Scouting Ireland - Programme Review - 2017
3. To establish the current barriers and pathways to delivering youth programme.
1.3 Fundamentals of Youth Programme The purpose of ONE Programme is to deliver youth programme across all our age ranges with a similar structure, in a coherent manner. Through this certain elements and concepts are present in each section but each is tailored in an age-appropriate fashion. Resources and materials are designed to appeal to the age range of the specific section while presenting the same concepts in each section via age-appropriate visual aids, language and personal journeys. Some of the building blocks of ONE Programme are: 1. The use of The Scout Method 2. Placing Youth Participation at the heart of the planning process 3. Individual personal journeys / experiences 4. Age-appropriate Programme Materials to support young people.
The Scout Method
The Scout Method is Scouting’s unique method of delivering Scouting to young people. The Scout Method is comprised of eight components which are equally important and when collectively implemented make scouting what it is. It is through the use of the Scout Method that Scouting Ireland achieves its aims in developing young people.
Promise & Law
The commitment to a code of living based on the values of the Scout movement.
Personal Progression
A scheme to support the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes in all areas and to provide recognition for individual and group achievements.
Learning by Doing
An approach that prioritises learning through practice, first-hand experience, and from both successes and mistakes;
Small Group System
Progressive, democratic and self- governing groups, usually of 6-8