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Scouting Ireland - Programme Review - 2017

2.3 Data Collection

A three stage progression was designed to meet the requirements of the process and ensure the inclusion of all stakeholders and participant types. Stage 1 - Surveys Method:

Online Questionnaire for Scouters and Young People (Adults and Adolescents) Worksheets for Beaver and Cub Scouts (Children)

Purpose and Comments: - Data collection is to enable the understanding of how ONE Programme is operating across all sections and member types. - To explore the frequency, application and satisfaction of all elements. - Engage as many members (Practitioners) as possible; the process was open for ALL to engage. Stage 2 Workshops Method: Participative Workshop with Action Research and Focus Action Research Groups for Scouters and Young People (Adults and Adolescents) Purpose and Comments: Data collection is to understand the practice of ONE Programme. Specifically; - To understand how programme works or does not work on the ground - Identify how people are scouting - Identify the barriers to ONE Programme - Engage with the membership locally across all six provinces Stage 3 - Focus Group Method: Participative Workshop with Action Research and Focus Action Research Groups for developers and implementers (Adults and Adolescents) Purpose and Comments: Data collection is to enable an understanding how ONE Programme was designed to operate. - Desire to capture institutional memory This three stage process permits triangulation across results, enabling the identification of valid and reliable findings, thus resulting in a stronger research design. The purpose of triangulation is to capture different dimensions of the same phenomenon using various samples and methods of data collection to ensure the validity of the evaluation process.


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