Scribble Issue 4

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verywarmwelcometothenextchapter of Scribble, and one which I am so thrilledtobeintroducing,asit’smyfirst opportunityeditingthissplendidliterary magazine.Iwilladmit,itwasquiteanundertakingto keepthehighstandardsmaintainedbyMollyforthe threepreviouseditions.However,Ineverrealisedand anticipatedhowenjoyableitwouldbe,nottomention howmanyskillswererequired,whenputtingmyself forward for the role. As a team we have been so busy forthelast2termscelebratingthe incredible array of literaryformsexploredbyeverymemberofScribble. BothMaddyandDivyahavealwaysbeencommitted and very talented contributors to Scribble, and are influential members of the team who demonstrate their passion for literature, and in this edition they have not disappointed! Maddy has explored the alienation of characters in Thomas Hardy’s work includinghismotivesbehindthis.Alsointhisedition is the publication of Maddy’s story entitled ‘Decent’ which won her the GDST creative writing prize. Divya’s article, ‘The Sylvia Plath Effect and Mental Illness in Poetry’, explores female poets being more likelytoexperiencementalhealthillnessesthanother writers,whichwasespeciallyinterestingformesinceI amstudyingpsychology.Poetryisobviouslyapopular theme and I have also briefly touched upon the new appointmentofSimonArmitageasPoetLaureatefor the next decade taking over from Carol Ann Duffy. Also in this edition is Mr Aldridge’s article about the thrillingcrimebookseriesfeaturingdetectiveHelen Grace by M. J. Arlidge, one book of this series being Eeny Meeny. This edition has been an exciting start for the Year 12s who have joined Scribble after starting English Literature at A Level in September, and this has given them the opportunity to share their favourite novels and genres as well as demonstrating their creative flair. Next year's editor, Grace, takes you


through the story of ‘Call me by your Name’ whilst Holly chose to journey back in time to Mary Shelley’s Frankensteinillustratinghowthisisstillrelevanttoday. Lily brilliantly introduced us to the minorities of the fantasy genre and Dani continues to enthral us with her captivating creative writing. A new element of Scribble is the glimpse into ShrewsburyHighSchool’spastthroughtheuncovering of the archives. Miss Hale, the school Librarian, has beeninfluentialindiscoveringthememoriesfrompast yearsattheschoolandthefocusforthiseditionhasbeen the1941schoolmagazine.MrJones,HeadofDrama, haswrittenabouttheHamletproductionwhichwas theschoolplayin1941.Theamazingillustrationsand scholarlyreportoftheplaygoestoshowtheimportance of this in the school calendar. This edition not only involves the subject of drama but also draws in the Modern Foreign Language Department in Sophie Callear’sessayaspartoftheOxfordGermanNetwork which is about the German classic E. T. A Hoffman’s

Der Sandmann. We hope to fully introduce the Scribble subscription in the next issue meaning you don’t miss a single edition of this amazing literary magazine. However fornow,keepaneyeonoursocialmediaaswewillbe facilitatingthisasaplatformforpromotingScribbleas awholeaswellasanyexcitingnewsandinformation abouttheteam. Ihopeyouenjoyreadingthisedition as much as myself and the team enjoyed creating it, celebrating literature and members of our school community alike.

Kirsty Eades Editor 2019/20

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