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Welcome from the Editors


Welcome to the 8th edition of Scribble, which we are delighted to be bringing to you towards the close of this school year. For this edition, we decided to go with the theme of feminism. As an editing team, we chose this theme in order to be able to create a magazine that discussed and celebrated female authors as well as the construction and portrayal of women in diff erent genres of literature. There is an array of articles for you to indulge in, courtesy of our team of writers, with a piece on Pat Barker’s subversive retelling of the Iliad from the perspective of the enslaved princess Briseis by former Head Girl, Eleanor Pryce Boutwood. Her work joins that of resident editors Lily and Holly who explore the argument that Sansa Stark is a pivotal feminist character within ‘Game of Thrones’, and Cathy Ames’ status as the female antagonist of Steinbeck’s ‘East of Eden’ respectively. A loyal contributor to Scribble, librarian Miss Hale reveals to us the forgotten writers of Wales's literary history. One of our year 12 essayists, Clara Lee also adds her fascinating perspective on the polarizing novel ‘American Psycho’ and its relevance to our society in 2021. And, continuing with the theme, Maddy Chilcott writes an interesting article on Bernadine Evaristo’s ‘Girl, Woman, Other’, winner of the 2019 Booker Prize, and a vital rumination on the struggles of women across lines of class and race. This edition is the last Scribble to be edited by us. Even though we will be sad to leave the team, we are confi dent in handing over the editorial roles to Aaina Jassel, Isabel Clarke and Libby Driscoll. These writers have all provided fantastic contributions to this edition; Iggy writes on Mary Astell, the fi rst English feminist, whilst Aaina delves into the question of why we love ‘toxic’ men in our fi ction. And last, but certainly not least, Libby supplies us with her own book review and recommendation along with suggestions from others to fi ll our reading lists over the summer! After taking over the role of editors from Kirsty Eades last year, we have been privileged to direct the magazine through numerous editions, it is something that has allowed us to explore and develop many new skills and we have high hopes for Scribble’s future. Finally, we have asked each member of the new editing team to write a few lines to introduce themselves and you can read about this on page 9.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read through this edition of Scribble. Hopefully you will enjoy it just as much as we have enjoyed pulling it together. It is here that we say a fi nal goodbye to Scribble, as an editing team we will surely miss it! Holly Lovett Lily Harding Grace Turner

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