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Architectural Committee Review
from April / May 2022
By Michele Holzman SRCA Architectural Committee Chair
The purpose of the Architectural Committee is “to ensure that the member’s property values are enhanced by external changes to properties”. That is an all-encompassing statement. What this boils down to is that volunteer residents on the Committee meet to approve external changes that go beyond previously set guidelines. The Committee meets twice a month and discusses each and every project submittal. Each Committee member actually visits the property location as to better understand the request. We only physically view the front of the property. Back and side yard submittals are discussed with pictures and information from your submittal. All residents are encouraged to attend the meetings.
2021 has been an exceptional year in so many ways: the pandemic has kept most of us in our homes more than we ever expected, home improvements have increased over 20% since 2020, and property values have soared. These phenomena have made 2021 a busy year for the SRCA staff and the Architectural Committee. The Scottsdale Ranch Architectural Liaison, Diane Botica, has seen over 1000 requests for external changes, of which several hundred have been referred to the Architectural Committee. Some of the most popular requests have been:
• Changing out concrete walkways for pavers • Changes to house paint colors • Pergola and gazebo requests • Front door enhancements • Window, door and roof replacements • Landscape changes such as artificial turf, xeriscape and tree replacements • Additions and major remodeling (including enclosing covered patios)
As you start to consider changes you want to make to the exterior of your home in 2022, please remember the following:
Not only will this save you time but there is a $250.00 fine for some changes made without prior approval. The best place to start your project is a trip to the SRCA website that will guide you through the process. Please go to: www.scottsdaleranch. org and click on “Plan My Project Architectural Guide”. You can always call the SRCA office and ask for Diane at 480-860-2022. She is a fantastic resource and goes above and beyond to help you.
By Nina Munson SRCA Communications Committee Chair
Keeping our residents informed of important issues in and around Scottsdale Ranch is a paramount goal established by the SRCA Administration and Board of Directors. The primary vehicles used to share information include our website www.scottsdaleranch.org, mobile app, email blasts, periodic postcard mailings, and bi-monthly magazines. If you are missing out on any of these, please inform the SRCA administration, and they will determine the best solution for remediation.
It is also essential for the SRCA Administration and Board of Directors to understand the needs of our Ranch residents. By seeking and receiving your feedback, we are able to determine appropriate areas to focus on, allowing us to enrich the value and quality of life on the Ranch. In 2005, Scottsdale Ranch invested in a full-scale survey of all our residents with the intent of identifying issues of importance to them. From this information, we determined appropriate actions that could and should be taken. Recently, the Board of Directors reviewed this information, and upon reflection we saw how much change has occurred, which was driven by the residents’ ideas and input. We thought it would be informative and valuable to share with you that survey, the resident feedback, and the resulting actions/changes that were implemented. Log onto our website and you will find a summary of the survey, or if you are so inclined, you can review the entirety of the survey questions, results and actions. I know the Board members found this information very helpful, and I hope you find the same.
After perusing the information, please advise the SRCA Administration of any questions you may have or let us know of any new ideas or suggestions that would benefit or enhance our community. We hope it inspires you to identify thoughts of how we can continue to maintain Scottsdale Ranch as the premier community in which to live.
Community Leadership Committee Review
By Mike Breslin SRCA Community Leadership Committee Chair
The Community Leadership Committee’s responsibility is to establish and maintain open lines of communication with the sub-associations within Scottsdale Ranch. Scottsdale Ranch Community Association as the master association, maintains these open communications with the sub-associations, sharing knowledge and important information which helps assist sub-association Board members lead and manage their own communities.
The Community Leadership Committee holds two to three seminars/ luncheons a year, bringing in speakers who provide education on various homeowners’ association topics. These seminars/luncheons are also a great way for sub-association board members to network with each other and share their best practices. Some topics that are discussed include legal, curb appeal, short-term rentals, water conservation, insurance and reserves.
SRCA appreciates the willingness of our board and the sub-association leaders that strive to be good leaders and keep Scottsdale Ranch a premier community.