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Manager’s Report Board Briefs
from June/July 2022
Manager’s Report
By Kathe M. Barnes, CAAM, LSM, PCAM Executive Director
Another Annual Meeting and Board Election is in the books. As most of you know, the Annual Meeting was held in April where the final results were announced for the candidates who would fill the 3 seats as well as the results of the proposed CC&R and Bylaw amendments.
I want to congratulate the 3 top vote getters who were the incumbents Matt Metz, Michele Holzman and Nina Munson. These candidates were elected by the membership to continue to be on the board to represent homeowner interests for another two-year term. Thank you to Marcus Meyer, Sam Nili and Stephen Phillips who also ran, and we hope that you will choose to get involved in our association on one of our many committees. Your expertise would be greatly welcomed.
The following CC&R amendment was passed by 93% of the members voting. This CC&R amendment was to set start and end times and specific days for landscape and construction noise that may interfere with the peaceful enjoyment of neighboring properties. Below is that amendment and goes into effect immediately:
The first sentence of Article IV, Section 2(f) of the Declaration, Construction and Maintenance Activities, was amended as follows:
Normal construction, routine landscaping and maintenance activities on a Lot or Parcel shall not be considered a nuisance or otherwise prohibited by this Declaration; however, normal construction, landscaping and maintenance activities which may interfere with the right of peaceful enjoyment of Neighboring Properties may only take place between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday, and between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. on Sundays.
The remainder of Article IV, Section 2(f) to remain the same.
In addition, the Bylaws were amended in its entirety to bring them in line with the current laws and to help the association run more smoothly and effectively. The Bylaw amendments were also passed by 93% of the members voting. You may review the Bylaws in their entirety on the association’s website at www.scottsdaleranch.org under Resident Resources.
We want to thank all of you who participated in the voting process. As many of you saw, we had trouble reaching our quorum requirements and had to send many reminder emails
March 2022
• Board approved the CC&R amendment to be sent to the membership that would set start and end times and specific days for landscape and construction noise that may interfere with the peaceful enjoyment of neighboring properties.
April 2022
• Board elected the following officers for the 2022/2023 board term: Matt Metz, President; Greg Mona, Vice
President; Mike Breslin, Treasurer; and Nina Munson,
Secretary. • It was decided that committee chairs and members would remain the same for the next year except for the Election Committee, the new members are Nina
Munson and Michele Holzman. • The board overturned an architectural committee’s decision based on a homeowner’s appeal of their denial. • The board approved a one-time variance to the rental restrictions based on extenuating circumstances. • The board confirmed the existence of a violation for failing to apply for a change to the exterior of a property. • It was decided to stay neutral on the 92 Ironwood project; however, the board still has concerns about density and the rezoning. • A board retreat will be held in June to review legal, insurance and strategic planning.
The SRCA office will be closed on Monday, July 4th in observance of Independence Day.
to solicit more voter participation. This was the first year that I can remember that we came that close to not having enough to conduct our Annual Meeting & Election. We only needed 394 voters to meet 10% quorum requirements out of our 3,939 units. That is a small amount but seemed like such a monumental feat this year.
I am interested in hearing feedback on reasons why you didn’t vote and what we can do to make it easier. We would like to at least double the numbers of voters next year. I would like to see more homeowners making these important decisions for the association, not just 10% of the members. Please feel free to reach out to me directly at kbarnes@scottsdaleranch.org or give me a call at (480) 860-2022.