1 minute readNote from the Editor & Contentsfrom Scribble Issue 3by Shrewsbury High SchoolNext ArticleMeet the TeamMore articles from this publication:Meet the Team1minpages 30-31The Next Editor1minpage 29Miss Hale’s Recommended Reads1minpage 28Faulkner’s Odyssey: As I lay Dying1minpages 24-27Questions with Miss Hale1minpages 20-23YR 7 Little Miss Good Judgement1minpage 19An exploration into Dystopian Fiction and its influence1minpages 16-18Other Words from Other Worlds The Importance of Literary Translation1minpages 12-15Where could studying English Literature take you? Literature take you?1minpages 10-11Show moreThis article is from:Scribble Issue 3