Arranging a visit If you want to visit somewhere unusual where the public aren’t normally it may be best to find someone who works there and see if they can arrange a visit for you. Parents and friends are usually very useful for this. Failing to find a contact it is best to write formally on Troop headed paper explaining who you are and why you would like to visit. There are some letters below which can be adapted for most situations. IMPORTANT If you do visit somewhere always write again afterwards and thank the for helping to organise the trip. A simple thank you card will suffice signed by everybody who was there. Sample letter to Secretary of Dublin Bay Lifeboat The Secretary Dublin Bay Lifeboat The Lifeboat Station Ringsend Dublin 4
Siobhan Fitzsimons 87 Beigriffin Crescent Balgriffin Dublin 17
29 January 2001 Dear Secretary, My name is Slobhan Fftzsimons and I am a Watch Leader of Starboard Watch which has eight members with Port of Balgrfffin Sea Scouts. We have recently completed a programme of water safety for the forthcoming boating season, which included distress signals and the role of the emergency services. In order to complete this programme I was hoping that I could bring my watch to visit the lifeboat station in Ringsend so that they would be able to find out how the lifeboat and the lifeboat station works. Also they might learn about the commonest difficulties that the lifeboat is called out to assist and hence avoid the same follies. I hope that you will be able to facilitate my request and I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Yours Sincerely Siobhan Fitzsimons Watch Leader