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As both the Association and the Company are currently referred to as Scouting Ireland, the National Management Committee is proposing to differentiate one from the other by changing the name of Scouting Ireland CLG to Scouting Ireland Services CLG. Rules R-1

Rule 113

That Rule 113 be altered to read as follows;


All members of the National Council shall be notified of the time, date and venue of the Annual General Meeting of the National Council at least eight weeks in advance of the date of the meeting and at least four weeks in advance of the date of the meeting for any other meeting of the National Council. Notification shall be considered to be effective on National Council Members if it is sent by ordinary pre-paid post or by electronic mail to each Scout Group Leader, Scout County Commissioner, Provincial Commissioner and Chairpersons of the Youth Forum as well as directly to persons who are members of the National Council by virtue of the appointment or position they hold. (National Management Committee) Proposer’s Explanation This minor housekeeping change is to include others as not specifically named above that are eligible to attend National Council but currently are not listed. e.g. Honorary Vice President’s R-2

Rule 116

That Rule 116 be altered to read as follows;


A second notice of the Annual General Meeting of the National Council shall be forwarded by the National Secretary to those members of Scouting Ireland notified with the first notice not less than four weeks prior to the date of the meeting. This second notice shall be accompanied by the following: a) The Agenda; b) All nominations validly received by the National Secretary; c) Any matters referred to the National Council by the National Management Committee; d) Any proposals received by the National Secretary by or on behalf of any Scout Group Council, Scout County Board or National Youth Forum. e) The Audit Accounts of Scouting Ireland. f) The Annual Report of the Scout Foundation and other relevant entities. g) The proposed National Council Meeting Standing Orders. (National Management Committee) Page 3 of 13

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