Scouting Ireland - Programme Review - 2017
Following from identifying the scope of the project it was necessary to identify what is deemed outside of scope of this process. This was performed to ensure that the evaluation process was clear of the focus and that the aim of the evaluation process was not strayed from. It was decided that this evaluation would not permit the establishment of the impact of ONE Programme on youth members. Nor would it evaluate the impact of scouting on youth members. An examination of the fundamentals of Scouting Irelands programme such as the Scout Method, Educational Trails, Scouting Ireland’s Aim and Objectives was not within the scope of this evaluation. An evaluation of whether the aim of Scouting Ireland is being met was not possible either within this project, and finally, how scouting and Scouting Ireland meets the needs of Irish youth and society was not included within this process.
2.2 Review Design An evaluation research process was chosen as it has a distinctive purpose rather than traditional research, which explores new or different topics. The purpose of an evaluation is not to prove a theory as traditional research does but to improve the subject of the evaluation.
This evaluation had a two-pronged approach:
Formative Evaluation
Is conducted with the intention to improve ONE Programme.
Process Evaluation
An exploration of what is actually taking place in sections across Scouting Ireland. While in parallel, gaining an understanding from the developers and implementers of the intended working of the programme, thus enabling a mapping of theory to practice leading to the identification of gaps.