5_8_2021 Aditya Bhise student recital digital program

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This virtual recital is presented by the Department of Music at Emory University. music.emory.edu

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Aditya Bhise, tenor Senior Recital

Saturday, May 8, 2021, noon Performing Arts Studio Virtual Stage

Program Robert Schumann (1810–1856) Kurt Weill (1900–1950) Vincenzo Bellini (1801–1835)

Im wunderschönen Monat Mai Lonely House Vaga luna, che inargenti

Schumann Fernando Obradors (1897–1945)

Die Rose, die Lilie, die Taube, die Sonne Del cabello más sutil

Schumann Stefano Donaudy (1879–1925)

Ich will meine Seele tauchen O del mio amato ben

Schumann Gian Giacomo Carissimi (1605–1674)

Ich grolle nicht Vittoria mio core!

Intermission Schumann Manuel de Falla (1876–1946)

Das ist ein Flöten und Geigen Seguidilla Murciana

Hör’ ich das Liedchen klingen And Where Is the One Who Will Mourn Me Asturiana

Schumann Weill de Falla

Die alten, bösen Lieder Death of an Old Seaman

Schumann Cecil Cohen (1894–1967)

I Dream a World

Uzee Brown Jr. (b. 1950)


Texts and Translations Im wunderschönen Monat Mai Im wunderschönen Monat Mai, Als alle Knospen sprangen, Da ist in meinem Herzen Die Liebe aufgegangen.

In May, the magic month of May, When all the buds were springing, Into my heart the burning Bright arrow of love came winging.

Im wunderschönen Monat Mai, Als alle Vögel sangen, Da hab ich ihr gestanden Mein Sehnen und Verlangen.

In May, the magic month of May, When all the birds were singing, I told her of my yearning, My longing and heart-wringing.

—Heinrich Heine

—Hal Draper

Lonely House At night when everything is quiet This old house seems to breathe a sigh Sometimes I hear a neighbor snoring Sometimes I hear a baby cry Sometimes I hear a staircase creaking Sometimes a distant telephone And then the quiet settles down again The house and I are all alone Lonely house, lonely me Funny with so many neighbors How lonely it can be Lonely street, lonely town Funny you can be so lonely With all these folks around I guess there must be something I don’t comprehend Sparrows have companions Even stray dogs find a friend The night for me is not romantic Unhook the stars and take them down I’m lonely in this lonely house In this lonely town ­—Langston Hughes


Vaga luna, che inargenti Vaga luna, che inargenti queste rive e questi fiori ed inspiri agli elementi il linguaggio dell’amor; testimonio or sei tu sola del mio fervido desir, ed a lei che m’innamora conta i palpiti e i sospir.

Lovely moon, you who shed silver light On these shores and on these flowers And breathe the language Of love to the elements, You are now the sole witness Of my ardent longing, And can recount my throbs and sighs To her who fills me with love.

Dille pur che lontananza il mio duol non può lenir, che se nutro una speranza, ella è sol nell’avvenir. Dille pur che giorno e sera conto l’ore del dolor, che una speme lusinghiera mi conforta nell’amor.

Tell her too that distance Cannot assuage my grief, That if I cherish a hope, It is only for the future. Tell her that, day and night, I count the hours of sorrow, That a flattering hope Comforts me in my love.


—Antonio Giuliano

Die Rose, die Lilie, die Taube, die Sonne Die Rose, die Lilie, die Taube, die Sonne, Die liebt’ ich einst alle in Liebeswonne. Ich lieb’ sie nicht mehr, ich liebe alleine Die Kleine, die Feine, die Reine, die Eine; Sie selber, aller Liebe Wonne, Ist Rose und Lilie und Taube und Sonne.

Rose, lily, dove, sun, I loved them all once in the bliss of love. I love them no more, I only love She who is small, fine, pure, rare; She, most blissful of all loves, Is rose and lily and dove and sun.

—Heinrich Heine

—Richard Stokes

Del cabello más sutil Del cabello más sutil Que tienes en tu trenzado He de hacer una cadena Para traerte a mi lado.

From the finest hair in your tresses I wish to make a chain to draw you to my side.

Una alcarraza en tu casa, Chiquilla, quisiera ser, Para besarte en la boca, Cuando fueras a beber.

In your house, young girl, I’d fain be a pitcher, to kiss your lips whenever you went to drink. Ah!


—Richard Stokes

Ich will meine Seele tauchen Ich will meine Seele tauchen In den Kelch der Lilje hinein; Die Lilje soll klingend hauchen Ein Lied von der Liebsten mein.

Oh, let me plunge my heart Deep, deep in the lily’s cup And hear, from its inmost part, A song for my love breathe up.

Das Lied soll schauern und beben Wie der Kuß von ihrem Mund, Den sie mir einst gegeben In wunderbar süßer Stund.

That song will tremble and quiver Like the kiss on her red mouth-flower That once she let me give her, One wonderfully sweet hour.

—Heinrich Heine

—Hal Draper


O del mio amato ben O del mio amato ben perduto incanto! Lungi è dagli occhi miei chi m’era gloria e vanto! Or per le mute stanze sempre lo cerco e chiamo con pieno il cor di speranze? Ma cerco invan, chiamo invan! E il pianger m’è sì caro, che di pianto sol nutro il cor.

Oh, lost enchantment of my dearly beloved! Far from my eyes is he who was, to me, glory and pride! Now through the empty rooms I always seek him and call him with a heart full of hopes? But I seek in vain, I call in vain! And the weeping is so dear to me, that with weeping alone I nourish my heart.

Mi sembra, senza lei, triste ogni loco. Notte mi sembra il giorno; mi sembra gelo il foco. Se pur talvolta spero di darmi ad altra cura, sol mi tormenta un pensiero: Ma, senza lui, che farò? Mi par così la vita vana cosa senza il mio ben.

It seems to me, without him, sad everywhere. The day seems like night to me; the fire seems cold to me. If, however, I sometimes hope to give myself to another cure, one thought alone torments me: But without him, what shall I do? To me, life seems a vain thing without my beloved.

—Alberto Donaudy

—Donna Breitzer

Ich grolle nicht Ich grolle nicht, und wenn das Herz auch bricht, Ewig verlor’nes Lieb! ich grolle nicht. Wie du auch strahlst in Diamantenpracht, Es fällt kein Strahl in deines Herzens Nacht.

I bear no grudge, though my heart is breaking, O love forever lost! I bear no grudge. However you gleam in diamond splendour, No ray falls in the night of your heart.

Das weiss ich längst. Ich sah dich ja im Traume, Und sah die Nacht in deines Herzens Raume, Und sah die Schlang’, die dir am Herzen frisst, Ich sah, mein Lieb, wie sehr du elend bist. Ich grolle nicht.

I’ve known that long. For I saw you in my dreams, And saw the night within your heart, And saw the serpent gnawing at your heart; I saw, my love, how pitiful you are. I bear no grudge.

—Heinrich Heine

—Richard Stokes


Vittoria mio core! Vittoria mio core! Non lagrimar più, È sciolta d’Amore La vil servitù.

Victory, my heart! Weep no more. Low servitude to love is over.

Già l’empia a’ tuoi danni Fra stuolo di sguardi, Con vezzi bugiardi Dispose gl’inganni;

The ungodly woman deceived you with glances and glances and untrue caress;

Le frode, gli affanni Non hanno più loco, Del crudo suo foco È spento l’ardore!

Deceit and sorrow have no more place, The embers of her cruel fire have gone out!

Da luci ridenti Non esce più strale, Che piaga mortale Nel petto m’avventi:

Her laughing eyes don’t shoot arrows any longer, which struck a mortal wound in my breast:

Nel duol, ne’ tormenti Io più non mi sfaccio È rotto ogni laccio, Sparito il timore!

Neither grief nor torment worry me any longer; every snare is broken, and fear has disappeared.

—Domenico Benigni

—Bertram Kottmann

Das ist ein Flöten und Geigen Das ist ein Flöten und Geigen, Trompeten schmettern drein; Da tanzt den Hochzeitreigen Die Herzallerliebste mein.

I hear the flute and the fiddle, The trumpet blaring above; The dancers swing down the middle At the wedding of my love.

Das ist ein Klingen und Dröhnen, Von Pauken und Schalmein; Dazwischen schluchzen und stöhnen Die guten Engelein.

I hear the piping and droning Of shawms and drums athrob; And meanwhile, watching and groaning, The blessed angels sob.

—Heinrich Heine

—Hal Draper


Seguidilla Murciana Cualquiera que el tejado tenga de vidrio, no debe tirar piedras al del vecino. Arrieros semos; ¡puede que en el camino, nos encontremos!

People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones at their neighbour’s. We are drovers; it may be we’ll meet on the road!

Por tu mucha inconstancia, yo te comparo con peseta que corre de mano en mano; Que al fin se borra, y créyendola falsa nadie la toma!

For your many infidelities I shall compare you to a peseta passing from hand to hand, till finally it’s worn down— and believing it false no one will take it


—Jacqueline Cockburn

Hör’ ich das Liedchen klingen Hör ich das Liedchen klingen, Das einst die Liebste sang, So will mir die Brust zerspringen Vor wildem Schmerzensdrang. Es treibt mich ein dunkles Sehnen Hinauf zur Waldeshöh, Dort löst sich auf in Tränen Mein übergroßes Weh.

When I hear the echoes thronging Of the song I heard her sing, My breast nearly bursts with longing, Wild-aching, shattering. To the high wildwood it drives me, This yearning, spinning brain; And there my weeping rives me In overbrimming pain.

—Heinrich Heine

—Hal Draper

And Where Is the One Who Will Mourn Me And where is the one Who will mourn me when I’m gone, When the dogwood is in bloom, Who will sigh? Oh, the robin will sing At the green time of spring, But where is the one who will cry? Oh, I heard someone say She would mourn me when I’m gone, Oh, I heard someone say She would sigh. If the robin won’t sing At the green time of spring, I’ll know that my darling don’t cry.

—Arnold Sundgaard


Asturiana Por ver si me consolaba, arrimeme a un pino verde, Por verme llorar, lloraba. Y el pino como era verde, por verme llorar, lloraba!

To see if it might console me I drew near a green pine. To see me weep, it wept. And the pine, since it was green, wept to see me weeping! —Jacqueline Cockburn

Die alten, bösen Lieder Die alten, bösen Lieder, Die Träume bös’ und arg, Die lasst uns jetzt begraben, Holt einen grossen Sarg.

The old, wicked songs, The dreams wicked and bad, Let us bury them now, Fetch a large coffin.

Hinein leg’ ich gar manches, Doch sag’ ich noch nicht was; Der Sarg muss sein noch grösser Wie’s Heidelberger Fass.

Therein I shall put many things, But I will not yet say what; The coffin must be larger still Than the great tun at Heidelberg.

Und holt eine Totenbahre Und Bretter fest und dick; Auch muss sie sein noch länger, Als wie zu Mainz die Brück’.

And fetch also a bier, And planks hard and thick; It must be even longer Than at Mayence the bridge.

Und holt mir auch zwölf Riesen, Die müssen noch stärker sein, Als wie der starke Christoph, Im Dom zu Cöln am Rhein.

And also fetch twelve giants, They must be even stronger Than the powerful Christopher, In the Cathedral at Cologne on the Rhine.

Die sollen den Sarg forttragen, Und senken ins Meer hinab; Denn solchem grossen Sarge Gebührt ein grosses Grab.

They shall bear away the coffin And lower it into the sea; For such a large coffin A large grave is due.

Wisst ihr, warum der Sarg wohl So gross und schwer mag sein? Ich senkt’ auch meine Liebe Und meinen Schmerz hinein.

Do you know why the coffin So large and heavy must be? I also sunk my love And my pain therein.

—Heinrich Heine


Death of an Old Seaman We buried him high on a windy hill, But his soul went out to sea. I know, for I heard, when all was still, His sea-soul say to me: Put no tombstone at my head, For here I do not make my bed. Strew no flowers on my grave, I’ve gone back to the wind and wave. Do not, do not weep for me, For I am happy with the sea.

—Langston Hughes


I Dream a World I dream a world where man No other will scorn, Where love will bless the earth And peace its path adorn I dream a world where all Will know sweet freedom’s way, Where greed no longer saps the soul Nor avarice blights our day. A world I dream where black or white, Whatever race you be, Will share the bounties of the earth And every man is free, Where wretchedness will hang its head And joy, like a pearl, Attend the needs of all mankind. Of such I dream, our world!

—Langston Hughes

Aditya Bhise, tenor Aditya Bhise is an undergraduate at Emory College studying psychology and music, with a concentration in vocal performance. Bhise has been singing since he can remember. At Emory, he is a member of Emory Concert Choir and the music director for No Strings Attached, Emory’s all-male a capella group. In addition to singing, Bhise also plays piano and guitar. Currently he is conducting research on the neural mechanisms underlying social learning and vocal development during childhood. For this recital, Bhise wanted to create a story demonstrating one’s discovery of love, loss, and self-worth by combining art songs of various languages. He is performing his recital from his home in Philadelphia. Bhise is a vocal student of Maria Clark.

Erika Tazawa Jenkins, piano Erika Tazawa Jenkins is a member of the Collaborative Piano faculty at Kennesaw State University and Emory University. She is also the pianist of the contemporary music ensemble Bent Frequency. Her solo album Rhythm of Silence is internationally distributed by Naxos and has been featured on Gramophone UK. Overall, she has gained recognition and respect among faculty and students alike as a versatile collaborative artist.


Music at Emory Music at Emory brings together students, faculty, and world-class artists to create an exciting and innovative season of performances and events. In a typical year, Music at Emory presents more than 150 events across multiple Emory venues; however, in this challenging season, we are committed to coming together virtually for a variety of musical offerings. For spring 2021 concerts, we remain steadfast in our mission and continue to present events virtually based on guidance from Emory University and public health officials. Please visit music.emory.edu for the most up-to-date schedule and announcements.


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