Senior Watch Leader Attend Watch Leader Training The Watch Leaders Council elects one of the Watch Leaders as Senior Watch Leader. They are usually the most experienced watch leader and are confident enough to represent the views of all the watch leaders. The senior watch leader usually chairs the watch leaders council and follows u with each watch leader the decisions taken at the WLC. As they are the most experienced Watch Leader, they are able to advise other watch leaders if they are having problems being a Watch Leader. A good Senior watch leader will keep in close contact with all of the watch leaders and will also have the ear of the leaders for their own advice. If you are elected Senior Watch Leader you must take on the task seriously as lot of people are relying on you Just like being a Watch Leader the younger Scouts will admire and respect you and will in turn want to be like you. The other watch leaders will depend on you for your advice and support and make sure the Watch leaders council works well and represents the views of the Scouts. The Leaders will depend on you to let them know if they are doing a good job and as you are senior Watch Leader they will take your views and comment seriously. It is an honour to be elected Senior Watch leader and you should repay the honour by carrying out your duties in the true spirit of Scouting.