Meet Faith Guide Fiona and find out how God has called and equipped her to Reveal Jesus to children in her Cambridgeshire community.
A lamp to my feet
Tanya Ferdinandusz, a regular contributor to our Bible-reading guides, shares her faith journey, her perspective on Scripture and some moments when it has spoken to her most deeply.
25 years of It’s Your Move!
We celebrate 25 years of It’s Your Move – the helpful little book that’s supported thousands… or even millions… of children in that daunting step to secondary school.
‘I want everyone to know Jesus!’
Those are the words of Mara, a teenager from the 95, who discovered Jesus through a Hampshire church youth group run by Faith Guides Clare and Nathan.
Did you know?
We are blessed to be supporting over 500 Faith Guides, each passionate about finding ways to journey alongside children and young people as they find and grow in faith. Let’s give thanks for each of them like Fiona, Clare and Nathan featured in this edition and ask God to bless the work they’re doing to Reveal Jesus to local children and young people.
More about Scripture Union
Scripture Union is a Christian charity, providing opportunities for children and young people to explore the Bible, respond to Jesus and grow in faith. With an estimated 95 per cent of under-18s in England and Wales not part of a church, we help churches to step out and take the good news to them in exciting and culturally relevant ways. Visit to find out more.
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Connecting You is Scripture Union’s supporter and prayer magazine, keeping you up to date with what God is doing through the work you support. Connecting You magazine is also available online at: If you have a
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Published by Scripture Union, Trinity House, Opal Court, Opal Drive, Fox Milne, Milton Keynes, MK15 ODF
The Word points to the Word
‘For the word of God is alive and active.’
(Hebrews 4:12 NIV)
As we Reveal Jesus to children and young people, it’s important that we help them to understand that the Bible is not just another ‘spiritual text’. It is so, so much more!
Everything about the Bible (God’s Word) points to Jesus (the Word). It is the greatest missional tool we have, the epic story of God’s love for us. From that moment in the garden of Eden when we turned away from our creator, God was working out a plan to bring us back into relationship with him. That amazing story of salvation culminated in God himself coming to earth in human form as Jesus, to live and suffer and die for us and rise again in glory – all for the love of you and me.
The Bible is therapeutic – its words can bring us peace. It is instructive and can give us advice on how to live the Christian life.
Above all, as that verse from Hebrews suggests, the Bible is Godbreathed and transformational.
The Bible helps us to see the world through God’s eyes and discover ‘THE WORD’ himself. Through
reading it, God can speak to us, Reveal Jesus to us and change us more into his likeness, day by day.
That is why it’s vital for us to make the Bible clear and accessible to today’s children and young people. Once they grasp its significance and its value, their appetite for Bible study can take us by surprise, as you’ll read in this edition of Connecting You!
Please pray with us that the lives of many more young people will be transformed through discovering the Word (Bible) that points to the Word (Jesus).
God bless,
Dave Newton National Director, Scripture Union England and Wales
Making a way
When she moved into the Cambridgeshire village of Guilden Morden, Faith Guide Fiona never anticipated how God would call and equip her to Reveal Jesus to local children not in church. Through your support and her faithful service, already three children have decided to follow Jesus for themselves!
Fiona, a teacher, had led Sunday schools for many years. However, she was disappointed to discover that there was no Sunday school at the village church of St Mary’s or indeed any of the six churches in the Shingay benefice. The only time children visited was during festivals such as Christmas and harvest.
But God was about to make a way! Fiona felt called to train as a Licensed Lay Minister. Unable to do her placement because of pandemic restrictions, she researched charities and organisations to partner with. On discovering Scripture Union, she contacted SU Mission Enabler Matt Farley, through whom she became a Faith Guide.
‘Matt’s been brilliant!’ says Fiona. ‘He helped me connect with
children through our local church school. They’d been told in a recent inspection that they needed to do more on faith. And it’s incredible that, about that time, my husband got a well-paid job, enabling me to leave teaching and embark on ministry fulltime, just as our last rector retired!
‘I offered to do some assemblies and SU’s Christmas Unwrapped which proved popular. There are only 50 pupils, and I got to know them pretty well. So, I planned a four-day holiday club for the end of August, when kids are getting bored, and parents are running out of ideas to entertain them! Space, helpers and resources are all in short supply in a village, so we involved the Congregational Chapel as well as St Mary’s.
‘The holiday club theme was “water” and included the stories of Jesus walking on water and calling us to be fishers of men. We had crafts, games and activities including dressing up and acting out a Bible
The following year, we were inundated with requests to join.
story. And we had a hugely popular tuck shop.
‘That first summer, 15 children joined us. The following year, we were inundated with requests to join. Our volunteers are amazing, but we don’t have many, so we had to limit the number of children to 25. I know God will provide more helpers with the right gifts in due time.’
Putting prayer first Last Easter, Fiona also got involved with a pioneering project that Matt is running with new SU National Mission Partner Prayer Spaces in Schools. Matt says, ‘The aim is to meet regularly with a group of children to enable them to explore faith and encounter Jesus through prayer. Prayer spaces in schools offer a fantastic opportunity to do that.’
Fiona set up a lunchtime prayer club and during that first term a dozen children got to explore the different aspects of the Lord’s Prayer. That led to one girl asking how she could become a ‘proper’ Christian! So, Fiona told her, and soon after the girl
got baptised at the Congregational Chapel, surrounded by her friends. Fiona says, ‘Two of them then asked to be christened at St Mary’s. Their mum told me, “I’m not a Christian, but my dad is, and he’s delighted. So, I’d like them to go ahead.”’
Matt says, ‘It’s wonderful that, in just two years, Fiona and her team have managed to Reveal Jesus to many children in the village despite having no rector in post. Our amazing God finds so many ways and places to draw people to himself!’
It’s wonderful that, in just two years, Fiona and her team have managed to Reveal Jesus to many children.
Is God calling you to new adventures as a Faith Guide? We’d love to support you! Find out more at And if being a Faith Guide isn’t for you right now, please do join us in praying for the amazing work they are doing across England and Wales.
Please pray for Faith Guide Fiona and the community at St Mary’s Guilden Morden.
Sunday 23
Give thanks to God for the amazing way in which he has created opportunities for Faith Guide Fiona to be able to Reveal Jesus to children in her Cambridgeshire community. Pray that many more will hear and receive God’s message of hope and love.
Monday 24
Praise God for providing faithful volunteers with the right skills. Please pray that he will provide more as this ministry grows – especially a musician, as Fiona would love to have music in the groups!
Tuesday 25
Praise God that, after two years, St Mary’s finally has a new rector with a young family. Ask God to bless and guide him as he helps Fiona to develop this work.
Wednesday 26
Please ask God to help the team at St Mary’s and the other churches in
the Shingay benefice as they seek to connect and build relationships with local parents – having the support of parents is vital in helping children’s faith to take root.
Thursday 27
Pray too for how the team can support children as they move into secondary school (which is in another area and under another group of churches).
Friday 28
Ask God to help SU and National Mission Partner Prayer Spaces in Schools to establish and embed more prayer spaces across the area, so that children have a special space in which to talk to and learn about God.
Saturday 1
Please pray that more Faith Guides get to use this exciting new mission model as an opportunity to journey with the 95.
Sunday 2
Pray for a series of roadshows that SU Northern Ireland will be running this month, focusing on ways churches and Christian organisations can connect with and serve local schools in a variety of spiritual, pastoral and practical ways.
Monday 3
Pray for Beth Gomm and Wayne Dixon of Mission Partner Christian Connections in Schools, as they run Easter Cracked in Slough, Windsor and Maidenhead schools. This year 8 churches and 45 schools are involved.
Tuesday 4
Please pray for National Director Dave Newton as he completes his first year in post. Pray for wisdom, insight and vision as he starts his second year moving our mission forward to reach the next generation with the good news of Jesus.
Wednesday 5
This is a crucial time for the leaders of our missions and holidays as they gather core teams and begin to prepare their programmes. Pray that teams will come together with no gaps and that they will have wisdom, Spirit-inspired creativity and excitement as they plan the year ahead.
Thursday 6
We are making plans to make improvements to our Daily Bread
and Encounter with God Bible reading apps that will add extra functionality and improve the user experience. Pray that the apps will enhance users’ engagement with Scripture and will encourage more people to reflect on God’s Word.
Friday 7
Pray for Becky and Trish, workers with Mission Partner Impact in Bedford, as they lead the Easter Experience drama which schools will visit. Pray that God will speak into the hearts of the children and staff who attend.
Saturday 8
Matt Farley, one of our Mission Enablers in the central region, asks for your prayers as he looks for those who share his longing to take the good news of Jesus to children and young people who have no contact with the church. Pray that he will know who God is calling to this key task.
Sunday 9
Pray that God will help SU Taiwan to reach children through their family ministry, a textbook and curriculum that equips Christian parents to help their children develop a biblical worldview. Pray for training sessions, which will be held from March to May.
Monday 10
Producing our Biblereading guides, Encounter with God and Daily Bread, involves many people with different skills – writers, editors, content assistants and external suppliers. Pray that they will combine effectively to produce guides which will encourage readers in their faith.
Tuesday 11
Geoff Brown, Mission Enabler in the north region, has been running a pilot called Story Explorers with a Faith Guide, which sees primary school assembly children invited to come back to explore the story at lunch time after an initial assembly. Pray that he will know how best to roll this out to other Faith Guides and Mission Partners.
Wednesday 12
Through their Manifesto for 21st Century Youthwork, Mission Partner
Thrive Youth Ministries work with churches across Warwickshire and Coventry, helping them to rethink how they can reach and disciple young people. Pray for more adults to volunteer and commit to this work.
Thursday 13
Pray for the staff in our Mission Events team, as they prepare for a busy time approving volunteer applications for the mission and holiday season. Last year there were over 1,200 volunteers to see through the crucial task of DBS clearance and secure reference checks.
Friday 14
Pray for God’s wisdom and unity for the newly formed South team, which combines the previous South East and South West teams to ensure even spread of staff across the entire south region. Pray that the new team leader will settle quickly, build strong connections, and lead with vision and purpose, inspiring churches to Reveal Jesus to the 95.
Saturday 15
Pray that Kathy Brooks will know God’s guidance and wisdom as she leads the Fundraising team, looking to share our needs with supporters with integrity and in ways that encourage them to share in the ministry of SU.
A lamp to my feet
Tanya Ferdinandusz from Sri Lanka is a regular contributor to SU’s Bible-reading guides, bringing God’s Word to life for thousands of Christians. She shares her personal faith journey, her perspective on Scripture and some moments when it has spoken to her most deeply.
I grew up in a Christian family and went to church. However, I had no personal relationship with Jesus and no comprehension of the concept of grace. That changed in 1988 when I was due to study Law at the University of Colombo. My studies were delayed because of civil unrest and the closure of the universities. I was incredibly frustrated.
Then I met a group of young Christians called FOCUS (Fellowship of Christian University Students). The uncertainty they faced was much greater, being part-way through their courses, yet they seemed at peace. I had not read much of the Bible, so I took my first steps in studying God’s Law and joined their weekly Bible study. Over the course of a year, I examined the evidence for Jesus as the Messiah and asked many questions. I came to the life-changing conclusion that the good news of Jesus was indeed true. God used a time of great disappointment to bring me the greatest blessing – salvation!
Later, after having my first baby and seeking to keep my mind active, I took a creative writing course and began submitting articles to Christian publishers, including SU, for whom I started writing in 1999.
I like reading the Bible each morning, to hear that ‘still, small voice’ of God and let him ground
my perspective before the day takes over. God often uses his Word to bless me with timely reminders, gentle nudges, or quiet affirmations. However, some scriptural revelations have been particularly significant. One such moment occurred some years ago when I was on my way to get the results of a biopsy. Desperate for assurance that nothing was wrong, my fingers searched for Psalm 91 on my phone – but Isaiah 43:2 appeared instead. I didn’t want to hear about passing through deep waters or walking through fire! But it transpired that I needed surgery, and I clung to Isaiah’s very relevant assurance of God’s constant presence (thankfully, the lump was benign).
God used a time of great disappointment to bring me the greatest blessing – salvation!
Another occasion came when in 2022 I was writing on Habakkuk for SU’s Encounter with God Biblereading guide, as Sri Lanka was plunged into unprecedented political and economic crisis. The disconnect between Habakkuk’s expectations and experiences of God were so relevant. I wrote:
The raw edge of perplexed pain in the words tumbling off Habakkuk’s tongue is my pain. The prophet’s agonised struggle to make sense of God’s apparent indifference … and inaction … is my struggle.
Fears rise easily, while hope feels elusive, joy seems distant, and praise, quite frankly, is a struggle.
A daily lamp to your feet
Habakkuk’s willingness to be real before God, to remain faithfully at his watch-post despite God’s delayed response, and his readiness to praise God even during tough times felt like life-lessons directed right back at me.
I feel that the Bible is, above all, a revelation of God’s heart for his people. But it is also a guide on how to live each day – ‘a lamp to my feet’ (Psalm 119:105), providing light for the step I’m on rather than illuminating the whole road ahead. It’s a compelling reason to keep that lamp close beside me so that, step by step, moment by moment, God might guide and lead me safely along his path of life.
Our number one focus at SU in England and Wales today is helping churches Reveal Jesus to the 95, but we are also committed to ensuring people of all ages can effectively engage with God’s Word daily. Head to to discover our Bible-reading guides to help you do just that.
Sunday 16
SU Slovakia has started a new project, Families in the Community, which includes five webinars for parents, a podcast series covering issues families face and ways the wider community could help. Pray that it will help families to grow in faith.
Monday 17
More and more products (both free and paid for) are becoming available in our new online resource centre; pray that churches will engage with these and use them creatively to introduce children and young people to Jesus.
Tuesday 18
Sue Hill, Mission Events Coordinator, asks us to pray that more children and young people from the 95 will be excited by the holidays that Scripture Union has planned for this year, and that those who care for them will be willing to book them a place.
Wednesday 19
As we reach the end of the financial year, please pray for the impact of the mission of SU across England and Wales. Pray for wisdom and God’s direction as we set strategy and seek to increase momentum for our mission and ministry in the months ahead.
Thursday 20
During the last six months, over 150 young people have been trained and mentored to share their faith through the Amplify young evangelist academy. Pray for them as they gather over the coming weekend for their final residential, to celebrate and to be commissioned.
Friday 21
Give thanks for all those who faithfully support the work of the movement. Pray that God will honour their generosity and that they might know his power at work in their lives. Pray that others will identify with and support our mission to Reveal Jesus to children and young people.
Saturday 22
Faith Guide Community Coordinator Eddie Howlett is planning the content for this year’s Scripture Union Conference in June. Pray for all the behind-thescenes work from the planning team and for the external guests who will be bringing God’s Word.
Sunday 23
SU Malawi asks for prayer for the recruitment of writers and editors for the 2026 Yao Bible devotional in the eastern region of Malawi. Pray for guidance in bringing together a team with a heart for the Bible, skilled in writing and editing.
Monday 24
Pray for Mission Partner YoYo in York as they present the Easter story in over forty primary schools in the city using drama and activities. They will also be encouraging and equipping secondary schools to understand and tell the message of the cross and resurrection.
Tuesday 25
Thank God for our Bible-reading guide editors Sally Nash (Daily Bread) and Sally Nelson (Encounter with God). Ask for God’s leading as they commission writers and work with them to ensure that the comments are true to Scripture and relevant to the world of the readers.
Wednesday 26
Give thanks for recent opportunities for the Wales team to make new connections and equip more
churches and individuals who have a heart to reach the children and young people of Wales with the gospel. Pray that they would build on these effectively to create a growing network across Wales.
Thursday 27
Pray for Karen Quinney and Sue Hill of the Mission Events team as they work though the final compliance checks for SU holidays over the Easter period. Pray also as they begin the groundwork for the 2026 holiday season.
Friday 28
Revealing Jesus Pioneer Ian Kent is hoping this year to make new connections in areas where we don’t currently have Faith Guides; pray for him as he seeks to develop work in new areas especially in and around Sunderland and South Tyneside.
Saturday 29
The SU Council, drawn from differing backgrounds, use their experience and expertise to help us explore ways of sharing Jesus that are appropriate to the context of the 95 in an increasingly complex and confused world. Pray for God’s wisdom as they meet today.
Sunday 30
A programme of Bible-reading promotion run by SU Kenya over the last few months has now finished. Pray that it will have a lasting impact, encouraging many people to engage regularly with the Bible and live more effective Christian lives.
Monday 31
Mission Partner Bridgebuilder in Milton Keynes will be presenting Easter Cracked to nearly 2,000 children; pray for a lasting impact, for energy and resilience for staff, and for more volunteers and churches to join with them. Pray too for guidance on the best location for Bridgebuilder going forward.
Tuesday 1
Pray for Revealing Jesus Pioneer Nic Findlay and the Faith Guides she supports across Merseyside, as they journey alongside young people. Pray particularly for creativity in creating new spaces where children and young people outside the church can encounter Jesus.
Wednesday 2
Working closely with the Mission Through Sport team, the North team are running non-residential events enabling Faith Guides to bring children and young people to explore what it means to follow Jesus. Pray
MAR 30
that those who come will have a genuine encounter with Jesus.
Thursday 3
Kestrels is a sailing holiday for 13- to 18year-olds on the Norfolk Broads, which sets sail on 5 April. Pray for the team led by Mary, as they teach young people to sail and help them to grow in faith. Pray for good weather, great sailing and good conversations about Jesus.
Friday 4
Pray for Mission Partner COINS as they run their Easter Eggsplored Year 6 workshops in the churches of Newbury from 17 to 28 April. Ask God that pupils and teachers will be open to the Easter story and love of God shown in Jesus.
Saturday 5
Sarah Bowey, Mission Sports Pioneer, asks us to pray for a national initiative to encourage churches to adopt a playing field (or multi-use game arena) to do mission. Pray this will help Faith Guides reach into community spaces and connect with the 95 through sport and games.
25 years of It’s Your Move!
Moving from primary school to the unfamiliar environment of secondary school can be an anxious time for children. So, 25 years ago, your support led us to publish It’s Your Move to reassure them. Since then, over 2.5 million copies of the book have sold!
Richard Shaw, SU’s Director of Mission, says, ‘Children may not be in church, but they are in schools! It’s Your Move provides churches and SU Local Mission Partners (LMPs) with a way to connect with them. Schools are open to it because they can see its benefit to pupils and its Christian message is appropriate for a school setting. The books, assembly, lesson plans and videos can easily be adapted to introduce more about what Christians believe and who Jesus is. Churches and LMPs can then invite pupils to follow-on activities to explore faith further.’
Wayne Dixon from Christian Connections in Schools (an LMP) is a big fan! He says, ‘It’s Your Move offers Year 6 pupils loads of practical tips and builds their confidence ahead of that transition to secondary school. Using it alongside Easter Cracked and Christmas Unwrapped, we connect with around 3,000 children in 50 schools across Slough, Windsor
Get It’s Your Move today
We connect with around 3,000 children in 50 schools.
and Maidenhead at least once every term. The It’s Your Move books are paid for by the eight local churches we work with – it’s a way for them to serve their community and show God’s love in action.’
Sakshi, one of the children who did It’s Your Move with Wayne, says, ‘My favourite part would probably be the top 40 survival tips. They were particularly useful and the way they were explained was short and sharp. There’s nothing I can fault about this book… and I would suggest it to any Year 6 pupil who is intimidated about going to their new secondary school.’
We pray that It’s Your Move will help make that transition easier for many more children in the years ahead!
An updated version of It’s Your Move for 2025 is now available for just £20.50 for a pack of 10. Go to to get your copies and related resources.
Sunday 6
Pray for SU Sri Lanka’s recently appointed Assistant General Secretary and that God will enable all their staff and volunteers to lead wisely.
Monday 7
Please pray for Mission Enabler
Janine Parkinson as she works with new Faith Guides who have signed up in the last year in Central England. Pray that she will know how best to support them, that they will grasp all that the Revealing Jesus framework has to offer and will see much fruit in their mission to the 95.
Tuesday 8
Pray for the children who will receive a copy of Jesus Died for Me? this Easter (and the Welsh edition: Bu Farw Iesu Drosof Fi? who give out the copies, that they will journey faithfully with the children as they continue to think about Jesus.
Wednesday 9
campaign, so that they can continue to share and demonstrate faith, hope and love in the schools of Woking.
Thursday 10
Pray for the following holidays as they begin this week: Bake Off/ Create (which combines baking and designing cakes, alongside other craft opportunities) and GW Tracks (a holiday designed around mountain biking). Pray for the teams led by Karen, Nathan and Lucy and pray for opportunities to Reveal Jesus to all the guests on those holidays.
Mission Partner Engage gives thanks for their supporters and financial gifts. Pray for Shelley, Bronwen, Bisi, Liz and their volunteers, asking for success in their new fundraising
Friday 11
Pray for all the many children and young people across England and Wales who suffer with their mental health. Pray that they will meet the right people who can introduce the hope that Jesus brings.
Saturday 12
Pray for wisdom and integrity for Sue Winning, our Company Secretary, as she oversees the movement’s governance activities.
Sunday 13
Join SU Honduras in giving thanks for the provision of property on the beach and pray for the provision of funds to build a camp so that more children and young people can have the opportunity to hear about Jesus.
Monday 14
Pray for Bex Jignasu, our Mission Partner Coordinator, as she continues to support and encourage our national and local partners. She asks for wisdom in the best ways to provide support, as they join with us in using the Revealing Jesus framework to help children and young people come to know Jesus.
Tuesday 15
Pray for Mission Partner FACCTS in Fleet as they run a Youth Alpha Course during the summer term for young people attending their secondary school clubs. Pray that many will come and, through God’s Spirit at work in their hearts, find faith in Jesus.
Wednesday 16
Pray for Mission Events Leader Paul Folland, as he prepares the strategic plan to develop holidays and missions over the next five years. Pray for wisdom and the ability to hear God on the next steps to use these events to reach the 95.
Thursday 17
Give thanks for all those who have served SU in previous years. The Josiah Spiers Fund provides support for those who are finding life difficult in days of rising costs. Pray for the trustees as they allocate funds and come alongside former staff members.
Friday 18
Today, as we reflect on the love of God shown in the life and death of Jesus, let’s thank God for the many children and young people who have become followers of Jesus through the ministry of SU, and pray for the 95 who have yet to discover that love.
Saturday 19
Pray for Mission Partner Christian Initiative to Schools as the team take It’s Your Move presentations into schools in Letchworth and district. Pray for Schools Worker, Christopher Baker, as he shares practical ideas with Year 6 pupils to help them with their transition to secondary schools.
Sunday 20
Thank God for the vision he has given to SU Chad and for the five-year strategic plan that has been developed. Pray for God’s wisdom and guidance as this plan is implemented.
Monday 21
Give thanks that Scripture Union’s new Revealing Jesus Resource Centre is up and running. Pray that it will encourage many more churches to engage with the Revealing Jesus framework, enabling children and young people who know nothing of Jesus to Explore the Bible, Respond to Jesus and Grow in faith.
Tuesday 22
Pray for Jack Newbould as he supports Faith Guides Robyn and Paul in the heart of the Bannau Brycheiniog (previously known as the Brecon Beacons), reaching families using the GoWild resource. They have been asked to run a GoWild activity in a school which presents challenges.
Wednesday 23
Pray for Mission Partner Stort Valley Schools Trust. They ask for wisdom on how best to serve schools by providing a positive representation of the Christian faith to the young
people and staff they work with through their words and actions.
Thursday 24
Earlier in the year we ran some Rooted conversation spaces training events. Pray for those who attended, as they launch Rooted conversation spaces in their local schools and communities. Ask God that young people and children will benefit from having a place to chat and to discover how Jesus can be part of the conversation.
Friday 25
This Friday, pray for a child or young person you know or know about. Pray that they will meet with Jesus today, either for the first time or in new ways.
Saturday 26
Please pray that Content Assistant Isaac O’Brien will have wisdom and guidance as he works on Scripture Union resources. He asks that the children’s and youth resources may be fruitful in the ministries they are used in, and that Encounter with God will bless those who read it.
Sunday 27
Pray that God will work in people’s lives through experiences shared on SU Denmark’s new Instagram profile BibelDryp (Bible Drip). The goal is to reach young people with exciting videos, encouraging reflections, and honest thoughts that stimulate serious engagement with the Bible.
Monday 28
Mission Partner Blackpool Schools and Youth Work gives thanks for the open doors and opportunities for ministry, and for Sue Richards, retiring after 30 years’ service. Pray for the children they hope to reach through Diary of a Disciple and It’s Your Move sessions this term.
Tuesday 29
Now that some major changes to our back-office systems are in place and working well, it’s important that we keep working to get the maximum benefit from the investment. Pray for Mark Green, Digital Transformation Manager, as he works across the movement to increase our efficiency and effectiveness.
Wednesday 30
Our new online resource centre enables us to see much more clearly how all our resources are being used. Join with us in celebrating the large number of children and young
people who are hearing the good news of Jesus through those using them.
Thursday 1
Please pray for the many Faith Guides and Local Mission Partners in the central region as they support Year 6 pupils preparing to move to secondary education using It’s Your Move. Ask that the prayers prayed, scripture shared and relationships built will result in encounters with Jesus.
Friday 2
Pray for Jane Webber, Schools Worker at Mission Partner Schools Worker Project in Oswestry, as she shares the gospel in 17 schools. Pray for the young people attending the Christian Unions, that their faith would be deepened by the discussions that take place.
Saturday 3
The SU Board consists of the Trustees, who have the final responsibly for the financial and legal aspects of the movement and the staff Leadership team. Together they oversee the strategy for the ministry. Pray that God will guide their thinking as they meet next Tuesday.
‘I want everyone to know Jesus!’
So says Mara, a teenager from the 95 who has discovered Jesus through a Hampshire church youth group run by Faith Guides (and married couple) Clare and Nathan. Most of the youth group members lack church backgrounds, but many of them are now passionate followers of Jesus.
‘When young people have that hope Jesus offers, it’s life-changing,’ says Clare, who is Youth and Families team leader at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Waterlooville. She leads the Friday night youth group and Kid’s Zone, an afterschool club, praying daily for each member by name.
When young people have that hope Jesus offers, it’s life-changing.
Although both groups are longestablished and successful, Clare and Nathan saw the value early on of becoming SU Faith Guides. ‘Jenni, our Mission Enabler, gives us advice and encouragement when things are tough, and can offer a wider perspective on mission. And being part of the wider Faith Guide network lets us share ideas and support each other.’
Lately, there have been exciting developments in the youth group. Clare recalls, ‘It started with Lily* –she came to Kid’s Zone where she told God in prayer she wanted to follow Jesus. Later, she joined the youth group. Then she came on
the High Tide** annual residential organised by SU for Faith Guides and their groups. Last Easter (nine years on) her family came to see Lily get baptised.’
Impactful invitations
Lily then invited her friend Mara to youth group where she found Jesus. Mara says, ‘I used to be an atheist… Jesus has changed me into a more forgiving, loving person and I want everyone to know Jesus and his amazing love!’ Clare says, ‘Sure enough, she’s invited loads of friends and now the group is around twenty strong! One of Mara’s friends, Esme, came on the High Tide residential and had a powerful encounter with the Holy Spirit. She got baptised five months later – her well-intentioned family gave her a Bible but it was a King James translation and she couldn’t understand it! So we gave her a youth Bible which she loves!
‘Anna is one of the few group members from a Christian family. They go to a big modern church with a large youth group. However, Anna changed to ours as she says she feels more “seen” here. She in turn brought along Elana who decided to follow Jesus. Now Elana is so much more confident – she and Anna have gone to Southampton to share Jesus on the streets! Anna’s now completed Amplify, a programme developed by SU and partners to
I used to be an atheist… Jesus
changed me.
help young people share their faith with their friends. Elana plans to do it next year.’
Each youth group session starts with a sit-down meal and catch-up which helps to build bonds and foster that vital love and acceptance. Then there’s Bible study and worship.
‘It used to be a struggle to get the group through one song,’ recalls Clare, ‘but last week we sang three and they demanded more! At one
point, several of them were on their knees in adoration. How times have changed…
‘The church ran a course on how to live the Christian life and these young people attended every session – they said “We want to improve our journey”. They’ve also started their own regular Bible study group. When the girls had a sleepover recently, instead of watching a movie as they’d planned, they did a Bible study instead! Their faith is so deep and authentic – we simply facilitate the space where they’re able to encounter God, and
We are so thankful to be able to support Faith Guides like Clare and Nathan thanks to generous gifts from faithful supporters. If you would like to help us support even more vital mission like this, please make a donation at
* Names of children have been changed ** Costs of High Tide are funded by other local Christian churches and organisations
Please pray for Clare and Nathan and the young people in their youth group
Sunday 4
Praise God for the way in which he has blessed these young people in Hampshire, most of whom have no church background, with such amazing faith!
Monday 5
Give thanks to God for Faith Guides Clare and Nathan and their church for their dedication in serving and supporting the children and young people they work with – including praying regularly for each and every one by name.
Tuesday 6
Give thanks to God that the parents of these young people are so supportive, despite not sharing their faith, and for the way in which the church builds those good relationships with the community.
Wednesday 7
Please pray in particular for those young people in the group who
have started sharing their faith with others: Mara who has started a Christian Union at college, and Anna and Elena as they train to share their faith through Amplify.
Thursday 8
Pray for those young people who are moving on from the group as they leave their teens. Ask God to help them in their Christian walk, that their faith may mature and flourish.
Friday 9
Ask God to draw new members to the youth group, that their lives too may be powerfully transformed through encountering Jesus.
Saturday 10
Give thanks to God for all SU Mission Enablers and Revealing Jesus Pioneers, and ask him to continue to bless them as they support Faith Guides across the country.
Sunday 11
SU in English-speaking Canada gives thanks for their free online training workshops including their School of KidsMin YouTube channel which reaches an audience of 22,000. Pray that many will be better equipped as a result.
Monday 12
The team in SU Cymru rejoice at the growth in the work of the Local Mission Partners in Wales. Pray for guidance as they look for ways in which they can better support Welsh language churches and organisations who have a longing to reach the children and young people in Wales whose heart language is Welsh.
Tuesday 13
Pray for those who have a heart for outreach but are not yet connected with Scripture Union. Ask God to point them towards the movement, to ensure even more children and young people have the opportunity to encounter Jesus.
Wednesday 14
Pray for staff workers Joan, Chris and Robert and for Steve and the volunteers at Mission Partner CICS as they go into Calderdale secondary
schools to give a Christian perspective on life. Pray too for all those who will be distributing It’s Your Move books to Year 6 pupils in Calderdale primary schools.
Thursday 15
Thank God that the solar panels installed two years ago at the national office have resulted in significant energy savings, thus releasing funds to be used directly in mission to reach children and young people.
Friday 16
Pray that as Revealing Jesus Pioneer Kate Doogan connects with new Faith Guides in South Liverpool and the Merseyside area, she will be able to encourage and support churches in their mission to reach children and young people with the good news of Jesus.
Saturday 17
We have adopted the Governmentbacked standard Cyber Essentials+. Every year we are assessed by an independent organisation to ensure we comply and are adequately protecting our systems. Pray for those involved in internal testing to ensure that the standards are maintained ahead of our assessment in the coming weeks.
Sunday 18
Pray for the work of SU in countries we cannot name. Pray for one where churches have been destroyed and burned and many families and communities are suffering from the impact of war and floods. Pray for God’s comfort and strength.
Monday 19
Praise God for his continued provision. Pray that through the generosity of our supporters we will be able to grow our ministry to children and young people in the 95.
Tuesday 20
Year 6 pupils are getting ready to move to secondary school in the autumn, and It’s Your Move has been written to help them make the transition. Pray for churches and other groups who go into schools to hand out copies and talk about the difference Jesus can make to the challenges and adventures of life (see page 16).
Wednesday 21
Pray for Go Wild and Families Inc holidays as they take guests away in the half-term holiday. Pray for opportunities to Reveal Jesus to all the guests on the holidays, and especially for those on Families Inc which provides opportunities for
families with children who have additional needs to come away with us.
Thursday 22
Give praise for Helen Hazlewood, the new worker for Mission Partner C4E on the North Wales coast. Working with Pray for Schools Cymru, she is aiming to make every school a prayed for school and working towards establishing face-to-face work with the 95 in schools.
Friday 23
This Saturday, members of the SU Retirees Network will be meeting for a day conference at SU’s National Office, Trinity House. Pray that as they learn more about the work of SU today, they will be encouraged and inspired to pray.
Saturday 24
Pray for creativity and innovation for our Communications Officer, Beckie Cox, as she connects with field staff and Faith Guides and shares their stories with team and supporters, so that all will be encouraged by what God is doing through SU.