The Tribes of Andaman and Nicobar

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INTRODUCTION TRIBAL COMMUNITY The Andamanese are the various indigenous peoples of the Andaman Islands, part of India's Andaman and Nicobar Islands union territory in the southeastern part of the Bay of Bengal in Southeast Asia. The Andamanese peoples are among the various groups considered Negrito, owing to their dark skin and diminutive stature. All Andamanese traditionally lived a hunter-gatherer lifestyle, and appear to have lived in substantial isolation for thousands of years.[1] It is suggested that the Andamanese settled in the Andaman Islands around the latest glacial maximum, around 26,000 years ago.

HISTORY Until the late 18th century, the Andamanese culture, language, and genetics were preserved from outside influences by their fierce reaction to visitors, which included killing any shipwrecked foreigners, and by the remoteness of the islands. The various tribes and their mutually unintelligible languages thus are believed to have evolved on their own over millennia. Venetian explorer Marco Polo wrote of the Andamanese in 1294, in The Travels of Marco Polo The people are without a king and are Idolaters, and no better than wild beasts. And I assure you all the men of this Island of Angamanain have heads like dogs, and teeth and eyes likewise; in fact, in the face they are all just like big mastiff dogs! They have a quantity of spices; but they are a most cruel generation, and eat everybody that they can catch, if not of their own race. They live on flesh and rice and milk, and have fruits different from any of ours.

Natives of Andaman & Nicobar The Natives are what makes Andaman and Nicobar Islands unique in relation to different parts of the nation. They are the fundamental motivation behind why these islands have a wild quality. Andaman and Nicobar islanders are fundamentally separated into two noteworthy classifications. The Andamanese. Onge. Jarawa and Sentinelese of the Negroid populace live in the Andaman Islands. It is trusted that they relocated from Africa around a thousand years back, and the palaeolithic age.

Culture of Tribes Andamanese is the native tribes possessing the shades of Andaman. They are additionally partitioned into five noteworthy gatherings specifically Great Andamanese, Jarawa, Jangil Onge, and Sentinelese The Great Andamanese: Once the biggest tribes in the Andaman Islands, the Great Andamanese were assessed around 10,000 amid 1789. Be that as it may, by the time of 1969. just 19 of them were cleared out. The Great Andamanese used to be foragers and depended predominantly on the backwoods for sustenance. Presently, they eat Rice, Chapati Dal and cook utilizing favours. Their customary eating regimen contains dugong angle, turtle, crabs, pork, and turtle eggs. As of late, some of them have even begun developing vegetables and poultry ranches,


One of the most antiquated tribes in the nation. Onge individuals for the most part remain at Dugong Creek in Lale Andaman Island. Prior they used to just rely on nature for sustenance, nonetheless, with the current improvement, they have been supplied with pucca houses, garments, nourishment solutions, and so forth by the Andaman Government. A grade school has additionally been set up at the stream

Jarawas: This tribe for the most part occupies the western Beachs of the Middle and South Andaman Islands. They are needy mostly on chasing for sustenance and water. In any case, the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands Administration have teamed up to make life more agreeable for them. To guarantee that they have a standard supply of wood band nourishment, the reservation territory for this tribe has been expanded to 1028 square kilometres. Additionally, select wards at specific clinics and essential wellbeing focuses have been likewise set up for them

Sentinelese: The beak of this tribe for the most part occupies the North Sentinel Island in the Andamans. They are presumably the man tribe from the old age who is not affected by the outside world. They are considered as a backup to the Onge and Jarawa tribes, who have kept up their unique personáty and have lost contact with the other primary tribes. They are known for their forceful conduct and along these lines, never leave the island

Fairs and Festivals of Andaman Being a multi-ethnic express, local people in Andaman and Nicobar Islands commend every single celebration with a great deal of excrement. Every one of the fairs and celebrations in the city is exceptionally energizing and draw in a great many sightseers from everywhere throughout the world. Otherwise called Smaller than expected India, the greater part of the celebrations celebrated here are fundamentally the same as the ones celebrated in the Indian Mainland. Alongside inviting Goddess Durga amid Durga Puja, the Andamanese and Nicobarese additionally commend the celebration of lights Diwali with equivalent measures of energy. Pongal and Janmashtami are among the other well-known celebrations celebrated in Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Beach Festival A standout amongst the most as of late presented occasions in the islands; the Beach Festival in Andaman and Nicobar Islands is basically celebrated to fulfil the requests of Beach people. alongside different Beach exercises, for example. Beach Volleyball. Tug-of-War and Kabaddi, this celebration is likewise known for its various delectable sustenance slow down, energizing excitement programs and different other fun exercises.

Music or Monsoon Festival Held between the times of May and June, the Monsoon Festival is, for the most part, sorted out to help the tourism exercises amid these months. Music and Dance exhibitions and different nourishment are a portion of the significant attractions of this celebration.

GEOGRAPHICAL CONDITIONS There are 349 islands in the territory having an area of8,249 km2 (3,185 sq mi). Of these, about 38 are permanently inhabited. • The islands extend from 6° to 14° North latitudes and from 92° to 94° East longitudes. The Andamans are separated from the Nicobar group by a channel (the Ten Degree Channel) some 150 km (93 mi) wide. The highest point is located in North Andaman Island (SaddlePeakat 732 m (2,402 ft). The Andaman group has 325 islandswhich cover an area of 6,170 km² (2,382 sq mi) while the Nicobar group has only 24 islands with an area of 1,765 km² (681 sq mi)


Tropical climate

. Humid Weather and has no winter season. Rainy season lasts for 180 days in a year. The southwest monsoon touches the Indian soil first in the Andamans and then proceeds towards the Indian mainland. Seasons: Summer - January to April, Monsoon - May to December. Relative Humidity: 70%-90% Mean minimum temperature at 23 °C and maximum at 28 Annual Rainfall: 3,000 mm Andaman & Nicobar Islands is always warm, with pleasant sea-breeze. The rainy season happens twice a year under the influence of Southwest monsoon in mid-May to September, and Northeast monsoon in Nove to January. There is medium to heavy rain during the monsoon, in the months from May to mid September and November to mid December.

ÖNGÉ HUT. They are built to the shape of a somewhat flattened cone, about 13 feet high, and 30 feet in diameter. On a framework of light sticks, supported by twenty or more upright poles planted irregularly about the interior, a thick covering of large mats is laid. The mats are made by fastening the stripped mid-ribs of a species of fern-palm side by side with a rattan lashing after the style of a "chick," and then securing at right angles to the foundation thus constructed a thick layer of the pinna of the same plant. For doors, several of the lower mats are arranged toroll up, and leave an opening about 4 feet square. . Sleeping platforms are formed by laying split bamboos lengthwise on a framework, measuring about 5 feet by 4 feet, which is raised above the ground on legs 6 to 18 inches high. Each hut contains a number of such bed-places.

KAR NICOBARESE FAMILY AND DWELLING HOUSE, WITH LOUNGE BENEATH. All the buildings stand on thick piles, about 7 feet high, but vary in architectural type. • The living-houses (pati), roughly about 20 feet in diameter, and 15-20 feet in height from floor to apex,are in shape something between an inverted basinand a pie-dish, covered with a heavy thatch of lallang grass.

• Without windows or visible entrance, the interior is reached by a neatly-made ladder of bamboo, or notched pole, through a trapdoor in the floor, which works on like hinges and has an alarum attached, so that any nocturnal intruder will make his presence known.

The top of each pile is fitted with a large, circular, wooden disc, to prevent the entry of rats and reptiles, and beneath the house, in the shade, there is generally a swing, and also a platform of springy cane that serves the native for a lounge. Baskets, bag-shaped and wide-meshed, hang from the piles, and in these the hens are put when it is laying-time. Inside, the walls are generally neatly lined with thin battens of areca palm attached horizontally; up in the roof, a kind of attic is formed, by means of a light shelving of areca or other palm wood, having a square aperture left in the centre for entrance.


At the further end the fireplace is situated. A flat block of wood is hollowed out and covered with sand or clay, and huge clay pots often with a capacity of many gallons stand above it, on pieces of stone, raising them clear of the coconut husks which are the principal fuel.

Around lie pandanus fruit, the boards and shells with which it is prepared for eating, and the thorn-armed leaf stems of the rattan, which the natives use for grating up coconut.

Up in the roof, are stuck, between the thatch and the rafters, hollowed out wooden troughs, in which the food of the pigs, dogs, and other animals is prepared; flat wooden dishes, provision baskets, and fans for blowing up the fire, made of the sheathing petiole of palm trees, while, across the beams, are hung coconut shells joined in pairs by a short rattan handle which contain the day's supply of water.

KITCHEN AND DWELLING-HOUSE, WITH FESTIVAL TREE, NANKAURI. Bamboo posts, too, split at the upper end and spread out fanwise, are planted at intervals along the beach; they are put up yearly by every man in the village, to keep fever and devils (iwi) away; and several grotesque figures of crocodiles (yéo), placed in little shelters, raised on poles, prevent their living counterparts from attacking the villagers when they enter the water. The houses are of two kinds, round and rectangular; the latter are used as kitchens and storerooms, but there is a fireplace in the others, where much of the cooking is done.

The conical roofs are made of attaps of nipah palm, neatly fastened to a framework of thick rattan by lashings of cane, the sides and floor are generally of roughly-hewn boards; inside, about 3 feet from the wall, a circle of posts helps to support the roof, which, in some cases, is entirely lined with horizontal laths of wood. The apex is crowned outside by a high, carved finial. Access is obtained by means of a notched pole, and to permit the entrance of domestic animals, a tree trunk, split and hollowed out to form a trough, slopes gently up from the ground to door or window. Beneath the houses are platforms on which the natives keep their store of pandanus and coconuts, their spare pots and baskets, and peculiar bundles of wood. This latter is neatly cut into billets about 1 foot long, and packed into circular bundles, 2 or 3 feet in diameter, by means of a tight lashing of cane.

DWELLING-HOUSES, DRING HARBOUR, KAMORTA. They are fairly numerous, and those living near the shore are on friendly terms with the coast people, bartering jungle produce and rattans. It is not wise, however, to go into the interior of Great Nicobar, as the wild men (orang utan) will murder strangers for the sake of their clothes and ornaments. They themselves are clothed in bark apparel. Their houses are either light shelters, the materials of which they carry about in their journeys, fitted with bunks one above the other, beneath the lowest of which a small fire smoulders; or are of a more substantial construction, with a fence surrounding each house cluster.

A VILLAGE OF THE SHOM PEŃ. The houses were small structures built on piles, 4 to 6 feet high, with open sides, and roofs of attaps.

The houses five in number, and recently constructed stood on piles about 12 feet high; in several cases a live tree being built in. These supports were strengthened by diagonal struts a most uncommon form of scaffolding among savages. The floors were made of saplings placed side by side, and the side walls, about 3 feet high, of split nibong palm; while the roofs, which just afforded head-room at the apex, were roughly thatched with whole palm leaves, piled on butt downwards.

HUTS OF THE SHOM PEŃ. Each house was about 8 feet square, and at one end of each a small platform was attached, on which was the fireplace, with cooking apparatus of bark sheets covered with large green leaves, to prevent charring. In a corner of each hut was a shelf of split sticks, and a long trough of split and hollowed palm trunk sloped from ground to floor for the dogs and other animals to mount by. The ladders for human use were about 18 inches wide, with cross-pieces fastened on by rattan bindings.



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