1 minute read
Your health
from Sea Scout Book
Four main groups of food containing proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals are necessary for good health. A satisfactory diet contains a variety of foods from the following categories: -
Milk in any form, at; least 500 millilitres per day. Cheeses, powdered milk or unsweetened evaporated milk. Milk and cheese provide protein and vitamins and are the best source of calcium.
Meat, fish poultry and eggs: dried beans and peas, lentils and peanuts. These foods provide protein and also contain vitamins and minerals.
Bread, flour and other cereals. Wholemeal varieties are better food value. These foods supply carbohydrates, several B vitamins and minerals. Vegetables and fruit: Leafy green, orange, or yellow vegetables for vitamin A, Fruit or vegetables rich in vitamin C, and two other servings of vegetables of or fruit, including potato, This group provides vitamins and minerals.
Butter or table margarine: These are sources of vitamin A and calories.
Without adequate sleep, you will never be truly fit., and your growth and health may suffer. While you are growing, the body uses a lot of energy and getting enough sleep is an absolute necessity, you will need nine to ten hours every night.
The skin has to be kept clean, and any cuts or abrasions treated carefully to prevent infection occurring. Wounds can harbour tetanus germs essary. Bowel, upsets are usually due to dirty hands contaminating food. Some people can be “carriers” and transmit diseases to other although they do not suffer from it themselves: this happens with typhoid fever.