4 minute read

So, what next?

‘I’m handing on the baton – but not hanging up my hat!’

December marks the end of an era as Mission Enabler Steve Hutchinson leaves our staff team after 40 years. He shares some of his best memories – and introduces his colleague Hannah Legge who will be continuing to support Faith Guides and churches in Gloucestershire.


Steve’s mother worked for CSSM, forerunner to Scripture Union, so he spent many childhood summers at beach missions, eventually becoming a group leader at Bude. Then he felt God calling him to work with children and Scripture Union. After completing Bible college, he joined the SU movement in 1981 as an evangelist. Steve recalls, ‘Apart from a Bible, my tools of the trade were a cassette recorder, a projector and a screen. Back then, churches rarely did outreach themselves; we did it for them. I also led Criccieth mission which meant I only had enough time over to run a couple of holiday clubs in the summer. So I put some material I’d written into plastic bags – I called it the DIY Holiday Club Kit – and gave them to churches so they

could run clubs themselves. Soon after, SU’s publishing department started producing holiday club resources regularly. ‘Later we started a Great Wood STEVE HUTCHINSON camp for children who wanted to know more about Jesus. Four years on we needed more space so we prayed for a field – God provided one and we started the Lagger camps which are still going strong.’

Fellow Mission Enabler Hannah Legge is all set to broaden her reach and pick up Steve’s contacts when he leaves, enabling HANNAH the good work to LEGGE continue in the area. Hannah herself found faith on a camp. ‘I went to church as a child but it was only at 17 on a Christian camp that I truly encountered God’s phenomenal grace and love for myself.

‘I didn’t want other young people to miss out, as I so nearly did. So I committed myself to sharing the good news of Jesus with them, first as a youth worker then as a school chaplain before joining Scripture Union nine years ago.

‘These days, we help churches to do mission themselves because young people need to be rooted in a Christian community, even if they never go to a Sunday service. But many churches struggle to even connect with children and young people not in church. So a key part of my role is to mentor, train and equip church members to be Faith Guides, who will in turn connect and then journey with those young people, enabling them to explore faith, respond and grow.

‘I know that a long-term approach works. Two teenagers recently preached in my church, having been through a leadership academy which I help to run as a volunteer. And a lad from the youth group I led 14 years ago now leads a youth group himself. Taking the long view will help churches to build solid foundations for the future.’

Talking of the future, Steve may be retiring, but he’s not hanging up his hat just yet! We’re delighted that he plans to volunteer, continuing in his passion to share the message of Jesus with even more children and young people. Thank you, Steve, for all your wonderful service and for being an inspiration to so many.

Taking the long view will help churches to build solid foundations for the future

Your support enables the work to continue

Steve says, ‘I’m fortunate to have had the faithful financial support of many wonderful people down the years – thank you all. I know Hannah is going to do a fantastic job, so if you are able, please do invest in her and my other colleagues, as you have so generously invested in me.’ We have Mission Enablers like Steve and Hannah working right across England and Wales. You can support them and enable their vital work to continue, by giving a gift at su.org.uk/ localoutreach. Your partnership in reaching the 95 really does make a difference! Thank you.



Please pray for those who have given faithful service in sharing Jesus with children and young people.

Sunday 29

Give thanks to God for Steve Hutchinson – for his years of faithful service in leading children and young people on the path to faith. Ask God to bless him on the next stage of his journey. Monday 30

Ask God to bless Hannah Legge as Steve retires and she takes on the support of those churches and projects which he has been involved with.

Tuesday 31

Ask God to bless all those volunteers who have given their time and energy to run missions and holidays – including Linda Patterson who has just stepped down as a leader of SU Harriers sailing holidays after an incredible 30 years!

Wednesday 1

We really appreciate all those who regularly pray for the work of Scripture Union – pray with us as we give thanks to God for your commitment. Thursday 2

Give thanks for all those who have faithfully supported SU and mission for many years through making financial gifts – including supporters like David (see page 24) who are leaving legacies to enable future generations to hear the good news of Jesus.

Friday 3

Praise God for his faithful provision enabling the mission work of the SU movement to share Jesus with many generations of children and young people. Saturday 4

Please pray that God will continue to sustain all those involved in SU’s mission for time to come, so that many more children and young people can explore the difference Jesus can make to the challenges and adventures of life.

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