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Architectural Committee Review Committee News
from April / May 2023
By Michele Holzman SRCA Architectural Committee Chair
There’s been a lot of changes going on in Scottsdale Ranch. Your neighbors (and probably you) have been hard at work improving your property, and it really shows. The past few years have seen housing prices skyrocket and residents renovating and upgrading their property. That’s where the Architectural Committee comes in.
To protect you and your neighbors, and to ensure our neighborhoods retain their themes and harmony, SRCA is required to have an architectural review process. Our CC&R’s require that all changes to the exterior of your property, whether in the front or rear, be reviewed and approved BEFORE you start your project.
With almost 4,000 residents, the staff at Scottsdale Ranch is kept super busy helping you with approvals and suggestions to help you during the process. Actually, more than 1,200 requests have been processed by staff in 2022 for projects such as new windows, pergolas and gazebos, changing exterior paint colors, and replacing concrete with pavers.
The Architectural Committee gets involved with projects that require major changes or vary from the characteristic of the neighborhood or the Architectural Guidelines and Rules. Some of these changes can include courtyard additions, construction of spas and pools and outdoor lighting. The Committee meets on Zoom on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at 3:30 p.m. and you are always welcome! Diane Botica is the Architectural Liaison. Call her at the office and she will send you a link for the meeting.
The 5 Step Process for your project is really simple:
1. Complete and submit the changes you want to make to the application. The home page of SR website is a helpful link called “Plan My Project”.
2. Our helpful staff will review your application and contact you when approved. If your project cannot be approved by our staff, it will be presented to the Architectural Committee for evaluation.
3. Architectural Committee members will visit the front of your property and become fully acquainted with your project before the Committee meets.
4. The Architectural Committee will meet, and you are welcome to attend and speak on your behalf.
5. If your project is approved or denied by the Architectural Committee, you will be notified within the week.
It is only rarely that requests are denied – in fact less than 6% of last year’s applications were denied. In the rare instance that the Committee denies a homeowner’s request, the response always includes a reason, and often suggestions on what changes are likely to result in an approval. If you choose, you may appeal the decision to the Board of Directors.
Please remember you MUST submit an architectural application for any change to the exterior of your property. The purpose of the architectural process is to protect property values and quality of life for you and all of your neighbors.
In summary, our meetings are open to all residents of Scottsdale Ranch. Whether you have lived in the Ranch for 20 years or 2 months, we would love to see you at OUR meetings and look forward to your input. Come meet us and the fantastic Scottdale Ranch staff that work every day for YOU!!