ministry in Arizona, Michigan and California. In 2013, she felt God’s call to return to Iraq and launch Immanuel Peace Center (IPC) in Northern Iraq. Most recently serving in Baghdad and Istanbul, Elizabeth ministers to refugee communities from many Middle Eastern countries, teaches English as a second language, leads Bible studies, and speaks at conferences around the world, sharing the love of Jesus Christ with refugees.
Isack has been working with SBC's Tanzania project for 10 years. He has degrees in Community Development and Business. Currently he is Project Director for both Mairowa and Kondoa Integrity Schools, working with the headmasters, facilitating communication between children and their sponsors, and coordinating all aspects of planning, budgeting, and monitoring the schools' activities. Upendo also has a degree in Community Development and works for another non-profit as well as running her own restaurant.
Contact: bible4today@gmail.com
Serving with SBC since: 2005 From: Tanzania Birth Dates: I sack—5/16/1976 Upendo—3/27/1980 Ebenezer—10/16/2006 Derek—12/30/2007
Contact: godsave_ole_megiroo@ eretoea.org Agency: Ereto East Africa Foundation Serving with SBC since: 2005 From: Tanzania
From: Iraq Birth Date: 11/29/1963
Anniversary: 2/18/1989
Serving with SBC since: 2007
Agency: IN Network Serving with SBC since: 2006 From: Slovakia
Anniversary: 6/23/2012
Agency: Ereto East Africa Foundation
Godsave began working with Scottsdale Bible in 2005 as Mercy Ministry Director under Imara Ministry Foundation. In July 2012, he became Chief Executive Officer for the newly registered Ereto East Africa Foundation overseeing both Mairowa and Kondoa Integrity Schools sponsored by SBC, with the goal of promoting self-sustainability and transformation of the children’s lives and the community. Godsave's wife Beatrice is currently working for World Vision Tanzania as a Human Resources Senior Officer.
Birth Dates: G odsave—9/17/1958 Beatrice—8/14/1957 Elizabeth—12/12/1989 Nabaraki—8/12/1992
Agency: Christar
Contact: jozuaalf@gmail.com
Birth Dates: Jozef—3/20/1981 Julia—5/26/1990 Ruben—2/12/2014 Benjamin—4/22/2016
Contact: isack@eretoea.org
Godsave & Beatrice Ole Megiroo
Anniversary: 12/17/2005
G and C have been involved in kingdom work for 12 years. They first met while working as singles in Afghanistan before moving to the U.S. to be married and to work for several years in the home offices of Serge (formerly called World Harvest M.). More than six years ago, they set out as a couple to pioneer and lead a new Serge team in Asia. They have since started a social café business that now has two locations and 35 employees. Included in these employment numbers are 14 women who they have hired out of the red light districts of the city and trained to be bakers and cooks for the cafe.
Agency: Serge Serving with SBC since: 2006 From: U.S. Anniversary: 6/23/2007
had been attending SBC as both of us walked through losing The Good News that they preach through for about seven years, and parents and spent time on the phone their ministry is in direct conflict with my wife, Vicki, and I with together crying and comforting each the predominant religion of the area. This our children Will, Josh and other. We have traveled together missionary was forced to move to another Abby (then ages 11, 9 and 5) were engaged meeting overseas at a mission’s part of the world to protect himself and in various activities at the church. I was conference, and for me, this was the his family from those who would want to involved in a Sunday school class and Men’s first time I had left American soil. destroy him and his ministry. As such, this ministry. As the spiritual leader of our family must keep their identities a secret to I have come to realize through our family, I was really sensing God wanting ensure their safety. participation as nurture reps at SBC us to be involved in some service-related that God truly wants His sons activity together as a family, and daughters to live, love so I started looking through Little did I know at the time that God and be together through this the church website to see what life despite the miles or even had a greater vision in mind than a few opportunities existed for us. I oceans that lie between us. I colored pictures and birthday wishes. came across an opportunity to have also come to realize that serve as a nurture representative God calls all His people to in the Outreach ministry that love and support those who have heard I quickly realized that Christians in other looked like exactly what we had envisioned. His voice and answered His call to go parts of the world sacrifice in ways that I, As a nurture rep, we would be assigned to to the ends of the earth to spread the as an American, had never experienced. I a missionary and their family and act as Good News of His reconciliation plan grew up attending church, Sunday school, liaison between them and the church. with mankind. youth groups, church camps and various I immediately thought this would be a outreach functions my entire life. Not once The Apostle John suggests in 3 John great experience for our small and growing did I worry about my choices causing my 1:8 that, “Therefore, we ought to family. We could color pictures to send family or me harm. That only happens in support people like these, that we to them, remember their birthdays, send the Bible, right? may be fellow workers for the truth.” Christmas wishes, and pray for their I believe this passage speaks in part Through the course of being a nurture rep family together. I made a phone call into to the role of the nurture rep at SBC and the resulting relationship with this Outreach, and after prayer and a few and to our church as a whole. It is our missionary family for the past ten years, additional questions, we signed up. Little responsibility to support those we have our lives have been changed forever. This did I know at the time that God had a sent out as agents of our church to missionary has become one of my dearest greater vision in mind than a few colored other parts of the world. and trusted friends. We have shared great pictures and birthday wishes. triumphs together, witnessing the Lord Support can be defined in many ways, At this point in the story, I should be able take his ministry to heights neither of us such as praying, funding, visiting, to provide detailed information about this could have fathomed a few short years or participating in the nurture wonderful family that God brought into earlier. We have shared great struggles rep program. In our experience as our lives through the nurture rep program, together, as the weight of risk bears down nurture reps for SBC, colored pages but I cannot do so. You see, this missionary greatly on his marriage and family both and birthday wishes were important family was called by God to minister in an emotionally and financially. We have between our families, but they quickly area that places them at great risk. shared overwhelming sorrows together, grew into a deeply rooted love for our missionaries and a mutual passion for spreading the Good News of Jesus I have come to realize through our participation as nurture Christ to the ends of the earth. Our reps at SBC that God truly wants His sons and daughters to eyes have been opened to see the world live, love and be together through this life despite the miles that lies beyond our neighborhood or even oceans that lie between us. block walls. We will never be the same.
by Darrin Best
erhaps, some of you think SBC missionaries are paid employees of their sending agencies. Others may think SBC pays its missionaries full salaries like its church staff. Be assured, neither is the case.
Although some missionaries are selffunded or receive full support from their denominations, about 80% of all missionaries serving on the field raise their support through church and individual partnerships. All SBC missionaries are “faith missionaries”—meaning they must raise their personal support. This process of raising support prepares missionaries for long-term success on the field by having partners in their ministries. Here are a few reasons why SBC missionaries raise their personal support:
Raising Support Is Biblical. Many Bible passages** illustrate the correlation between a person’s heart toward money and a person’s heart toward God. Jesus addresses how we should handle our possessions almost more than any other subject. In 2 Corinthians 9:6-15,
Paul writes a beautiful exposition on generous giving and its results. And 1 Chronicles 29:9 tells of joy in the giving process, “The people rejoiced at the willing response of their leaders, for they had given freely and wholeheartedly to the Lord. David the king also rejoiced greatly.” In short, missionaries who raise support are providing a way for others to experience the joy of heartfelt generosity. In 3 John 5-8, we also see instruction about giving to workers of God (missionaries). “Dear friend, you are being faithful to God when you care for the traveling teachers [missionaries] who pass through, even though they are strangers to you. They have told the church here of your loving friendship. Please continue providing for such teachers [missionaries] in a manner that pleases God for they are traveling for the Lord, and they accept nothing from people who are not believers. So we ourselves should support them so that we can be their partners as they teach [proclaim] the truth.”
When missionaries are supported and backed by dozens of individuals, families, and churches, it is a beautiful picture of the body of Christ serving and working together.
* by Dr. Don Orvis // Christian Fundraising Consultant/Coach
based on a family of four Raising Support Is Ministry in and of Itself.
Agency Administrative Fee 15% Base Salary/Taxes 40%
Local Cost of Living Adjustment 7%
Education Fund 3%
Ministry Fund 5% Home Assignment Fund 5% Automobile Fund 3% Housing Allowance 8%
Raising Support Offers Others a Way to Invest in God’s Kingdom.
Retirement Plan 5% Insurance (Health/Life) 9%
($$)* 70
Missionaries have a calling and mission, but they need partners to help bring their vision to reality. They are not “begging for money.” Rather, they are inviting others to be a part of something bigger than themselves.
Perhaps God is nudging you to talk with some of our missionaries about their support needs during the Global Summit.
Raising Support Helps Missionaries Be Accountable to Their Ministry Partners.
*“ Support” in this article means prayer and financial support.
Like all of us, missionaries need accountability. They need support partners keeping them on track to accomplish their ministries. When missionaries are supported and backed by dozens of individuals, families, and churches, it is a beautiful picture of the body of Christ serving and working together.
Individuals Churches
Not only does raising support strengthen missionaries’ resilience and trust, but it also gives opportunities to minister to people with whom they meet. Sometimes this means encouraging others to step out in faith and consider going themselves or helping send others. It is offering a listening ear or receiving a prayer request. It is not solely about the missionary! Henri Nouwen said, “We do not need to worry about the money. Rather, we need to worry about whether, through the invitation we offer them and the relationship we develop with them, they will come closer to God.”
** See other passages like Numbers 8:24; Nehemiah 2:1-9; Matthew 10:9-10; Luke 8:1-3 and 10:1-8; Acts 18:4-5; I Corinthians 8 & 9; Philippians 4:10-19.
*survey of several larger evangelical mission agencies
What’s Next? How Do I Get Involved? What’s My Role?
God’s Heart for the Nations MONDAYS, NOVEMBER 19 & 26 | 6:30PM | A8 Come hear from Global Outreach Pastor, Ethan Collins, as we look together at God’s heart for the nations from Genesis to Revelation. Scripture clearly lays out a divine plan that has been working its way out from the calling of Abram, to the forming of the nation of Israel, to the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus the Son of God, to the forming and sending of the Church. We will also talk about where God has uniquely called Scottsdale Bible Church to play our role in this great biblical drama.
Business as Mission (BAM) Group God is raising up a new work force of men and women from around the world. These men and women are on a mission for God’s glory in and through business. Christian leaders in business, church, missions and beyond have all concurred that God is at work and Business as Mission (BAM) is dynamically meeting the various needs of a world in desperate need of the whole Gospel! BAM helps make Jesus’ principles relevant to a hurting world plagued with injustice, poverty and unemployment. BAM practitioners live out the mission of God to see God glorified, worshiped and loved while at the same time meeting the needs of people. If you are a man or woman in business and are looking for ways to use your business skills and leadership for God’s glory around the world, for more info, contact globaloutreach@scottsdalebible.com.
2019 Cross Conference JANUARY 2-5, 2019 | LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY All things exist by God, through God, and for God (Romans 11:36). This includes the church, and it includes you. Some go, some stay, but God is the one who calls all His people to missions, and God is the one who uses them all. The question was never whether or not we’re called, but what our call looks like. If you are a young adult, ages 18-25, come to CROSS19 to answer this important question. CROSS exists to see our generation live for the most loving cause in the universe: bringing people from every tribe, tongue, and nation into the everlasting joy of knowing and worshiping Jesus. Because it’s our time to pray, then send or go.
Missionary Nurture A big example of God’s faithfulness and provision to us here at Scottsdale Bible Church is reflected in the missionaries who God has raised up and sent out from our church family. SBC’s Mission Statement even reflects this as we are on mission to “Win, Build, and Send.” After we “send” out these workers for the Lord’s harvest, we are also called to support them as they live out their calling in missions. One of the most practical ways we can do this is to provide spiritual and emotional support for them. This is known as missionary nurture. Find out how your family or small group can be involved in the lives of one of our missionary families by joining our Nurture Team.
• Ages 18-25 • Wednesday, January 2, through Saturday, January 5 in Louisville, Kentucky • Approximate cost: $1,000 all-inclusive • Three breakout times with a total of 24 breakouts to choose from
Pathways to Global Understanding MONDAYS, JANUARY 28—MAY 6 | 6:30-9:30PM | A9 Pathways is an eye-opening journey into God's kingdom blueprint that will inspire every Christian to desire to see His glory revealed among the nations. This dynamic curriculum will connect you to God's global enterprise in practical ways and help you learn your part in God’s story as He brings the world to our doorstep. The cost of the class is $240/person or $380/couple. Try out one class for free if you aren’t sure. For more info, contact globaloutreach@scottsdalebible.com.
deploy Host an International Student
Building a Home—Rocky Point, Mexico
Men’s Construction Team
Scottsdale Community College is recruiting host families to house international students for a two-week orientation period that is usually in July. Following the two-week orientation, participants move into student housing near the SCC Campus. International students in the Community College Initiative (CCI) program are from under-served and under-represented groups and participate in a one-year, nondegree academic program at a U.S. community college. This is a great way to invite students from around the world into our homes and our church to nurture and minister to them during their school year. Contact globaloutreach@ scottsdalebible.com.
This trip provides a unique opportunity for families to serve together to build homes for needy families in partnership with 1Mission Ministries. Children ages 5 and up are welcome and encouraged to participate. The team will be sleeping and eating at the 1Mission Base Camp, a facility with hot showers and safe food.
Each year, this team of men from SBC work with Young Life to make improvements to existing buildings and structures in their camp facilities around the world. Young Life camps are used to share the gospel with each new generation of adolescents as well as disciple those who become believers. Young Life’s goal is to reach and build kingdom leaders in order to transform cultures around the world. Join us as we work together to make improvements at beautiful camps where kids can come and experience the love of Jesus!
International Students Inc. (I.S.I.) is also looking for families to minister to international students here in our city. God is bringing the nations to us via our local universities, and Phoenix is host to thousands of students from all over the world! Meet and make a difference in the lives of students from Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhist backgrounds—many from countries that U.S. missionaries are not allowed to enter. Contact: Teri Crowell at tcrowell@isionline.org
Global Outreach Monthly Prayer FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH 6:30PM | GRACE CHAPEL This group faithfully gathers to pray for our SBC missionaries and our ministry partners around the world and here in our own city. If you have a heart for prayer, a heart for our missionaries, or consider yourself to have an intercessory ministry, this group is for you.
Date: January 18-21,2019 Open to: Families
Date: Early September, 2019
Cost: $265
Open to: Men
European Leadership Forum—Poland
English Camp—Slovakia
The European Leadership Forum is a strategic effort to train, encourage and strengthen Europe’s evangelical leaders who often serve in antagonistic and isolated environments. The members of SBC’s volunteer team provide the support to make the Forum a success. It is an energizing, humbling and unforgettable experience!
This team will host an English camp for young people who are anxious to improve their language skills and interested in meeting Americans. They are also open to the message of hope and love in the gospel of Christ. The missionaries and local church follow up with these young people throughout the year. Join this team and be a part of life change in one of the most scenic countries in Europe!
Date: May 14-25, 2019 Open to: Adults (over 18) Cost: $3,005
Date: Late June/early July, 2019 Open to: Adults (over 18) Approximate Cost: $2,500
Approximate Cost: $3,000
Summer Serve—Globally Have you been on one of SBC’s short-term mission trips and wondered what it would be like to go for an extended time? Are you wondering if God might be calling you to serve in cross-cultural missions? Are you a college student who would like to serve globally next summer with one of our church’s ministry partners? If you answered “yes” or even “maybe” to any of these questions, we want you to know about our Summer Serve Opportunities. We can send you for one month or the whole summer to work in many capacities and locations around the world. Contact us to find out more, and let us help you find your perfect fit to serve!
Medical Team—Mexico In the lush tropical jungle of the Yucatan Peninsula, a mission hospital has been established to serve the poorest of the poor. Thousands of people are helped each year and lives are changed. This team will provide medical or dental care, build a play area, and do outreach in the nearby villages. This is a great trip for families.
Date: Mid-July Open to: Medical Professionals, Adults, Families Approximate Cost: $1,850
out there