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March Horoscopes: Indulge in Your Element!

By Izzy Silva ’24 Horoscope Columnist



Mar 21 - Apr 19

As a fire sign, I suggest indulging in some scented candles. Perhaps, attend a candle making class! But — your wallet will be in flames too if you buy too many candles! Proceed with caution.


Apr 20 - May 20

You need to reconnect with the Earth. I suggest going to the beach soon… and making a little sand castle for the crabs. They will thank you later.


May 21 - Jun 20

As an air sign, you might feel drawn to the sky. The next time you see a bird, stare at it. The secrets of the universe will be revealed if you do this.


Jun 21 - Jul 22


Sept 23- Oct 22


Dec 22- Jan 19

As a water sign, you are heavy on your emotions. You may not have anywhere to let it out. I suggest going to a place that sells fish. Tell the fish your problems. They won’t know you’re crying, they will think you’re trying to be underwater too!


Jul 23 - Aug 22

You are a fire sign and you may feel that you need to keep your dorm very very warm. Turn off the heater and just use a blanket or two. This will save not only the Earth, but also your warm-running roommates.


Aug 23- Sept 22

You might feel inclined to dig holes as an Earth sign. Go dig a hole and plant a little flower somewhere. This will be a ladybug’s new home!

As an air sign you might really feel an inkling to fly. While plane tickets are expensive, there are other options. Get yourself an umbrella and hop off a little sidewalk. You may float for 0.5 seconds, but this will be enough!


Oct 23- Nov 21

No one quite understands why you are a water sign. To prove yourself, go to the nearest body of water, tell the body of water that you appreciate it, take a picture of yourself next to it, and send it to someone you love with the caption, “I love water!”


Nov 22- Dec 21

Listen here fire sign, you may feel like you have been needing lots of caffeine to fire you. No more caffeine. Fire up the stove and brew yourself a nice cup of herbal tea. Oooo, maybe the sleepytime tea with the little bear guy on it!

The next time you have the opportunity to go to Mount Baldy, go. It will refresh your Earth sign qualities. You can do some ghost hunting too, but beware — the ghosts love making fun of Capricorns.


Jan 20- Feb 18

The next time you have the opportunity to go to Mount Baldy, go. It will refresh your Earth sign qualities. You can do some ghost hunting too, but beware — the ghosts love making fun of Capricorns.


Feb 19- Mar 20

You are very true to your water sign identity. The next time you see a fountain — make a wish! And also put a little leaf in it. It’ll float and be so cute and you will be so happy.

By Aviva Maxon ‘24 Staff Writer

sunlight And


Chipped nails, full of earth and work

A bright color to feminize you

In your heavy pants and shirt- that hide your body

Hair pulled back and up

So maybe they won’t know, about the breasts and vulva that lie below.

The shocked look, at the door –

An old man surprised to see a young lady at his door, Tools in hand, gloves in pocket, ready to work.

The signs say, men at work

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