SPARC Resource Centre Pocket Guide 2013 Edition

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Resource Centre Pocket Guide 2013


New ideas, new tools, new ways of doing government business: The SPARC pocket guide to resources on improving governance




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Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i How to use this pocket guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ii Scan the summaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ii Read or view the resources in full on the CD or website . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ii Use as a tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ii

How this guide is organised . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ii 1 Developing effective policy and strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

Developing effective policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Developing effective strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Performance management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Statistics and data management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

2 Managing public finances 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4

3 Improving public services 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

Credible budget setting and management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Budget execution and management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Public financial analysis and information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Public expenditure and financial accountability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34

Setting priorities for improvement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Government structures and organisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 Strengthening MDAs’ ability to deliver services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Managing and reporting on service delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 Managing human resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52

4 Support from federal and national organisations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55 4.1 Peer review mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55 4.2 Achieving the Millennium Development Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57 4.3 Networks and sharing experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61

5 Generic resources 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64

Manuals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64 Issues leaflets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67 Results leaflets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70 Lessons leaflets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76 Voices leaflets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79 Videos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83 Photographs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91

6 Useful websites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92 Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .94 Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95 About SPARC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95 Using the Resource Centre CD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97






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Foreword In 2008, the Nigerian and UK Governments decided to set up a partnership – the State Partnership for Accountability, Responsiveness and Capability (SPARC) – to work for good governance and less poverty in Nigeria. The two governments agreed to work together, first to support governance reforms in Enugu, Jigawa, Kaduna, Kano and Lagos states and, second, to support governance reforms at federal level. SPARC now works in 10 of Nigeria's 36 states and the programme will run until 2015. During the course of the programme, Nigerian partners and SPARC have generated a wealth of information and knowledge, and set up many processes and procedures to improve governance, often surmounting considerable challenges in the process. In order to extract the utmost value from this unique and growing accumulation of know-how, we are finding new ways of sharing programme outputs to influence wider change. This pocket guide is one of many SPARC initiatives aimed at inspiring a public service 'performance culture' in Nigeria. Our primary aim in developing the Resource Centre, of which this guide is a part, is to make information on actual experiences in governance reform initiatives widely available, to both those involved in the SPARC programme and to other people and organisations. The new ideas, new tools and new ways of doing government business introduced by SPARC and developed with partners that we have collected together in this pocket guide testify to a groundswell of governance reform in our country. We hope that readers will gain insights into the changes taking place in Nigeria and be encouraged to stimulate new initiatives. The pocket guide offers a range of options and choices. There is no 'best' approach or best way to improve governance as so much depends on the context. Examples from the states where SPARC works clearly demonstrate this. But there are common patterns that can help guide decisions. The emphasis is on long-term learning and change in governance processes, policies and institutions. The ideas, tools and methods presented in the guide are examples for others to adopt, adapt or take forward as they see fit. We believe that approaches developed, piloted and successfully launched by SPARC over many years must be shared widely to reach their full potential. Another very important reason for collating these materials is to make sure that the information and knowledge accumulated during the programme is not lost when the programme comes to an end in 2015. The legacy from SPARC will be a rich array of information, knowledge, experiences, insights, ideas and tools relating to governance and governance reform derived from the SPARC programme, our partners and other organisations involved in governance. We wish to ensure that this legacy endures as a solid foundation for those that follow to build on. The guide has been designed to be user friendly. Each summary has a unique code which when typed into the search box of the accompanying CD (or the online Resource Centre site) gives access to the full resource. It is a compact tool that can be used even where there is no internet connection. We offer this pocket guide in the hope that what it contains will give readers fresh ideas that they can adapt to their own circumstances and share with their colleagues. We hope to inspire new thinking at all levels of government and throughout Nigerian society. Dr Joe Abah National Programme Manager, SPARC




This pocket guide brings together a selection of resources on governance and governance reform relating to the SPARC programme. Most have been produced by SPARC, our partners or other organisations involved in governance. A few are generic tools and there are also videos, photos and a list of useful websites. The main focus when producing the guide was to make resources on actual experiences in governance reform initiatives available to those involved in governance reforms. SPARC hopes that the documents included in the guide will give readers insights into change interventions taking place in Nigeria today. The pocket guide is one of many SPARC information initiatives aimed at policy makers, those responsible for putting policy into practice, and development partners. Revised editions will be produced regularly. Scan the summaries The guide contains easy-to-read summaries of information and knowledge products related to the ongoing SPARC programme. The summaries deal with a range of issues in governance – strategies, policies, processes, institutions and capacity among others. Read or view the resources in full on the CD or website Readers can scan sections and summaries in the guide to quickly find areas and items of interest. The full text of the resources that catch readers' attention can then be easily accessed through a user-friendly, easy-to-search database on the CD attached to the back cover. The CD also holds videos and photos. All the summaries and resources can also be accessed at Use as a tool This guide, as the title suggests, has been designed as a pocket-size compact tool

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that you can carry with you at all times so that it is at hand when you need it. We hope that many different groups of people will find it useful. Partners in the SPARC programme, for example, may refer to items in the guide when talking through issues with stakeholders. Or they may refer to it to bring them up to speed on what SPARC has done. Policy makers, donors, civil society organisations and the private sector may benefit from knowing what has been done and where. Public servants may find the examples of policies and processes useful in guiding developments in the ministries, departments and agencies where they work.

How this guide is organised The pocket guide is divided into six sections. The first four sections provide short summaries of SPARC, government and other organisations' documents. Readers can refer to the items summarised by typing the item code into the search page on the CD attached to the back of the guide.


How to use this pocket guide


Section 1 summarises materials that focus on developing policy and strategy. Section 2 deals with items that focus specifically on managing public finances and Section 3 with those on improving public services. Section 4 brings together materials on support to state governments from federal or national organisations for governance reforms. Section 5 is a selection of generic resources. There are manuals, briefs on issues, lessons learned and results, short videos of interviews with individuals involved in the SPARC programme and a set of photographs of SPARC activities. Finally, Section 6 lists websites where other resources that may be of use to those involved in governance issues may be found.





1 Developing effective policy and strategy Policies set out what a government intends to achieve and how it intends to act. Strategies describe the steps a government will use to implement a policy that is already in place. Getting both right, therefore, is a key step in improving the governance of a country.


The SPARC programme encourages states to develop policies that align with national and state priorities. This means making sure that policy in one sector takes into account the effect that it will have in other sectors and developing strategies that are based on accurate information. Strategies and targets based on actual data are more likely to be realistic than those that are not. Research is important as it helps to ensure that policies benefit everyone they are intended to, to check that there are no technical reasons to stop the policy being applied and to make sure that the government services that have to apply the policy have the capacity to do so. This section of the guide shows how state governments have tackled reforming how they develop policy and strategy. Section 1 has four sub-sections:    


Developing effective policies (1.1), Developing effective strategies (1.2), Performance management (1.3), and Statistics and data management (1.4).


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1.1.1 Guide to developing state policies and plans This generic guide to developing state policies and plans, compiled by SPARC, sets out the principles of policy making, especially as regards improving delivery of public services and the welfare of citizens. States can adapt the guide to their particular circumstances. The guide is intended to help policy makers in state governments and ministries of economic planning understand:  What 'policy' is and how it relates to strategy,  The responsibilities of executive councils and of state houses of assembly with respect to policy making,  The basic steps in making a state development plan, especially to ensure that it is affordable and doable,  How policies and plans link to the way governments do business, and how these links affect effective implementation of policies and plans, and  How to ensure that policies respond to the needs of citizens.

Of interest to: State government executives, legislative policy makers Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: SPARC guide Status: Final Date: 2012 Title: Making State Policy and Development Plans Number of pages: 46 File type: pdf File size: 1078 KB To read the full text: Please type DEP001 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



Enugu State aims to be one of the four most economically developed states in Nigeria by 2020. To bring this about, in 2008, the Enugu State Government began to develop plans to achieve this. A medium-term implementation plan, the first of its kind in the history of Enugu State, was published two years later. This plan has now been translated into strategies and annual budgets for all major sectors. This leaflet briefly describes the plan, how it was developed and useful lessons learned along the way.

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1.1.3 Guide to Kano State medium-term sector strategies Medium-term sector strategies (MTSSs) are an important part of the policy, strategy and corporate planning process in Kano State. All ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) in Kano State have to develop annual budget proposals as part of the medium-term sector strategy process. The Ministry of Planning and Budget Medium-Term Sector Strategy (MTSS) Guide indicates the steps Kano State MDAs can take to:  Ensure consistency between submissions from different ministries,  Reflect differences between sectors, and  Allow learning and development throughout the process.

Of interest to: State governments, development partners, civil society Issuing body: Enugu State Government Type of resource: Flyer Status: Final Date: 2012 Title: Developing the Enugu State MediumTerm Implementation Plan (2010–2013) Number of pages: 2 File type: pdf File size: 97 KB To read the full text: Please type DEP002 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

Of interest to: State MDAs, development partners Issuing body: Kano State Government Type of resource: State government report Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: Ministry of Planning and Budget Medium-Term Sector Strategy (MTSS) Guide Number of pages: 57 File type: pdf File size: 1028 KB To read the full text: Please type DEP003 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


The guide draws on federal government guidelines and the experiences of other states, but takes account of specific circumstances and particular needs in Kano State. It covers the what, why and who of MTSSs and explains policy, strategy, the results chain and programme-based budgeting. The steps outlined in the guide are not prescriptive. Each ministry may choose to adapt the process or add additional steps as they see fit.


1.1.2 Developing the Enugu State Medium-Term Implementation Plan 2010–2013






1.1.4 Reviewing strategies and policies in Lagos State A review of policies, strategies and other key documents is the first stage in developing a state development plan and medium-term sector strategies. This review of strategies and policies in Lagos State covers the Lagos State Economic Empowerment Development Strategy, the Review Report 2008, the Ten-Point Agenda 2003–2007, the Lagos State Vision 20:2020, and other key policy and strategy documents.


The lessons drawn from the review could inform future programmes. Implementing the recommendations could improve planning and documentation. Suggested next steps are consulting with stakeholders, discussing the review with selected stakeholders, validating the review, mapping stakeholders in the policy and strategy development process, and clarifying policy and strategy development processes.


Of interest to: State governments, development partners, stakeholders Issuing body: Lagos State Government Type of resource: State government document Status: Final Date: 2010 Title: Report on Review of High-Level Policy Documents Number of pages: 28 File type: pdf File size: 401 KB To read the full text: Please type DEP004 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


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1.1.5 Introducing the research applications in policy and strategy (RAPS) approach in Lagos State This is a report of a workshop run by SPARC for staff in departments of the Lagos State Ministry of Economic Planning and Budget that work together on research applications in policy and strategy (RAPS). Participants at the workshop worked through an actual task – the requirement for one of the ministry's departments, the Economic Intelligence Unit, to produce a policy brief on affordable housing – using the RAPS structured approach to formulating policy and strategy. The report summarises what was covered during the four-day workshop and how the training was delivered. It highlights lessons learned and indicates the next steps workshop participants were required to take in using their new knowledge and skills in their day-to-day activities back in their offices. Section 1 covers the rationale for the course, the objectives and expected outcomes. Section 2 introduces the RAPS approach, describes the contents of the workshop, how the course was organised, highlights, lessons learned and conclusions drawn.

Of interest to: Ministries of planning and budgeting, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: SPARC report Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: Joint P&S / M&E Activity Report – LASG MEPB RAPS Training Workshop Number of pages: 37 File type: pdf File size: 1230 KB To read the full text: Please type DEP005 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



1.2.1 Guide to developing medium-term sector strategies This guide is a tool that has been produced to help state public servants who are involved in developing strategies. The guide is intended to be used, in the first instance, in discussions with senior state civil servants to introduce them to best practice principles in developing strategies, especially strategies for improving the delivery of public services and the welfare of citizens. If they wish, states can then take the guide and adapt it to their specific circumstances and aspirations.

Of interest to: Senior state public servants, state MDAs, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: SPARC report Status: Third edition Date: 2012 Title: Developing Medium-Term Sector Strategies – A Guide for Main VoteControlling Ministries and Their MDAs Number of pages: 85 File type: pdf File size: 2.03 MB To read the full text: Please type DES001 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

1.2.2 Training on medium-term sector strategies in Lagos State This report of a Lagos State medium-term sector strategy (MTSS) training workshop summarises topics that were covered, describes the approaches taken to deliver the training and highlights lessons learned during the training. It sets out the next steps in developing MTSSs in sectors that have not yet done so. Novel and innovative approaches used in the workshop included:  Use of illustrations and examples drawn from participants' experiences to explain complex concepts,  Sharing participants' experiences in preparing MTSSs,  Asking workshop participants to recap the previous day's session, and  Drawing together a mix of participants with different degrees of understanding and exposure to the MTSS process. Workshop participants took a draft outline action plan back to their workplaces to negotiate and agree how activities would be implemented and who would be responsible.

Of interest to: State MDAs, development partners, civil society Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: SPARC activity report Status: Draft Date: 2011 Title: Draft Activity Report – LASG MEPB Training on the MTSS Process Number of pages: 14 File type: pdf File size: 516 KB To read the full text: Please type DES002 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


Most of the text is quite technical. States can copy or edit the guide as they see fit. In some sections, information specific to the state would need to be added, for example, on key policy goals or existing plans. This third edition of the guide incorporates lessons and developments – especially on using templates for converting sector strategy costs into budgets – from states which have already used the guide.

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1.3.1 Reviewing the Kaduna State Change Programme 2011 Kaduna State launched its change programme in 2009. Each year, a review of the change programme assesses achievements and challenges, and makes recommendations for adjusting strategies, plans and budgets. The first annual review of the change programme took place in June 2010 and made recommendations to improve its effectiveness. The second review took place in June 2011. This report sets out the results of the 2011 review.


The review took place at a high-level retreat where workstream groups reviewed their performance. The groups put forward recommendations to build on achievements and address challenges, and discussed how to link changes across workstreams. Overall, the review showed that there was an overarching need to strengthen understanding of, and commitment to, the change programme in the civil service. This would mean more sensitisation and ongoing communication.

Of interest to: State governments, development partners Issuing body: Office of the Head of Service Bureau of Public Service Reform, Kaduna State Government Type of resource: State government report Status: Final Date: 2012 Title: Change Programme Annual Performance Report Number of pages: 36 File type: pdf File size: 1257 KB To read the full text: Please type DPM001 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


1.3.2 Guidelines for the 2011 review of the Kaduna State Change Programme The Kaduna State Government Change Programme was launched in May 2009 to support delivery of the Eleven-Point Agenda in three areas: public service management, public financial management, and policy and strategy. The guidelines for the 2011 annual review of the change programme cover the:  Main activities and timetable,  Responsibilities for the change programme review process,  High-level retreat agenda and schedule,  High-level retreat participants,  Key documents for review at the highlevel retreat, and  Expected outputs of the high-level retreat and the process for follow up. The 2011 review takes the same format as the first review in 2010 but focuses more on responding to findings and making recommendations for improving the change programme.

Of interest to: State MDAs, development partners, permanent secretaries, directors, commissioners Issuing body: Office of the Head of Service, Kaduna State Government Type of resource: Guidelines Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: 2011 Change Programme Joint Annual Review Operational Guidelines: Process and Time Number of pages: 8 File type: pdf File size: 703 KB To read the full text: Please type DPM002 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



The Kaduna State Government brochure on its change programme, formally launched by the Governor during Civil Service Week, briefly describes the change programme and its objectives, and highlights success stories. Successes featured are:

Of interest to: State governments, development partners, civil servants Issuing body: Kaduna State Government Type of resource: Brochure Status: Final Date: 2010 Title: Change Programme – Changing the Machinery of Government Number of pages: 2 File type: pdf File size: 1683 KB To read the full text: Please type DPM003 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

1.3.4 Kaduna State Change Programme This brochure explains the Kaduna State Change Programme, its objectives and how the state government is delivering better services through improved governance. The brochure describes how cross-cutting reforms are being piloted in health, education and agriculture. The wideranging reforms in the public service are helping clarify responsibilities across the state government and are helping the service become more efficient and professional. The government, in managing for results, sets clear goals to guide planning and allocation of budgets. By measuring progress towards these goals, the government can ensure plans remain on track, report progress to the public and be accountable for the use of public funds.

Of interest to: State governments, development partners, civil servants Issuing body: Kaduna State Government Type of resource: Brochure Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: Change Programme – Helping Government Perform Better Number of pages: 2 File type: pdf File size: 2.42 MB To read the full text: Please type DPM004 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


 Improvements in accounting – financial and statistical reports are prepared more quickly and accurately helping the State government to better monitor annual budgets,  Clearer mandates – synergies and harmony between sectors is leading to better efficiency in way government business is conducted,  Introduction of corporate planning – efforts are more cohesive,  Stronger partnerships with international development agencies, and  Multiyear budgeting – helping ensure policy targets in the Eleven-Point Agenda and Kaduna State Development Plan are achieved on time.

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1.3.3 Changing the machinery of Kaduna State Government






1.3.5 Guidelines for Kano State joint annual performance review In 2009, SPARC and Kano State Government agreed on a set of programmes that would lead to changes in the Kano State governance system. The change programme reforms address three areas that are important for effective implementation of the Kano State Roadmap for Development: public service reform, public financial reform, and policy and strategy, including monitoring and evaluation. The Kano State Operational Guideline for Joint Annual Performance Review 2010 explain the purpose and scope of the 2010 review, and describe the outputs that were expected:


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1.3.6 Reviewing sector performance in Kaduna State This presentation was given to staff of ministries, departments and agencies in Kaduna State. It covers the performance review process step-by-step, as well as timelines and expected outputs. The presentation describes how to:  Organise a performance review,  Prepare a performance report,  Analyse progress using key performance indicators,  Assess sector financial performance, and  Determine next steps.


 A report showing how the change programme contributed to reform,  Tools that the state government could own and adapt for other reviews, and  Enhanced capacity in conducting performance reviews. The guidelines cover the approach to the review, roles and responsibilities, the main activities, a timetable, and the arrangements and documents for a high-level retreat.


Of interest to: State governments, civil servants, development partners Issuing body: Kano State Government and SPARC Type of resource: Guidelines Status: Final Date: 2010 Title: Kano State Operational Guideline for Joint Annual Performance Review 2010 Number of pages: 12 File type: pdf File size: 254 KB To read the full text: Please type DPM005 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

Of interest to: Civil servants, MDAs, development partners Issuing body: Ministry of Economic Planning Kaduna State Government Type of resource: Presentation Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: Implementing Sector Performance Reviews Number of slides: 43 File type: pdf File size: 1114 KB To view the presentation: Please type DPM006 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



The Kaduna State Sector Performance Review Guidelines explain how sectors can review and report on progress in achieving the goals and objectives of medium-term sector strategies (MTSSs), and use the results to adjust and carry MTSSs forward. The guidelines are not prescriptive but are offered to help sectors strengthen how they monitor and evaluate MTSSs. They stress the need to assess results against goals and objectives by focusing on outcomes and outputs rather than inputs and activities.

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1.3.8 Kano State guidelines for sector performance reports 2011 These are guidelines for Kano State sector performance reports.

Of interest to: State MDAs, development partners Issuing body: Ministry of Economic Planning Kaduna State Government Type of resource: Guidelines Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: Sector Performance Review Guidelines Number of pages: 20 File type: pdf File size: 1091 KB To read the full text: Please type DPM007 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

Of interest to: Kano state ministries, departments and agencies Issuing body: Kano State Government Type of resource: Guidelines Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: The Kano State Roadmap for Development (KSRD) Sector Performance Evaluation Report Guideline Number of pages: 6 File type: pdf File size: 357 KB To read the full text: Please type DPM008 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


The guidelines describe how to organise a sector performance review, suggest a structure for sector performance reports and give advice on writing a report. Although the guidelines have been written for reporting performance on MTSSs, they are also useful for reporting performance in sectors that do not yet have MTSSs and in cross-cutting reform initiatives such as the Kaduna State Change Programme.


1.3.7 Guidelines for reporting performance in Kaduna State






1.3.9 Template for Lagos State Government performance evaluation reports 2010 This template for sector performance evaluation reports 2009–2010 was to be used by Lagos State ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) for documenting outcomes, methods, lessons learned and plans for improvement in 2010. It was designed to help MDAs communicate successes and challenges in programmes set out in medium-term sector strategies to policy makers, and internal and external stakeholders. The template is an aid to clear reporting for a wide range of readers.


Of interest to: State MDAs, development partners Issuing body: Lagos State Government Type of resource: Template Status: Final Date: 2010 Title: XXXX Sector Performance Evaluation Report 2009–2010 Number of pages: 10 File type: pdf File size: 365 KB To read the full text: Please type DPM009 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



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1.3.10 How to use the self-evaluation assessment tool This report introduces the self-evaluation assessment tool (SEAT). SEAT is based on the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability-Public Financial Management (PEFA-PFM) approach now adopted by national and state governments as an international standard for measuring financial management performance. Using the assessment framework, government stakeholders can self-assess policy and strategy, information systems, and monitoring and evaluation. Initial selfassessments provide a baseline against which to monitor subsequent performance. State partners and stakeholders can use self-assessments to develop a strategy and work plan to roll out a programme of governance reform.

Of interest to: State governments, MDAs, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: SPARC final report Status: Final report Date: 2012 Title: SEAT Performance Measurement Framework – Policy and Strategy/Monitoring and Evaluation Final Report Number of pages: 38 File type: pdf File size: 949 KB To read the full text: Please type DPM010 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



The Policy and Strategy Information Management/Monitoring & Evaluation SelfAssessment Final Report provides an objective assessment of policy development, strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), and information management (IM) in Kaduna State. The report sets out a baseline against which progress on reforms can be measured and identifies priorities to address in developing policy, planning strategy, M&E and IM.

Of interest to: State MDAs, development partners, permanent secretaries, directors, commissioners Issuing body: Kaduna State Government Type of resource: State government report Status: Final Date: 2012 Title: Policy and Strategy Information Management/Monitoring & Evaluation SelfAssessment Final Report Number of pages: 59 File type: pdf File size: 956 KB To read the full text: Please type DPM011 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


1.4.1 Jigawa State toolkit for key performance indicators This toolkit explains key performance indicators (KPIs) and how to use them for the Comprehensive Development Framework (CDF) in Jigawa State. Explanations cover:  Data processing techniques,  How to calculate key performance indicators for the Comprehensive Development Framework Monitoring and Evaluation Results (CDF M&E) Framework, and  How to interpret results and present them in user-friendly ways. The manual has four sections that describe how to:  Develop KPI formulas,  Collate data and enter it into KPI formulas,  Develop charts to show results, and  Present charts and analyses. The manual is a useful reference on KPIs in the CDF M&E Framework.

Of interest to: State MDAs, development partners, statistics officers Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: SPARC report Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: Measuring and Presenting Jigawa CDF KPIs Number of pages: 23 File type: pdf File size: 643 KB To read the full text: Please type DSD001 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


The results of the self-assessment showed that the capacity for making effective policy and developing strategy improved in Kaduna State over the three years to 2012. This could be partly because donor agencies supported various programmes and partly because the state executive and administration committed to improve planning. The assessment found that there was no clear legislative or regulatory framework for M&E and, as a result, MDAs have each developed their own arrangements. Most MDAs have limited understanding of IM and M&E, and limited capacity for organisational development. This means M&E and IM are a challenge.

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1.3.11 Self-assessment of policy, strategy, monitoring and evaluation in Kaduna State







1.4.2 Enugu State manual for key performance indicators This manual explains key performance indicators (KPIs) and describes how to:  Define KPIs for medium-term sector strategies,  Use data processing techniques,  Calculate baselines and values of KPIs, and  Present results and analyses in userfriendly ways. The manual has six sections:  An introduction to results-based management (RBM) and KPIs,  Defining KPIs for MTSSs,  Developing KPI formulas,  Collating data and using KPI formulas,  Developing charts to show KPI results, and  Analysing key features.


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1.4.3 Demystifying monitoring and evaluation in Lagos State This seminar presentation explains monitoring and evaluation (M&E) clearly, simply and comprehensively. It introduces, defines and puts M&E into the wider context of results-based management (RBM). The seven phases, benefits and key principles of RBM are covered. The presentation introduces the results chain as a framework for M&E and explains how to set targets, indicators and baselines, and how to benchmark. A section on performance monitoring covers the performance framework, and collecting and analysing data to measure performance against indicators. The section on reviewing and reporting results describes how results feed back into the planning cycle. Types of evaluations and evaluation methods are also dealt with.

A worked example helps readers to understand and use KPIs. The manual is also a reference for defining and measuring KPIs in medium-term sector strategy monitoring and evaluation (MTSS M&E) frameworks.

Of interest to: State MDAs, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: SPARC report Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: Defining, Measuring and Presenting Enugu MTSS KPIs Number of pages: 38 File type: pdf File size: 703 KB To read the full text: Please type DSD002 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

Of interest to: State MDAs, federal institutions Issuing body: Lagos State Government Type of resource: Presentation Status: Final Date: 2012 Title: Monitoring and Evaluation Demystified – A Seminar for Lagos State Government Number of pages: 117 File type: pdf File size: 2011 KB To view the presentation: Please type DSD003 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



This study analysed monitoring and evaluation (M&E) in Ekiti State and assessed the capacity for undertaking M&E in the ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) that are responsible for reporting on progress towards the Millennium Development Goals and Ekiti State EightPoint Agenda targets. The review found that indicators for measuring progress towards the Millennium Development Goals and Eight-Point Agenda Goals were not based on detailed sectoral planning. This meant that M&E was a random combination of high-level impact data and low level data on inputs and activities, and did not provide a full picture of progress.

Of interest to: State governments, MDAs, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Final report Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: Final Report: Ekiti State MDGs M&E Capacity Assessment Report Number of pages: 78 File type: pdf File size: 1063 KB To read the full text: Please type DSD004 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

1.4.5 Roadmap for results-based monitoring and evaluation in Ekiti State The Ekiti State Government is setting up a state-wide monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system. This will track and report on progress towards the Millennium Development Goals and the goals of the Ekiti State Eight-Point Agenda. The new system will consider performance at all levels of the results chain – from inputs and activities to outputs and, most importantly, outcomes and impact. To put the M&E system in place many gaps will need to be filled – in developing policies and plans, clarifying roles and responsibilities, building the capacity of MDAs, and rationalising data collection and systems. The Roadmap for Strengthening Ekiti State Monitoring and Evaluation Systems sets out nine steps for developing and implementing a results-based M&E policy and master plan for the state.

Of interest to: MDAs Issuing body: Department for Monitoring and Evaluation, Ministry of Budget and Economic Planning, Ekiti State Type: State government report Status: Final Date: 2012 Title: The Roadmap for Strengthening Ekiti State Monitoring and Evaluation Systems Number of pages: 16 File type: pdf File size: 466 KB To read the full text: Please type DSD005 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


The limitations in M&E reflected the lack of resources and staff capacity in MDAs. Data collection, processing, analysing and reporting processes were, in most cases, dysfunctional and uncoordinated. The study called for an approach to building capacity in M&E that combines technical learning with acquiring skills in processes, and in organisation and institution building.

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1.4.4 Assessing capacity for reporting progress towards the Millennium Development Goals in Ekiti State








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1.4.6 Progress on the Millennium Development Goals in Ekiti State

1.4.7 Progress on the Millennium Development Goals in Ekiti State

Prepared by the Ekiti State Ministry for Integration and Intergovernmental Affairs and Ministry of Budget and Economic Planning this fact sheet sets out what Ekiti State has delivered against Millennium Development Goals 1 to 8 and what the state hopes to achieve by 2014.

Prepared by the Ekiti State Ministry for Integration and Intergovernmental Affairs and Ministry of Budget and Economic Planning this poster shows what Ekiti State has delivered against Millennium Development Goals 1 to 8 and what the state hopes to achieve by 2014.

The fact sheet is illustrated with readerfriendly graphs and charts that summarise progress.

Graphs and charts show progress at a glance.

Of interest to: State governments, ministries, departments, agencies, non-government organisations, development partners Issuing body: Ministry for Integration and Intergovernmental Affairs and Ministry of Budget and Economic Planning Type of resource: Leaflet Status: Published Date: 2012 Title: Ekiti State Millennium Development Goals Number of pages: 4 File type: pdf File size: 701 KB To read the full text: Please type DSD006 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

Of interest to: State governments, ministries, departments, agencies, non-government organisations, development partners Issuing body: Ministry for Integration and Intergovernmental Affairs and Ministry of Budget and Economic Planning Type of resource: Poster Status: Published Date: 2012 Title: Ekiti State Millennium Development Goals Number of pages: 1 File type: pdf File size: 596 KB To see the poster: Please type DSD007 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



This report presents the state gross domestic product (SGDP) for Kaduna State at current and real prices 2002–2008. Making decisions in an open, liberal, market economy requires quality information. In Nigeria, the quality of data and the capacity to use information effectively to manage the economy, particularly in the lower levels of government, needs to improve if scarce resources are to be used effectively. States now control significant resources. How they spend these affects the national economy. This means calculating gross domestic product (GDP) at the state level.

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1.4.9 Checklist for gender and social inclusion in medium-term sector strategies and plans This checklist for gender and social inclusion can be used by those involved in developing medium-term sector strategies. The list covers situational analysis, participation and decision making. Checking off items in the list will help ensure social inclusion issues are not neglected in medium-term sector strategies.

Of interest to: State governments, private sector, development partners, economists, planners, policy makers Issuing body: Kaduna State Government Type of resource: State government report Status: Final Date: 2010 Title: Index of Economic Activities in Kaduna State Number of pages: 39 File type: pdf File size: 1036 KB To read the full text: Please type DSD008 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

Of interest to: MDAs, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Checklist Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: Checklist for Gender and Social Inclusion (G&SI) in MTSS and Planning Number of pages: 5 File type: pdf File size: 431 KB To read the full text: Please type DSD009 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


The Kaduna State economy was the 15th largest state economy in Nigeria 2002–2008 and made up 3.3% of Nigerian GDP. Agriculture contributed 30% of SGDP in Kaduna. The information presented in this report on the various sectors of the state economy, though tentative, can be used by planners and policy makers in considering prospects and challenges.


1.4.8 Overview of Kaduna State economy 2002–2008








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1.4.10 Perceptions of service delivery and governance in Jigawa State

1.4.11 Perceptions of service delivery and governance in Enugu State

In 2010 a survey of citizens' perceptions was conducted in Lagos, Enugu, Kaduna, Kano and Jigawa states by NOI Polls. Five hundred people were interviewed in each state and asked how they felt about government service delivery, governance, voice and accountability.

In 2010 a survey of citizens' perceptions was conducted in Lagos, Enugu, Kaduna, Kano and Jigawa states by NOI Polls. Five hundred people were interviewed in each state and asked how they felt about government service delivery, governance, voice and accountability.

This leaflet summarises the findings in Jigawa State on: 1) maintaining roads, 2) keeping communities safe, 3) providing clean water, 4) providing primary education, 5) providing access to medical care, 6) public service funding and accountability of government to the state House of Assembly or the law, 7) responsiveness of government, 8) how included or excluded specific groups felt in decision making on big issues and 9) how comfortable they felt expressing their satisfaction/dissatisfaction with government services. The survey sample size was small meaning that the findings indicate possible trends but are not a sound basis for proposing fundamental changes to government policy or reforms.

This leaflet summarises the findings in Enugu State on: 1) maintaining roads, 2) keeping communities safe, 3) providing clean water, 4) providing primary education, 5) providing access to medical care, 6) public service funding and accountability of government to the state House of Assembly or the law, 7) responsiveness of government, 8) how included or excluded specific groups felt in decision making on big issues and 9) how comfortable they felt expressing their satisfaction/dissatisfaction with government services. The survey sample size was small meaning that the findings indicate possible trends but are not a sound basis for proposing fundamental changes to government policy or reforms.

Of interest to: Citizens, state governments, development partners Issuing body: NOI Polls Type of resource: Factsheet Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: Jigawa State Perceptions of Service Delivery & Governance Number of pages: 4 File type: pdf File size: 464 KB To read the full text: Please type DSD010 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

Of interest to: Citizens, state governments, development partners Issuing body: NOI Polls Type of resource: Factsheet Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: Enugu State Perceptions of Service Delivery & Governance Number of pages: 4 File type: pdf File size: 469 KB To read the full text: Please type DSD011 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.




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In 2010 a survey of citizens' perceptions was conducted in Lagos, Enugu, Kaduna, Kano and Jigawa states by NOI Polls. Five hundred people were interviewed in each state and asked how they felt about government service delivery, governance, voice and accountability.

In 2010 a survey of citizens' perceptions was conducted in Lagos, Enugu, Kaduna, Kano and Jigawa states by NOI Polls. Five hundred people were interviewed in each state and asked how they felt about government service delivery, governance, voice and accountability.

This leaflet summarises the findings in Kaduna State on: 1) maintaining roads, 2) keeping communities safe, 3) providing clean water, 4) providing primary education, 5) providing access to medical care, 6) public service funding and accountability of government to the state House of Assembly or the law, 7) responsiveness of government, 8) how included or excluded specific groups felt in decision making on big issues and 9) how comfortable they felt expressing their satisfaction/dissatisfaction with government services. The survey sample size was small meaning that the findings indicate possible trends but are not a sound basis for proposing fundamental changes to government policy or reforms.

This leaflet summarises the findings in Kano State on: 1) maintaining roads, 2) keeping communities safe, 3) providing clean water, 4) providing primary education, 5) providing access to medical care, 6) public service funding and accountability of government to the state House of Assembly or the law, 7) responsiveness of government, 8) how included or excluded specific groups felt in decision making on big issues and 9) how comfortable they felt expressing their satisfaction/dissatisfaction with government services. The survey sample size was small meaning that the findings indicate possible trends but are not a sound basis for proposing fundamental changes to government policy or reforms.

Of interest to: Citizens, state governments, development partners Issuing body: NOI Polls Type of resource: Factsheet Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: Kaduna State Perceptions of Service Delivery & Governance Number of pages: 4 File type: pdf File size: 463 KB To read the full text: Please type DSD012 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

Of interest to: Citizens, state governments, development partners Issuing body: NOI Polls Type of resource: Factsheet Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: Kano State Perceptions of Service Delivery & Governance Number of pages: 4 File type: pdf File size: 470 KB To read the full text: Please type DSD013 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


1.4.13 Perceptions of service delivery and governance in Kano State


1.4.12 Perceptions of service delivery and governance in Kaduna State






1.4.14 Perceptions of service delivery and governance in Lagos State In 2010 a survey of citizens' perceptions was conducted in Lagos, Enugu, Kaduna, Kano and Jigawa states by NOI Polls. Five hundred people were interviewed in each state and asked how they felt about government service delivery, governance, voice and accountability. This leaflet summarises the findings in Lagos State on: 1) maintaining roads, 2) keeping communities safe, 3) providing clean water, 4) providing primary education, 5) providing access to medical care, 6) public service funding and accountability of government to the state House of Assembly or the law, 7) responsiveness of government, 8) how included or excluded specific groups felt in decision making on big issues and 9) how comfortable they felt expressing their satisfaction/dissatisfaction with government services. The survey sample size was small so the findings indicate possible trends but are not a sound basis for proposing fundamental changes to government policy or reforms.

Of interest to: Citizens, state governments, development partners Issuing body: NOI Polls Type of resource: Factsheet Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: Lagos State Perceptions of Service Delivery & Governance Number of pages: 4 File type: pdf File size: 463 KB To read the full text: Please type DSD014 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


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1.4.15 Guidance on citizen perceptions factsheets The Citizens Perceptions Survey Crib Sheet provides suggestions for sharing and discussing factsheets on perceptions of state service delivery and governance with state government officials. Each factsheet has four pages: 1. Positioning (population profile and service delivery attitudes), 2. Public service funding and government accountability, 3. Responsiveness and voice, and 4. Priorities for defined groups. Each page has a box suggesting 'points for discussions' – useful points of entry for discussions with government officials. Government officials may also wish to use the factsheets in internal discussions. The guidance note stresses that users of the factsheets need to use the survey findings with caution because the size of the sample was small. The note provides details on sampling and error margins along with contact details for further information on the surveys.

Of interest to: SPARC, PATHS2, ESSPIN Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Guidance note Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: Citizens Perceptions Survey Crib Sheet Number of pages: 2 File type: pdf File size: 350 KB To read the full text: Please type DSD015 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



Without good financial management, the risk of inefficient use and mismanagement of public funds increases. To boost financial management, SPARC works in three areas related to managing resources. Section 2 deals with:


2.1.1 Standardising budget processes in Enugu State The Enugu State Budget Manual sets out standard budgeting processes and procedures to be followed by all state ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) when preparing and implementing annual budgets. The aim is for MDAs to improve how they plan and prepare budgets by engaging stakeholders and consulting with them at appropriate stages. The manual covers the budget cycle and shows how budget processes link to the medium-term expenditure framework. Related issues, such as procedures for making payments, and preparing audits and annual accounts, are also covered. The manual also provides guidelines for reporting, monitoring and evaluating budget processes and outcomes. It is an authoritative guide to budgeting and can be used in conjunction with existing rules, regulations and laws for budgeting and financial management in the state.

Of interest to: Budget and planning officers, public servants Issuing body: Enugu State Type of resource: Manual Status: Final Date: September 2011 Title: Enugu State Budget Manual Number of pages: 26 File type: pdf File size: 455 KB To read the full text: Please type MBS001 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


 Credible budget setting and management – better fiscal management to ensure that public financial resources are used efficiently and effectively (2.1),  Budget execution and management – better resource allocation to ensure that taxes are used efficiently and that funds are released to spending ministries on time (2.2),  Audit and oversight – greater technical efficiency to ensure that contracts are completed on time, funds distributed promptly and any inefficiency properly investigated, and  Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA)-based public financial management (2.4).

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2 Managing public finances







2.1.2 Lagos State programmebased budgeting Lagos State Ministry of Economic Planning and Budget developed these guidelines on programme-based budgeting (PBB) for ministries, departments and agencies. PBB ensures that programmes funded through annual budgets achieve the policy objectives and goals set in the Lagos State medium-term sector strategy (MTSS). By implementing PBB and capturing the costs of each programme, the state government can, for example, measure the impact annual budgets are having on achieving the Millennium Development Goals or the state economy. PBB improves transparency, the allocation of resources, control of the budget, tracking expenditure and fiscal reporting. The guidelines explain the relationship between the medium-term budget framework and MTSSs, the links between MTSSs and the annual budget, programmebased budgets and the classification of programmes. Templates for programme costing, costing methods, and guidelines for preparing and implementing programmebased budgeting are also offered.

Of interest to: Government staff, development partners Issuing body: Ministry of Economic Planning and Budget, Lagos State Type of resource: Guidelines Status: Draft Date: 2010 Title: Practical Implementation of MTSS Using PBB Approach Number of pages: 13 File type: pdf File size: 133 KB To read the full text: Please type MBS002 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


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2.1.3 Improving budgeting in Lagos State Budgets are the main tool governments use to translate policies into measurable outputs, outcomes and impact. This means budget processes must be transparent, comprehensive, predictable and credible. A budget system built on these values encourages accountability. The Final Report on Annual Budget Process Improvement in Lagos State makes recommendations for improving the budget system in the state to meet these criteria. The report provides guidance for staff involved in budgeting and planning processes. The report also recommends that staff should receive ongoing training to enable them to keep abreast of best practice. Another recommendation is to develop templates for budget documents such as budget policy statements, economic and fiscal updates and annual macro-economic analysis statements. A template for quarterly budget performance reports, for example, should emphasise budget outcomes by sector.

Of interest to: Government staff, development agencies Issuing body: Ministry of Economic Planning and Budget, Lagos State Government Type of resource: Final report Status: Final Date: May 2010 Title: Final Report on Annual Budget Process Improvement in Lagos State Number of pages: 38 File type: pdf File size: 520 KB To read the full text: Please type MBS003 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



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2.1.5 Launching multiyear fiscal forecasting in Zamfara State This report describes progress during the 2011 inception phase of the SPARC programme in Zamfara. The situation in Zamfara State was assessed and a simplified version of the medium-term fiscal framework (MTFF) model used in Kano State was adapted, updated and prepared for use. In order to address governance across the board, SPARC will advise on fiscal discipline in budgeting using the MTFF. The MTFF model and instructions for calculations were provided to the state government on compact disks. The report indicated that further support would be necessary to institutionalise the model, and apply it in preparing the 2013 budget.

Of interest to: State MDAs, heads of service Issuing body: Lagos State Government Type of resource: Lagos State Government circular Status: Final Date: 2012 Title: Lagos State Government Budget Circular 2012 Number of pages: 13 File type: pdf File size: 342 KB To read the full text: Please type MBS004 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

Of interest to: State governments, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: SPARC inception report Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: SPARC Inception Engagement in Three Northern States Number of pages: 26 File type: pdf File size: 910 KB To read the full text: Please type MBS005 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


This circular, issued by the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Economic Planning and Budget, informed recipients that the approval of the Lagos State Executive Council had been secured for the 2013–2015 Medium-Term Budget Framework. It set out how ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) were to prepare budgets. MDAs were required to ensure that proposed programmes and projects for the 2013 budget aligned with ministerial mandates and state government policies, and that they focused on providing and maintaining key infrastructure, stimulating growth, supporting private sector job creation and improving the wellbeing of the citizens of Lagos.


2.1.4 Lagos State Government budget circular 2012







2.1.6 Options for medium-term expenditure frameworks (MTEF) in Nigerian states This scoping paper puts forward options for medium-term expenditure frameworks (MTEFs) that could be adopted by Nigerian states. Approaches taken in Indonesia and the Philippines are compared with respect to their usefulness to state governments in Nigeria. The paper addresses the question 'Should an MTEF be introduced in a weak budget environment?' Issues considered are the capacity of state governments to introduce and implement sustainable MTEFs, and barriers that could be encountered. The paper takes a positive view, arguing that the process of designing the MTEF itself can help states budget more realistically. The conclusion is that it would be possible to support both Indonesian and Philippines approaches. This would take account of state preferences and capacities. The report cautions that adopting an MTEF approach is not a panacea for unrealistic budgets. States will need political commitment and the commitment of key ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) to use an MTEF approach to preparing budgets. Of interest to: State governments, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Discussion draft Status: Draft Date: 2009 Title: Scoping the Introduction of a MediumTerm Expenditure Framework in Nigerian State Governments Number of pages: 40 File type: pdf File size: 475 KB To read the full text: Please type MBS006 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


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2.2.1 Workshop for the Executive and Legislature on effective budgeting and budget implementation in Enugu State The communiquĂŠ issued by the Commissioner for Budget and Planning and the Speaker, Enugu House of Assembly, describes events and outcomes of a twoday forum for the Executive and Legislature on budgeting and planning. The workshop began with an address by the Governor restating the key policy thrusts of Enugu State Government. Three background papers covered effective budgeting processes and procedures, Enugu State budgeting processes and evidence-based budgeting. The papers set the scene for the workshop and served as working documents for discussion. The forum delivered resolutions on enhancing budget planning, enhancing appropriation processes, improving budget implementation processes and promoting budget monitoring.

Of interest to: State executives, state legislatures, development partners Issuing body: Commissioner for Budget and Planning and Speaker Enugu House of Assembly Type of resource: CommuniquĂŠ Status: Not indicated Date: 2012 Title: Building Effective Budgeting Process and Budget Implementation Framework: Prospects and Challenges Number of pages: 6 File type: pdf File size: 1.40 MB To read the full text: Please type MBE001 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



Standard procedures facilitate auditing and coordination of state programmes. The Enugu State Government Internal Audit Manual sets out policies, methods, approaches and general rules to promote and maintain integrity and accountability in its financial system. The manual is a reference on standard practices for use by all internal audit staff in the state government. Standard practices encourage professional, high quality internal audit and help maintain consistent formats for working papers and documents.

Of interest to: Accounting officers, heads of department, internal auditors, accountants, staff Issuing body: Enugu State Government Type of resource: Manual Status: Final Date: 2010 Title: Internal Audit Manual Number of pages: 123 File type: pdf File size: 1.44 MB To read the full text: Please type MBE002 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

2.2.3 Enugu State Internal Control Manual The Enugu State Internal Control Manual is a handy reference for all state MDAs on standard practices for internal controls. The standard practices are benchmarked to best national and international practice. Standard procedures simplify auditing and coordination of state activities. By following the practices set out in the manual corrupt practices should be minimised, scarce government resources should be better used and productivity should improve. The manual is recommended reading for accounting officers, department heads, internal auditors and accountants. All Enugu State Government staff will find it useful for broadening their knowledge and contributing to reform of financial systems.

Of interest to: Accounting officers, department heads, internal auditors Issuing body: Enugu State Government Type of resource: State government report Status: Final Date: 2010 Title: Internal Control Manual Number of pages: 49 File type: pdf File size: 655 KB To read the full text: Please type MBE003 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


Following standard procedures also helps monitor internal controls, thereby reducing the opportunity for corruption, and helps improve performance, service delivery and value for money, leading to more efficient use of scarce government resources and improving staff productivity. Integrity and accountability in state finances encourages job creation, provision of social services and private sector investment in the state, and fosters rapid economic growth and development.

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2.2.2 Enugu State Government Internal Audit Manual







2.2.4 Enugu State Debt Management Policy and Procedures Manual


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2.2.5 Changes in public procurement in Lagos

This manual provides practical guidance on policies and procedures for managing Enugu State Government public debt – internal or domestic debt, external debt and publicly guaranteed debts. It is mainly meant for staff of the new Enugu State Debt Management Department, Ministry of Finance. Staff of other MDAs, including the Ministry of Finance, Accountant General's Office, Ministry of Budget and Planning, Enugu State Economic Planning Commission, Project Finance Management Unit, Office of the Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice, Auditor General's Office involved in debt management will also find it useful.

The Lagos State Government passed a law to establish the Lagos State Public Procurement Agency and for Connected Purposes in October 2011. The law established the Public Procurement Agency as the regulatory authority for public procurement by Lagos State institutions and prescribed the principles and practices by which public procurement should be conducted. This report describes a sensitisation programme to make government officers, community leaders and the business community aware of the key provisions of the law and the significant impact it will have on public procurement practices.

The manual follows Federal Debt Management Office guidelines for the establishment of debt management departments and best practice in debt management. It clarifies institutional roles, responsibilities and accountabilities. Using the manual will help avoid overlaps and conflict in managing state public debt and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of debt management.

Recommendations made as a result of the programme concern making amendments and correcting errors in the law to enable it to work effectively, and drawing up regulations and guidelines. It would then be important to train staff and provide them with a manual of procedures.

Of interest to: Debt management departments, ministries of finance Issuing body: Enugu State Government Type of resource: State government report Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: Debt Management Policy and Procedure Manual for Debt Management Department Number of pages: 32 File type: pdf File size: 686 KB To read the full text: Please type MBE004 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

Of interest to: Government staff, community leaders, private sector Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: SPARC report Status: Final Date: March 2012 Title: The Sensitization Programme on the Lagos State Public Procurement Law Number of pages: 44 File type: pdf File size: 912 KB To read the full text: Please type MBE005 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



This report describes the training given to Enugu State Government account officers on International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS). Officers were introduced to the structure of IPSAS, its sections and standards relating to the public sector at a workshop. The challenges and benefits of implementing IPSAS in Enugu State Government were explained, helping them understand how introducing IPSAS would affect accounting processes and procedures.

Of interest to: Account officers, state governments, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: SPARC report Status: Final Date: 2010 Title: Sensitisation and Training Workshop on International Public Sector Accounting Standards Number of pages: 22 File type: pdf File size: 710 KB To read the full text: Please type MBE006 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

2.2.7 Mainstreaming gender and social inclusion in Lagos State planning and budgeting This review examined Lagos State laws and policies on gender and social inclusion (G&SI). There were four issues in planning processes:  Poor sex and gender disaggregated data and information,  Inadequate stakeholder consultation and communication,  Inadequate knowledge and skills in G&SI, and  Inadequate inter-sectoral coordination. The review recommended engaging with the Board of Permanent Secretaries to address these gaps in 2012 budget planning. Areas needing attention were:  Collecting and analysing sex and gender disaggregated data and information,  Data management and information systems,  Engaging stakeholders in sector planning and programming,  Popularising G&SI laws and policies,  Training managers and staff in G&SI, and  Setting up cross-sector groups to link G&SI programmes.

Of interest to: Permanent secretaries, state governments, development partners Issuing body: Lagos State Government Type of resource: State government report Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: Mainstreaming Gender & Social Inclusion in LASG Planning & Budget Process Number of pages: 27 File type: pdf File size: 473 KB To read the full text: Please type MBE007 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


The workshop covered the requirements for implementing IPSAS, such as a standard chart of accounts, double-entry bookkeeping, supportive accounting policies and procedures, and political will. Participants appraised state accounting practices against IPSAS requirements, and the implications of adopting and complying with the standards. Officers made recommendations on prerequisites for adopting IPSAS, including automating financial accounting processes and procedures, providing account officers with laptops and maintaining fixed assets registers. They recommended introducing IPSAS gradually.

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2.2.6 Training on International Public Sector Accounting Standards in Enugu State








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2.3 PUBLIC FINANCIAL ANALYSIS AND INFORMATION 2.2.8 Guidelines for developing information systems The guidance paper ICT Systems Development and Implementation is a practical guide to developing and implementing information and communication (ICT) systems. The paper stresses that the first step is to clearly identify the problem, requirement or business process that the system is to address. The paper outlines issues to consider when deciding whether to develop a system inhouse or buy a commercial off-the-shelf package. A set of key questions is provided to help readers decide whether to replace an existing system or go for a new system, and whether to take the in-house or commercial route. The paper offers advice on drawing up business plans and specifications. For putting a system in place effectively, whether developing inhouse or buying off-the-shelf, the guidelines suggest taking a project management approach. Advice on assessing medium and long-term costs and sustainability is also provided.

Of interest to: MDAs, information technology managers Issuing body: Joint State-level Programme Type of resource: Guidance paper Status: Draft Date: 2010 Title: ICT Systems Development and Implementation Number of pages: 11 File type: pdf File size: 70 KB To read the full text: Please type MBE008 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

2.3.1 Jigawa State budget and financial results 2004–2010 This fact sheet presents a summary of budgets and financial results for Jigawa State 2004–2010. Data were drawn from Jigawa State Government approved budgets 2004–2010, Jigawa State Auditor General's audited accounts 2004–2008, and Jigawa State accountant general draft accounts submitted to the auditor general 2009. The analysis showed a difference between receipts and payments. The Office of the Auditor General was notified. The fact sheets notes that in 2007 the distribution from the Paris Club Refund was lower than budgeted for. Internally generated revenue included license fees and fines, earnings and sales, interest and loan repayments, recurrent grants and reimbursements, and miscellaneous revenues. Other revenue was made up of recurrent contributions by local government for salaries of primary teachers and health workers. Most external grants were given in kind, and no money for these passed through government books. Internal loans 2004–2006 were sourced from banks for specific projects and programmes.

Of interest to: State governments, MDAs, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Public Financial Management Jigawa State Government Fact Sheet Status: Final Date: 2010 Title: Summary Budget and Actual Financial Results 2004–2010 Number of pages: 2 File type: pdf File size: 40 KB To read the full text: Please type MPF001 into the search box on the search page of the



This fact sheet analyses Jigawa State Government revenue and capital receipts 2004–2009, compares revenue and capital receipts with budgets up to 2010, and summarises the main findings.

The credibility of Jigawa State Government revenue and receipts budgets was good in 2005, 2006, 2008 and 2009. Performance in 2004 and 2007 was poorer, but nevertheless good compared to most Nigerian states.

Of interest to: State governments, MDAs, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Public Financial Management Jigawa State Government Fact Sheet Status: Final Date: 2010 Title: Receipts 2004–2010 Number of pages: 4 File type: pdf File size: 171 KB To read the full text: Please type MPF002 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

2.3.3 Jigawa State expenditure 2004–2010 This fact sheet analyses Jigawa State Government expenditure 2004–2009 and presents the main findings. Average capital budget implementation was 65% over the six-year period, meaning performance was above average. Expenditure on capital programmes was generally below estimates, ranging from 35% to 87%. Debt servicing was a major expense between 2004 and 2007 but dropped significantly in subsequent years due to a shift in the policy on loan financing. Expenditure on roads, education and housing increased significantly, particularly after 2006. Capital investment in the water supply, health and general administration sectors was relatively high. Personnel and overhead costs were also high. Expenditure exceeded budget estimates, especially in 2004 and 2006. However, excess recurrent expenditure over budgeted recurrent expenditure during the six-years averaged 5%. Jigawa State Government relies heavily on transfer of substantial recurrent revenue from the consolidated revenue fund to the capital development fund to finance capital projects.

Of interest to: State governments, MDAs, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Public Financial Management Jigawa State Government Fact Sheet Status: Final Date: 2010 Title: Payments 2004–2010 Number of pages: 8 File type: pdf File size: 345 KB To read the full text: Please type MPF003 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


Recurrent revenue accounted for 76% of Jigawa State Government revenue and capital receipts. Of this, statutory receipts from the Federation accounted for 79%, value added tax 10%, internally generated revenue 5% and local government revenue contributions 6%. Capital receipts accounted for 24% of total receipts, of which 55% were local government capital contributions. Capital receipts were variable and marked reductions in local government receipts and internal loans severely cut expenditure in 2007.

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2.3.2 Jigawa State revenue and capital receipts 2004–2009







2.3.4 Jigawa State capital expenditure 2009 In 2009, the Jigawa State Government budgeted N49.4 billion for capital investment, 64% of the budget. This fact sheet analyses the data on capital projects and programmes for 2009 and presents the main findings. Actual capital expenditure was N37.7 billion, or 76% of the budgeted amount, indicating that the capital budget was reasonably executed. In both absolute and relative terms, this was a marginal improvement compared to the 2008 budget. The main source of funding for capital projects was N29.76 billion – 80% of capital expenditure – transferred from the consolidated revenue fund. Most capital expenditure was on roads, education, general administration, agriculture, health, housing and water supply. Roads accounted for 42% of capital expenditure, education 18% and general administration 9%.

Of interest to: State governments, MDAs, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Public Financial Management Jigawa State Government Fact Sheet Status: Final Date: 2010 Title: Execution of the Capital Budget 2009 Number of pages: 2 File type: pdf File size: 59 KB To read the full text: Please type MPF004 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


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2.3.5 Kaduna State budget and financial results 2004–2010 This fact sheet summarises budgets and financial results for Kaduna State, 2004–2010. Data were drawn from Kaduna State Government annual budgets (2004–2010), reports of the auditor general (2004–2008) and report of the accountant general (2010). In 2007 the distribution from the Paris Club Refund was less than budgeted for. The largest budget in 'other revenue' was usually fertiliser sales. Most external grants were given in kind, and no money for these passed through government books. What actually happened to local government funds was not clear. Internal loans 2004–2006 were mainly project finance, since repaid. Information for education and health sector fees, and the Ministry of Finance was not separately collected for the years 2004 to 2009 and is included in 'internally generated revenue: other'.

Of interest to: MDAs, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Public Financial Management Kaduna State Government Fact Sheet Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: Summary Budget and Actual Financial Results 2004–2010 Number of pages: 2 File type: pdf File size: 217 KB To read the full text: Please type MPF005 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



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2.3.7 Kaduna State expenditure 2004–2010 Illustrated with graphs and charts, this fact sheet presents an analysis of published data on Kaduna State Government expenditure in the seven years 2004–2010 and highlights the main findings.

Between 2004 and 2010, 80% of Kaduna State Government receipts were from recurrent revenue, and 70% of this was statutory allocation. Capital receipts (loans and grants) were not important until 2010. When adjusted for inflation, statutory allocation only rose slightly over the seven years, but value added tax and Board of Internal Revenue tax receipts performed well. In contrast, other internally generated revenue, rents on government property for example, fell significantly and need to be analysed in detail with regard to accountability.

Expenditure on education, water and agriculture rose significantly in 2010 because of large capital projects. Health expenditure declined in 2010, reversing the previous growth trend. More expenditure on security, water supply, power and the environment replaced a previous emphasis on roads. Growth in recurrent expenditure continued to outstrip recurrent revenue. In sum, Kaduna State Government budgeting became significantly more risky.

Of interest to: State governments, MDAs, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Public Financial Management Kaduna State Government Fact Sheet Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: Receipts 2004–2010 Number of pages: 4 File type: pdf File size: 397 KB To read the full text: Please type MPF006 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

Of interest to: State governments, MDAs, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Public Financial Management Kaduna State Government Fact Sheet Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: Payments 2004–2010 Number of pages: 8 File type: pdf File size: 1020 KB To read the full text: Please type MPF007 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


This fact sheet analyses published data on Kaduna State Government revenue and capital receipts for the seven years, 2004–2010, and presents key findings. Ten graphs illustrate the main points.


2.3.6 Kaduna State revenue and capital receipts 2004–2010







2.3.8 Kaduna State capital budget 2009 This fact sheet analyses published data on the 2009 Kaduna State Government capital budget and presents the reasons why actual capital expenditure fell well below budgeted capital expenditure. The data summarise all projects in the capital budget with a value greater than N100 million and presents an analysis of the reasons for the ratio of actual to budgeted expenditure. Only 8.5% of budgeted projects totalling N39.3 billion were executed. In some cases this was because the availability of loans was over-estimated and in others because there were practical problems in carrying out projects. N35 billion of budgeted general loans meant there was a major shortfall in Kaduna State Government funds for capital projects. Most capital expenditure was on administration, water supply, transport, health and education. Capital expenditure in the health and education sectors has been rising for some years, while capital expenditure on transport (roads) has fallen.

Of interest to: State governments, MDAs, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Public Financial Management Kaduna State Government Fact Sheet Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: Execution of the Capital Budget 2009 Number of pages: 4 File type: pdf File size: 384 KB To read the full text: Please type MPF008 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


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2.3.9 Zamfara State budget and financial results 2008–2010 This fact sheet analyses Zamfara State Government budgets and financial results 2008–2010. Data are drawn from Zamfara State Government annual budgets 2008–2010, reports of the Auditor General, Zamfara State Government 2008–2010, and reports of the Accountant General, Zamfara State Government 2008–2010. The analysis was done in two ways. In the first traditional analysis, the 'headline budget' shows total receipts and total payments. The second cash flow analysis provides insight into the use of loan finance. The conclusion of the analysis was that, for the three years 2008–2010, the budget was roughly twice the actual reported recurrent plus capital expenditure, N38 billion in 2008, N28 billion in 2009 and N34 billion in 2010.

Of interest to: State governments, MDAs, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Public Financial Management Zamfara State Government Fact Sheet Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: Summary Budget and Actual Financial Results 2008–2010 Number of pages: 4 File type: pdf File size: 331 KB To read the full text: Please type MPF009 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



This fact sheet presents an analysis of Zamfara State Government revenue and other receipts for the years 2008–2010, and the main findings. Revenue accounted for 85% of receipts. Between 70-75% of this was statutory allocation, including excess crude distributions. New loans were mainly used to refinance existing loans. Although grant revenues featured significantly in the budget, these did not materialise. When adjusted for inflation statutory allocation was relatively static over the three years. However, internal government revenue tax receipts more than doubled in real terms. Revenue from value added tax also grew. In contrast, other internal government revenue was poor.

Of interest to: State governments, MDAs, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Public Financial Management Zamfara State Government Fact Sheet Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: Receipts 2008–2010 Number of pages: 4 File type: pdf File size: 355 KB To read the full text: Please type MPF010 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

2.3.11 Zamfara State expenditure 2008–2010 This fact sheet presents an analysis of Zamfara State Government expenditure for the years 2008–2010 and gives the main findings. Actual capital expenditure for 2010 was N12 billion compared with budgeted expenditure of N30 billion because of large debt repayments. In real terms, there was a 27% reduction in budget expenditure between 2008 and 2010, a significant cut. All the cut was borne by capital projects. Expenditure on health and town and country planning showed the biggest cuts in capital projects. The proportion of total expenditure spent on education was 28%, agriculture 8% and health 7%. In health, recurrent expenditure rose by 58% over the three years, 27% in real terms. Originally a large component of recurrent expenditure was allocated for medical treatment overseas, but this fell by 85% between 2008 and 2010. It is clear that the execution rate for capital budgets was very low but high for recurrent budgets.

Of interest to: State governments, MDAs, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Public Financial Management Zamfara State Government Fact Sheet Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: Payments 2008–2010 Number of pages: 4 File type: pdf File size: 396 KB To read the full text: Please type MPF011 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


Statutory allocations, including excess crude, were consistently over-estimated. Actual receipts were 72% of budget in 2008, 93% in 2009 and 77% in 2010. Internal government revenue has been consistently under-estimated. Actual receipts were 109% of budget in 2008, 217% in 2009 and 188% in 2010. The forecasts for revenue from value added tax have been the most accurate. Actual receipts for the three years were 105%, 96% and 115% of budget.

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2.3.10 Zamfara State revenue 2008–2010





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2.4 PUBLIC EXPENDITURE AND FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY 2.3.12 Zamfara State capital budget 2010 This fact sheet presents an analysis of how Zamfara State Government implemented the 2010 capital budget and gives the main findings. In 2010, because of cash shortfalls and debt repayments, the state prioritised large capital projects. Twenty large – over N100 million – projects accounted for 83% of capital expenditure, mainly in administration, education, agriculture, roads and water. Implementation rates were significantly higher for large projects than for small projects of less than N100 million. On average the execution rate for large capital projects was 46%, as against 15% for small projects.




Zamfara State sensibly focused on the more significant projects when revenues were below expectations. Of the large projects budgeted for, 21 were postponed or abandoned.

Of interest to: State governments, MDAs, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Public Financial Management Zamfara State Government Fact Sheet Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: Execution of the Capital Budget 2010 Number of pages: 4 File type: pdf File size: 268 KB To read the full text: Please type MPF012 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

2.4.1 Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) field guide This guide to the performance measurement framework (PMF) is one of various technical guidance notes and tools to help assessors and stakeholder conducting a Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA)-based public financial management (PFM) assessment. The guide has been compiled from reviews and comments on completed assessments and from responses to questions from teams applying the framework at country level. The field guide is a comprehensive resource for users of the PMF. It brings together previous guidance produced by the PEFA Secretariat for assessors undertaking an assessment and includes examples of presenting evidence for ratings.

Of interest to: Assessors, stakeholders, development partners Issuing body: Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability Type of resource: Field guide Status: Final Date: 2012 Title: 'Fieldguide' for Undertaking an Assessment Using the PEFA Performance Measurement Framework Number of pages: 180 File type: pdf File size: 1.64 MB To read the full text: Please type MPE001 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



The guidelines are practical and detailed. Following them will ensure consistent and appropriate application of the indicators and provide a sound basis for interpreting the findings. The guidelines address the wide variety of sub-national government structures in existence. Of interest to: Assessors, stakeholders, development partners Issuing body: Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability Type of resource: Exposure draft Status: Exposure draft Date: 2008 Title: Guidelines for Application of the PEFA Performance Measurement Framework at Sub-National Government Level Volume 1 – Main Guidelines Number of pages: 31 File type: pdf File size: 109 KB To read the full text: Please type MPE002 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

2.4.3 Assessment of public financial management in Anambra State 2004–2006 This assessment provides the 'big picture' of public financial management (PFM) in Anambra State between 2004 and 2006. The Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) assessment covered the six dimensions of PFM and the extent to which the weaknesses identified affected the achievement of outcomes of fiscal discipline, strategic allocation of resources and effective service delivery. The Offices of the Accountant General and Auditor General, and payroll control were performing well. State government plans for fiscal and economic reforms – multiyear budgeting, new chart of accounts, budget classification, fiscal responsibility, and procurement – were also underway. The major weaknesses were in formulating and implementing budgets, internal controls, and external scrutiny and audit. The procurement process appeared to be particularly weak. The report concluded by examining prospects for planning and implementing reforms in the state, and the institutional and other factors that could support public financial management reform. Of interest to: State governments, development partners, assessors, stakeholders Issuing body: European Development Fund and Federal Government of Nigeria National Planning Commission Support to Reforming Institutions Programme Type of resource: Consultant report Status: Final Date: 2007 Title: Assessment of Public Finance Management System in Anambra State, Using PEFA – Performance Measurement Framework Number of pages: 82 File type: pdf File size: 834 KB To read the full text: Please type MPE003 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


These Guidelines for application of the PEFA Performance Measurement Framework at Sub-National Government Level describe how to assess the six dimensions of public financial management (PFM) within the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) framework at sub-national level. Subnational applications of PEFA can be part of an overall assessment of PFM in the country or stand alone exercises for sub-national entities. The guide, prepared by the PEFA Secretariat, takes users through the six dimensions of public financial management (PFM):budget credibility, budget comprehensiveness and transparency, policy based budgeting, predictability and control in budget execution, adequate accounting, recording and reporting, and appropriate external scrutiny and audit arrangements.

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2.4.2 PEFA guidelines on measuring performance at sub-national level






2.4.4 Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) assessment of public financial management in Yobe State 2006–2008 An assessment of public financial management (PFM) in Yobe State covering the fiscal years 2006–2008 was done using the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) framework. The assessment provided a baseline for measuring the effects of reforms and for developing reform action plans. The report provides a detailed account of the performance of PFM systems, processes and institutions.



The assessment found that the legal and regulatory framework for public financial management and institutional arrangements had many of the prerequisites for putting in place sound PFM practices. Yobe State had made a considerable effort to establish the foundations for sound PFM in many areas. However, the assessment indicated that there was still serious work to be done in ensuring PFM would enable fiscal discipline, strategic allocation of resources and efficient service delivery.

Of interest to: State governments, development partners, assessors, stakeholders Issuing body: Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability Type of resource: Consultant report Status: Final Date: 2010 Title: PEFA Public Financial Management Performance Assessment Report for Yobe State, Nigeria Number of pages: 77 File type: pdf File size: 544 KB To read the full text: Please type MPE004 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


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Improving public services means changing the ways that public services deliver services to citizens. This means first defining responsibilities of government ministries, departments or agencies, then ensuring that ministers and staff have enough funds, people, equipment and other resources to carry out these responsibilities. All this cannot be tackled at once. It is a step-by-step process over several years. Clearly, public service reform can include almost anything that could affect the effectiveness – doing the right things – and efficiency – doing things in the right way – of public service delivery. SPARC and state governments are working together to understand where changes are needed, and to decide which areas to tackle first. This section includes documents on:

Section 3.1, Setting priorities for improvement, contains a guide for conducting self-assessment performance management for improving public services. It also contains examples from Lagos and Enugu for improving public services, managing public finances, developing policies and strategies, and monitoring and evaluation. The examples from Lagos show the two step process (i) a change matrix followed by (ii) a change plan, which together constitute the Lagos change programme. The examples from Enugu focus on the change plans.


3.1.1 Framework for self-assessment performance measurement 2011–2012 The Self-Assessment Performance Measurement Framework was designed to help states carry out self-assessments of their performance. It has three parts. Part A explains common terms and concepts used to describe public service management functions. Part B provides self-assessment indicators and criteria which can be used to review and assess performance. Part C is a template for recording the score for each criterion and documenting the rationale for each score. Guidance on scoring indicators for the various criteria and using the scores to understand the current situation is offered. Using the framework will help states identify areas where performance is satisfactory and areas state governments may wish to improve.

Of interest to: State governments, MDAs, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: SPARC report Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: Self-Assessment Performance Measurement Framework 2011–2012 Number of pages: 62 File type: pdf File size: 1183 KB To read the full text: Please type ISP001 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


 Setting priorities for improvement (3.1),  Government structures and organisation (3.2),  Strengthening the ability of ministries, departments and agencies to deliver services (3.3),  Managing and reporting on service delivery (3.4), and  Managing human resources (3.5).

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3 Improving public services







3.1.2 Lagos State change matrix for public service management The Lagos State change matrix for public service management sets out priorities for:  Organising the public service – mandates of MDAs, local government and parastatals,  Human resources management – workforce development policies,  Operating and managing the public service – public performance management policy,  Individual performance objectives, targets and service standards, and  Human resources development capability. The change matrix indicates the 2009 baseline, immediate and intermediate policy actions and outcomes, the 2014 policy target and what would be a perfect world in 2015 for each of the priorities. Although this change matrix focuses on public service management, it is one component of change matrices which include developing policies and strategies, managing public finances, and monitoring and evaluation. Of interest to: State governments, ministries, departments, agencies, development agencies Issuing body: Lagos State Government Type of resource: State government change matrix Status: Published Date: 2010 Title: Public Service Management (PSM) Lagos Change Matrix Number of pages: 12 File type: pdf File size: 94 KB To read the full text: Please type ISP002 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


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3.1.3 Lagos State change matrix for policy and strategy, and monitoring and evaluation 2009 This two-page 2009 Lagos State change matrix for policy and strategy, and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) sets out three priorities:  Performance management processes for medium-term sector strategies and governance reform,  Increasing the availability of data analysis and information for M&E, formulating policy and strategic planning, and  Improving institutional and organisational capacity for managing information and carrying out M&E. The change matrix indicates the 2009 baseline, immediate and intermediate policy actions and outcomes, the 2014 policy target and 2020 long-term vision for each of the priorities.

Of interest to: State governments, ministries, departments, agencies, development agencies Issuing body: Lagos State Government Type of resource: State government change matrix Status: Published Date: 2009 Title: Lagos P&S and M&E Change Matrix, June 2009 Number of pages: 2 File type: pdf File size: 47 KB To read the full text: Please type ISP003 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



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3.1.5 Lagos State change matrix for public financial management

This four-page 2010 Lagos State change matrix for policy and strategy, incorporating monitoring and evaluation (M&E), sets out four priorities:

The Lagos State change matrix for public financial management sets out priorities for:

 Developing medium-term renewable plans,  Supporting political leadership in effective policy and strategy development,  Building the capacity of the central planning office, and  Spreading medium-term sector strategy approaches across government.

 Budgeting,  Effective and efficient accounting, recording and reporting systems,  Accounting payroll controls,  Accounting internal controls,  Administering revenue,  Managing debt,  Managing procurement,  External audit,  Internal audit, and  Intergovernmental fiscal relations.

Of interest to: State governments, ministries, departments, agencies, development agencies Issuing body: Lagos State Government Type of resource: State government change matrix Status: Published Date: 2010 Title: Lagos P&S and M&E Change Matrix Number of pages: 4 File type: pdf File size: 62 KB To read the full text: Please type ISP004 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

The change matrix indicates the 2009 baseline, improvements suggested by Lagos State Government, immediate and intermediate policy actions and outcomes, the 2014 policy target and the ideal world for each of the priorities.

Of interest to: State governments, ministries, departments, agencies, development agencies Issuing body: Lagos State Government Type of resource: State government change matrix Status: Published Date: 2009 Title: Lagos State Government Public Financial Management Improvement/Change Matrix Number of pages: 16 File type: pdf File size: 193 KB To read the full text: Please type ISP005 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


The change matrix indicates the 2009 baseline, immediate and intermediate policy actions and outcomes, the 2014 policy target and 2020 long-term vision for each of the priorities.


3.1.4 Lagos State change matrix for policy and strategy 2010







3.1.6 Lagos State change plan for public sector management The Lagos State change plan for public sector management set out priorities for the period to December 2010. These were:  Organisation of the public service – mandates and responsibilities of ministries, departments and agencies, local government and parastatals,  Performance management policies – workforce establishment and planning,  Information and communication technology policy and implementation,  Human resource management policies to ensure staff have the skills and capabilities to do their jobs,  Public performance management, standards and measures,  Individual performance objectives and standards, and  Professional human resources capability. Although this change plan focuses on public service management, it is one component of a wider change plan which includes developing policies and strategies, managing public finances and monitoring and evaluation.

Of interest to: State governments, ministries, departments, agencies, development agencies Issuing body: Lagos State Government Type of resource: State government change plan Status: Published Date: 2009 Title: Public Sector Management: Immediate Work Plan for the Period to December 2010 Number of pages: 15 File type: pdf File size: 75 KB To read the full text: Please type ISP006 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


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3.1.7 Lagos State change plan for policy and strategy and monitoring and evaluation The Lagos State change plan for policy and strategy and monitoring and evaluation sets out the priorities for improving policy development and strategic planning processes in the state. The work plan addresses seven priorities and, for each, clearly states how capacity can be strengthened, and activities and targets agreed with staff. The work plan recognises the central place of monitoring and evaluation throughout. It sets out specific improvements required in:  Developing medium-term renewable plans,  Supporting political leadership in effective policy and strategy development,  Building the capacity of the central planning office,  Spreading medium-term sector strategy (MTSS) approaches across government,  Performance management processes for MTSSs and governance reform,  Information for monitoring and evaluation (M&E), policy formulation and strategic planning, and  Improving institutional and organisational capacity for managing information and carrying out M&E. Of interest to: State governments, ministries, departments, agencies, development agencies Issuing body: Lagos State Government Type of resource: State government change plan Status: Published Date: 2010 Title: Work Plan for Policy and Strategy Development (Incorporating Monitoring & Evaluation) Number of pages: 8 File type: pdf File size: 164 KB To read the full text: Please type ISP007 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



The Lagos State change plan for public financial management sets out the targets and outputs, activities, agencies responsible and timelines for changes in:       

Budgeting, Accounting, Administering revenues, Managing debt, Managing procurement, External and internal audit, and Intergovernmental fiscal relations.

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3.1.9 Lagos State Governance Change Programme 2010–2011 The Lagos State Governance Change Programme 2010–2011 set out governance reforms in three main areas. The first area was policy and strategy for development. Reforms in this area were to address how policies and strategies are agreed, prepared, monitored and evaluated. The second area was public financial resources. Here reforms aimed to improve how public finances are managed. The third area for reform was in the delivery of public services.

Of interest to: State governments, ministries, departments, agencies, development agencies Issuing body: Lagos State Government Type of resource: State government change plan Status: Published Date: 2009 Title: Lagos State Public Financial Management Work Plan and Matrices Number of pages: 27 File type: pdf File size: 227 KB To read the full text: Please type ISP008 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

Of interest to: Public servants, development agencies Issuing body: Lagos State Government Type of resource: State document Status: Not indicated Date: Not indicated Title: Lagos State Governance Change Programme [2010–2011] Number of pages: 90 File type: pdf File size: 1518 KB To read the full text: Please type ISP009 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


The change programme was the outcome of almost a year of thorough consultations between SPARC and Lagos State Government officials. The change programme matrices and plans outlined in Lagos State Governance Change Programme [2010–2011] were not, however, exhaustive. As reforms got underway, additional priority areas would have emerged and would have been taken into account when work plans were revised at the end of 2010.


3.1.8 Lagos State change plan for public financial management







3.1.10 Lagos State-SPARC annual joint review of public service management Lagos State and SPARC have been working in partnership to fulfil the Lagos State Ten-Point Agenda and the Governor's vision of Lagos as a mega-city with the infrastructure and facilities to meet twentyfirst century aspirations and needs. In April 2009, senior public service officials undertook a self-assessment to consider what they needed to do to move forward on the Ten-Point Agenda. They determined seven priorities and developed a change matrix for the priorities together with targets for 2010, 2012 and 2014–2015. The LASG/SPARC 2010 Annual Joint Review of Public Service Management summarises progress on the change matrix. The review describes the lessons learned and key challenges, and makes recommendations for changes to the programme and working methods. The main recommendation is to consolidate and simplify public service management.

Of interest to: Public servants, development agencies Issuing body: Lagos State Government Type of resource: Annual review Status: Published Date: July 2010 Title: LASG/SPARC 2010 Annual Joint Review of Public Service Management (PSM) Number of pages: 35 File type: pdf File size: 1888 KB To read the full text: Please type ISP010 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


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3.1.11 Enugu State change plan for public service management The public service management change plan for Enugu State is a working plan for implementing a comprehensive programme of reform in public service management. It was developed in response to the need to improve service delivery and governance in line with the Enugu State Government Four-Point Agenda. Senior officers evaluated the state of public service management using a selfassessment tool designed specifically for use in Nigerian states. The findings were used to develop a change matrix, and establish milestones and indicators to be achieved in the immediate, intermediate and medium term in seven areas of public service management. Although this change plan focuses on public service management, it is one component of a wider change plan which includes developing policies and strategies, managing public finances, and monitoring and evaluation.

Of interest to: State governments, ministries, departments, agencies, development agencies Issuing body: Enugu State Government Type of resource: State government plan Status: Published Date: 2010 Title: Change Plan Public Service Management Enugu Number of pages: 27 File type: pdf File size: 274 KB To read the full text: Please type ISP011 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



The Enugu State change plan for monitoring and evaluation (M&E) is a working plan that sets out a matrix of changes to be made in three areas:  Institutional and organisational capacity for managing information and providing M&E services,  Performance management processes for impact and effectiveness of policies, strategies and programmes, and  Use of baseline data and research for M&E, policy formulation and strategic planning. For each area, the plan describes the:

Of interest to: Public servants, development agencies Issuing body: Enugu State Government Type of resource: State government plan Status: Published Date: 2010 Title: Change Plan Monitoring and Evaluation Enugu Number of pages: 13 File type: pdf File size: 176 KB To read the full text: Please type ISP012 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

3.1.13 Enugu State change plan for policy and strategy The policy and strategy change plan for Enugu State is a working plan for implementing a comprehensive programme of policy and strategy reform in the state. It is driven by the urgent need to improve service delivery and governance as expressed in the Enugu State Government Four-Point Agenda. The change plan was developed by senior officers through a lengthy consultative process facilitated by SPARC. The first step was a self-assessment. This was the basis for determining priorities for policy and strategy reform. A change matrix was drawn up defining the current status, and establishing milestones and indicators to be achieved in the immediate, intermediate and medium term in four areas of policy and strategy:  Developing medium-term renewable plans,  Supporting political leadership in effective policy and strategy,  Building capacity in central planning ministries, departments and agencies, and  Adopting medium-term sector strategies across state government. Of interest to: State governments, ministries, departments, agencies, development agencies Issuing body: Enugu State Government Type of resource: State government plan Status: Published Date: 2010 Title: Change Plan Policy and Strategy Enugu Number of pages: 13 File type: pdf File size: 183 KB To read the full text: Please type ISP013 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


 Strategy – the background and approach,  Key milestones – indicators for measuring what has been achieved by 2010 and 2012,  Targets and outputs – deliverables due by 2010 and 2012,  Activities – what has to be done,  Responsible agency – the agency or agencies involved, and  Schedule of activities – a realistic timetable.

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3.1.12 Enugu State change plan for monitoring and evaluation








3.1.14 Enugu State change plan for public financial management

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3.1.15 Supporting governance reforms in Lagos State 2010–2012

The public financial management change plan for Enugu State is a working plan for implementing a comprehensive programme of financial management reform. It was developed in response to the urgent need to improve service delivery and governance in line with the Enugu State Government Four-Point Agenda. The change plan was developed by senior officers through a lengthy consultative process facilitated by SPARC.

SPARC supports governance reforms in Lagos State in three main areas, strengthening the capacity for developing policies and strategies, improving the management of public financial resources and improving the management of public services. These briefing notes for the Lagos State Head of Service summarise SPARC work with the Lagos State Government 2010–2012. The notes cover progress with governance initiatives on:

The first step was a self-assessment. This evaluated the state of public financial management using the internationally accepted Public Expenditure and Financial Analysis tool. The findings were used to develop a change matrix, and establish milestones and indicators to be achieved in the immediate, intermediate and medium term in seven areas of financial management:

   

      

Budgeting, Accounting, Administering revenue, Managing debt, Procurement, Audit, and Intergovernmental fiscal relations. Of interest to: State governments, ministries, departments, agencies, development agencies Issuing body: Enugu State Government Type of resource: State government plan Status: Published Date: 2010 Title: Change Plan Public Financial Management Enugu Number of pages: 27 File type: pdf File size: 287 KB To read the full text: Please type ISP014 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

Corporate planning (September 2010), Workforce planning (September 2010), Role of the Special Adviser (July 2011), Understanding the human resources concept, and  Human resources management concept note and decision paper (October 2011). The paper summarises concepts, progress and recommendations in these areas and proposes next steps. An annex provides examples of good practices of government special advisers in the UK, Wales, New Zealand, Singapore and Australia.

Of interest to: State heads of service, development partners, special advisers Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: SPARC Working Paper Status: Final Date: 2012 Title: Briefing Notes Prepared for the Lagos State Head of Service (2010 to 2011) Number of pages: 30 File type: pdf File size: 900 KB To read the full text: Please type ISP015 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



3.2.1 Knowing what you have is the first step in planning how to do better in Enugu State

3.2.2 Mandate mapping – the Enugu State experience The Enugu State Government is restructuring to improve the delivery of services to citizens. Starting in 2009, the state began to map the mandates – the structures and responsibilities – of all ministries, departments and agencies. The government now has a clear idea of how state public services are structured and where there is duplication. This brief describes mandate mapping process, the lessons learned and the next steps. Ironing out the overlaps in functions and responsibilities was nearly complete in 2012 and is helping MDAs to identify what positions they need to fill in order carry out their mandates. Staff are being redeployed and the state has lifted an embargo on recruitment, allowing people with appropriate skills to be taken on.

Armed with this detailed information about the functions and service responsibilities of government establishments the state government could identify areas that can be streamlined. Rationalising duplications and filling gaps would make government leaner and lead to more efficient delivery of services.

Of interest to: Government staff, citizens Issuing body: Enugu State Government Type of resource: State government document Status: Final Date: 2012 Title: Mandates, Structure, Organisation and Functions of Public Service Number of pages: 40 File type: pdf File size: 931 KB To read the full text: Please type IGS001 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

Of interest to: Public servants, development agencies Issuing body: Enugu State Government Type of resource: State government leaflet Status: Published Date: May 2012 Title: Mandate Mapping: the Enugu Experience Number of pages: 2 File type: pdf File size: 216 KB To read the full text: Please type IGS002 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


Good governance is about focus. Each government institution must have a clear purpose and know what outcomes it needs to deliver to citizens. Enugu State is committed to improving the delivery of services across all ministries, departments and agencies. To do this, the state government needed to first collect information on the structure, mandate and functions of every government establishment. When put together, this information enabled the government to see how various arms of government related to each other, where they duplicated each other's actions and where there were gaps that need to be filled to achieve the state's vision.

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3.2.3 Reviewing the mandate of the Budget and Economic Planning Directorate, Jigawa State Corporate planning in Jigawa State included a review of the Budget and Economic Planning Directorate in the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning. The report of the review describes the functions of the directorate and how it is organised to deliver on its mandate. The main issue for the directorate was found to be under-staffing. Due to an acute shortage of staff, officers in its six departments were undertaking ad hoc tasks assigned by the Permanent Secretary on top of their normal duties. Overall, functions of departments were aligned with the core mandate of the directorate. The review found little evidence of duplication of functions or overlaps between departments. A proposal to establish a department of statistics, monitoring and evaluation in the directorate was found to be appropriate. The report also recommended the creation of an economic intelligence unit to serve as a proactive economic think tank.

Of interest to: Ministries of finance, planning ministries, state governments, development partners Issuing body: Budget and Economic Planning Directorate, Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, Jigawa State Type of resource: State government report Status: Validated draft Date: 2011 Title: Functional Review Report as Part of the Corporate Planning Process Number of pages: 47 File type: pdf File size: 796 KB To read the full text: Please type IGS003 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

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3.2.4 Sensitisation to corporate planning in Jigawa State This presentation to the Jigawa State Government Public Service Management Sensitisation Workshop on Corporate Planning Reform introduced the concept of organisational planning to ministries, departments and agencies. The presentation explained what corporate planning is, and outlined the six stages: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Clarifying mandates, Defining long-term strategic objectives, Setting medium-term objectives, Carrying out a functional review, Preparing an establishment plan and analysing jobs, and 6. Developing a workforce plan. The aims of the presentation were to help participants get corporate planning underway in their organisations and to provide them with a starting point for discussions on how to manage the corporate planning process.

Of interest to: State ministries, departments, agencies, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Presentation Status: Final Date: 2010 Title: Jigawa State Government Public Service Management Sensitisation Workshop on Corporate Planning Reform Number of slides: 56 File type: pdf File size: 1.4 MB To view the presentation: Please type IGS004 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



Kaduna State commissioned a review of the mandates of all state ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs). The aim was to identify and eliminate overlaps and redundancies. This would streamline and improve the delivery of public services. The Report on the Review of Mandates of Ministries, Departments and Agencies in Kaduna State describes how the review was done, and presents the mandates and priorities of 69 of the 74 MDAs. The reviews of MDAs cover organisational structure, legislation, core mandates and recommendations on streamlining mandates where applicable.

Of interest to: Public servants, development agencies Issuing body: Office of the Head of Service Kaduna State Government Type of resource: Review Status: Final report Date: February 2010 Title: Report on the Review of Mandates of Ministries, Departments and Agencies in Kaduna State Number of pages: 237 File type: pdf File size: 1.7 MB To read the full text: Please type IGS005 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

3.2.6 Review of functions of the Ministry of Economic Planning and Budget, Lagos State A multidisciplinary review of the Ministry of Economic Planning and Budget (MEPB) was carried out as part of the Lagos State corporate planning process. Corporate planning assists government ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) to clarify their mandates, to define their objectives, priorities, structure and functions, and to decide how best to organise and use the resources at their disposal to achieve their objectives and meet service delivery standards. In Lagos State the MEPB was chosen to pioneer this corporate planning methodology. The Functional Review, Ministry of Economic Planning and Budget sets out recommendations for each of the directorates reviewed. There are suggestions on improving processes. Some suggestions are aspirational but others are concrete and could be adopted immediately.

Of interest to: Public servants, development agencies Issuing body: Lagos State Government Type of resource: Report Status: Final validated Date: July 2012 Title: Functional Review, Ministry of Economic Planning and Budget Number of pages: 172 File type: pdf File size: 2.4 MB To read the full text: Please type IGS006 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


Acting on the recommendations will provide focus and clarity on the mandates and functions of each MDA. This will be a step forward in delivering quality public services efficiently, promoting synergy and harmonising activities within sectors.

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3.2.5 Kaduna State review of ministry, department and agency mandates






3.2.7 Corporate planning and organisational development in Lagos State This interim report describes corporate planning and organisational development processes in the Office of the Head of Service, Public Service Office, Lagos State. The report indicates that during the process of setting objectives and key performance indicators it became apparent that the Office of the Head of Service would need to make serious decisions about the future organisation of the office before further work could be done in corporate planning.


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3.2.8 Progress on corporate planning in Lagos State 2010 This interim report on corporate planning in Lagos State describes progress in 2010 and plans for 2011. In 2010 SPARC advised on workforce planning and service charters. The methodology for corporate planning was tested in the Ministry of Economic Planning and Budget, an enthusiastic early adopter. The plan for 2011 was to roll out corporate planning in three core ministries, the Ministry of Establishment Training and Pensions, the Public Service Office and the Civil Service Commission. This report describes how the schedule slipped because of a lack of pace, capacity issues in Lagos State Government, and the capacity of SPARC to coordinate and deliver corporate planning.



Of interest to: State governments, MDAs, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: SPARC interim report Status: Interim report Date: 2011 Title: Staged Report of the Corporate Planning Process in the Office of the Head of Service and the Public Service Office of Lagos State Government Number of pages: 62 File type: pdf File size: 1081 KB To read the full text: Please type IGS007 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

Of interest to: State governments, MDAs, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: SPARC report Status: Interim report Date: 2010 Title: Lagos State Government Public Service Management Corporate Planning Number of pages: 88 File type: pdf File size: 1262 KB To read the full text: Please type IGS008 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



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3.2.10 Creating an Office of Transformation Strategy and Delivery in Ekiti State The Governor of Ekiti State put forward a proposal to create an Office of Transformation, Strategy and Delivery (OTSD) in the Office of the Governor. The role of the new office would be to "initiate, refine and sustain strategic initiatives that cut across ministries, departments and agencies, in particular those that have the greatest probability of rapidly transforming the state in line with the Governor's EightPoint Agenda".

In all, 33 ministries with their various agencies and parastatals were mapped. Based on the findings, recommendations were made to clarify mandates and build collaboration between MDAs. The Lagos State Government was recommended to urgently eliminate duplication in mandates.

This SPARC report proposes a mandate, functions, structure and staff complement for the OTSD. Set up according to this proposal, the OTSD could transform the ability of the government to provide services to the people of Ekiti State. However, the report cautions that it would take sustained commitment by government leaders to see the proposal through. A timetable is offered that could see an OTSD established, launched and operational within three months of approval.

Of interest to: State governments, ministries, departments, agencies, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: SPARC report Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: Lagos State Public Service Management Reform Priority 1: MDA Mandate Mapping Number of pages: 56 File type: pdf File size: 1.1 MB To read the full text: Please type IGS009 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

Of interest to: State governments, MDAs, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: SPARC report Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: Establishing the Ekiti State Government's Office of Transformation, Strategy and Delivery Number of pages: 54 File type: pdf File size: 1097 KB To read the full text: Please type IGS010 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


This report describes the findings of an exercise to map the mandates and responsibilities of all ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) in Lagos State. The objectives were to get a clear picture of mandates, to identify any duplication of functions and to eliminate or reduce waste of state resources. The exercise also provided baseline information on MDA structures, systems and processes.


3.2.9 Mapping mandates in Lagos State







3.2.11 Kano State Government proposes governance institutions to oversee reforms Civil society, traditional rulers, Ulamma, non-government organisations and the private sector all have an important part to play in the governance of public services. The report on Proposed Organisational Arrangements and Structures for the Reform of the Kano State Government Public Service outlines proposals for reform initiatives that include these groups. Recommendations of the report include establishing various governance structures – an Executive Council Reform Committee to oversee the reform process, a Reform Steering Committee comprising senior public servants, a Voice and Accountability Technical Committee, Sector Reform Committees in each MDA or group of MDAs, and a Reform Secretariat to support the reform process. These governance structures would support Kano State Government efforts to develop an effective public service of skilled staff, leaders, organisations and systems to deliver government policy, goals and objectives effectively.

Of interest to: Civil society, traditional rulers, Ulamma, non-government organisations, private sector, public servants, development partners Issuing body: Kano State Government Type of resource: Report Status: Second draft Date: December 2009 Title: Proposed Organisational Arrangements and Structures for the Reform of the Kano State Government Public Service Number of pages: 10 File type: pdf File size: 331 KB To read the full text: Please type IGS011 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


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3.3.1 Guiding corporate planning in Enugu State Corporate planning is a process. It starts with a mandate and ends with a detailed plan of how to achieve the mandate. Enugu State Planning Commission takes a fourstep approach to corporate planning. The first step is to review and redefine the mandate, vision and mission, long-term goals, medium-term objectives and the medium-term plan. The next step is to measure and analyse functions, processes and structures, and assess how they help or hinder the ability to fulfil the mandate. The first three steps help in proposing ways to make improvements. The last step is to draw up a detailed plan and timetable for putting the changes in place. The Corporate Planning Guidelines explain in detail the various steps for working through the four stages of the corporate planning process.

Of interest to: Government staff, citizens Issuing body: Enugu State Government, Economic Planning Commission Type of resource: Guidelines Status: Draft Date: October 2010 Title: Corporate Planning Guidelines Number of pages: 15 File type: pdf File size: 636 KB To read the full text: Please type ISM001 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



In 2011, the Bureau of Establishments, Management Services and Training (BEMST) in the Kaduna State Government Office of the Head of Service reviewed its structure and functions as part of the corporate planning process. Departments in BEMST were reorganised to align with key functions. Staff requirements for the reorganised departments were determined by an establishment planning exercise in December 2011.

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3.3.3 Ministerial responsibilities in Lagos State Government This document lists ministerial responsibilities in Lagos State. The list indicates normal responsibilities, and additional and reassigned responsibilities.

Of interest to: Public servants, development agencies Issuing body: Office of the Head of Service Kaduna State Government Type of resource: Report Status: Final Date: July 2012 Title: Establishment Planning Report Bureau of Establishments, Management Services and Training Number of pages: 66 File type: pdf File size: 1251 KB To read the full text: Please type ISM002 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

Of interest to: Ministries, departments, agencies Issuing body: Lagos State Government Type of resource: State government report Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: Assignment of Ministerial Responsibilities Number of pages: 31 File type: pdf File size: 410 KB To read the full text: Please type ISM003 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


As described in Establishment Planning Report Bureau of Establishments, Management Services and Training the exercise identified the tasks of the bureau and the staff resources required to undertake these tasks. The information gathered was used to determine positions that could be streamlined and the staffing levels required at each grade for each department. Once staffing levels had been determined, job descriptions were prepared. The costs of salaries and allowances for the proposed establishment were then calculated based on the current salary structure.


3.3.2 Kaduna State determines staff requirements







3.3.4 Mandate, responsibilities, vision, mission and values of the Ministry of Economic Planning and Budget, Lagos State This document sets out the mandate of the Ministry of Economic Planning and Budget (MEPB) as amended by the MEPB Corporate Planning Core Group in December 2010. The changes reflect changes in governance since the mandate was originally set. The document gives the new vision statement, the new mission statement and lists core values. Perceptions of the reputation of MEPB, and what the core group like and do not like about the ministry, are reported together with the findings of a stakeholder analysis, situational analysis and strengthsweaknesses-opportunities-threats (SWOT) analysis.

Of interest to: Ministries, departments, agencies, development partners Issuing body: Ministry of Economic Planning and Budget Corporate Planning Core Group Type of resource: State government document Status: Validated Date: 2011 Title: MEPB Mandate or Ministerial Responsibility Number of pages: 5 File type: pdf File size: 168 KB To read the full text: Please type ISM004 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


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3.3.5 Assessment of information and communication technology in Lagos State This report makes recommendations for information and communication technologies (ICT) in Lagos State. The recommendations derive from an assessment of ICT infrastructure undertaken with a view to optimising performance and enhancing services to state ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs). The assessment found that the Ministry of Science and Technology has deployed world class ICT infrastructure across the state. However, there were issues that need to be tackled. There were discrepancies in the way data security was managed. The ICT policy did not meet international standards. Service agreements, system manuals, documentation and procurement specifications were inadequate. The assessment showed that a comprehensive assessment of training needs was required to determine the skills and address skill gaps needed to support and manage the ICT infrastructure. The report recommended that acquisition and procurement of ICT hardware should be monitored as, in some cases, ICT resources are underutilised. The report offers a strategic action plan for addressing priorities. Of interest to: State governments, development partners, ICT service providers Issuing body: Lagos State Government Type of resource: State government report Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: Information Communication Technology (ICT) Number of pages: 91 File type: pdf File size: 1211 KB To read the full text: Please type ISM005 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



The Lagos State Information Security Policy manual establishes rules and policies on access to state government computer systems. The policies were formulated to ensure confidentiality, integrity and availability of the information assets within Lagos State Government. The policies apply to employees, service providers and all other parties who make use of these resources.

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3.3.7 Lagos State policy for acceptable use of computer systems This Lagos State Government Acceptable Use Policy establishes rules and policies on access to state government computer systems. The policy governs the use of, access to, review and disclosure of various electronic communications, including those sent or received by state government employees. For the purposes of the policy, 'electronic communications' includes, but is not limited to, the sending, receipt and use of information through the corporate electronic information network, the internet, voicemail, facsimiles, teleconferencing, and all other online information services.

Of interest to: State government employees, service providers, consultants, contractors, development partners Issuing body: Lagos State Government Type of resource: Manual Status: Final Date: 2010 Title: Information Security Policy Number of pages: 66 File type: pdf File size: 586 KB To read the full text: Please type ISM006 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

Of interest to: State government employees, contractors, subcontractors, vendors, consultants Issuing body: Lagos State Government Type of resource: State government policy Status: Final Date: 2010 Title: ICT Acceptable User Policy/Office Practices Number of pages: 20 File type: pdf File size: 240 KB To read the full text: Please type ISM007 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


The policy applies to all individuals using state government computer and network systems, including employees, contractors, subcontractors, vendors, consultants and other authorised users.


3.3.6 Lagos State Information Security Policy Manual







3.3.8 Lagos State Information Communication Technology Policy The Lagos State Information Communication Technology Policy covers:  Acquiring, deploying, using and retiring information communication technology (ICT) resources in Lagos State Government ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs),  Standards for deploying, using and controlling ICT infrastructure, services and staff development in state MDAs, and  Standards for ICT systems, access, operations procedures, ICT vendors, management personnel and state employees.


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3.4.1 Lagos State service charters put customer service at the forefront The Lagos State Government is committed to making citizen-centred public services a reality. The Service Charter Policy sets out guiding principles for reinvigorating, broadening and making service charters effective in improving public services and delivering state development plans. Service charters will ensure officials deliver services successfully and that they are responsive to citizens. This will lead to greater public satisfaction with the state government. The Guidelines for Implementing Service Charters provide a road map for all state ministries, departments and agencies to consult with staff, customers and stakeholders in developing and putting service charters into practice. The guidelines can also be used in other ways: to review an existing service charter, as a reference for evaluating and assessing the quality of service, as a guide for stakeholder consultations, and as a tool for training, monitoring and reporting.

Of interest to: ICT vendors, management, employees Issuing body: Lagos State Government Type of resource: State government document Status: Final Date: 2010 Title: Information Communication Technology Policy Volume 2 – Model Draft Policy Documents Number of pages: 69 File type: pdf File size: 562 KB To read the full text: Please type ISM008 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

Of interest to: Government staff, citizens Issuing body: Lagos State Government Type of resource: Guidelines Status: Final Date: July 2010 Title: Guidelines for Implementing Service Charters Number of pages: 30 File type: pdf File size: 382 KB To read the full text: Please type ISD001 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.




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3.4.2 Lagos State Service Charter Policy The Lagos State Service Charter Policy sets out how civil servants will provide services to customers. The state is introducing service charters in all ministries, departments, extra-ministerial departments and agencies as part of a performance management framework. The policy embraces staff, customers and stakeholders.

Of interest to: Heads of service, permanent secretaries, directors of MDAs, citizens Issuing body: Lagos State Government Type of resource: Policy Status: Final Date: July 2010 Title: Lagos State Service Charter Policy Number of pages: 10 File type: pdf File size: 309 KB To read the full text: Please type ISD002 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

The Enugu State induction programme for civil servants, designed in wide consultation with senior officials, helps new, transferred and promoted civil servants to quickly settle into their posts and become productive. The programme familiarises staff with their responsibilities and civil service operations, enabling them to quickly become proficient in delivering services to citizens and fellow workers efficiently and effectively. For new entrants, the programme covers the code of conduct, public service rules and procedures, office administration and management, information and communication technology, environmental health, attitudes, behaviour, ethics and general etiquette. For transferred and promoted staff, topics additionally include leadership, finance and general management.

Of interest to: Heads of service, permanent secretaries, directors of MDAs Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Report Status: Final Date: July 2010 Title: Enugu State Government: Proposed Induction Course Number of pages: 52 File type: pdf File size: 785 KB To read the full text: Please type IHR001 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


The policy encourages continuous improvement in service delivery by promoting transparency, accountability and responsiveness. It links targets, performance and reports. This enables citizens to get involved in setting and monitoring service delivery, and to demand that service standards are met. By making citizens more aware of what services the government provides, how they are provided and how well they perform, the policy challenges civil government staff to deliver quality services.

3.5.1 Enugu State induction programme for civil servants








3.5.2 Developing a competent workforce to deliver public services in Kaduna State Creating an efficient and effective workforce means planning workforce learning, training and overall capacity development. The Kaduna State Government first prepared a human resources development policy in 1991. The policy was updated in 2005 as 'Guidelines for Training in the Kaduna State Public Service'. To improve public services further, the state government is now developing a comprehensive, proactive policy to develop the skills of public servants, and to recruit and train new staff to replace experienced staff as they retire. The first step was to review previous policies, guidelines, laws and regulations. Based on the findings of the Human Resources Development Policy, a draft human resources development policy was prepared for discussion at a team workshop. The draft policy presented in the review has two parts. Part one looks at overarching issues in developing human resources. Part two then considers ways to deliver human resources development in a public service context.

Of interest to: Government staff, development partners Issuing body: Kaduna State Government, Office of the Head of Service, Bureau of Establishments, Management Services and Training Type of resource: Policy Status: Draft Date: August 2011 Title: Human Resources Development Policy Number of pages: 32 File type: pdf File size: 490 KB To read the full text: Please type IHR002 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


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3.5.3 Lagos State human resources committees As part of a change management programme to improve public services, Lagos State set up a group to make recommendations for decentralising human resources management (HRM). The group recommended establishing a senior human resources committee – a strategic think tank – and supporting human resources sub-committees to coordinate and champion the transformation of personnel administration into strategic HRM. The group's report describes the proposed approach to HRM, explains how HRM differs from personnel administration and the rationale for change, and how and when changes might be introduced. Recommendations cover the overall goal and strategy, roles of the senior committee and sub-committees, activities, protocols and communication. Annexes provide terms of reference for the committees, principles of human resources management, a proposed structure for HRM and proposals for HRM training.

Of interest to: Heads of service, permanent secretaries, directors of MDAs, personnel administrators Issuing body: Lagos State Government Type of resource: Report Status: Final Date: December 2011 Title: Preliminary Report on Human Resources Committee Number of pages: 29 File type: pdf File size: 1.04 MB To read the full text: Please type IHR003 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



Lagos State has introduced professional human resources management to strengthen leadership, build capability and support managers in getting the best out of their people while providing value-formoney services. New Lagos State Government Human Resources Policies support the goal of improving the performance of individual civil servants through shared central services and individual centres of excellence.

Of interest to: Civil servants Issuing body: Lagos State Government Type of resource: Policy Status: Draft Date: February 2012 Title: Lagos State Government Human Resources Policies Number of pages: 56 File type: pdf File size: 641 KB To read the full text: Please type IHR004 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

3.5.5 Workforce planning in Lagos State To achieve its vision of socioeconomic growth and sustainable transformation Lagos State needs to ensure effective and efficient use of state public servants. This means sound workforce planning based on strategic goals. The Baseline Report of Workforce Planning in Central MDAs, Lagos State, Nigeria provides data on demographics and workforce planning practices in central ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) – Lagos State Judicial Commission, Health Service Commission, Civil Service Commission, Local Government Service Commission, Teachers Establishment and Pension Office, Public Service Office, Ministry of Establishment, Training and Pensions and Education District II. The report recommends a model for workforce forecasting and planning, together with short, medium and longer term actions to strengthen public services in Lagos State.

Of interest to: Public servants, development agencies Issuing body: Lagos State Government Type of resource: Report Status: Final Date: July 2010 Title: Baseline Report of Workforce Planning in Central MDAs, Lagos State, Nigeria Number of pages: 52 File type: pdf File size: 544 KB To read the full text: Please type IHR005 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


The policies cover workforce planning, recruitment, selecting and appointing staff, terms and conditions, working hours and leave, discipline, grievance and whistle blowing, appeals, sickness and medical provisions, staff separation, career development, learning and development, data management, diversity, and gender and social inclusion.

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3.5.4 New Lagos State human resources policies






4 Support from federal and national organisations SPARC works with federal and national organisations in support of reform in state governments. This includes coordinating activities with other state-level programmes, and development partners at the federal level. This section contains summaries of documents relating to:  Peer review mechanism (4.1),  Achieving the Millennium Development Goals (4.2), and  Networks and sharing experience (4.3).


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4.1.1 Nigeria Governors' Forum State Peer Review Mechanism The Nigeria Governors' Forum designed the State Peer Review Mechanism (SPRM) to help states encourage good governance and accelerate development. Periodic reviews of progress on state development policies, plans and programmes help share experiences and reinforce commendable and innovative practices. State governors who participate in the peer reviews learn about innovative and good practices that they could adapt and adopt in their states.


The leaflet Nigeria's State Peer Review Mechanism describes the SPRM, the launch, the SPRM processes, areas that will be assessed, how the SPRM will be put into action, and how the findings will be shared. The leaflet also lists the members of the Steering Committee and provides contact details for further information.

Of interest to: State governors, civil servants, citizens Issuing body: Nigeria Governors' Forum Type of resource: Issue Brief Status: Final Date: April 2012 Title: Nigeria's State Peer Review Mechanism Number of pages: 2 File type: pdf File size: 282 KB To read the full text: Please type SPR001 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.




The State Peer Review Mechanism (SPRM) helps federating states in Nigeria to accelerate the pace of development by periodically reviewing progress of their development policies, plans and programmes. SPRM works by allowing states to share experiences. Sharing reinforces commendable and innovative practices. By participating in the SPRM process, state governors become aware of innovative and good practices used by their peers that they could adapt and adopt in their states.

Of interest to: State governors, governmental and non-governmental institutions Issuing body: Nigeria Governors' Forum Type of resource: Document Status: Final Date: 2010 Title: SPRM Base Document Number of pages: 260 File type: pdf File size: 1.33 MB To read the full text: Please type SPR002 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

4.1.3 Nigeria Governors' Forum initiative to eradicate polio The Nigeria Governors' Forum (NGF) collaborates with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation on the Immunisation Leadership Challenge, launched in September 2011. The leadership challenge encourages state governors to get involved in efforts to eradicate polio in Nigeria. The programme recognises executive governors for improving routine immunisation coverage by awarding their states US$500,000 from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to support health priorities. NGF Issue Brief No. 2 Polio eradication project of the NGF describes governors' efforts to reduce polio, progress to date, the challenges ahead and the need to strengthen collaborative efforts.


This document describes how SPRM assessments are done. The three main outputs are: a state self-assessment report; a state programme of action and a state peer review report. These do not report on the state, or state government, but document findings on the indicators and themes or sectors, spell out achievements, best practices, challenges and shortcomings, and make suggestions for remedies and proposals.

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4.1.2 How the State Peer Review Mechanism works


Of interest to: State governors, international development partners, civil society organisations, citizens Issuing body: Nigeria Governors' Forum Type of resource: Issue Brief Status: Final Date: April 2012 Title: Polio Eradication Project of the NGF Number of pages: 2 File type: pdf File size: 191 KB To read the full text: Please type SPR003 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.






4.1.4 Nigeria Governors' Forum knowledge management initiative The Nigeria Governors' Forum (NGF) knowledge management initiative recognises that knowledge management strengthens organisational intelligence and improves performance. The knowledge management initiative will provide tools to improve the way the NGF captures, shares and uses knowledge, and will help members build on experience to ensure better practice, strategy and policy. NGF Issue Brief No. 3 Knowledge management at the NGF outlines the NGF knowledge management cycle, sets out the goals for NGF knowledge management, describes The Hub – the online content management system – and its main components. Plans for the future include setting up a reference library and resource centre at the NGF Secretariat to complement the online content management system and introducing knowledge share fairs.

Of interest to: State governors, international development partners, civil society organisations, citizens Issuing body: Nigeria Governors' Forum Type of resource: Issue Brief Status: Final Date: April 2012 Title: Knowledge Management at the NGF Number of pages: 2 File type: pdf File size: 344 KB To read the full text: Please type SPR004 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


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4.2.1 Nigeria Millennium Development Goals Report 2010 This report analyses Nigeria's progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2010. It describes MDG interventions, challenges and successes, as well as 'misses' since the mid-point assessment in 2007/2008. The MDG Report 2010 provides data on Nigeria's MDGs indicators. These indicators tell a compelling story of successes. Debtrelief gains funded the extension of primary health care services to over 20 million people, provision of safe water to over 8 million people, the distribution of insecticide-treated nets to protect 5 million people from malaria, and a 98% reduction of polio incidence. The report demonstrates unprecedented progress on some indicators, such as a one-third reduction in maternal mortality, and sustained improvements on indicators such as nutrition and access to safe water. Of interest to: Federal government ministries, departments and agencies, civil society organisations, citizens, international development partners Issuing body: Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Millennium Development Goals, Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria Type of resource: Report Status: Final Date: 2010 Title: Nigeria Millennium Development Goals Report 2010 Number of pages: 64 File type: pdf File size: 2.11 MB To read the full text: Please type SMD001 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



The Nigeria: Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Countdown Strategy 2010 to 2015: Achieving the MDGs identifies the gaps and lays out the policy actions, investments and milestones that will help Nigeria scale-up its successes and remedy its weaknesses. The strategy provides a road map for Nigeria to achieve MDG targets – by improving service delivery and public accountability, increasing investment and building partnerships across the three tiers of government.

Of interest to: Government, the private sector, civil society, international development partners Issuing body: Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Millennium Development Goals Type of resource: Strategy Status: Final Date: 2010 Title: Nigeria: Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Countdown Strategy 2010 to 2015: Achieving the MDGs Number of pages: 76 File type: pdf File size: 1.3 MB To read the full text: Please type SMD002 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

4.2.3 Monitoring and evaluation of 2009 projects funded from debt-relief gains The Content Editing of the 2009 Debt-Relief Funded Projects M&E Report describes how the results-oriented monitoring and evaluation (M&E) report for projects funded from debt-relief gains (DRG) in 2009 was produced. Producing the M&E report required training staff in two consulting firms to process data from the 45 state consultants and 37 civil society organisations who reported on projects in the field. Section 1 of the report introduces the background, aims and objectives of the exercise, and sets out the strategy. Section 2 summarises the shortcomings of previous M&E reports on projects funded from DRG and the reasons for the shortcomings. Section 3 sets out the groundwork for preparing a useful resultsbased M&E report. Section 4 presents conclusions and recommendations, and Section 5 the lessons learned. Appendices contain the terms of reference, training modules for training workshops, a list of all those involved in preparing the 2009 DRG M&E report and the draft 2009 M&E Report.

Of interest to: Federal, state and local government officials, consultants, civil society organisations, development agencies Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Consultant report Status: Final Date: May 2011 Title: Content Editing of the 2009 Debt-Relief Funded Projects M&E Report Number of pages: 150 File type: pdf File size: 4.23 MB To read the full text: Please type SMD003 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


The countdown strategy provides guidance on the institutional improvements, policies and human resources required to meet the MDGs, charts the trajectory of MDGs financing and investment to 2015, and aligns with the country's Vision 20:2020 and the Seven-Point Agenda.

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4.2.2 Millennium Development Goals Countdown Strategy







4.2.4 Report on implementation of MDG budget appropriations 1st and 2nd quarters 2010 The presentation by the Senior Special Assistant to the President on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) first addresses issues from the first quarter 2010 appropriation for the MDGs, then describes implementation in the first and second quarters. It reports on projects funded from 2009 debt-relief gains (DRG) through the 2008–2009 Conditional Grants Scheme and provides an update on 2010 DRG projects. The presentation also covers monitoring and evaluation, reporting to the UN General Assembly on MDG+10, communication and data challenges. The presentation draws three conclusions. First that implementation of the 2010 MDG DRG budget requires prioritising projects and effective procurement. Second, the development agenda needs to be guided by data, which means urgently transforming data management through the National Strategy for the Development of Statistics. Lastly, the UN General Assembly Special Session on MDG+10 is an opportunity to convey Nigeria’s achievements and strategy on the MDGs. Of interest to: Federal and state ministries, departments and agencies, international development partners Issuing body: Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on the Millennium Development Goals Type of resource: Presentation Status: Final Date: June 2010 Title: Presidential Committee on the Assessment and Monitoring of the MDGs 2nd Quarter 2010 Report Number of slides: 39 File type: pdf File size: 2.15 MB To view the presentation: Please type SMD004 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


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4.2.5 Evaluation of SPARC support to the Conditional Grants Scheme The Evaluation Study of SPARC Support and the Resultant Progress Made in Implementing the MDGs Conditional Grants Scheme assesses SPARC support, and the progress made due to this support, in implementing the MDG Conditional Grants Scheme (CGS). A key conclusion is that, overall, SPARC's objectives at the federal level align with those of the Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on the Millennium Development Goals (OSSAPMDG) and the Conditional Grants Scheme (CGS). SPARC has helped the CGS make significant improvements to working practices, in particular, in developing qualifying criteria and improving the rigour of the evaluation processes. These have helped to improve the quality of applications and transparency. At the state level there has been significant progress, with states increasing commitment to the CGS but there are concerns about the extent to which the CGS can leverage reforms. The study makes recommendations on the sustainability and impact of SPARC support to the CGS.

Of interest to: Department for International Development, international development partners, federal and state ministries, departments and agencies Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Report Status: Final Date: December 2010 Title: Evaluation Study of SPARC Support and the Resultant Progress Made in Implementing the MDGs Conditional Grants Scheme Number of pages: 72 File type: pdf File size: 1.03 MB To read the full text: Please type SMD005 into the search box on the search page in the CD attached to this book.




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This presentation describes the data sources and methodology for a baseline survey of key local government officials on their experience with the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and their perceptions of opportunities for local government authorities (LGAs) to engage with the Conditional Grants Scheme (CGS).

The presentation first describes the CGS and outlines its objectives then gives details of how the scheme works. This is followed by data on grants to states and graphs of grants by sector 2007 and 2009, together with examples of projects and beneficiaries. The presentation then describes consolidation in 2010 when no grants were awarded. The intention behind not awarding grants in 2010 was to allow states to finish projects underway, to analyse progress to date, to bring the CGS in line with federal budget planning and to put in place logistics for scaling up the scheme.

The presentation provides information on mobile communication (GSM) providers in LGAs, LGA budgets, staffing by sector, accessibility during wet and dry seasons, main commercial activities, power connectivity, average distance to capitals, and age and gender of LGA chairs and secretaries for the North East, North Central, North West, South East, South South and South West. The presentation then summarises the perceptions of LGA secretaries, LGA heads of department for primary healthcare and education on their experience with the MDGs, and their perceptions of opportunities for LGAs to engage with the CGS.

Of interest to: DFID, international development partners, states, local government authorities Issuing body: Conditional Grants Scheme Unit, Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on the Millennium Development Goals Type of resource: Presentation Status: Final Date: April 2011 Title: MDGs Conditional Grants Scheme Number of slides: 50 File type: pdf File size: 3.2 MB To view the presentation: Please type SMD006 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

Of interest to: Local government authorities, local government officials Issuing body: Conditional Grants Scheme Unit, Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on the Millennium Development Goals Type of resource: Presentation Status: Version 4 – Final Date: July 2010 Title: CGS Local Government Track Baseline Survey Number of slides: 39 File type: pdf File size: 2.67 MB To view the presentation: Please type SMD007 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


The presentation by the Conditional Grants Scheme (CGS) Unit, Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on the Millennium Development Goals to the UK Department for International Development (DFID) explains what the CGS is, how it works, what has happened to date and plans for the future.


4.2.6 Conditional Grants Scheme, past, present and future

4.2.7 Perceptions of local government officials on the Conditional Grants Scheme







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4.3 NETWORKS AND SHARING EXPERIENCE 4.2.8 Conditional Grants Scheme Manual 2012 This manual explains how the Conditional Grants Scheme (CGS) works and how to apply for grants. State and local governments can apply to the CGS for funds from federal debt-relief gains to undertake projects to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). States and/or local governments must match federal government conditional grants with a 50% cash counterpart contributions. The manual sets out:  Institutional arrangements for the CGS at federal, state and local government levels,  Roles and responsibilities for administering the CGS,  Requirements and how to apply for CGS funds,  Projects that can be funded,  Financial and project management practices and procedures,  Communication and branding requirements, and  Guidelines for project monitoring evaluation and reporting.

Of interest to: Federal and state ministries, departments and agencies, local government authorities, communities, civil society Issuing body: Conditional Grants Scheme Unit, Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on the Millennium Development Goals Type of resource: Manual Status: Final Date: July 2012 Title: MDGs Conditional Grants Scheme Implementation Manual Number of pages: 82 File type: pdf File size: 946 KB To read the full text: Please type SMD008 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

4.3.1 Nigeria Governors' Forum Strategic Plan 2010–2012 The Nigeria Governors' Forum (NGF) is an informal non-profit organisation that brings together the democratically elected governors of the states of the Nigerian Federation. The Strategic Plan 2010–2012 sets the direction and focus of NGF, and gives partners, stakeholders and other interested parties an understanding of what the forum aims to do and how it will go about it. The key elements of the plan are the vision, mission and objectives. Also included is information about the governance challenges that the forum hopes to help address in the short term. The plan sets out the priorities that the NGF will concern itself with in 2010–2012.

Of interest to: Federal government, state governors, state governments, development partners, non-government organisations Issuing body: Nigeria Governors' Forum Type of resource: Strategic plan Status: Final Date: 2010 Title: Nigeria Governors' Forum Strategic Plan 2010–2012 Number of pages: 40 File type: pdf File size: 7668 KB To read the full text: Please type SNS001 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



The Nigeria Governors' Forum intranet is a tool that keeps state governors informed. The Standard Users Manual provides instructions on what is available on the intranet and how to use it. The intranet allows governors, the Forum Secretariat and key stakeholders to access information and updates that are particularly relevant to their needs. The intranet has five main areas: a database of documents, an area that allows users to track the status of any federal or state bill or law, a database of experts, a directory of contacts and a shared calendar. Governors can subscribe to receive alerts on issues and events of interest.

Of interest to: Governors, development partners Issuing body: Nigeria Governors' Forum Type of resource: Manual Status: Final Date: November 2011 Title: Standard Users Manual Number of pages: 25 File type: pdf File size: 2.35 MB To read the full text: Please type SNS002 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

4.3.3 Governance share fair – an information market place This booklet Governance Share Fair Northern States, Nigeria is an account of the Governance Share Fair held 12–13 March 2012 for northern states. The share fair brought together high-level delegations from the six states SPARC supports in northern Nigeria: Jigawa, Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, Yobe and Zamfara. Officials from Niger State came as observers. The CD accompanying the report contains the programme, list of participants, pen sketches, photos and presentations, as well as SPARC issues, lessons, results and voices leaflets, and 'talking heads' – animated interviews. Share fairs are free-flowing, open, flexible and non-hierarchical. They encourage faceto-face networking, promote discussion on common agendas, allow people to benefit from each other's experiences, and stimulate interest in future collaboration and the development of new programmes. Participants in the share fair set up displays to showcase their successes. They had opportunities to tell others about their achievements, exhibit products, and market new ideas to donors, policymakers, other institutes and potential partners. Of interest to: Government staff, development partners, media Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Booklet Status: Published Date: March 2012 Title: Governance Share Fair Northern States, Nigeria Number of pages: 20 File type: pdf File size: 0.99 MB To read the full text: Please type SNS003 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


The information available to governors on the intranet helps them collaborate on matters of public policy, promote good governance, share good practice, and enhance cooperation between states and with other arms of government and society.

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4.3.2 Dedicated intranet keeps state governors informed







4.3.4 South East Governance Share Fair The booklet Governance Share Fair South East States, Nigeria describes the Share Fair held for four states: Abia, Anambra, Enugu and Imo. Jigawa State also took part, presenting best practice in pension reforms. The accompanying CD contains resources generated from the event. The share fair was a collaborative effort to create a friendly market place for states to showcase their achievements and learn from each other. The fair:  Provided opportunities for state governments to broadcast achievements, exhibit products and reforms,  Facilitated face-to-face networking and promoted state-to-state exchange on common agendas,  Allowed participants to benefit from others' experiences, and  Stimulated future collaboration.

Of interest to: Government staff, development partners, media Issuing body: Nigeria Governors' Forum Type of resource: Booklet Status: Published Date: 2012 Title: Governance Share Fair South East States, Nigeria Number of pages: 20 File type: pdf File size: 1062 KB To read the full text: Please type SNS004 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


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4.3.5 Communities of practice in the State Peer Review Mechanism and the Conditional Grants Scheme Generating and sharing knowledge are cornerstones of successful communities of practice (CoPs). The report Implementing Communities of Practice for the State Peer Review Mechanism and the Conditional Grants Scheme defines and describes CoPs, and discusses challenges and opportunities. CoPs have been created to support the Nigeria Governors' Forum Knowledge Management Unit and the Millennium Development Goals Communication Unit. Other CoPs will support the Nigeria Governors' Forum State Peer Review Mechanism and the Millennium Development Goals Conditional Grant Scheme at both state and local government levels. Based on an assessment of CoPs already set up, the report offers recommendations and maps out next steps. Appendix One of the report describes the various stages in setting up and managing CoPs as a framework for planning.

Of interest to: State MDAs, federal institutions, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: SPARC report Status: Interim Date: 2011 Title: Implementing Communities of Practice for the State Peer Review Mechanism and the Conditional Grants Scheme Number of pages: 30 File type: pdf File size: 1056 KB To read the full text: Please type SNS005 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



This section of the pocket guide describes generic resources that may be of interest to those involved in governance reforms:       

Manuals (5.1), Issues leaflets (5.2), Results leaflets (5.3), Lessons leaflets (5.4), Voices leaflets (5.5), Videos (5.6), and Photographs (5.7).

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5.1.1 Guidelines for state self-assessments


5 Generic resources


These guidelines have been produced by SPARC to support state government selfassessments. The self-assessment process is divided into nine stages:

Each section covers objectives, describes the process instigated by SPARC 2008–2009 and suggests who should be involved. The appendices contain resources such as presentations, templates and useful links.


1. Identifying the core team, 2. Conducting a briefing, 3. Preparing for the assessment workshop, 4. Conducting the assessment workshop, 5. Preparing the workshop report, 6. Validating self-assessment findings, 7. Developing the state government highlevel change agenda, 8. Developing the state government change plan, and 9. Developing SPARC work plans.

Of interest to: State governments, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: SPARC report Status: Working draft Date: 2011 Title: State Self-Assessment Guidelines Working Draft – for Consultation Number of pages: 41 File type: pdf File size: 968 KB To read the full text: Please type GRM001 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.





5.1.2 Knowledge management strategic plan

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5.1.3 Federal knowledge management strategy


The SPARC Knowledge Management Strategic Plan sets out the approach to knowledge management in SPARC. It includes a communication strategy to support knowledge management. This is the third revision of the plan.

The SPARC Federal Component Knowledge Management Strategy is the framework for knowledge management activities in the SPARC federal component. The strategy is a guide for making operational choices and directing work plans.

The strategy describes knowledge management approaches appropriate to states at different stages of the reform process:

The strategy sets out a 'model for replication'. This describes SPARC's understanding of how successful reform ideas may be spread from state to state, the roles that various actors may play and the ways SPARC can provide support. The strategy outlines the main areas of federal support to: federal intermediary bodies (principally the Nigeria Governors' Forum and the Millennium Development Goals Office), other national coordinating bodies and individual initiatives at state level. The work plan and activities set out in the strategy are based on priorities and a strategic approach to communications.

 States with relatively mature experiences of governance reform,  States with some experience and understanding but a need to deepen the process, and  States newly entering the programme that have a commitment to reform. The communications strategy sets the overall directions for communications work, including goals, overarching messages and segmentation of audiences that SPARC will have to target to ensure that its voices and opinions are heard and acted upon.

Of interest to: Federal government, state governments, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: SPARC strategic plan Status: Revision Date: 2012 Title: Knowledge Management Strategic Plan Number of pages: 28 File type: pdf File size: 629 KB To read the full text: Please type GRM002 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



Of interest to: Federal government, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: SPARC strategy Status: Revision Date: 2012 Title: SPARC Federal Component Knowledge Management Strategy Number of pages: 20 File type: pdf File size: 736 KB To read the full text: Please type GRM003 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



This SPARC Knowledge Management Toolkit briefly describes the knowledge management cycle and how it can provide a working framework for communities of practice – people with common concerns or problems – to extract and share knowledge. The toolkit explains the differences between communities of practice and work teams, and how communities of practice can help sustain change and encourage replication beyond the community itself.

Of interest to: MDAs, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: SPARC report Status: Final Date: 2010 Title: SPARC Knowledge Management Toolkit Communities of Practice Number of pages: 6 File type: pdf File size: 440 KB To read the full text: Please type GRM004 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

5.1.5 Knowledge management toolkit for innovation diaries The SPARC Knowledge Management Toolkit Innovation Diaries explains how innovation diaries can be used in knowledge management. Innovation diaries capture knowledge which is ephemeral and not likely to be captured by conventional monitoring and reporting. Often, the important knowledge is not just 'what was done', but 'how it was done', and how the roles and relationships of people and institutions worked. Innovation diaries capture key turning points and critical decisions, as well as failures, in real time as they happen. The toolkit provides advice on when to use innovation diaries, appropriate people to collect information and insights, how and when to collect information, and what to capture. The resulting diaries provide a narrative report of the history and lessons learned during a project or in an institution, including how concerns were met and how innovation occurred. The knowledge in the diaries can be used to reflect and learn lessons on why and how what happened did happen.

Of interest to: Knowledge managers, MDAs, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: SPARC Knowledge Management Toolkit Status: Final Date: 2010 Title: SPARC Knowledge Management Toolkit Innovation Diaries Number of pages: 6 File type: pdf File size: 474 KB To read the full text: Please type GRM005 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


The toolkit outlines how to form communities of practice, who should be involved, how communities of practice should be facilitated, how and when members should meet and what knowledge is useful to capture. It is a useful guide to both knowledge management and communities of practice.

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5.1.4 Knowledge management toolkit for communities of practice





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5.2 ISSUES LEAFLETS 5.1.6 Guidelines for the Conditional Grants Scheme The Federal Government allocates part of the federal share of debt-relief gains each year to conditional grants to leverage resources and policy reforms. State and local governments can request funds from the Conditional Grants Scheme (CGS) but must comply with specific criteria and governing guidelines outlined in the MDGs Conditional Grants Scheme Implementation Manual. The manual explains:




 MDGs CGS institutional structures at federal, state and local government levels,  Roles and responsibilities for administering the CGS,  Requirements and methods for states and local governments to apply to the CGS,  Projects that can be funded by the CGS,  Procurement processes for CGS projects,  Financial and project management practices and procedures,  Communication and branding requirements, and  Project monitoring evaluation and reporting guidelines. Of interest to: Federal institutions, state governments, development partners Issuing body: The Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Millennium Development Goals, Federal Republic of Nigeria Type of resource: Manual Status: Revised Date: 2012 Title: MDGs Conditional Grants Scheme Implementation Manual Number of pages: 82 File type: pdf File size: 945 KB To read the full text: Please type GRM006 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

5.2.1 Good governance: understanding it and putting it in place The Nigerian and UK Governments are working together to transform governance in Nigeria through the State Partnership for Accountability, Responsiveness and Capability (SPARC) programme. Through SPARC, politicians and government staff can access the tools and knowledge they need to reform governance processes. This leaflet explains the difference between 'governance' and 'government', describes good governance and why it is important, and the key elements of governance and the links between them. Reforms in policy and strategy, public financial management and management of public services will help Nigeria make more efficient use of its resources and give more Nigerians access to basic public services.

Of interest to: Politicians, government staff, civil society organisations, citizens, international development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Issues leaflet Status: Final Date: 2009 Title: Good Governance: Understanding It and Putting It in Place Number of pages: 4 File type: pdf File size: 1.55 MB To read the full text: Please type GIL001 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



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5.2.3 Knowledge management promotes innovation This leaflet defines knowledge management as interpreted by SPARC and describes the knowledge management cycle. SPARC uses knowledge management to share knowledge on a whole range of topics concerned with reforming governance to encourage innovation.

This leaflet explains what good governance is, what makes for good governance, why good governance matters and how governments can bring about good governance.

The principles guiding knowledge management in SPARC are set out together with an overview of the stakeholder groups involved. The leaflet explains how knowledge management supports the various areas of work, the practical tools used in knowledge management and how communication fits in. The knowledge management team consists of Abuja-based staff, front-line officers in state offices and a range of external consultants and service providers.

The partnership between the Nigerian and UK Governments in the State Partnership for Accountability, Responsiveness and Capability (SPARC) is one of five governance initiatives that the UK Department for International Development (DFID) supports in Nigeria. SPARC supports governance reform in three areas: public financial management, public sector reform and policy, and strategy development, as well as assisting with monitoring and evaluation, and knowledge management.

Of interest to: Federal and state governments, civil society organisations, citizen groups, tribal leaders, international development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Issues leaflet Status: Final Date: 2009 Title: Good Governance Makes All the Difference Number of pages: 2 File type: pdf File size: 83.3 KB To read the full text: Please type GIL002 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


Governments are the major players in governance – the processes by which decisions are made and the ways in which what has been decided are carried out – but others, such as civil society organisations, traditional leaders and citizen groups can influence governance as well.


5.2.2 Good governance makes all the difference


Of interest to: Programme managers, federal and state government staff, civil society organisations, citizens, international development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Issues leaflet Status: 2010 Date: Not indicated Title: Knowledge Management Promotes Innovation Number of pages: 2 File type: pdf File size: 104 KB To read the full text: Please type GIL003 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.





5.2.4 Revitalising the engine of public service reform: Enugu State Performance Improvement Bureau A critical part of driving the Enugu State Government Four-Point Agenda forward is revitalising the Performance Improvement Bureau to take the lead in reforms. This leaflet describes the work of the bureau and sets out the problems it faces. The keys to revitalising the bureau are to strengthen the mandate, reorganise the structure, provide adequate funding and ensure high calibre staff. SPARC has helped to build up the bureau through technical support and training. With state government investment this support can be stepped up. The bureau will then be able to fully execute its role in spearheading public service reforms.

5.2 ISSUES LEAFLETS Of interest to: Politicians, government staff, civil society organisations, citizens, international development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Issues leaflet Status: Final Date: 2010 Title: Revitalise the Engine of Public Service Reform: The Enugu State Performance Improvement Bureau Number of pages: 2 File type: pdf File size: 350 KB To read the full text: Please type GIL004 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



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5.2.5 Widening the impact of governance reforms SPARC works in partnership with state governments to introduce governance reforms in five Nigerian states. In order to maximise the impact of successful reforms across Nigeria, SPARC passes on good practices – technical skills, methodologies and approaches – to other states. This 'replication' widens the reach of the programme and its impact on government reforms. Replication is about making connections, sharing reform ideas, identifying influential people who might find these ideas useful, and how to reach them and tap into their networks. The aim is to encourage states to adopt these ideas and apply them to their reform processes. As part of this, SPARC has put together a bank of information that can be accessed by all states.

Of interest to: Politicians, government staff, civil society organisations, citizens, international development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Issues leaflet Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: Widening the Impact of Governance Reforms Number of pages: 4 File type: pdf File size: 1.38 MB To read the full text: Please type GIL005 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.




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5.3.1 Working together to ensure governance reforms remain effective SPARC began working with five state governments in late 2008 and helped them conduct self-assessments of the way finances, public services and development planning were managed. The selfassessments brought together senior state government officers and political office holders to critically reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of current systems. Following on from the assessments, each state government developed its own strategy and plans (known as change programmes) for improving governance.

Of interest to: State government, heads of service, permanent secretaries, directors of MDAs, international development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Results leaflet Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: Working Together to Ensure Governance Reforms Remain Effective Number of pages: 2 File type: pdf File size: 548 KB To read the full text: Please type GRL001 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

The State Peer Review Mechanism (SPRM) is an innovative approach to accelerating the development of Nigeria's states. SPRM is a systematic examination of the performance of each state by other states. The goal is to help every state improve its policymaking, adopt best practice and comply with established standards and principles. A set of comprehensive guidelines supporting the SPRM was launched in May2011, and the first pilots began in mid-2011. This leaflet outlines the history of the SPRM, how it works, how the findings will be shared, the objectives and points to where more information can be found.


SPARC continued its work with state governments on performance reviews in 2011. As the quality of these reviews improves over time, it is hoped that participation will broaden to include civil society, development partners and nongovernment organisations. This leaflet summarises this process.

5.3.2 Overview of the State Peer Review Mechanism



Of interest to: National and federal institutions, national planning commissions, New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD), Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on MDGs Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Results leaflet Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: Nigeria's State Peer Review Mechanism Number of pages: 2 File type: pdf File size: 632 KB To read the full text: Please type GRL002 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.





5.3.3 Bank reconciliation in Jigawa Improving the management of public finances is a major cornerstone of improving delivery of services to citizens by state governments. In Jigawa State, as part of a package of reform measures, strides are being made in the accuracy and timeliness of managing public funds. A package of measures (known as the 'bank reconciliation package') is now being implemented. This leaflet outlines the reasons why this package is important, and speculates on the reasons for progress so far.

5.3 RESULTS LEAFLETS Of interest to: State government, heads of service, permanent secretaries, directors of MDAs, international development partners, finance managers Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Results leaflet Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: Bank Reconciliation in Jigawa Number of pages: 2 File type: pdf File size: 564 KB To read the full text: Please type GRL003 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



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5.3.4 A fast track approach to governance reforms Following the declaration of a new governor in Ekiti State in October 2010, the state government developed an Eight-Point Agenda (8PA) to improve the quality of life of its citizens, and tackle head on the issue of poverty. A cornerstone for the government was to establish a new office to drive forward delivery of the 8PA and the Office of Transformation, Strategy and Delivery (OTSD) was operational by March 2012. Parallel work on mapping other departments of the Governor's Office has ensured there is no duplication of roles of existing offices and the OTSD. Targeted work in public financial management and monitoring and evaluation is underway to underpin the first set of reforms.

Of interest to: State governors, heads of service, permanent secretaries, directors of MDAs, international development partners, citizens Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Results leaflet Status: Final Date: 2012 Title: A Fast Track Approach to Governance Reforms Number of pages: 2 File type: pdf File size: 408 KB To read the full text: Please type GRL004 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



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5.3.6 Realistic budgets advance Kaduna State towards MDG targets To deliver on plans, governments need to balance budgets and income. However, for many years, this has not happened in Kaduna. Overinflated budgets have been the norm, resulting in government approving large budgets, but only releasing a fraction of the funds allocated. Kaduna State has now made considerable progress towards drawing up realistic budgets. These budgets will make spending on health and education more effective, and help realise health and education plans to achieve MDG targets.

This leaflet provides an outline of the methodology used in the assessment and the results of the exercise.

This leaflet explains the importance of budget realism and the problems caused by unrealistic budgets; examines the actions taken to address the problem; and demonstrates the results achieved in budget realism and health and education expenditure.

Of interest to: Heads of service, permanent secretaries, directors of MDAs, personnel administrators, international development partners, training organisations Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Results leaflet Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: Building for the Future: Assessing Local Training Capability Number of pages: 2 File type: pdf File size: 612 KB To read the full text: Please type GRL005 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


To gain an understanding of the existing training and development capacity of indigenous Nigerian organisations, the UK Department for International Development (DFID) state-level programmes (SLPs) in Nigeria, including SPARC, jointly undertook a training capability assessment in 2010. This assessment now provides a comprehensive guide to potential partners or contractors for the delivery of training and development services, describing their areas of expertise and their relevance for the SLPs.


5.3.5 Building for the future: assessing local training capability


Of interest to: State government, heads of service, permanent secretaries, directors of MDAs, international development partners, finance managers Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Results leaflet Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: Realistic Budgets Advance Kaduna State Towards MDG Targets Number of pages: 4 File type: pdf File size: 635 KB To read the full text: Please type GRL006 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.





5.3.7 Mandate mapping shows the way to better governance The improvement of governance is one of SPARC's primary aims in its support for Nigeria to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). A fundamental of good governance is that the responsibilities and structures of key ministries, departments and agencies should be clearly described. This is essential for transparency, effective planning and accountability, and avoids the confusion of overlapping and incomplete mandates. Before this exercise, none of the five SPARC-supported states was able to produce an organisational map showing the responsibilities and structure of government agencies.


This leaflet summarises the outcomes and impact of the mandate mapping exercises conducted in Enugu, Jigawa, Kaduna, Kano and Lagos in 2009 and 2010.

Of interest to: State government, heads of service, permanent secretaries, directors of MDAs, civil servants Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Results leaflet Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: Mandate Mapping Shows the Way to Better Governance Number of pages: 2 File type: pdf File size: 359 KB To read the full text: Please type GRL007 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



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5.3.8 Medium-term budgeting and planning: more realism drives improved performance In many states, a deeply ingrained practice of over-stated budgets and disconnected development strategies has obstructed rational planning and has frustrated development over the years. For states committed to breaking this cycle, SPARC has developed capacity within key ministries and agencies, introducing tools and processes to support integrated, consistent and realistic planning and budgeting. This leaflet describes progress in this exercise. All five lead states (Enugu, Jigawa, Kaduna, Kano and Lagos) have received support, in the form of hands-on capacity strengthening, to develop plans, sector strategies and multiyear budgets. As well as now having more realistic plans – and the benefits of better governance and improved development performance that follow – the states are now committed to this approach for the future. The capacity that has been developed will help ensure that this becomes a sustained reality.

Of interest to: State government, heads of service, permanent secretaries, directors of MDAs, international development partners, finance managers Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Results leaflet Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: Medium-term Budgeting and Planning: More Realism Drives Improved Performance Number of pages: 2 File type: pdf File size: 148 KB To read the full text: Please type GRL008 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



Lagos State Government seeks to enhance its capability to deliver improved services to the people of the state in a cost-effective and efficient manner. A major first step to improving performance and accountability is to create a clearer picture of mandates and responsibilities of each ministry, department or agency (MDA). The report of the MDAs mandate mapping exercise that began in November 2009 was formally submitted to the state government in February 2011. This leaflet summarises the work carried out to map ministerial mandates in Lagos State.

5.3.10 Improving lives through the Millennium Development Goals Conditional Grants Scheme Nigeria's Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Conditional Grants Scheme (CGS) addresses the MDGs at the local level by providing financial and technical support to scale-up state and local government activities related to the MDGs. This leaflet describes the rationale behind the CGS, introduced in 2007, and how it bridges the gap between the MDG efforts of federal and state governments. The aims and achievements of the CGS are described, together with lessons learned. The State Partnership for Accountability, Responsiveness and Capability (SPARC), has been helping improve the criteria for selection of projects, assisting with evaluation, and helping design and coordinate local government CGS.


Of interest to: State government, heads of service, permanent secretaries, directors of MDAs, civil servants Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Results leaflet Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: Mapping Ministerial Mandates Number of pages: 2 File type: pdf File size: 221 KB To read the full text: Please type GRL009 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

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5.3.9 Mapping mandates in Lagos State


Of interest to: State and local governments, international development agencies Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Results leaflet Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: Improving Lives Through the Millennium Development Goals Conditional Grant Scheme Number of pages: 2 File type: pdf File size: 122 KB To read the full text: Please type GRL010 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.




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5.3.11 Mainstreaming gender and social inclusion in state policy and planning

5.3.12 State governments improve management of public resources

SPARC is committed to promoting gender equality and social inclusion in its technical support to state partners, recognising that these are important goals and are vital to poverty elimination and the achievement of all the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

The United Kingdom and Nigerian Governments have partnered to improve governance in Nigeria. SPARC is being funded as part of several programmes with the same aim – to help state governments improve the efficiency and effectiveness with which they use public resources. This partnership was put in place in 2008, and as it passes its halfway point, results are emerging that show real progress is being made. These include closing dormant government bank accounts, better reconciliation of existing accounts, getting on top of debt, elimination of ghost workers and ensuring debt-relief gains are used appropriately for poverty reduction.


To make good that commitment, SPARC has developed its own capacity for gender and social inclusion (G&SI) mainstreaming to enable staff to make appropriate G&SI considerations in their work and to provide quality technical support and advice to government partners. Although mainstreaming G&SI is a long-term process, a lot has already been achieved. This leaflet summarises progress in the five lead states (Enugu, Jigawa, Kaduna, Kano and Lagos).

Of interest to: State government, heads of service, permanent secretaries, directors of MDAs, international development partners, human resources management, citizens Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Results leaflet Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: The Mainstreaming of Gender and Social Inclusion in State Policy and Planning Number of pages: 2 File type: pdf File size: 392 KB To read the full text: Please type GRL011 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



This leaflet highlights a few examples of this progress, and shows the value for money that SPARC is delivering.

Of interest to: State government, heads of service, permanent secretaries, directors of MDAs, international development partners, finance managers, citizens Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Results leaflet Status: Final Date: 2011 Title: State Governments are Improving the Management of Public Resources Number of pages: 4 File type: pdf File size: 451 KB To read the full text: Please type GRL012 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.




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5.4.1 Water management innovations in Kano State The rehabilitation of the Wudil Regional Water Scheme – a scheme that serves about 198,000 people – is one of 15 regional schemes in Kano State. The state government is keen to scale-up the Wudil model to provide clean water to over one million people.

Of interest to: Policy makers, policy implementers, development partners, media Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Leaflet Status: Published Date: 2009 Title: Putting the People's Hands on the Tap: Water Management Innovations in Kano State Number of pages: 2 File type: pdf File size: 420 KB To read the full text: Please type GLL001 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

The leaflet Better pensions…and They Cost Less: Civil Service Pension Reforms in Jigawa describes how Jigawa State has reformed civil service pensions and the lessons that can be learned from its experience. Pensioners are paid on time, all arrears have been settled and unclaimed benefits returned. Weeding ghost pensioners and other irregularities out of the system meant that the state government cut the pension bill by twothirds in just three months. The Jigawa State civil service scheme was the first of its kind in Nigeria. This leaflet gives the reasons why Jigawa State managed to introduce its contributory pensions scheme so smoothly. Eleven states have studied and learned from the Jigawa experience.


The leaflet Putting the People's Hands on the Tap: Water Management Innovations in Kano State explains the lessons that can be learned from the Wudil project. The project was successful because people were empowered to demand and expect better service, and there was high-level political support. The community-public partnership model for managing and supplying water – whereby people in the community pay for water supplies and local government subsidises the costs – could be replicated elsewhere.

5.4.2 Civil service pension reforms in Jigawa



Of interest to: Policy makers, policy implementers, development partners, media Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Leaflet Status: Published Date: 2009 Title: Better Pensions…and They Cost Less: Civil Service Pension Reforms in Jigawa Number of pages: 2 File type: pdf File size: 518 KB To read the full text: Please type GLL002 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.





5.4.3 Resolving differences quicker at the Lagos multi-door courthouse The multi-door courthouses described in the leaflet Arbitrate Rather Than Litigate: Resolving Differences Quicker at the Lagos Multi-Door Courthouse are spreading across Nigeria. This new type of courthouse means that people no longer have to put up with long delays, congested courts and high legal costs to resolve relatively simple disputes. The 'alternative dispute resolution' offered by the multi-door courthouses can settle cases in just two weeks.


The lessons learned from the multi-door courthouses are that justice can be quickly dispensed at a low cost by involving the public in arbitration and conciliation. This collaboration makes for wide acceptance of the judgements. Parties resolve their differences by looking at needs, interests and solutions rather than litigating. Because the process is voluntary, prompt, confidential and rooted in mutual agreement it promotes healing.

Of interest to: Policy makers, policy implementers, development partners, media Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Leaflet Status: Published Date: 2009 Title: Arbitrate Rather Than Litigate: Resolving Differences Quicker at the Lagos Multi-Door Courthouse Number of pages: 2 File type: pdf File size: 750 KB To read the full text: Please type GLL003 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



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5.4.4 Land registry reforms in Lagos State Several Nigerian states are reforming their land registries. This means that transferring land in Nigeria is becoming far quicker and more secure. The reforms make it more difficult to avoid paying land taxes so state government revenues also benefit. As described in the leaflet Beating a Track through the Land Rights Maze: Land Registry Reforms in Lagos, Lagos led the way in reforming its land registry, introducing a computerised document management system for land titles and transfers in 2006. Citizens can now do online searches at the Lagos Land Registry in less than an hour, compared to days before. The change for the better would not have happened without political will on the part of the state government, which allocated human and financial resources to put the new system in place.

Of interest to: Policy makers, policy implementers, development partners, media Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Leaflet Status: Published Date: 2009 Title: Beating a Track Through the Land Rights Maze: Land Registry Reforms in Lagos Number of pages: 2 File type: pdf File size: 896 KB To read the full text: Please type GLL004 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



Kano was the first state in northern Nigeria to computerise public financial management systems to make them more accurate and transparent. Neighbouring states are following suit, showing that states can learn from each other. All that is needed is political will and senior staff willing to champion the process. The leaflet Good News Spreads Fast: Innovations in Public Finance Management in Kano and Jigawa describes how new practices are spreading.

Of interest to: Policy makers, policy implementers, development partners, media Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Leaflet Status: Published Date: 2009 Title: Good News Spreads Fast: Innovations in Public Finance Management in Kano and Jigawa Number of pages: 2 File type: pdf File size: 968 KB To read the full text: Please type GLL005 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

5.4.6 League logs improve financial performance in Jigawa A league log is a spreadsheet for collecting information on monthly submissions to treasury departments by ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs). The logs record the quality, timeliness and comprehensiveness of monthly returns, and allow the performance of MDAs and the accountants responsible for the returns to be appraised. Jigawa produced the first league log in 2011, and the logs are now a monthly routine. The leaflet League Logs: A Means to Improve Financial Performance tells how league logs came to be used in Jigawa. It describes the lessons learned along the way and sets out what is needed to replicate league logs elsewhere: computer literate staff, training, engaging accountants, a mentor or champion among accountants to lead training sessions, piloting the logs with just a few MDAs before using them widely and providing incentives to persuade staff to want to be part of the process.


Kano has attracted visitors from Bauchi, Kebbi, Kwara and Jigawa states interested in seeing how its system works. Encouraged by these visits, communities of practices across states are emerging to share and solve problems. Jigawa, one of the states that visited Kano and returned to set up its own system, helped Kano when its system ran into difficulties. Kano officials visited Jigawa to see the improvements made there and, based on the lessons they learned were able to solve their problems.

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5.4.5 Innovations in public finance management in Kano and Jigawa


Of interest to: Ministries, departments, agencies Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: SPARC Lessons leaflet Status: Final Date: n/d Title: League Logs: A Means to Improve Financial Performance Number of pages: 2 File type: pdf File size: 101 KB To read the full document: Please type GLL006 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.




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5.5.1 New tools for self-assessment The leaflet New Tools for Change: SPARC's Self-assessment Processes explains the SPARC self-assessment process, how it was developed, how it works, how it changes attitudes, and how it helps government officials identify the changes they want to make and set goals. SPARC recognises that any changes cannot simply be proposed by external consultants – government officials have to come up with proposals for change themselves if changes are to be long lasting and effective.


Helping officials to recognise governance problems and find their own solutions is key to SPARC's work. Government officials from Lagos State and Kaduna State speak about how the self-assessment process has given them new tools for understanding the way they should work.

Of interest to: Policy makers, policy implementers, development partners, media Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Leaflet Status: Published Date: 2009 Title: New Tools for Change: SPARC's Selfassessment Processes Number of pages: 2 File type: pdf File size: 1.01 MB To read the full text: Please type GVL001 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



5.5.2 Bari'atu Mohammed explains how self-assessment is helping government reforms The leaflet Transparency Makes All the Difference: Bari'atu Mohammed Explains How Self-assessment is Helping Government Reforms describes an interview with Bari'atu Mohammed, Director, Public Service Office, Office of the Head of Service, Kaduna State. Bari'atu speaks about her experiences with the SPARC self-assessment process. She describes how she felt about the selfassessment process and how she thinks it contributes to the reform agenda in Kaduna State. Bari'atu Mohammed comments on issues brought to the fore by the self-assessment, such as attitudes to rules and regulations, the way change is implemented and communication. She speaks frankly about how her attitudes have changed as a result of the self-assessment process and how she looks forward to the next one.

Of interest to: Policy makers, policy implementers, development partners, media Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Leaflet Status: Published Date: 2009 Title: Transparency Makes All the Difference: Bari'atu Mohammed Explains How Selfassessment is Helping Government Reforms Number of pages: 2 File type: pdf File size: 308 KB To read the full text: Please type GVL002 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



In the leaflet Changing the Way We Work: Owolabi Amisu Describes the Impact of the Self-assessment Process, Owolabi Amisu, Coordinating Director, Management Services and Reforms Office, Lagos State, discusses the benefits of SPARC's selfassessment process. He explains why he found the self-assessment useful and how his attitudes have changed in some ways as a result. Owolabi describes how he thinks the selfassessment process reinforces reforms already underway in Lagos State. He also comments on the new thinking that selfassessment brings, and the benefits of the participatory methodology given the complex environment in Nigeria.

5.5.4 Peter Bakam explains why self-assessment works for him In the leaflet Better Than the 'Consultant Report Approach': Peter Bakam Explains Why Self-assessment Works for Him, Peter Bakam, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Economic Planning, Kaduna State, speaks about his experiences with the SPARC selfassessment process. He describes why he found it useful and how it differed from previous experiences. Peter explains that the self-assessment put weaknesses and strengths in perspective, in terms of international best practice. He talks about how government officials in Kaduna State have put together change programmes for several streams with specific target dates, and what this could mean for the state's Eleven-Point Agenda and Nigeria's 2020 Vision.


Of interest to: Policy makers, policy implementers, development partners, media Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Leaflet Status: Published Date: 2009 Title: Changing the Way We Work: Owolabi Amisu Describes the Impact of the Selfassessment Process Number of pages: 2 File type: pdf File size: 696 KB To read the full text: Please type GVL003 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

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5.5.3 Owolabi Amisu describes the impact of the self-assessment process


Of interest to: Policy makers, policy implementers, development partners, media Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Leaflet Status: Published Date: 2009 Title: Better Than the 'Consultant Report Approach': Peter Bakam Explains Why Selfassessment Works for Him Number of pages: 2 File type: pdf File size: 520 KB To read the full text: Please type GVL004 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.





5.5.5 Tijuanni Musa reviews his experience of self-assessment In an interview with SPARC described in the leaflet Getting to the Root of Reforms: Tijuanni Musa Reviews His Experience of Self-assessment, Tijuanni Musa, Permanent Secretary, Office of Head of Service, Kaduna State, speaks about his experiences with the SPARC selfassessment process. He describes how the self-assessment was an opportunity for local government officials to talk to each other frankly, and to be honest about what was really happening.


Tijuanni explains that the value of the selfassessment was that they got to the root of problems, the first step in finding solutions. He comments on the way the process was facilitated by SPARC to bring out critical issues while making sure everyone was comfortable and could contribute.

Of interest to: Policy makers, policy implementers, development partners, media Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Leaflet Status: Published Date: 2009 Title: Getting to the Root of Reforms: Tijuanni Musa Reviews His Experience of Selfassessment Number of pages: 2 File type: pdf File size: 809 KB To read the full text: Please type GVL005 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



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5.5.6 K. Keshinro considers how self-assessment can work everywhere In an interview with SPARC described in the leaflet The Process Gave Us a Road Map: K. Keshinro Considers How Selfassessment Can Work Everywhere, K. Keshinro, Director of Financial Intelligence and Research, State Treasury Office, Lagos State Ministry of Finance, talks about how SPARC's self-assessment meshed with the work his department was already doing and helped it get better. K. Keshinro describes why the process worked well for him and where it was particularly useful, such as pointing to how things work in other places for comparison. He explains what role the SPARC consultants played in guiding the selfassessment, identifying information they should look at and examining it objectively. This helped determine exactly what was being done and what needed to change to get to where they wanted to go.

Of interest to: Policy makers, policy implementers, development partners, media Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Leaflet Status: Published Date: 2009 Title: The Process Gave Us a Road Map: K. Keshinro Considers How Self-assessment Can Work Everywhere Number of pages: 2 File type: pdf File size: 319 KB To read the full text: Please type GVL006 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



The leaflet Meeting Weaknesses Head On: Ahmed A. Zaria Reflects on the SPARC Self-assessment Process describes an interview with Ahmed A. Zaria, Permanent Secretary, Ministry for Local Government, Kaduna State. Ahmed speaks about his experiences with the SPARC selfassessment process. He gives examples of the kinds of weaknesses uncovered by the self-assessment and how these discoveries have contributed to the reform agenda. He valued the way the consultants helped everyone express their views and allowed those who took part to argue among themselves.

Of interest to: Policy makers, policy implementers, development partners, media Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Leaflet Status: Published Date: 2009 Title: Meeting Weaknesses Head On: Ahmed A. Zaria Reflects on the SPARC Selfassessment Process Number of pages: 2 File type: pdf File size: 432 KB To read the full text: Please type GVL007 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

5.5.8 Emmanuel Oyegoke explains how selfassessment has helped his ministry In an interview with SPARC described in the leaflet Getting Our Priorities Right: Emmanuel Oyegoke Explains How Selfassessment has Helped his Ministry, Emmanuel Oyegoke, Director of Economic Planning, Ministry of Economic Planning and Budget Policy and Strategy, Lagos State, recounts his experience of SPARC self-assessment. He explains how the process led to a new change plan for the state, new ways of doing things, and new ways of articulating projects and programmes. Emmanuel comments that the selfassessment deepened state reform initiatives that the Lagos State Government had already begun. These reforms match the ways of working SPARC is bringing in. The self-assessment helped his ministry get a better understanding of ways of working and generated ideas for formulating work plans.


Ahmed explains how the self-assessment gave him insight into the problems facing local government and how he uses this insight when making decisions and reflecting on problems or suggestions.

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5.5.7 Ahmed A. Zaria reflects on the SPARC self-assessment process


Of interest to: Policy makers, policy implementers, development partners, media Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Leaflet Status: Published Date: 2009 Title: Getting Our Priorities Right: Emmanuel Oyegoke Explains How Self-assessment has Helped His Ministry Number of pages: 2 File type: pdf File size: 928 KB To read the full text: Please type GVL008 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.




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5.6 VIDEOS 5.5.9 Partnering to improve planning and budgeting in Enugu State This leaflet recounts an interview with Barrister K.O.K. Agbowo where he explains how SPARC and the Enugu State Ministry of Budget and Planning worked together to computerise systems in the ministry. To start with, SPARC supplied the ministry with appropriate computer systems, and analysed what training staff would need to use the new systems for planning and budgeting.


Along with computerisation, SPARC also arranged to improve planning and budgeting in other ways. Pre-budget meetings for directors of planning, research and statistics in the various MDAs familiarised them with the new way of working. A visit to Lagos for the directors provided an opportunity to learn how new systems had been adapted to planning and budgeting in that state.

5.6.1 What is SPARC? An interview with John Sanchez, National Programme Manager In this short video, John Sanchez, National Programme Manager for SPARC, describes the SPARC programme's work to fight poverty in Nigeria by improving governance. SPARC is building on the work done previously by the State and Local Government Programme to improve governance in Nigeria. Working with the Nigerian Government to ensure that it works as efficiently as possible is an excellent way of ensuring that best use is made of the resources that are available.

Kester Agbowo says the new tools and skills have greatly improved how the ministry tracks expenditures. He looks forward to the day when SPARC and the ministry will complete the next stage, budget profiling and a database of capital projects.

Of interest to: Ministries, planners Type of resource: SPARC Voices leaflet Status: Final Date: 2012 Title: Partnership Impact: Barrister K.O.K. Agbowo Talks About the Impact of SPARC's Support to the Enugu State Ministry of Budget and Planning Number of pages: 2 File type: pdf File size: 98.6 KB To read the full document: Please type GVL009 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



Of interest to: State governments, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Video Length: 1:33 minutes Date: 2010 Title: What is SPARC? An Interview with John Sanchez, National Programme Manager File type: MP4 To view the video: Please type GVD001 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



In this short video, Joe Abah, SPARC's Deputy National Programme Head, explains how the launch of the Mailafiya mobile medical clinic by the Millennium Development Goals office in Abuja provides a good example of the way that SPARC's technical support has had an immediate impact on the lives of the poor.

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5.6.3 SPARC and public service reform in Nigeria – an interview with Ursula Blackshaw


5.6.2 SPARC's impact on the ground in Nigeria – an interview with Joe Abah


Ursula Blackshaw, SPARC's leader for work on public service reform, explains the importance of the work that SPARC is doing to improve governance in Nigeria. Public service reform includes looking at the terms of work of civil servants, what support they need and whether the government is a good employer. It also considers issues such as what targets are being set for government workers and whether their goals are being met.


Of interest to: State governments, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Video Length: 1:50 minutes Date: 2010 Title: SPARC's Impact on the Ground in Nigeria – an Interview with Joe Abah File type: MP4 To view the video: Please type GVD002 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

Of interest to: State governments, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Video Length: 1:49 minutes Date: 2010 Title: SPARC and Public Service Reform in Nigeria – an Interview with Ursula Blackshaw File type: MP4 To view the video: Please type GVD003 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.





5.6.4 Facilitating and building trust with SPARC partners: an interview with Dapo Oyewole In this video, Dapo Oyewole describes SPARC’s work as facilitators, helping to build government capacity and building high levels of trust. Because SPARC does not have an agenda, but asks partners to shape their own agendas, the programme is seen as starkly different from (and better than) many other development efforts.


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5.6.5 SPARC monitoring and evaluation In this short video, Dane Rogers describes the work that the SPARC programme is doing to monitor and evaluate progress. The responsibilities of the monitoring and evaluation team include establishing a performance framework for the programme (a vital first step), developing an in-house monitoring and evaluation system, and providing capacity building to state governments to improve the way that they monitor and evaluate performance.

5.6 VIDEOS Of interest to: State governments, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Video Length: 1:47 minutes Date: 2010 Title: Facilitating and Building Trust with SPARC Partners – an Interview with Dapo Oyewole File type: MP4 To view the video: Please type GVD004 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


Of interest to: State governments, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Video Length: 2:00 minutes Date: 2010 Title: SPARC's Monitoring and Evaluation File type: MP4 To view the video: Please type GVD005 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.




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5.6.7 Introducing SPARC's work in Kaduna State, Nigeria – Mark Walker

In this short video, Ben Arikpo, SPARC's state team leader for Lagos State, describes the work that his office is doing in Lagos to help the state government reform policy and strategy, public financial management, and public service management.

In this short video, Mark Walker, SPARC's state team leader for Kaduna State, describes the work that his office is doing in Kaduna to help state government reform public financial management, policy and strategy, and public service management.

In each of the three areas, the Lagos team has identified key institutions that they need to support in order to ensure that new ways of working are institutionalised. Examples include the Lagos Financial Intelligence and Research Unit in the State Treasury Office, and the Management Services and Research Office.


5.6.6 Introducing SPARC's work in Lagos State, Nigeria – Ben Arikpo

Work is carefully tailored to the Executive Governor's Eleven-Point Agenda for the development of the state. The aim is to demonstrate how the work that SPARC is doing to help build capacity in Kaduna State improves delivery of that agenda.


Of interest to: State governments, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Video Length: 3:00 minutes Date: 2010 Title: An Introduction to SPARC's Work in Lagos State, Nigeria – Ben Arikpo File type: MP4 To view the video: Please type GVD006 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

Of interest to: State governments, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Video Length: 2:21 minutes Date: 2010 Title: An Introduction to SPARC's Work in Kaduna State, Nigeria – Mark Walker File type: MP4 To view the video: Please type GVD007 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.





5.6.8 Budget realism in Lagos State In this short video, Ifeanyi Peters Ugwuoke, Senior Technical Coordination Manager at SPARC, talks about budget realism in Lagos State. He describes how SPARC is assisting state partners to ensure that government budgets match actual tax revenue, for instance through the implementation of more effective cash management systems.


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5.6.9 Driving public service improvement in Lagos State In this short video, Ifeanyi Peters Ugwuoke, Senior Technical Coordination Manager at SPARC, describes how the programme has been helping state partners to draft and adhere to service improvement plans.

5.6 VIDEOS Of interest to: State governments, ministries, departments, agencies, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Video Length: 2:19 minutes Date: 2012 Title: SPARC: Budget Realism in Lagos State File type: MP4 To view the video: Please type GVD008 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


Of interest to: State governments, ministries, departments, agencies, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Video Length: 2:23 minutes Date: 2012 Title: SPARC: Driving Public Service Improvement in Lagos State File type: MP4 To view the video: Please type GVD009 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



In this short video, Ifeanyi Peters Ugwuoke, Senior Technical Coordination Manager at SPARC, explains how the programme has helped initiate a more robust corporate planning process in Nigerian state ministries, departments and agencies.

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5.6.11 Promoting effective knowledge management amongst SPARC state partners


5.6.10 Strategic corporate planning in Lagos State


In this interview, Ifeanyi Peters Ugwuoke, Senior Technical Coordination Manager at SPARC, describes how the programme has been introducing the use of effective new knowledge management strategies, such as communities of practice, to government partners.


Of interest to: State governments, ministries, departments, agencies, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Video Length: 2:22 minutes Date: 2012 Title: SPARC: Strategic Corporate Planning for MDAs in Lagos State File type: MP4 To view the video: Please type GVD010 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

Of interest to: State governments, ministries, departments, agencies, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Video Length: 2:23 minutes Date: 2012 Title: SPARC: Promoting Effective Knowledge Management Amongst SPARC’s State Partners File type: MP4 To view the video: Please type GVD011 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.





5.6.12 Reforming bank reconciliation processes in Kano State In this interview with Musbahu Rabiu Danbatta about the reform of the bank reconciliation process in Kano State, the senior civil servant says the new process provides more detail and is free of errors.


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5.6.13 Millennium Development Goals in Nigeria: 2010 and beyond In this short video, Amina Az-Zubair, Special Assistant to the President of Nigeria, gives an overview of how Nigeria is progressing towards the Millennium Development Goals.

5.6 VIDEOS Of interest to: State governments, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Video Length: 5:10 minutes Date: 2010 Title: SPARC: An Interview with Musbahu Rabiu Danbatta of Kano State File type: MP4 To view the video: Please type GVD012 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


Of interest to: State governments, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Video Length: 2:05 minutes Date: 2010 Title: The MDGs and Nigeria: 2010 and Beyond File type: MP4 To view the video: Please type GVD013 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



In this short video, Faruk Lawal Yola, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Finance in Kano State, explains how the SPARC self-assessment process and change matrix have helped him find new and better ways of thinking and working.

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5.6.15 From self-assessment to change plan in Kaduna State In this short video, Director Bari'atu Mohammed who is in charge of all public service issues in Kaduna State describes what she took away from the selfassessments sponsored by SPARC. Bari'atu enjoyed all the sessions, and was later appointed chair of a core group that drew up a list of nine issues the state government needed to address. These nine issues formed the basis of a change plan that has now been implemented.


5.6.14 New ways forward through self-assessment and the change matrix



Of interest to: State governments, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Video Length: 1:37 minutes Date: 2010 Title: New Ways Forward Through Self-assessment and the Change Matrix File type: MP4 To view the video: Please type GVD014 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.

Of interest to: State governments, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Video Length: 1:32 minutes Date: 2010 Title: From Self-assessment to Change Plan in Kaduna State File type: MP4 To view the video: Please type GVD015 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.




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5.7 PHOTOGRAPHS 5.6.16 Northern States Governance Share Fair The Northern States Governance Share Fair took place in March 2012, in Abuja. Highlevel delegations from the six states that SPARC has supported in northern Nigeria took part. At the share fair participants showcased their successes and set up displays to share their experiences. Dialogues were free-flowing, open, flexible and nonhierarchical. The aims of the share fair were to:


 Provide opportunities for state governments to broadcast their achievements, exhibit their products, and market new programmes to donors, policymakers, other institutes and potential partners,  Facilitate face-to-face networking and promote exchange on common agendas,  Help governors benefit from each other's experiences, and  Stimulate interest in future collaboration and the development of new programmes.

Of interest to: State governments, development partners Issuing body: SPARC Type of resource: Video Length: 3.31 minutes Date: 2012 Title: Opinions and Insights from the Northern States' Governance Share Fair File type: MP4 To view the video: Please type GVD016 into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.



5.7.1 SPARC photographs SPARC works in partnership with 10 Nigerian state governments. The programme provides technical support to state governments to help them develop better policies and strategies, improve the management of public finances and improve the delivery of services. Typically SPARC works with 'central ministries', those involved with finance, budget and planning, and with heads of the civil service. These central ministries are then in a better position to roll out improvements to sector ministries, such as education and health. The ultimate aim is to improve delivery of services to citizens in the states. The selection of photographs on the attached CD, taken from the SPARC Flickr library, illustrates some of SPARC's work. Copyright for all images remains with SPARC. Permission to use them must be requested from SPARC.

To view the photos: Please type GPH into the search box on the search page of the CD attached to this book.


12/02/2013 The website of the Department for International Development (DFID), United Kingdom. The site provides information on expenditure and plans, by country or region, in a 'Where We Work' section. Each country page is a portal to key facts, maps, case studies, country plans and other relevant documents, and provides links to project information and other useful websites. The Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) website. PEFA improves the performance of country public financial management systems to strengthen economic growth and delivery of government services. Governance for Development is the World Bank blog on governance and anticorruption (GAC). Governance for Development is a forum for World Bank Group staff – and the wider development community engaged in governance – to debate, reflect and share experiences on the implications of mainstreaming GAC in development work. The Local Economic Development Network of Africa shares expertise for growth. The network encourages policy makers and practitioners in local economic development policy to work together and learn from each other. The hub gives access to free and impartial knowledge, resources and contacts in the North and South. The International Budget Partnership collaborates with civil society around the world to analyse and influence public budgets in order to reduce poverty and improve the quality of governance. The Public Financial Management Blog shares the experience of International Monetary Fund staff with public financial management practitioners in ministries of

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finance and other fiscal agencies, academia, students, non-governmental organisations, as well as with the general public. The blog also features news, resources and ideas about public financial management systems, their operation and improvement, and their contribution to economic growth and achieving national objectives, including economic and financial stability.


6 Useful websites


The blog also highlights new websites, articles and books that public finance practitioners and other readers might find useful, and provides informed comment on news and developments in public financial management. The Overseas Development Institute is the UK's leading independent think tank on international development and humanitarian issues. The Policy Practice does policy work in developing countries, and advises and trains governments, development agencies, civil society organisations and companies. The approach is multidisciplinary, taking 'The New Political Economy Perspective' to understand the processes of socioeconomic change and their effect on the implementation of development programmes. governanceanddevelopment The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) provides a forum in which governments can work together to share experiences and seek solutions to common problems. OECD works with governments to understand what drives economic, social and environmental change and sets international standards on a wide range of things, from agriculture and tax to the safety of chemicals. The Governance Assessment Portal lists resources produced by the United Nations Development Programme Governance Assessments Programme, including user guides, planning resources and toolkits,





policy documents, discussion papers, presentations and reports. The website and data portal of the National Bureau of Statistics is the main statistical agency and custodian of official statistics in Nigeria. The website makes available online an extensive collection of data. The website of the Nigerian Federal Ministry of Finance provides information on the functions of the ministry, and on budgets, revenues, policies and service charters. The Governance and Social Development Resource Centre provides cutting edge knowledge services on demand and online. It aims to help reduce poverty by informing policy and practice in relation to governance, social development, conflict and humanitarian assistance. public_sector/mckinsey_center_for_ government The McKinsey Center for Government (MCG) is a global hub for research, collaboration and innovation in government performance. Drawing on a network of external experts and McKinsey practitioners, MCG provides governments with both new and proven knowledge and tools to confront critical challenges in a context of limited resources, and creates opportunities for government leaders to learn from each other. OnlineTrainingCentre/tabid/1456/languag e/en-US/Default.aspx The United Nations Public Administration Network Online Training Centre provides free online training courses to anyone with internet access. The courses are available in English, Russian and Spanish. Registering online gives users access to courses on:


 Electronic and mobile government,  Institutional and human resources management,  Knowledge management in government, and  The Millennium Development Goals.


Page 98 The website of the Nigeria Governors’ Forum (NGF), a coalition of the 36 democratically-elected Governors of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The website provides information on NGF and its activities to foster, promote and sustain a democratic ethos and good governance in Nigeria. NGF brings Governors together to share experiences, promote cooperation among States and resolve conflicts between States on the one hand and between States and federal government on the other.




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BEMST CDF . . . CGS . . . CoP . . . DFID . . DRG . . . G&SI . . GAC . . . GDP . . . HRM . . ICT . . . . IM . . . . IPSAS . KPI . . . . KSRD . . LASG . . LGA . . . M&E . . . MCG . . MDAs . . MDG . . MEPB . MTEF . . MTFF . . MTSS . . NEPAD . NGF . . . OECD . OTSD . . P&S . . . PBB . . . PEFA . . PFM . . . PMF . . . PSM . . . RAPS . . RBM . . SEAT . . SGDP . . SLP . . . SPARC . SPRM . SWOT .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

.Bureau of Establishment, Management Services and Training .Comprehensive Development Framework .Conditional Grants Scheme .Communities of practice .Department for International Development .Debt-relief gains .Gender and social inclusion .Governance and anti-corruption .Gross domestic product .Human resources management .Information communication technology .Information management .International Public Sector Accounting Standards .Key performance indicators .Kano State Roadmap for Development .Lagos State Government .Local government authorities .Monitoring and evaluation .McKinsey Center for Government .Ministries, departments and agencies .Millennium Development Goals .Ministry of Economic Planning and Budget .Medium-term expenditure frameworks .Medium-term fiscal framework .Medium-term sector strategies .New Partnership for Africa’s Development .Nigeria Governors' Forum .Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development .Office of Transformation, Strategy and Delivery .Policy and strategy .Programme-based budgeting .Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability .Public financial management .Performance measurement framework .Public service management .Research applications in policy and strategy .Results-based management .Self-evaluation assessment tool .State gross domestic product .State-level programmes .State Partnership for Accountability, Responsiveness and Capability .State Peer Review Mechanism .Strengths-weaknesses-opportunities-threats








Acknowledgements SPARC would like to acknowledge all the Nigerian government officials and SPARC staff and consultants who produced the various documents and resources described in this pocket guide. Production was supported by the UK Department for International Development (DFID). The views expressed are not necessarily those of DFID.

About SPARC The State Partnership for Accountability, Responsiveness and Capability (SPARC) Programme is an initiative supported by DFID UK, in partnership with the Government of Nigeria, to improve governance in 10 of the country's 36 states.


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Working with state governments to help them find their own best systems for improving the ways that policies and budgets are set and implemented is an important way of reducing poverty. The SPARC programme has the potential to improve the lives of many of the 51 million inhabitants of the states in which it works. In order to ensure the programme has a long lasting impact, SPARC is also working with the federal government agencies that back up governance reform at state level. Producing this pocket guide is just one of a variety of ways that SPARC ensures that the many tools and findings the programme generates will be freely available both now and after the end of the programme. You can find out more about SPARC and the work it does on the SPARC website:




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Using the Resource Centre CD Why do we provide a CD? The CD attached to the back cover of this book contains a full copy of the 2013 SPARC Resource Centre. This means that if you are interested in any of the documents talked about in this pocket guide, you can get instant access to them without needing to the use the internet or contact SPARC. This will be especially useful for anyone in areas where internet speeds are slow. Opening the CD To open the Resource Centre, simply put the CD in your computer. In many cases it will either play automatically or an “Autoplay dialogue box” will open. Just choose the “open folder” option and then choose the icon that says Start_Resource_Centre. Searching the CD We’ve designed the CD to be very easy to use and search in a variety of different ways. The basic points to be aware of are the “Section tabs” and the “Search box”. The section tabs The “Section tabs” at the top of the Resource Centre homepage open drop down menus which take you to different subject areas. You can use these tabs to quickly browse to the subject area that interests you, and then read a list of all the summaries/documents that fall within that subject area. The search box The search box on the homepage (which also appears on every other page) allows you to search for documents in lots of different ways. Using document codes: You can type in the unique document code given at the bottom of each summary, and the search engine will provide you with a link to the summary and the full document it refers to. Simple word search: You can also search for specific words or acronyms. So



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Section tabs

Search box

searching for “PFM” will call up all documents containing “PFM”. Match all search words: For more precision, you can also tick the "all search words" button under the search box on the homepage. Choosing this option and searching for "public financial management" will only return documents containing all three words. Excluding words: You can also exclude words by using a hyphen (without a gap) before any word in the search box. So a search for “PFM -audit” would return only documents that contain the word “PFM” and do not contain the word “audit”. Wildcards, using the *: You can use an asterix (*) to stand in for letters in a word when you want to search for variations of that word. So a search for financ* would return only documents containing words like finance, financing, financial, etc. Wildcards, using the ?: The question mark allows you to search a document and replaces any given character. So, for example, if you wanted to search for an acronym and you weren’t sure of one of the letters you could search for SE?T. This will bring up any documents containing words such as SEAT, sept and sent.

The Resource Centre online As an alternative to the CD, you can also access the 2013 SPARC Resource Centre online, at




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For more information Email us: Telephone us: +234 (0) 7029 682832 Visit our website: Join us on Facebook: Material may be reproduced as long as full credit is given to SPARC. Supported by

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