Promotional copy Anything Old Town feb 2017

Page 1

robert buckland update swindon foyer & world cancer day

Angus Macpherson our pcc’s monthly focus

what’s on guide with swindon arts centre

local community news Local parish updates & more


44 Commercial Road, Swindon SN1 5NX

08000 88 60 90

16 With the festive season behind us we catch up with Dr Hilary Jones to stay healthy

06 Wiltshire women in business

A feature from The Enterprise Network.

08 Angus Macpherson Our monthly focus from the Police and Crime Commissioner.

10 TS Theatre An update from local theatre company TS Theatre on an up and coming show.

12 SNDOGS Our monthly check in with the team over at SNDOGS.

13 Drove Vets Our regular update from the team at Drove Vets.

14 Empire Cinema and Whats on guide

Keep up to date on the new releases and win tickets to a film of your choice. Plus whats on in the next few months. PAGE 04

19 What’s On in Old Town Swindon Arts Centre update us on whats on in the coming months.

26 20 Robert Buckland

Anything Swindon catch up with Robert Buckland, Conservative MP for South Swindon.

27 Community News Our regular updates from news in the community along with local Councillors in the area.

34 11 Year old sponsors SNDogs

Old Town Festival Dog Show! Kody with the help of his mum Janine are baking and selling loads of cakes to become probably the first 11 year old in history to sponsor a dog show!



Welcome to the new issue of the Anything Old Town Community Magazine. This new publication has been created as a personal and informative platform for the people of Old Town and the surrounding areas. Each month we will bring you news and updates from your local councillors, Swindon borough council, MP Robert Buckland, The highways agency and will also include stories and editorial from local people. This month we have the first our regular updates from Police Commissioner Angus MacPherson, MPs Robert Buckland, and our animal updates from Drove Vets and SN Dogs. We have the first of our brand-new columns from TV Medic Dr Hilary Jones who gives us his top tips for being healthy in the new season ahead. More Local Information: •

Local parish councils updates.

11-year-old Kody Bowler raises money to sponsor the Old Town Festival Dog Show.

Wiltshire Women in Business Conference 2017, The Enterprise Network has announced Red Shoe Biz Academy founder, author and entrepreneurial expert Rebecca Jones as its keynote speaker for the Swindon & Wiltshire Women in Business Conference 2017.

Your news is important to us so if you have any stories of success or would like support for an upcoming event, please contact us and we will feature you in a future issue.

Anything Swindon Magazines are community publications provided by Swindon-based people for Swindon-based people.

Contact us today to publicise an event or advertise within our pages; our advertising rates are of the lowest across the town.

Questions and feedback: Unit 73 BSS House, Cheney Manor, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN2 2PJ Phone: 01793 977117 Email: Online: Designed & Printed: Anything Swindon Ltd Readership: 75,000 Circulation: 25,000 Online View: 15,000 per month

Follow us on Social Media: @anythingswindon

The Anything Swindon magazine is now working with The woodland Trust, Supporting the campaign to protect precious ancient woods by supporting the ones that are damaged and fight for those under threat. Established in 1972, the Woodland Trust is the UK’s largest woodland conservation charity. Over the last 40 years or so, we have acquired more than 1,000 woodland sites covering over 20,000 hectares (50,000 acres). The Woodland Trust is a charity registered in England and Wales (No. 294344) and in Scotland (No. SC038885).

Happy reading,

Graham and Ian.




“Success for women in business is all about confidence in yourself and your business idea” said Jones. “If we want to grow and improve our business, we need the mind-set and attitude to do it.” “I’m delighted to have the opportunity to share my thoughts and experience at the Swindon and Wiltshire Women in Business Conference” she added. Hosted by The Enterprise Network (TEN), the conference is celebrating International Women’s Day, showcasing entrepreneurial talent from across Swindon and Wiltshire and providing a forum for learning, sharing and connecting. With a packed programme of speakers, interactive workshops, networking and exhibitions, the event will build on the success of previous years to provide support, advice and motivation.

Jol Rose, Development Officer at The Enterprise Network said: “We are delighted that Rebecca will be joining us to speak at the Women in Business Conference. Her story is one of ambition and true entrepreneurial spirit that will inspire and motivate all who attend.

Wiltshire Women in Business Conference 2017. The Enterprise Network has announced Red Shoe Biz Academy founder, author and entrepreneurial expert Rebecca Jones as its keynote speaker for the Swindon & Wiltshire Women in Business Conference 2017. Jones is an inspirational female entrepreneur and has focussed on the meaning of success for women in business since she launched her first business at the age of 19. Moving from the failure of that first attempt, she dedicated herself to researching and refining the skills and mind-set that women in business need. PAGE 06

The aim of the day is to create a collaborative environment. We want to help people build lasting connections as well as to provide great advice that can help businesses on the road to success.” The Women in Business Conference takes place on Wednesday 8th March 2017 at the Bowood Hotel and Spa. Tickets cost just £35 per person which includes lunch and refreshments throughout the day. Further details and ticket reservation online at

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Angus Macpherson Focus PCC and Chief welcome author of influential mental health report to Force HQ

“My sense is that police officers find the triage service in the control room a godsend. “When they are dealing with someone at a location they are very pleased to be able to speak to a mental health nurse who can offer advice and background information on the person they are with and arrange, where necessary, for an urgent assessment to be carried out.” Lord Bradley, a former MP who wrote a highly influential report aimed at ending the revolving door to police custody for mentally ill people and offenders with learning disabilities, has visited Wiltshire at the invitation of Police and Crime Commissioner Angus Macpherson. The peer was a junior Home Office minister with responsibilities for criminal justice, sentencing and law reform in Tony Blair’s government. In 2009 he produced the Bradley Report which examined how, in appropriate cases, offenders with a mental illness or learning disability could be diverted from prison. His review concluded that most offenders with lower-level mental health disorders were not dangerous and could be better treated outside the prison system without any risk to the public. Lord Bradley called in 2009 for talks to start immediately to identify suitable mental health facilities as a place of safety for people who came in to contact with police under Sections 135 and 136 of the Mental Health Act, “ensuring that the police station is no longer used for this purpose”. He spoke of widespread concerns about the assessment of detainees PAGE 08

and said there was a need for better availability of information about a detainee’s previous contact with health services. Lord Bradley wrote: “If a mental health need is identified, the challenge for the police is to decide whether or not a criminal justice outcome should be pursued, and if diversion to health and social services is more appropriate.” Mr Macpherson has spoken out on several occasions about the unsuitability of police custody for people experiencing a mental health crisis. He has been urging NHS partners to speed up the provision of extra “place of safety” beds at a specialist mental health unit in Devizes and he has also helped to fund the mental health triage team which is based in the Crime and Communications Centre at the police HQ. Mr Macpherson invited Lord Bradley to Devizes to see for himself how Wiltshire Police and the Commissioner have put into action the relevant recommendations in his report. The Commissioner said: “I was very pleased to welcome Lord Bradley. I wanted to show him that we have taken action in Wiltshire and Swindon on the important issues he flagged in his ground-breaking report in 2009.

After chatting to the on-duty triage team, Kieran Holland and Chris Deaville, and to officers and staff in the control room, Lord Bradley met Chief Constable Mike Veale. Mr Veale said: “It was fantastic to have the chance to discuss this important issue with Lord Bradley. “Working with partners from the NHS we now have a triage service in place, which has had an excellent start. I am looking forward to building on this success. “It is vital that we continue to explore opportunities to work in partnership with other agencies so vulnerable people are able to access the services that they may need.” Lord Bradley said: “I am very grateful to the Commissioner for the invitation to visit Wiltshire and see the excellent work being undertaken between police and mental health staff. The development of the street triage service is of huge benefit to local citizens who may be in crisis. “The ambition for the further development of support and help for vulnerable people in Wiltshire and Swindon is clearly a priority for the Commissioner and the Chief Constable and that is to be hugely welcomed.”

PCC sets policing part of council tax for 2017-18 “I have been lobbying hard for the Home Office to provide fairer funding for Wiltshire Police. Earlier this week I met the Policing Minister Brandon Lewis to press the case for a better deal for our county, which is among the lowest-funded Force areas in England and Wales. “During meetings with our area’s MPs before seeing the minister it was clear that they were supportive of our case.

After an extensive public consultation, Police and Crime Commissioner for Wiltshire and Swindon Angus Macpherson has today (Thursday 2 February) set the policing part of council tax for 2017-18.

“I carried out four live online Q&A sessions via Facebook and Twitter as well as setting out my proposals in a range of media interviews. I attended a number of meetings to answer questions.

It will go up by £3.17 per year (or 6p a week) for the average Band D property, which represents an increase of 1.9 per cent.

“People were invited to let me have their views via a feedback form on my website, by email or by post. Parish and town councils and the business community were also invited to contribute.

The increase, unanimously supported by the Police and Crime Panel at a meeting today at Monkton Park in Chippenham, will help to protect community policing. It means that the rate for the police and crime element of council tax for an average band D property will be £170.27, up from £167.10 for 2016-17. The increase will provide the Commissioner with an additional £790,000 of local income for 2017-18. With an £814,000 cut in Government funding, Mr Macpherson says he is materially left with a standstill budget for the year ahead. Mr Macpherson said: “I carried out an extensive consultation because I don’t take decisions like this lightly. “This year I produced a short video setting out the need for an increase which was circulated to area boards across Wiltshire and to Swindon Borough Council for its localities. “There were links to the video from my social media accounts and my website.

“Of the hundreds of responses I received from the public, 66 per cent supported the increase. This was backed up by my specific Twitter poll where 68 per cent of respondents also supported the increase.” “The consultation demonstrated that the public are in favour of the increase to help maintain local community policing. “I am pleased that the Police and Crime Panel have recognised the strength of the case, and have endorsed the increase in the police part of council tax.

“This decision will leave me with a funding gap of £3.719m in 2017-18. This year I intend using reserves of £1.439m to close the gap to £2.280m. The Chief Constable is currently producing a plan to identify efficiencies and savings to enable a balanced budget to be set” Police and Crime Plan 2017 – 2020 The consultation also covered Mr Macpherson’s proposed Police and Crime Plan for 2017-2020. The Commissioner is still studying the feedback from the public and a number of organisations and deciding whether to make any changes to the document in the light of the submissions. After considering the feedback, Mr Macpherson will circulate a revised draft of the plan to members of the Police and Crime Panel ahead of its next meeting in Salisbury at the beginning of March.local citizens who may be in crisis. “The ambition for the further development of support and help for vulnerable people in Wiltshire and Swindon is clearly a priority for the Commissioner and the Chief Constable and that is to be hugely welcomed.”

TS Theatre Productions presents Eugenia by Robert Lewis

Sometimes you sit there and think there must be others, others as angry as you, who see the rise of fascism, racism, populism, xenophobia and feel like there’s nothing we can do about it. If only I could change it, if only I could do something about it. If only I could do something about them. Local theatre company TS Theatre Productions will perform the premier of the new political comedy drama play Eugenia at the Shoebox Theatre in March. Eugenia tells the story of Jean, a scientist who finds herself in a world where expertise is vilified and personality politics run roughshod over truth and human decency. Tired of howling into the void, she follows a more practical course of dissent. But at what cost? PAGE 10

An original piece by Swindon playwright, Robert Lewis,

directed by Peter Hynds this play is darkly comical and embraces the ridiculous as well as the profound. If you’ve never considered how a suicidal panda may choose to express himself,

this show has the answer. In typical TS vein, this play was written and will be performed within eight weeks. Given the topical nature of the story and the uncertainty of what tomorrow will bring, time is very much of the essence!

TS Theatre Productions was formed in 2011 with one rule: If you have a good idea then pick it up and run with it as quickly as possible. TS performed ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ in 2012 at the invitation of the RSC and in the same year sold out Swindon’s Wyvern Theatre with ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest’.




Churchfields Academy Inspiring and Creating Futures For All

We are an 11-16 secondary in Old Walcot, Swindon We believe that within each child there is massive potential to achieve and that as teachers, it is our job to ensure that this potential is met through academic studies, creativity and a desire to believe in yourself. Tours can be set up at any time for students wishing to transfer from Primary or another Secondary Call 01793 487286





Registered Charity No. 1163257 SNDogs (Saving Needy Dogs)

SNDOGS update Now that the evenings are getting lighter and Spring is looming – why not think about spending some of your spare time volunteering for SNDogs at the various events they attend during the Spring and Summer months?

SNDogs have lots of volunteer opportunites: PIP is a lovely little 5 year old dog looking for an extra special home. Even with only 10% of her sight remaining Pip is still curious about the world around. As she becomes more adjusted into a new home she will show even more of her true characFostering – do you fancy welcomter. Anyone interested in adopting ing a dog into your home whilst her needs to take a lot of things into it is looking for a new permanent consideration such as stairs or steps home? – fostering is very rewardin and entering the house. Pip may be ing and the dog can be placed with able to live with a small dog or cat, you – sometime for a few days/ she finds bigger dogs scary as she weeks to a few months - food, can’t see them; but seems better with treats and vets bill are all taken those similar in size to her. Pip finds care of by SNDogs. children too noisy and very scary so would suite an adult home only. If you can give PIP a home please email: Fundraising - help out at various fundraising events – this can be a street collection, bag packing in a supermarket, jumble sale, a school fete or helping out at a dog show.

If you can give Pip a home please email: Volunteering with us is very rewarding - you’ll make lots of new friends – human and doggy ones and trying something different is fun - you may discover skills that you never knew you had! SNDog volunteers come from all walks of life and the amount of time you can commit differs for each person but we all have one thing in common – a desire to help the dogs who find themselves in our care, loving new homes as well as to promote the welfare of dogs - the only stipulation is that you are over 18 years of age!

Up and Coming SNDog Events: Cake Baking - good at cake baking and craft making? Our Crafty Ladies Group make delicious cakes and amazing crafts to sell at many of our events.

11th Feb Bag Packing at M&S, Town Centre, Swindon 11am – 2pm

Please visit for the full list of events

Home Checking we need to know if homes are suitable for our dogs and need people who can respond quickly to homecheck requests local to them. It helps if you are an experienced dog owner but SNDogs can provide full training. PAGE 12

11th Feb Valentines Dog Walk @Coate Water, Swindon meet 10.30am

SNDogs relies entirely on donations - there are many ways you can help SNDogs. Donate via Paypal – or bank transfer to (Co-op) SNDogs Account No. 65622481 sort code 089299.

We also have an Amazon Wish List – search for Saving Needy Dogs. Visit our website for more info...

Drove Vets Monthly update

Epilepsy - it happens, we can deal with it. Part 1 - How to recognize it Epilepsy, it is a word that can understandably cause alarm. This may be because witnessing a fit can be very frightening; because the timing of them can be unpredictable; because the cause is often unknown. Fits are the result of abnormal activity in the brain. As Vets, we see seizures more commonly in dogs, but cats can also suffer from fits. It can occur in any breed, although some breeds are more commonly affected. It can be passed through generations and be more common in particular families. Seizures occur when an individual is relaxed or asleep. Collapse during exercise is often due to fainting where not enough oxygen reaches the brain. Twitching, whimpering or growling when asleep (while dreaming) are twitching episodes not fits. Many pets have only a single seizure: if they have more than one seizure then they have epilepsy. Fits tend to happen in three stages. If you know what you are looking for, then they can be recognised early. 1. The first stage happens while your pet is conscious: they can become disorientated and may want to hide away, or they may seek out your company and come and sit with you.

3. The final stage is the recovery phase. Some pets will get up and carry on with what they were doing. Some may appear dazed and remain disorientated for hours and they may be temporarily blind. Some may have a set pattern of behaviour, drinking water or asking to go out to the toilet.


As each fit can cause damage to the brain, several fits may happen close together.

The second stage begins with them becoming stiff as all the muscles tense up. They often fall onto their sides. This is followed by shaking and spasm of the muscles, which often progresses to involuntary paddling with the paws. They may loose control of their bladder and their bowels. This stage often lasts only a few minutes.

It is important to report any fit to and seek advice from you vet. When reporting it, note the progress and duration of a fit, and the circumstance that preceded it. A video of the fit is always helpful. Please read next month’s edition to find out how Epilepsy is treated.




To win family tickets to a movie of your choice, please tell us in 30 words or less why you love going to the movies? Please email your answer to us at Closing date for the competition is the last day of February 2017 PAGE 14




Put the Spring Back in Your Step with Dr Hilary Jones’

5 Ways To Stay Healthy “Spring has finally sprung! For many, this creates the perfect opportunity to ‘spring clean’ our health,” explains TV medic Dr Hilary Jones. “Here are my healthy top tips for the new season ahead!

1. Set Yourself a Challenge Challenging yourself can reveal qualities you didn’t know you had, and spring is a great time to get outdoors and set yourself a new goal that you can work towards. It might be a 10K run, a parachute jump or the London to Paris bike ride, and why not get some friends on board too for added fun and motivation! Convincing yourself that you will conquer the challenge will make you believe it, whilst boosting your self-esteem and self-confidence in the process!

2. Banish Unnecessary Stress Having too much on our plate can leave us feeling drained and anxious so it’s important to create a balance. Take 10 minutes to reflect on the things you find stressful in life and think about ways to limit them or get rid of them altogether! Unclutter your mind before bed every night and give yourself time to think about the things in your daily routine that are really important to you.

3. Spring Clean Your Senses Staying connected with the world around us is key to our happiness, relationships and emotional wellbeing. Whilst many of us visit our optician and dentist regularly, we wrongly neglect our hearing health – with research showing people can wait up to 10 years before taking action on a hearing problem! Don’t waste time wondering whether your hearing is what it should be — get the facts by getting a free hearing test. This spring hearing specialists Hidden Hearing is offering a 3 month supply of Healthspan Multivitamins and a copy of Dr Hilary Jones ’50 Tips to a Healthier YOU’ with every free hearing test. PAGE 16

4. Get Health Wise Do you know your cholesterol level and your ratio of good fats to bad fats in your blood? What’s your blood pressure reading? What is your height-weight ratio and what is your body fat percentage? Staying on top of your health and taking positive steps to look after yourself today will help to protect your health in the years to come whilst giving you a baseline to compare with in the future.

5. Perfect Portioning Most of us know what we should be eating in order to stay healthy but portion size is something that many us don’t give much thought to. According to the British Heart Foundation, our portion sizes have increased by more than 50% in the

last 20 years1, so try using your hand to measure your portion sizes: A portion the size of the palm of your hand should be your protein, two fist-size portions for your vegetables/salad, one fist or less is your carbohydrates (potato, rice, pasta etc.). Chewing your food properly and putting your fork down between mouthfuls will also allow your brain time to register that your stomach is full.


The new Lexus RC F Born on the hairpins and curves of the Fuji Speedway. Tuned to perfection to perform on the road. Naturally aspirated, hand-built 5.0-litre V8 with 477 DIN hp. Bespoke interior with precision instruments, beautifully crafted sports seats and refinement in every detail. This is race-tuned luxury by Lexus.

LEXUS SWINDON Paddington Drive, Swindon SN5 7SB 01793 881188


RC F prices start from £59,995. Model shown is RC F £60,620, including optional metalic paint at £625.

The MPG figures quoted are sourced from official EU-regulated test results. They are provided for comparability purposes, and may not reflect actual driving experience. RC F fuel consumption and CO2 figures: urban 17.5 mpg (16.1 l/100km), extra-urban 36.2 mpg (7.8 l/100km), combined 26.2 mpg (10.8 l/100km), 251g/km CO2 (37% BIK)

London Calling: Punk and the Life Drawing class: FOSAC Young Arts Showcase - THURSDAY 2 MAR 2017 AT 7:30PM - Swindon Arts Centre A talk by Professor David Ferry Thursday, 16 March | 7.30 pm - 8.30 pm Back for a second year, the Young Arts Showcase, produced by Prime Theatre and funded by David Ferry is an extremely accomplished printthe Friends of the Swindon Arts Centre, celemaker, with work in several important UK and brates the creative talent of local young people. international collections, including the V&A in Featuring a range of art forms, Swindon’s youth London. In this exciting autobiographical talk, David will discuss his experiences at Camberwell have the opportunity to showcase their raw talent. Tickets: £5.00 (no booking fee) and Slade Schools and the ‘alternative’ set of influences he came across during the 1970’s ............................................................................................................ and 80’s. ............................................................................................................

FREE lunchtime talk on ‘The Bomford Gift’ Friday, 24 March | 12.30 pm - 1.00 pm Join our Curator for a free informal lunchtime talk on local art collector and landowner HJP (or ‘Jimmy’) Bomford who gave 21 works of art to Swindon between 1943 and 1976. This exhibition brings together many of the works Bomford gave to Swindon to celebrate his generosity and vision. Lunch time talks start at 12.30pm, are free and last for approximately 30 min.


Swindon Recital Series - SATURDAY 11TH March 2017 AT 7:30PM- Swindon Arts Centre Miranda Dale Violin Caroline Dale Cello Paul Turner Piano Our final programme begins with the elegant and peaceful Schubert Notturno, followed by the emotional outpouring of Brahms’ piano trio in B major (Op.8). We bring the season to a suitably rousing end with the power and drama of the tango in Piazzolla’s Four Seasons. Tickets: £16.00


Make Music Swindon- Junior Voice Festival Professor Gill Clarke on The Bishop Otter WED 15 - THU 16 MARCH - Swindon Arts Centre Collection Thursday, 25 May | 7.30 pm - 8.30 pm The Bishop Otter Collection in Chichester comprises a wide range of twentieth century British art, and shares many similarities with Swindon’s modern collection.


Swindon Schools in association with Make Music Swindon present Junior Voice Festival: From Small Screen To Silver Screen. Over 1,100 junior aged children will, for the first time, sing their hearts out and raise the roof at the Wyvern. Tickets: £7.00


Order from Chaos: Behind the Scenes at Swindon Museum and Art Gallery by Stefanie Vincent Swindon Music Festival - MON 27 MARCH SAT 1 APRIL - Swindon Arts Centre Thursday, 29 June | 7.25 pm - 8.30 pm Since 2014, Stefanie Vincent has been SM&AG’s Museum Collections Project Manager. She has undertaken a variety of important HLF funded projects with the aim of discovering, documenting and interpreting the objects stored by SM&AG.



The 2017 Swindon Music Festival provides a platform for amateur performance in all fields of music for all ages through competition. For details of classes and full price list visit or telephone Yvonne Walker on 07710 243302. Tickets: £2.00 for daily sessions, from £3.00 for evening sessions.




The UK’s premier improv comedy troupe The Noise Next Door, have taken the comedy world by storm and in February 2017 they take to the road on their 4th nationwide tour ‘Uproar!’ Nine-time sell-out veterans of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and one of the most sought after headline acts on the comedy circuit, they leave audiences everywhere in awe of their lightning-quick wit and totally original comedic talents!

The Noise Next Door will also be bringing their ‘Really Really Good Afternoon Show’ to selected dates on the 2017 tour. Please check the schedule at www.thenoisenextdoor. com for venue details. Having taken the 2016 Edinburgh Festival by storm, selling out the largest room at a major venue, the Noise will be taking this show on the road for the very first time! Join the guys for a family friendly, epic explosion of outlandish characters, perfect punchlines and awesome songs all mixed together with their trademark off-the-cuff antics. Suitable for ages 8 to 108! As seen on BBC1, BBC3, ITV1 and ITV2! As heard on BBC Radio 1 and BBC Radio 4! Join the quickest wits in comedy for a fresh new entertainment experience every single night!

‘Hilarious... A superior kind of chaos’ The Daily Telegraph ‘Immaculately well executed’ The Times ‘Comedy gold’ The Guardian

The Noise Next Door are Charlie Granville, Matt Grant, Tom Livingstone and Sam Pacelli and they have been performing their own distinctive brand of off-the-cuff comedy since meeting at university. Taking audience suggestions, the cheeky and charming quartet transform them into fantastically funny scenes and songs in the blink of an eye, with a perfect blend of ludicrous characters, witty one-liners, epic stories and explosive physicality. Unstoppably funny and uniquely talented, this is one of the most versatile comedy acts in the business who have received standing ovations in front of corporate dinners, the British Forces, secondary school students and even fans at ‘Download’ heavy metal music festival! PAGE 20

‘Phenomenal’ Daily Mirror Twitter: @NoiseNextDoor Facebook: /NoiseNextDoor YouTube: /NoiseNextDoorVideos


25 FEB 2017 - 20:00

HANSEL & GRETEL Will Hansel and Gretel be able to use their wisdom, love for their family and, above all, courage, to fend off the Wicked Witch and find their way home? Will the Gingerbread Man get lost in the house made of sugar, spice and all things nice? Watch the story unfold in this lovely Christmas tale, written by Nick Lane and directed by David Durant.

David Durant, Director, said, “I’m really excited about the success of this Courtyard production, it was great to see so many children and families enjoying this fun, light-hearted show, and look forward to many more families enjoying the magic! It was such a pleasure to direct such a fun, creative show. For many, it may be their first experience of live theatre and we really hope that they find it to be a fun and memorable treat!” Following the overwhelming success at The Courtyard Hereford last year, Courtyard Productions is excited to announce that children’s show Hansel and Gretel will be going on tour. The lively children’s show, aimed at younger audiences, features interactive puppetry, original songs and lots of fun and humour, perfect for children aged seven and under and their families. This funny, energetic show is a real treat for audiences as it revisits the classic tale of mystery, intrigue and magic as the brother & sister duo head in to an enchanted forest, where all is not quite as it seems.

Reviews “Writer Nick Lane and Director David Durant have done a fantastic job in creating a show that’s carefully constructed to appeal to the under-sevens, keeping them fully engaged from start to finish, without ever being in danger of finding anything scary (even if Hansel is threatened with being eaten for dinner and the witch ends up as a ‘pointy tasting’ jelly baby after being cooked herself!)” Hereford Times “What a brilliant show! The actors were excellent – so full of energy and just fantastic comic timing. Perfectly pitched for young children, and so well done that us grownups were entertained from start to finish too.Thank you” Audience member


No appointment is necessary at this event, simply turn up with your items and the valuers will be happy to see you. Members of the public will have the option, if they wish, to consign their goods to auction (subject to terms & conditions). Cash purchase offers are also available.Valuations will be provided free of charge, with no obligation. High quality illustrated catalogues from previous auctions will be given away on a complimentary basis in order for the public to get a better idea of the services available.

These valuation days have proven to be very popular in the past, and we have conducted hundreds of them across the UK. Some of the best items we have auctioned were brought to us at these events, such as two pieces of Russian 17th century enamelled silverware, a bowl and a lidded pot, which we later sold on behalf of the owners for over £75,000. If you have any questions feel free to contact: Lockdales’ Martlesham offices: 01473 627110, For further information see our website

A special antiques and collectables valuation event will be taking place soon in your area. The experts of Lockdales Auctioneers will be providing free valuations to the public on Tuesday 4th April, 11am to 3pm at The Swindon Arts Centre, Devizes Road, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN1 4BJ. There will be experts providing valuations on the following types of collectables: Coins (including British & World, sovereigns, Krugerrands, Royal Mint commemoratives & proof sets), stamps, banknotes, medals & militaria, antiques, clocks, watches, jewellery, pens, gold, silver, pre-1900 documents/ books & maps, vintage comics, vintage toys, cigarette-cards, postcards, pre-1960 sporting programmes & tickets, scientific instruments, swords, bayonets & antique firearms.


As a company we can provide lighting for every type of customer. From an individual light for your home, to a full design and supply for a commercial project. We have vast amounts of experience, allowing us to work closely with a client to ensure all their needs are fully met.

We would say that our speciality is with vintage fittings, but we can take inspiration from any clients requirements. We are offering on this website just a small selection of fittings that we have acquired and sourced over a period of time. these will be regularly updated, with bespoke fittings becoming available every now and again. We have provided lighting for a wide variety of high profile clients. Ranging from small off the shelf light fittings to large bespoke lighting displays. Images of some of these projects can be seen in the ‘projects’ section of this website. We also have a shop/workshop located in Swindon, UK. Here we have all our available fittings on display and are more than willing to discuss any requirements you may have, in depth. If there is something that you do not see on this site get in contact and we can more than likely get hold of it. If you have any questions about anything you feel we may be able to help you with, send us a mail to, or give us a call on 07525 496122.

Visit us at: 113 Victoria Rd, Swindon SN1 3BH





Robert Buckland Robert visits Swindon Foyer

and Oliver to Swindon Foyer to see first-hand the important work that our team here at Swindon Foyer do on a daily basis. While it is only a small part of our overall business, Stonewater is immensely proud to provide these services and of the difference they can make to the lives of young people.

South Swindon MP Robert Buckland visited Swindon Foyer on Friday 27 January 2017 along with the Leader of Swindon Borough Council, Cllr David Renard and Cabinet Member for Housing and Homelessness, Cllr Oliver Donachie to meet the Foyer’s young residents and take part in a life skills workshop.

Swindon Foyer is set in the heart of Old Town in Swindon and supports some of the most disadvantaged young people in the community. It offers an integrated solution to housing, personal development and the training needs of its young residents. The foyer is run by Stonewater, one of the UK’s leading social housing providers. As well as meeting the dedicated staff at the Foyer, Robert met a number of residents, who provided a tour of the building and its facilities. It was an opportunity to discuss some of the challenges young people face and to sit in on a life skills workshop where residents discussed positivity. Swindon Foyer accommodates 57 young people aged between 16-25 years old. While staying at the Foyer, residents are supported to engage in employment, education and training opportunities, either on their own or as part of a group. Sue Shirt, Executive Director – Housing at Stonewater said: “It was great to welcome Robert, David


“I hope Robert, found the visit useful, and that they will continue to take an interest in the issues affecting young people, how Stonewater can help support their ambitions, and that we can work together to provide these vital services in the long term.” Robert Buckland MP commented: ‘’Set in the heart of Old Town, this local project supports some of the most disadvantaged young people in our community by offering safe and supportive accommodation. During my visit, I enjoyed meeting with residents and staff and taking part in a life- skills, employment and education coaching workshop. I learned more about the types of support available to young people, which includes accessing employment, education, training, help with CVs, IT and cooking. ‘’I am glad that we have this facility here in Swindon, which provides vital support to those young and vulnerable people in our community who need it the most.’’

World Cancer Day Robert showed his support for World Cancer Day 2017 at an event held in the House of Commons on the 1st of February. At the event, Cancer Research UK will be uniting with five other leading UK cancer charities. MPs had the chance to hear from those affected by cancer and see how UK charities are working together to accelerate the progress in the fight against cancer.

World Cancer Day takes place every year on 4th February and unites the world’s population in the fight against cancer. It aims to save millions of preventable deaths each year by raising awareness and education about the disease. Currently, 8.2 million people die from cancer worldwide every year, out of which, 4 million people die prematurely (aged 30 to 69 years) World Cancer Day is the ideal opportunity to spread the word and raise the profile of cancer in people’s minds and in the world’s media. Robert commented: ‘’ Few families have not been touched by cancer, and mine is no exception, which is why I am pleased to support World Cancer Day. ‘’The Government is committed to improving cancer outcomes throughout the UK and recognises that investing in research is vital in order to increase survival rates. The UK is a world leader in health research and I am pleased that the science budget of £4.7 billion will be protected in real terms in this Parliament. ‘’I welcome the ambitious plans already set out to invest £6.9 billion in the UK’s scientific infrastructure up to 2021 which will mean new equipment, new laboratories and new research institutes.’’ You can find out more about World Cancer Day and pledge your support by visiting world-cancer-day

Constituency Office 01793 533 393 29b Wood Street, Old Town, Swindon SN1 4AN

Community News The Council should be circulating the consultation drawings at the beginning of February. If the proposals are agreed, the scheme will be designed in detail later in 2017. Funding for this scheme has been allocated from the Swindon and Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership’s Local Growth Fund.

Corn Exchange Update The detailed planning application for the Corn Exchange has started. The planning application is expected to be submitted in July this year. Both Councillors Nadine Watts and Jane Milner-Barry welcome the public consultation which will precede this. The hoardings around the site should be replaced this month. This is an exciting time for Old Town and we hope that many of you will take part in the consultation stages.

The arrangements for the next stage of public consultation, which will display the proposed schemes for the whole route between Wichelstowe and Swindon town centre, are now confirmed and include:

3pm – 6.30pm on Thursday 23 February 2017 at the StoweAway Community Centre, Staldon Road, East Wichel, Swindon, SN1 7AG

3pm – 6pm on Friday 24 February 2017 in the Coffee Shop of the Co-op, High Street/Newport Street, Old Town, Swindon, SN1 3EG

11am - 1.30pm and 3pm – 6.30pm on Monday 27 February 2017 in the Café-Bar area of Swindon Arts Centre, Devizes Road, Old Town, Swindon, SN1 4BJ

The consultation material will also be available on both the Swindon Borough Council and Swindon Travel Choices websites from Monday 20 February 2017 with the advertised closing date for feedback of Wednesday 22 March 2017.

Ambrose Road and Taylor Wimpey Planning Application

Next stage of public consultation for the Wichelstowe Swindon town centre quality bus corridor, February 2017 Following consultation on options for a proposed quality bus corridor in Old Town in December 2016, a scheme for the whole route between Wichelstowe and Swindon town centre is being developed.

Councillors Jane Milner-Barry and Nadine Watts have been informed about a new planning application for 62 new homes off Ambrose Road/ Croft Road. More information can be found at: proposed-developments/england/ wiltshire/swindon/land-off-ambroseroad-swindon Please let us know your views.

Parishing There will be parish council elections on 4 May 2017. In the interim, the shadow parish council are looking at the services and assets which will be transferred, as well as setting a precept. We remain opposed to the creation of new parish councils without a local referendum, as it creates a new tier of bureaucracy and is only being done to enable the council to increase Council Tax. All the shadow parish council meetings are open to the public. There will be public question time at the start of each of these meetings. The dates are currently: 2 February, 2 March, 29 March, 27 April and 17 May at the Civic Offices, Euclid Street, Swindon. If you are interested in becoming a parish councillor, more information can be found by searching “parish” or “community governance review” on the SBC website - http://www. The deadline for applications to become a parish councillor in 2017 parish elections is Tuesday, 18 April 2017 at 5.00pm

The Deanery CE Academy Wichelstowe The new Church of England Secondary School for Wichelstowe will now open in September 2019. It will start with year 7s and then fill up progressively. The plans are available at: http:// There was a pre-planning consultation meeting on Thursday 12 January 2017 which was well attended. The community facilities include an all-weather pitch, sports hall, drained grass pitches, a community space and 450 seater auditorium. A planning application is expected to be submitted in mid February. Please let us know your views on any of these issues raised or any other local concerns you may have. Councillors Nadine Watts & Jane Milner-Barry – Old Town & East Wichel – oldtown@swindonlabour. - 07595 071381 & 07864 839746

Community News DROVE PRIMARY SCHOOL PUPIL PROVES SHE’S ‘STREETSMART’ IN COUNCIL’S ENVIROCRIME SCHOOLS INITIATIVE Swindon’s Cabinet Member for StreetSmart, Highways, and Transport, Keith Williams, today presented a Drove Primary School pupil with a certificate for her competition-winning ‘StreetSmart’ anti-litter sticker. Omsee Joshi, 5, won the certificate for her highly imaginative sticker designed as part of the Council’s KS1 environmental awareness programme, with its simple but positive message of ‘don’t drop your litter – put it in the bin’. Mr Williams visited the school to hear about the KS1 work with the Council Environmental Cleansing and EnviroCrime team, who have been delivering educational programmes to various age groups, among them Drove School KS1 pupils, to engrain positive behaviours towards waste and waste management. The programme gave the pupils, aged 5 – 6, the chance to learn a whole series of key messages, including a song about “don’t drop your litter, put it in the bin” based on the 10 green bottles tune, how considerable rubbish can be recycled, shared anecdotes about other peoples’ rubbish ending up in their garden and that very few items need to be put in to the general waste. This is an excellent start on their Envirocrime education journey and the intention is to meet the children again as they move through the

schools system where they will begin to learn more detail about rubbish and the consequences to the environment. Envirocrime officer Pam Jones, who is delivering these programmes, introduced the Councillor to pupils and staff and described the work achieved. Commenting on the programme, Cllr Williams said: “This is an invaluable initiative, allowing the Council to work in partnership with schools to achieve positive learning and strong environmental awareness which will stay with the pupils as they progress through their education. Well done to Omsee and the other pupils, as well as school staff and Council colleagues, for all their hard work.” The youngsters also learnt about re- using items rather than discarding, practising this by sharing their baby toys and clothes with younger siblings. Also, through role- play, they looked at the behaviour of walking down the street and dropping litter, the correct thing to do with rubbish, and the behaviour of adults and children throwing rubbish from vehicles. Between August - December 2016, the Council has issued 175 Fixed Penalty Notices for littering and other waste offences and will continue to enforce, and educate residents and businesses in how to dispose of their waste responsibly.

News from Your Councillors for Walcot West 20 MPH Speed Limit for Walcot West We welcome the confirmation that Walcot West will now become a 20 mph zone. This will help keep our roads safe and hopefully ease some of the vibration suffered by residents in Upham Road. The long awaited report into the underlying condition of Upham Road has now been received by the Council and your councillors will be pressing Swindon Borough Council to ensure that funds are earmarked to deliver its recommendations. The 2016 Local Transport Plan contained a figure of £150,000 for the first stage of the work in 2017/18 but marked the sum as to be confirmed. We will be doing our best to get the sum confirmed.

Parish Council Councillors have been active on the Shadow Parish to ensure the budget for the elected Council has sufficient funds to enable it to continue to keep Walcot West clean and kept tidy and our children’s play areas well maintained. We remain concerned that the introduction of parishes has been brought about without popular support and in too much haste but given that this argument has been lost we want to ensure that the new parish has every chance of success. If you are thinking of standing for election as a Parish Councillor you should email the Shadow Parish Clerk, Joyce Holman, at:

Councillors Steve Allsopp 01793 342708 Councillor Abdul Amin 07921 269301 Councillor Emma Bushel 07876 430582 OMSEE IS PICTURED RECEIVING HER CERTIFICATE FROM CLLR KEITH WILLIAMS AT DROVE PRIMARY SCHOOL

Candle of Hope ceremony

DO YOU WANT TO HELP BEAT CANCER IN SWINDON? We’re bringing Relay For Life to Swindon and we need YOU to help. Relay For Life Swindon is coming in 2017! 1-2 July 2017 @ Croft Leisure Centre About Relay For Life Relay For Life brings you and your town together to help beat cancer sooner. Throughout the year, teams of 8 to 15 people get together and fundraise in their local communities to support the work of Cancer Research UK. Then everyone comes together in an inspiring overnight celebration and commemoration that the whole community can be part of. On the day of Relay For Life Swindon you can expect a celebratory mix of music, games, entertainment, food, fundraising and perhaps a few surprises! Whilst the event is in full swing, members of each team will take turns to walk around the track to show that cancer never sleeps. Take part Join us for Relay For Life Swindon and be part of something special. You can take part by starting a team and becoming the Team Captain, joining a team as a Team Member or by taking part as a Survivor. Survivors’ Lap of Honour Relay For Life Swindon will begin with the inspiring Survivors’ Lap of Honour. Cancer survivors will walk the first lap of the course, cheered and supported by the community. Together we celebra efforts we are all making to help beat cancer sooner.

As the evening draws in, everyone gathers to light Candles of Hope and pay tribute to those whose lives have been affected by cancer. Bags are decorated and lit up by a glowing candle so that poignant messages of remembrance and celebration line the track to create a moving and unforgettable moment. The closing ceremony At the end of Relay For Life Swindon, everyone joins together for a final lap to celebrate their fundraising achievements and look back on an unforgettable experience. Event updates Visit the event updates page for news about Relay For Life Swindon from your Committee Chair. If you’re looking for a new challenge and would like to get involved with a community event that really will help to beat cancer? If so, then we want to hear from you! Lucy Walker Wiltshire Local Fundraising Manager 07733 225 563 Website: Facebook: Relay For Life Swindon Twitter: @swindonrelay

Devilled Mackerel Recipe This amazing oily fish, which is related to the tuna, is very nutritious and high in Omega 3. It is a great fish to enjoy after the excesses of the festive season. It is easy to prepare and cook and is also economical. During the winter months they go to colder deep waters coming back to warmer waters to spawn in vast numbers. They are aggressive predators by nature and are relatively easy to catch by fishermen of all ages and abilities using a spinney or feathered hooks. Fresh mackerel should be stiff with bright eyes and bright red gills. Mackerel are rich in taste so creamy buttery sauces are not ideal accompaniments for this fish, I find that raw tomato works well and cuts through the oiliness. We at The Lobster Pot Fishmongers in Wood Street Swindon or Cobbs Farmshop Hungerford can prepare your mackerel either filleted or headed, cleaned and gutted. The fillets can be pan fried skin side down in a little oil or the whole fish can be baked in the oven or simply grilled. Devilled mackerel which is a favourite with Rick Stein is very easy to prepare. To make the devilled sauce mix some spices, ground cumin, ground coriander, madras curry powder and chilli powder in a bowl. Then add some seasoning, a little vegetable oil and a some tomato paste and mix together. Make some slashes in the side of the fish and rub the spice mix into the fish. Bake in the oven or grill for about 8-10 mins until cooked thru. Serve with some boiled rice and a tomato and red onion salad and accompanied with a mint and fresh coriander yoghurt. So go on be a devil and try this spicy recipe.

Tel: 01793 671050 Wood Street Food Hall, 22 Wood Street, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN1 4AB





“…there is a substantial School of London with potent art lessons emerging from this odd, old, put upon, very singular place” RB Kitaj, 1976 Swindon’s impressive Art Collection has just returned back to Swindon after a very successful exhibition at Osborne Samuel Gallery in the heart of Mayfair giving the London art world a chance to discover this collection for themselves. Following on from this success, a new exhibition opens next week at the Swindon Museum and Art Gallery looking back into how a group of painters transformed the British art world. The School of London shared connections to the capital, its art schools and galleries, and produced confident, expressive paintings which reflected the world in which they lived and worked. In 1976, RB Kitaj curated an influential exhibition entitled ‘The Human Clay’, and featured many great artists including Lucian Freud, Leon Kossoff, Frank Auerbach and Maggi Hambling. He described this group of artists as the ‘School of London’ and wrote about their “unique and strong” artistic personalities, the quality of their work and their imagination. PAGE 32

This new exhibition opening on Wednesday 22 February brings together works by members of the School of London from Swindon’s important collection of modern British art and features Frank Auerbach, Lucien Freud, Richard Hamilton and Leon Kossoff. Recent acquisitions by RB Kitaj and Joe Tilson are displayed for the first time. The exhibition also features their friends, teachers and influences.

Modern Times runs till Saturday 1 July.

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We put him in the van and my friend took him to the vet to check his chip then got him back to Liam. Liam was so overwhelmed with the support he received on social media and when he heard about Kody’s cause and wanted to help,” said Janine. “I wanted to donate something as I was overwhelmed with the support I got on social media. It’s also great that Kody chose to help SN Dogs when he has a fear of dogs!” said Liam who works at Tony Valentine Golf Centre.

11 Year old sponsors SNDogs Old Town Festival Dog Show! When Kody Bowler, an 11-year-old boy who attends Commonweal School, Swindon, found out that, the Old Town Festival dog show was under threat, as the sponsor had to pull out, he felt he had to do something about it! Kody with the help of his mum Janine are baking and selling loads of cakes to become probably the first 11 year old in history to sponsor a dog show! Surprising also as Kody has a fear of dogs!

Kody, with help from two of his friends, Amber Cummings, age 11, and Molly-May Alexander, age 12 did the first cake sale today during the school lunch break and have raised £72. There is another cake sale in school tomorrow, so Kody is very close to his target!

“People are so kind, I’m a bit emotional. Kody has a dog phobia he is trying to overcome. I have no idea where it came from. He ran out in front of a car when he was a toddler, to avoid a dog walking along a path, but he didn’t hesitate at being certain he could raise the money for SN Dogs. They’ve invited him on their next big dog walk and I said they can help him overcome his fear at the same time!,” Janine added.

“I wanted to sponsor the dog show as I heard Drove vets had to pull out and that SNDogs needed £300 to pay towards running the festival. I immediately asked my mum if I could run a cake stall and she said yes! I am so excited I love doing projects like this it makes me feel all fizzy inside,” said Kody. “Kody was very concerned and asked me if we could sell dog themed cakes to raise the £300 needed to fund the dog show’s presence at this much loved family festival. I’ve roped my mum in on the baking too (she’s awesome). Kody couldn’t go to sleep last night chatting about it,” said Janine Bowler. Following a Facebook post he has already received £50 from a parent who owns Run Swindon, in Wood Street. Shortly after he was given another £50 from former Commonweal parent Alex Giles who runs Paw-Fit Pet Services. “Then semi-professional golfer Ian Murray donated £20 after my friend who was moving my piano for me last Friday found his dog, Max, (who ran off when he was walking him in Wroughton on Thursday night). PAGE 34

“SNDogs would like to say a MASSIVE ‘Thank You’ to Commonweal School student Kody Bower who after hearing that they needed £300 to run the Old Town Dog Show, decided to hold a cake sale at his school to help them raise the money needed. We would also like to say a big Thank You to his mum, Janine who helped collect and deliver lots of the yummy cakes to the school. As a special ‘Thank You’ SNDogs would like to invite Kody to help SNDogs judge one of the dog show classes which takes place on Sunday 9th July,” said Jessie Bascombe who runs SNDogs who do a great rehoming job.

The Old Town Festival runs from Saturday 8th July through to Sunday 16th July “The festival is run by a group of dedicated volunteers and the dog show, part of the Family Fun Day on The Lawn, Old Town attracts over 20,000 people. The dog show is very popular and it was a bit of a blow when we heard the sponsor had to pull out. However, I was gob smacked when I heard Kody, a boy of 11 years old wanted to sponsor the show. LOSING OUR HERITAGE ?

That is so amazing! Thank you Kody you are a star!” said festival Chair Josie Williams who is seconded by the OUROld THEATRES school toHELP helpSAVE run The Town Festival.


Reading Palace 1962

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It’s a brilliant something for everybody who loves427860 or email Further info telpublication JosiewithWilliams 01793 ‘live’ entertainment and theatres where it can still be seen. Enjoy your copies and help keep our cherished venues ALIVE !” OT Patron Nick Thomas, Chairman of Qdos Entertainment

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