FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 2023 | 8PM
SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 2023 | 8PM
Emerson Concert Hall
Schwartz Center for Performing Arts
Atlanta, Georgia
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The Schwartz Center for Performing Arts is a place where teaching, learning, and performance merge to create a vital arts presence for the entire community. The concert hall was funded by and is named after Atlanta scientist Cherry Logan Emerson who earned a BA and MA from Emory in the 1930s. It houses a 14-ton Werner Wortsman Memorial Organ built by top North American builder Daniel Jaeckel, which was installed in 2005.
ACCESSIBILITY: We welcome all guests with special needs. The Schwartz Center for Performing Arts is committed to providing performances and facilities accessible to all. Please direct all accommodation requests to the Schwartz Center Box Office at least 24 hours in advance of the event at 404.727.5050 or by email at BoxOffice@Emory.edu.
Bound for the Promised Land (2007) ........................................Arr. Mack Wilberg (b. 1974)
Justin Bowen, Piano
Hark, I Hear the Harps Eternal (1967) .........................................Arr. Alice Parker (b. 1925)
Black is the Color of My True Love’s Hair (1948) ........... Arr. Stuart Churchill (1907–2000)
Down in the River to Pray (2022)................................................................ Arr. Eric Nelson (b. 1959)
Shenandoah (1975) ................................................................... Arr. James Erb (1926–2014)
Choral Variations on Simple Gifts (1945, 2017) ..................... Aaron Copland (1900–1990) Arr. David Conte (b. 1955)
Unclouded Day (1885, 2012) ................................................ Rev. J.K. Alwood (1828–1909) Arr. Shawn Kirchner (b. 1970)
If You’re Ever in Oklahoma (1972) .....................................................J.J. Cale (1938–2013)
Bucket to the South (1977) Gail Davies (b. 1948)
Orange Blossom Special (1938) ................................................ Ervin T. Rouse (1917–1981)
Chuck Nation, Fiddle, Mandolin, Vocals
Susan Nation, Bass, Vocals
Libby Nation, Guitar, Mandolin, Vocals
Jody Hughes, Banjo
Come Away to the Skies: A High, Lonesome Mass (2011) ................. Wes Ramsay (b. 1955) & Tim Sharp (b. 1955)
Ross Wilcox, Baritone
Amelia Gregory, Alto
Mark Lamback, Baritone
To donate, join our email list, purchase albums, find us on social media, and more!
American Folk Hymn, Arr. Mack Wilberg (b. 1955)
© 2007 Oxford University Press, Inc.
On Jordan’s stormy banks I stand And cast a wishful eye, To Canaan’s fair and happy land Where my possessions lie. There generous fruits that never fail On trees immortal grow; There rocks and hills and brooks and vales With milk and honey flow.
I am bound for the promised land, I am bound for the promised land. O who will come and go with me? I am bound for the promised land.
O the transporting rapturous scene That rises to my sight, Sweet fields arrayed in living green And rivers of delight, When shall I reach that happy place And be forever blessed?
When shall I see my Father’s face And in His bosom rest?
I am bound for the promised land, I am bound for the promised land. O who will come and go with me?
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Traditional Hymn, Arr. Alice Parker (b. 1925)
© 1967 Lawson-Gould Music Publishers, Inc.
Hark, I hear the harps eternal Ringing on the farther shore, As I near those swollen waters, With their deep and solemn roar.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah praise the Lamb, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Glory to the great I AM.
And my soul though stained with sorrow, Fading as the light of day, Passes swiftly o’er those waters To the city far away.
Souls have crossed before me, saintly, To that land of perfect rest; And I hear them singing faintly In the mansions of the blest.
Appalachian Folk Song, Arr. Stuart Churchill (1907–2000)
© 1948 Shawnee Press, Inc.
Black is the color of my true love’s hair. Her lips are something wondrous fair: The purest eyes and the daintiest hands. I love the grass on where she stands.
I love my lover and well she knows. I love the grass on where she goes, If she on earth no more I’d see, My life would quickly fade away.
Black is the color of my true love’s hair.
Traditional Folk Song, Arr. Eric Nelson (b. 1959)
© 2022
As I went down in the river to pray, studying about that good old way, and who shall wear the starry crown, good Lord, show me the way.
O sisters let’s go down, let’s go down, come on down.
O sisters let’s go down, down in the river to pray.
O brothers let’s go down, let’s go down, come on down.
O sisters let’s go down, down in the river to pray.
Deep river, my home is over Jordan, Deep river Lord, cross over to campground.
O don’t you want to go to that gospel feast, that promised land where all is peace?
O deep river Lord, I want to cross over into campground.
American Folksong, Arr. James Erb (1926–2014)
© 1975 Lawson-Gould Music Publishers, Inc.
O Shenando’, I long to see you, And hear your rolling river,
O Shenando’, I long to see you, ’Way, we’re bound away, Across the wide Missouri.
I long to see your smiling valley, And hear your rolling river, I long to see your smiling valley, ’Way, we’re bound away, Across the wide Missouri.
’Tis seven long years since last I see you, And hear your rolling river, ’Tis seven long years since last I see you, ’Way, we’re bound away, Across the wide Missouri.
O Shenando’, I long to see you, And hear your rolling river,
O Shenando’, I long to see you, ’Way, we’re bound away, Across the wide Missouri.
Aaron Copland (1900–1990), Arr. David Conte (b. 1955)
© 1945, 2017 The Aaron Copland Fund for Music, Inc., Copyright Renewed Boosey & Hawkes, Inc., Sole Publisher and Licensee
’Tis the gift to be simple, ’tis the gift to be free, ’Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be, And when we find ourselves in the place just right ’twill be in the valley of love and delight.
When true simplicity is gained, To bow and to bend we shant be ashamed.
To turn, turn will be our delight, ’til by turning, turning we come ’round right.
Words/Music by Rev. J.K. Alwood (1828–1909), Arr. Shawn Kirchner (b. 1970)
© 2012 Boosey & Hawkes, Inc., an Imagem Company
Originally published in 1885
O they tell me of a home far beyond the skies, They tell me of a home far away
And they tell me of a home
Where no storm clouds rise:
O they tell me of an unclouded day.
O the land of cloudless days
O the land of an unclouded sky
O they tell me of a home
Where no storm clouds rise:
O they tell me of an unclouded day.
O they tell me of a home
Where my friends have gone, They tell me of a land far away, Where the tree of life in eternal bloom
Sheds its fragrance through the unclouded day.
They tell me of a King in his beauty there, They tell me that mine eyes shall behold
Where He sits on a throne
That is bright as the sun
In the city that is made of gold!
J.J. Cale (1938–2013)
© 1972 BMG Platinum Songs
Gail Davies (b. 1948)
© 1977 Sony Music (BMI)
Ervin T. Rouse (1917–1981)
© 1938 Universal Music
Created, composed, and arranged by Wes Ramsay (b. 1955) and Tim Sharp (b. 1955)
© 2011, 2018 by August Press and Goliard Music Press (ASCAP)
Introit—Come Away to the Skies
Charles Wesley (1707–1788)
Come away to the skies my beloved arise and rejoice in the day thou wast born; On this festival day, come exulting away, and with singing to Zion return.
We have laid up our love and our treasures above tho’ our bodies continue below. The redeemed of the Lord shall remember his word, And with singing to paradise go.
Come away.
Kyrie Eleison—Do Lord Remember Me
Traditional Folk Hymn
Kyrie eleison (Lord, have mercy)
Do Lord, oh do Lord, oh do remember me!
Christe eleison (Christ, have mercy)
Do Lord, oh do Lord, oh do remember me!
Kyrie eleison (Lord, have mercy)
Do Lord, oh do Lord, oh do remember me! Look away beyond the blue.
Do Lord, oh do Lord, oh do remember me; Look away beyond the blue.
Lord have mercy, look away, oh look away Lord!
I got a home in glory land, I got a home outshines the sun; Look away beyond the blue!
Gloria in Excelsis—Brethren We Have Met
to Worship
Traditional Mass Text, George Atkins (1819), Holy Manna
Gloria in excelsis Deo. (Glory to God in the highest.) And on earth peace, to all people of goodwill.
We praise thee, we bless thee, we adore thee, we glorify thee. We give thanks to thee for thy great glory.
Et in terra pax (And in earth peace)
hominibus bonae voluntatis (to men of good will)
Laudamus te (We praise thee)
Benedicimus te (We bless thee)
Adoramus te (We worship thee)
Glorificamus te (We glorify thee)
Gratias agimus tibi (We give thanks to thee)
propter magnam gloriam tuam (for thy great glory)
Brethren we have met to worship and adore the Lord our God. Will you pray with all your power while we try to preach the word? All is vain unless the Spirit of the Holy One comes down; Brethren pray and holy manna will be showered all around.
Domine Deus, (O Lord God,) rex caelestis. (heavenly king.)
Deus Pater omnipotens. (God the Father Almighty.)
Domine Fili unigenite, Jesu Christe. (O Lord, the only begotten son Jesus Christ.)
Domine Deus, Agnus Dei (Lord God, Lamb of God)
Domine Deus, Filius Patris, (Lord God, Son of the Father,)
miserere nobis. (have mercy on us.)
Quoniam tu solus Sanctus (For thou only art holy)
Dominus, Altissimus, Jesu Christe, (Lord, most high, Jesus Christ,) Cum Sancto Spiritu (with the Holy Spirit) in Gloria Dei Patris. (in the glory of God the Father.) Amen.
High Lonesome Credo
Traditional Mass Text (paraphrased)
We believe in God the Father. We believe in Christ the Son; We believe in the Holy Ghost One in three and three in one.
We believe that God created all that is, seen and unseen, all is his; We believe in Christ, God’s only son, God of God, light of light, from heaven come.
Born of blessed Mary Christ became a man, Suffered under Pilate, died and rose again; Sent the Holy Spirit to the Bride of Christ, Spoke by the prophets, gives his church life.
We believe one Holy Church and one baptism for our sins, The dead will rise to the life eternal, The redeemed will live with him.
Sanctus—Hail the Blessed Morn
Reginald Heber (1783-1826), Traditional Mass Text, Brightest and Best (trad.)
Hail the blessed morn!
See the great mediator down from the regions of glory descend!
Shepherds come worship the babe in the manger. Lo, for his guard the bright angels attend! Holy, holy, holy Lord.
Heaven and earth are full of thy glory. Hosanna in the highest.
Low at his feet we are in humble prostration, lose all our sorrow and trouble and strife. There we receive his divine consolation, Flowing afresh from the fountain of life.
Blessed is he that comes in the Lord’s name; Hosanna in the highest.
Agnus Dei—What Wondrous Love
Traditional Mass Text, Traditional Folk Hymn Text (1811), Wondrous Love
Oh, Lamb of God, What wondrous love is this, oh my soul?
What wondrous love is this that caused the Lord of bliss to bear the dreadful curse for my soul?
Oh, Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world; Have mercy on us.
When I was singing down beneath God’s righteous frown, Christ laid aside his crown.
To God and to the Lamb I will sing, To God and to the Lamb who is the great I Am; While millions join the theme, I will sing.
Oh, Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world; Have mercy on us. Grant us thy peace.
2022-2023 CHORISTERS
Amy Arnold
Casey Bagby
Claire Berger
Hayley Conroy
Samantha Frischling
Meg Granum Gurtcheff
Lisa Hayes
Perry Houck
Audriana Johnson
Amy Kuhn
Elizabeth Lamback
Katie Leverett
Caitlin Norton
Megan Schuitema
Sylvia Ware
Natalie Boehnlein
Holly Botella
Emily Boyle
Calissa Dauterman
Katie Dial
Jesse Gilbert
Stephanie Gilbert
Jean Goffaux
Amelia Gregory
Ava Maalouf
Ivy Overcash
Joy Putney
Meredith Starks
Kathryn Stone
June Webb
Huston Collings
Michael Devine
Jon Easter
Ameya Gangal
Mark King
Ryan Koter
Bronson Lee
Paul McClung
Andrew McLeod
Garrett Pace
Sam Potts
James Ranson
Kirk Rich
Denny Shin
James Rashaad Turner
Nick Almand
David Bonaker
Justin Bowen
Stven Carlberg
Jeffrey Clanton
Jared Duncan
Richard Holz
James Jones
Mark Lamback
Joseph Legaspi
Joseph Ripley
Wade Thomas
Stephen Van Dorn
Spence Whitehead
Ross Wilcox
ATLANTA MASTER CHORALE has touched people’s hearts and spirits with the transformative power of choral music for more than 35 years. Renowned for our transcendent choral sound, we infuse each performance with emotional depth and a rare expressiveness as part of our mission to “inspire and enrich the lives of our community through choral artistry.” The Chorale’s exquisite blend of pitch, rhythm, text, and voice reaches beyond the stage, drawing listeners into a shared space where music touches spirit.
Our awards include the prestigious 2013 Margaret Hillis Award for Choral Excellence from Chorus America and the 2014 Prudential Leadership Award for Exceptional Nonprofit Boards presented by BoardSource. We are also the recipient of a 2018-2019 grant from Bloomberg Philanthropies and 2018 recipient of a Leadership DeKalb Community Outreach Project.
Atlanta Master Chorale has performed at the Piccolo Spoleto Festival, with the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, at Carnegie Hall, and at conventions of the American Choral Directors Association (ACDA), Music Educators National Conference (MENC), Choristers Guild, and American Guild of Organists (AGO). We were also proud to be one of fewer than 30 choirs selected nationwide to perform at ACDA’s National Conference in Minneapolis, March 2017.
Our exciting repertoire has been called “the musical language of the deeper soul” and includes treasures drawn from a broad spectrum of choral music. The Chorale performs concerts in the Atlanta area and throughout the Southeast featuring music from nearly every period and genre including newly commissioned works. Our choral series, published by MorningStar Music/ECS Publishing Group, captures new repertoire premiered by the ensemble, helping to add vibrant original music to the choral field. With our dedicated board, staff, and a roster of skilled volunteer choristers, Atlanta Master Chorale is proud to be a part of the Atlanta arts community.
Stephanie Watkins, Board Chair
Charles Beaudrot, Counsel to the Board
Sydney Cleland
Jamie Clements
Cindy Evans
Sam Hagan
Tommy Herrington
Leonard Jenkins
Raymond Payne
Stan Segal
Mary Slaughter
Kathryn Stone, Secretary
Julie Thompson, Treasurer
Lorraine Tully
James Verrecchia, Executive Director
Eric Nelson, Artistic Director
Cheryl Bachelder
Ray Chenault
Rodger Herndon
Dr. James T. Laney
Marianna Magee
Toni Myers
Sandy Purdie
H. Hamilton Smith
William & Carol Yadlosky
Ellen & John Yates
Eric Nelson, Artistic Director
Jonathan Easter, Pianist/Organist
James Verrecchia, Executive Director
Amy Kuhn, Administrative Manager
ERIC NELSON is artistic director of Atlanta
Master Chorale and professor of choral studies at Emory University. Dr. Nelson’s choirs have performed throughout the world, including London, Rome, Berlin, Moscow, Seoul, Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, and Sydney Opera House. He has conducted choirs at eight American Choral Directors Association conferences, including Atlanta Master Chorale’s performance at Orchestra Hall in Minneapolis for the National Conference in March 2017 and the Emory Concert Choir’s performance at Chicago’s Orchestra Hall for the National Conference in 2011.
Dr. Nelson’s ensembles are characterized by their variety of repertoire and for their ability to fuse technical precision with warmth of musical expression. He appears regularly as clinician, lecturer, and guest conductor for honor choirs, conventions, symposiums, workshops, and all-state festivals.
Dr. Nelson’s choral compositions and arrangements are sung regularly by ensembles throughout the United States. He is the editor of the Atlanta Master Chorale Choral Series, published by MorningStar Music/ECS Publishing Group. His compositions are also published by Colla Voce and Ausburg Fortress. He holds degrees in voice and conducting from Houghton College, Westminster Choir College, and Indiana University.
JONATHAN EASTER, Piano, Organ | Known for his musicality and expressivity across multiple instruments, Easter is increasingly sought after as a collaborative organist and pianist. As a collaborative artist, Easter has performed at ACDA and AGO conventions at the regional and national levels. He also performs regularly with the Atlanta Master Chorale and Emory University’s Concert Choir as their accompanist and assistant conductor. As an organist, Easter has performed solo and collaborative recitals at Peachtree Road UMC; Jacoby Symphony Hall in Jacksonville, Florida; the Cathedral-Basilica of Saint Augustine, Florida; and Spivey Hall. He can be heard on multiple CDs with the Atlanta Master Chorale, University of North Florida Chamber Singers, and an upcoming CD with trumpet players from around the country. In addition to his work with choral ensembles, he has worked on multiple occasions with solo artists including world-famous mezzo-soprano, Jamie Barton.
Easter currently serves as director of fine arts and organist at Saint Mark UMC in Atlanta, a predominantly LGBTQ congregation in the heart of Midtown.
THE CHUCK NATION BAND, from Gainesville, GA, made their Carnegie Hall debut performance in New York City in 2015. They have performed in concert at the historic Ryman Auditorium in Nashville, TN. They were 2016 Georgia Music Awards nominees for Artist of the Year.
Chuck is a member of the Atlanta Country Music Hall of Fame, a two-time Georgia State Fiddle Champion, Georgia State Mandolin Champion, and a Louisiana State Fiddle Champion. The band has been called “the South’s best Bluegrass band.”
The band has toured internationally to Ireland, Japan, China, and Argentina. They performed in Inner Mongolia as representatives for the USA at the International Folk Festival. Since their inception in 2010 they have played over 750 shows.
Close harmony singing and superb instrumental playing are hallmarks of their distinctive sound. Their repertoire includes originals, traditional, gospel, and instrumentals.
They have performed the High Lonesome Bluegrass Mass in concert over 75 times, often with its composer/arranger Dr. Tim Sharp, and have recorded three CD projects: On A High High Mountain, Thinking About Home, and Beneath The Tennessee Moon.
For those who would like to know more about upcoming concerts, please visit our website www.ChuckNationBand.com or follow us on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/OfficialChuckNationBand
A & J Fund of the Ayco Charitable Foundation
Caterpillar Foundation
Sydney and Craig Cleland
Collings Family Giving Fund
Barbara and Donald Defoe
Patty Dontje
Roy and Janet Dorsey Foundation
Mrs. Cleo Mansour
Susan and James McCabe
Ellen and John Yates
($2,500 – $4,999)
Anne Marie Alexander
Carol and Michael Bohannon
Coca-Cola Foundation
Sandy and Tom Gay
Marti and Sam Hagan
Susan and Eric Nelson
Georgia and Stan Segal
Mary Slaughter
Jane and Alan Stevenson
Stephanie Watkins
Carol and Bill Yadlosky
($1,000 – $2,499)
Sally Angevine
Mark D. Barilla
Charles Beaudrot, Jr.
Lua Blankenship and Dennis Kemp
Emily and T.J. Boyle
Ted Campbell
Ray and Beth Chenault
Jamie Clements
Cindy and Gary Frischling
Toni and Hardy Gregory
Doug Hand
Peggy and Rodger Herndon
Tammy and Tommy Herrington
Marianna and Alan Magee
Helen Motamen and Deepak Shenoy
Mary Margaret Oliver
William Larry Owens and Travis Clark Simmons
Toni and Ray Payne
Elise T. Phillips
Dave and Betsy Polstra
Edith and Alexander Purdie
Mary Reilly
Sally Rhoden
Beth and Mark Roberson
Jacqueline Sandy
Kathryn Stone
Anne and Don Teddlie
Laura and Jimmy Trimble
James L. Waits
Donna and Bill Woolf
($500 – $999)
Karen and Tommy Beman
Jeanné Brown
Carolyn Conner
Sharon Cregier
Marge and Gray Crouse
Faith and Victor Dupuis
Lawrence Easter
Janet and Donald Filip
Philip Garrett
Susan and Donald Garrett
Sally Frost George
Sharon L. and Duncan M. Harle
Carol C. Head and Allen Jackson Head
Joanne and Richard Holz
Eric Klem
Katheryn Klimko
Amy and Chris Kuhn
Edward Laity
Betty Lou Land
Betty Lemmons
MassMutual Advisors Association
Ross Potts
John Sartain and Michael Nifong
Virginia Schenck
Hamilton and Mason Smith
Richard Stumm
Becky and Sunny Sundquist
Julie Thompson
Belva White
Jerry and Tolly Williamson
Anna M. Wright, MD
($250 – $499)
Jon Bauer
Ruth and Jimmy Brown
Jan Buchanan
Suzanne and Randy Clegg
Teresa and Thomas Coffey
Janet Fath and Richard Henneman
Christine and Lawrence Fuller
Margaret and Thomas Gose
Betty J. and Travis E. Halford
Nancy Hamilton
Sarah and Harvey Hill
Elizabeth Izard
Sally and George Lee
Jerry Lloyd
Donna and Jack McCoy
Arina Meeuwsen
Dorie Moore
Anne Morgan and Jim Kelley
Anne Olson
Debra and Scott Pyron
Sharon and Dan Rankin
Kay Schwenk
Gayle and Carl Shaw
Jan and Greg Smith
Nancy and Jim Verrecchia
Betty Watkins
Ann White Morton
Drs. Jana and Brian Williams
(up to $249)
Janet Abraham
Karen Adams and Jeff Pickett
Melissa Alexander
Pauline and Ben Allison
Barbara and Paul Arne
Ash Arnett
Claire Berger and Branislav Marinkovic
Frank Berkowitz
Diana Blair
Elaine Bradley
Sherry Britton
Heidy Brusitus
Brook Buckelew
Judith Burge
KC Burgess Yakemovic
Anthony Cammarata
Anne Carson Wray
Kathleen and Bernie Cleveland
Delia Coleman
Susan and Jose Couvillion
Donna Dalton
Lindsay Davis
Ellen Diss
Sue and Eric Doane
Adelia Ann Dozier
Laura and Richard Dyer
Peggy Easter
Elizabeth and Robert Edge
BJ Erb and Bruce Crabtree
James Farmer
Samantha Frischling
Paul Frysh
Mary Galpin
Patricia Godbee
Jane Gole
Margaret and Thomas Gose
James Green
Meg Gurtcheff
John Haberlen
Susan and Tom Hagood
Amanda Hall
Faye and Tom Hammett
Barbara Hammond
Betty and Richard Hammonds
Leila Hartley and James Costlow
Patty and Ken Hepburn
Raymond Herman
Edith Howington
Celia Hughes
Ann and Rod Hunter
Benita Johnson
Beth and Ronald Johnson
Carol and J. Timothy Johnson
Oren Johnson
Margery Kellar
The Kindly Share Fund of Thrivent
Charitable Impact & Investing
Bishop Joel M. Konzen, SM
Joan Lankford
June Lester
Lynn Linck
Marsha and Neal Little
Janet Locke
Alison Main
Kay and David Mainor
Dolores M. Malvitz
Craig and Becky McClung Giving Fund
Linda McCord
Linda McPherson
Laura Meadows
Julene K. Miller
Louise Miller
M. Lew Miller
Sandra and Simon Miller
Carol Morgan
Lisa and Joel Morris
Katharine Nodine
Alexandra Oglesby
Susan and Rhus Palumbo
Hilda and Pat Patrick
Helen and John Patton
Jacob Paul
Sheila Phillips
Angelika Pohl and Stven Carlberg
Mary and Stephen Pond
Janette Pratt
Teresa and Peter Psyhogios
Cheryl Ranson
Louise Reaves
Maria Rispoli
Jeffrey St Amand
Don Saliers
Sue Sandell
Miriam and Aston Sanson
Jessica Schultz
Nancy Shober
Silicon Valley Bank
Sonja Skobel
Sunny Smith
Martha Sterne
Elizabeth and Wayne Stewart
Karen Stitt
Caryn and Terry Stofko
Gayle and Robert Suggs
Cheryl Sullivan
Plamen Tasev
Laurie Taylor
Sally and Todd Tucker
Janice and Claude Turner
Joanne and Jim Van Duys
Angela Verrecchia
Bill and Susan Willson
Charlie Wilson
Carolyn and Max Yost
Jeanne Young and Richard Young
David Yurko
Charles Zapf
Jonathan Bauer
Carol and Michael Bohannon
Sherry Britton
Jamie Clements
Kathleen and Bernie Cleveland
Lawrence Easter
Philip Garrett
Doug Hand
Amy and Chris Kuhn
Susan and Eric Nelson
Kathryn Stone
CONNECT WITH US ONLINE: Facebook.com/AtlantaMasterChorale YouTube.com/AtlantaMasterChorale Instagram: @AtlantaMasterChorale
We invite you to consider becoming a monthly sustaining donor, spreading your gift over the year. Visit www.AtlantaMasterChorale.org/donate to set up your recurring donation.
Janet Abraham in honor of Jeffrey Clanton
Pauline and Ben Allison in memory of Cleo Mansour
Barbara and Paul Arne in honor of Ellen and John Yates
Claire Berger and Branislav Marinkovic in loving memory of our son Yovan
Jeanné Brown in honor of Molly Brown
Judith Burge in memory of Sylvia Mansour
Ted Campbell in memory of Patricia Campbell
Carolyn Conner in memory of Patricia Craft
Sharon Cregier in memory of Reg and Juanita Ellis
James Farmer in honor of and with thanks to James Verrecchia
Christine and Ben Fuller in honor of Eric and Susan Nelson
Susan and Donald Garrett in honor of James R. Turner
Sally Frost George in honor of Eric Nelson and in memory of Johann S. Bach
Patricia Godbee in honor of Laura and Brian Dyer
Susan and Tom Hagood in honor of Cheryl Sullivan
Keith Hand in honor of Doug Hand
Elizabeth Izard in memory of Eleanor Pettit
Benita Johnson in honor of Stephanie Watkins
Amy and Chris Kuhn in memory of Pat Campbell
Joan Lankford in memory of Doug Lankford
Betty Lemmons in memory of Cleo Mansour
Janet Locke in honor of Eric and Susan Nelson
Kay and David Mainor in memory of Mildred Mainor
Craig and Becky McClung Giving Fund in honor of Drs. Nancy and Paul McClung
Louise Miller in memory of Cleo Mansour
Dorie Moore in honor of Sally Rhoden
Anne Morgan and Jim Kelley in honor of Eric Nelson and in memory of Mac and Helen Morgan
Katharine Nodine in memory of Sylvia Cleo Mansour
Anne Olson in memory of Mary Ellen and Ray DuVarney
Betsy and Dave Polstra in honor of Bill and Carol Yadlosky
Mary Reilly in honor of James and Berta Laney
Sally Rhoden in honor of Dorie Moore
Maria Rispoli in memory of the deceased members of the Verrecchia family
Martha Sterne in appreciation of James Verrecchia
Janice and Claude Turner in honor of Emily Boyle
Betty Watkins in honor of Stephanie Watkins
Ann White Morton in memory of Cleo Mansour
Ellen and John Yates in memory of Louise and Paul Cobb and Rosalyn Cobb and in honor of Paul Yates
We welcome the opportunity to honor individuals. Please consider a gift to honor a family member or friend. Dedications and memorials will remain in concert programs for one year from the donation date.
Barbara and Paul Arne
Frank Berkowitz
Sydney and Craig Cleland
Sharon Cregier
Donna and Steven Dauterman
Ellen Diss
Philip Garrett
Sally Frost George
James Green
Marti and Sam Hagan
Joanne and Richard Holz
Edward Laity
Toni and Ray Payne
Don Saliers
Gayle and Carl Shaw
Charles Zapf
Full details on the Eric Nelson Artistic Fund including how to donate are listed later in this program.
Donor lists reflect gifts from February 20, 2022 – April 15, 2023. We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of this listing. If you find an error, please accept our apology and notify us at INFO@ATLANTAMASTERCHORALE.ORG
THANK YOU from Atlanta Master Chorale
Atlanta Master Chorale’s latest CD “Sing On” is available at the merchandise table in the lobby after the concerts. The music on this CD is a reminder of how much we need the beauty that can only come from voices joined together in song. CDs and digital downloads also may be purchased on our website at www.AtlantaMasterChorale.org/shop
“Sing On” and other Atlanta Master Chorale recordings are available on Apple Music, Amazon Music, Spotify, and other digital and streaming services.
Our Atlanta Master Chorale Choral Series, published by MorningStar/ECS Publishing Group, captures new repertoire premiered by the ensemble, helping to add vibrant original music to the choral field. The series features original works and arrangements composed by Eric Nelson, Atlanta Master Chorale’s artistic director, in addition to pieces commissioned by Atlanta Master Chorale from composers Ivo Antognini, Joel Thompson, and Stacey Gibbs. Pieces included in the series are chosen for their technical and expressive qualities. We hope all who sing them will find those places “where music touches spirit.”
Contact info@AtlantaMasterChorale.org for more details including ordering information.
In 2020, Atlanta Master Chorale established the Eric Nelson Artistic Fund (ENAF) to honor Eric Nelson’s incredible talents and twenty-year leadership as our artistic director. The ENAF supports the chorale through underwriting commissioned choral works by new or established composers and covering related costs, subsidizing chorale travel to conferences and conventions, and defraying costs to bring high-caliber guest artists to perform or record with the chorale.
ENAF donations may be made online (choose ENAF from the drop-down menu), by mail (indicate ENAF in the memo section of your check), or at the merchandise table in the lobby.
Atlanta Master Chorale
P.O. Box 133201 Atlanta, GA 30333
We sing for you, and we sing because of you. Without your generous support, we would be unable to continue our musical programming that touches so many.
We rely on the generosity of individual donors in our community, like you, who understand and value the extraordinary quality of our music.
ATLANTA MASTER CHORALE would like to thank Bridge Catering for their generosity and support this season.
Your gifts help us reach thousands of people throughout the year as we inspire and enrich the lives of the people in our community and beyond.
To give online, scan the QR code or visit www.AtlantaMasterChorale.org/Give. You may also mail a donation to: Atlanta Master Chorale P.O. Box 133201 Atlanta, GA 30333
Bridge Catering, owned and operated by Chef Keith Hand, prepares delicious and affordable dishes for wedding receptions, corporate events and lunches, parties, cocktail receptions, church functions, and more. We will develop a unique menu for your event that will fulfill your culinary desires while staying within your budget. Learn more at BridgeCatering.com or call 404.233.1582.
If your company would like to sponsor a concert or a season or if you have goods or services to donate, please contact Jim Verrecchia, Executive Director, for more information: ExecutiveDirector@AtlantaMasterChorale.org | 404.853.9309
is a
may be tax deductible to the fullest extent allowable
Atlanta Master Chorale
registered IRS 501(c)(3) organization. Your donation
ATLANTA MASTER CHORALE is grateful for the participation and support of many friends during this season’s performances. We acknowledge and thank the following organizations and individuals for their generous support and service to the Chorale this season:
Nick Almand, Video/Photography/Design
Casey Bagby, Membership, Wardrobe, and Audition Panel
Samantha Frischling, Logistics
Marti Hagan, Editing
Sam Hagan, Audition Panel
Branislav Marinkovic, Merchandise Sales
Susan Nelson, Volunteer
Julie Thompson, Accounting/Finance and Merchandise Sales
Atlanta ShowGuide
Gordon Boice, Graphic Design Bridge Catering
Carr, Riggs & Ingram, LLC
Alvin Moore, Decorating
Terry Adams, Box Office Coordinator
Rachael Brightwell, Managing Director
Lisa Baron, Communications Specialist
Kathryn Colegrove, Associate Director for Programming and Outreach
Lewis Fuller, Associate Director for Production and Operations
Jennifer Kimball, Assistant Stage Manager
Jeff Lenhard, Operations Assistant
Alan Strange, Box Office Manager
Alexandria Sweatt, Marketing Assistant
Nicholas P. Surbey, Graphic Designer
Mark Teague, Stage Manager
Nina Vestal, House Manager
Matt Williamson, Multimedia Specialist
And the Schwartz Center Ushers and Box Office Staff
And to the many Chorale volunteers, board members, and committee members for contributing their time and talents.
See you next season!
Thank you to Schwartz Center for Performing Arts House Manager, Nina Vestal.
Atlanta Master Chorale congratulates Nina Vestal on her 25 years of dedicated service as House Manager at the Schwartz Center for Performing Arts.
Nina is retiring at the end of this season, and we are grateful for the care she has shown our patrons over the years.
We wish her all the best as she starts this new chapter of her life’s journey!
Friday, October 13, 2023 | 8pm Saturday, October 14, 2023 | 8pm SAME LIGHT, DIFFERENT LANTERNS Friday, March 15, 2024 | 8pm Saturday, March 16, 2024 | 8pm CHRISTMAS with ATLANTA MASTER CHORALE Friday, December 8, 2023 | 8pm Saturday, December 9, 2023 | 8pm Sunday, December 10, 2023 | 4pm A CAPPELLA SOUNDSCAPES Friday, May 3, 2024 | 8pm Saturday, May 4, 2024 | 8pm Held at Emory University’s SCHWARTZ CENTER FOR PERFORMING ARTS 1700 North Decatur Road, Atlanta, GA 30307 Tickets and more information available at AtlantaMasterChorale.org/concerts