Masterworks 1919 - 2007

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MASTERWORKS 1919 - 2007

SCOTT WHITE CONTEMPORARY ART 7655 Girard Avenue, Suite 101 La Jolla, California 92037

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JOSEF ALBERS Study for Homage to Square: Resonant A 1964 Oil on canvas board 24” x 24” 24 1/4” x 24 1/4” framed Signed on verso: “Albers 1964” Written on verso: “for Sam and Edys Feb 13, 1971 J.A.”

MILTON AVERY Vase and Decanter 1949 Oil on canvas 19 1/2” x 15 1/2” 27 1/4” x 23 1/4” framed

ALIGHIERO BOETTI Accanto al Pantheon 1988 Embroidered panel 44 3/4” x 40 1/2”

LYNN CHADWICK Jubilee IV 1985 Bronze male: 102” x 69” x 114” female: 100” x 57” x 135” Edition of 6

LYNN CHADWICK Seated Couple 1979-80 Bronze Female: 76â€? x 37â€? x 56â€? Male: 76â€? x 37â€? x 56â€? Edition 5/6 6WDPSHG ´&KDGZLFN Âľ RQ WKH IHPDOH DQG PDOH Ă€JXUHV

WILLEM DE KOONING Reclining Figure 1969-82 Bronze 5’ 7” x 10’ 10” x 8’ Edition 1/7 Signed, dated and numbered

JIM DINE Twin Venuses from Thunder 1999 Patinated bronze 64” x 63” x 33”

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JACQUES LIPCHITZ Seated Man with Clarinet 1919 Bronze 28” x 11” x 10” Edition 2/7

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HENRY MOORE Reclining Figure with Circle 1983 Bronze 17” x 35” x 13” Edition 3/9

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GEORGE RICKEY Four L’s Eccentric 1987 Stainless Steel Height: 18’ L’s are 5’ x 3’ each Edition 3/3 VIDEO:

GEORGE RICKEY Two Open Rectangles Diagonal Jointed 1986 Stainless Steel 90” x 40” Edition 2/3 VIDEO:


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FRANK STELLA Mosport 1982 Alkyd and magna on etched magnesium 114” x 126” x 24”

FRANK STELLA Zabludow II 1973 Painted canvas, felt and wood on tri-wall 92 1/2” x 86 1/2” x 4 1/2”

BERNAR VENET Single Indeterminate Line Rolled steel Âľ [ Âľ [ Âľ


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