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Chandler Hatche

i @ ch andler.hatchett

Longtime wellness enthusiast and Bible teacher, Chandler joined the anti-trafficking movement after surviving an attempted abduction herself. Today, she uses her platform as a true ally and changemaker, working to stop altogether the horrors of human trafficking. Locally, she supports nonprofit organizations such as Red Oak Hope and The Refuge, and she goes beyond Austin to support survivors through Bochy’s Place in Dallas, Dear Dinah in Ohio, and Zera House in West Virginia.

Jordan Canova

i @ j ordwess | i @ morethaninc

As a public speaker, professional model, entrepreneur, and former Miss Arizona USA, Jordan utilizes her influence to empower women. She is the founder of More Than Inc. and the host of the I Am More Than Podcast where she aims to inspire, educate, and encourage multifaceted women through highlighting others’ stories in a transparent, vulnerable, and engaging way. With a passion for mental health awareness, confidence, and self acceptance, she has created a strong and supportive community. Join her on the #morethanmovement

Camryn Mincey

i @ se cretsofaworkingmom

As the founder of Secrets of a Working Mom, Camryn is focused on providing real moms with realistic everyday solutions. Her primary aim is to encourage moms everywhere to join her in the ‘bring back the village’ movement where they support one another to create a kinder, healthier, and stronger community for their children to grow. Camryn has proved that we are better together, and by sharing some of life’s simplest hacks, tips, and tricks, we can achieve much greater success.

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