Connecting You Spring 2022

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Spring 2022


Why mission doesn’t need to be grand God at work in the unlikeliest of settings

Finding the sun – meeting a desperate need

Contents 4

Just be that person who cares


God’s doing something significant here


A hunger for more than food


Finding the sun

Over the two years of the pandemic, opportunities for mission have, of course, been limited. But as more churches think about restarting their outreach, SU’s Head of Regional Mission Ben Poch says that mission doesn’t need to be grand to be effective.

Read about how, with your support, five small semi-rural churches with not even a church hall between them are stepping out in faith to connect with children and young people in their community.

Ninety-five per cent of children and young people may not be in church but many are open to faith. Discover how SU Mission Enabler Sam Fowler helped a children and family worker in Westcliff-on-Sea to rethink mission.

Mary Butt, a primary schools worker with Manchester City Mission, shares how SU’s mental health and wellbeing resources are meeting a real and desperate need.

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Published by Scripture Union, Trinity House, Opal Court, Opal Drive, Fox Milne, Milton Keynes, MK15 ODF

© Scripture Union 2022 Registered Charity 213422 Limited Company 00039828 Registered in England and Wales

Springing into mission “ …let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deads and glorify your Father in heaven” Matthew 5:16 As we enjoy the new life and (hopefully!) bright sunshine of the spring months, I pray you’ll find the stories in this edition of Connecting You brighten your spirits too. Our Mission Enablers and the volunteer Faith Guides in local churches are demonstrating their determination to share the good news of Jesus with children and young people, whether meeting them in person, socially distanced or using digital channels. I’m so encouraged by the stories here, particularly reading about Mary using the Lost Sun resources in local schools and taking every opportunity to help children see that Jesus is the light that promises never to leave them. What a precious gift to give those children – an invitation into lifelong friendship with the Light of the World. Perhaps as you read these stories you’ll be reminded of children and young people known to you who need to hear that invitation too? As Ben Poch says in his article on page 4, you don’t need any special skills or equipment, you just need to be the one who cares. Once again, thank you for your prayerful support. It really does make such a difference, enabling Scripture Union to support even more churches

and reach even more children and young people with the good news of Jesus. This Easter we’ll be praying for the children and young people who have heard the story of the resurrection for the first time and are responding to that invitation. And also for you, that you’ll find a fresh understanding of the risen Christ as you celebrate this year.

Myles MacBean, National Director

Are you up for the Challenge? 6th – 9th May 2022 This May, we invite you and your church to take up the challenge of raising funds for the work of SU, as together we reach the 95. Discover more at:


“Just be that person who cares” March marks the second anniversary of the first Covid lockdown in the UK. The pandemic has limited the opportunities for mission for many months. But as more churches now look to restart outreach, SU’s Head of Regional Mission Ben Poch says that in these times mission doesn’t need to be grand to be effective. 4

It’s January 2022. Everyone I know is exhausted with constantly having to BEN adapt on so POCH many fronts. Some churches aren’t yet back to having worship in their buildings or are still trying to reconnect with their communities. Some are also struggling for volunteers and funds. But the good news is that where churches have managed to push through and do something for children and young people using whatever resources they have got, they’re finding that children and young people are remarkably receptive. And that’s because the currency of authentic relationships has soared among young people. They’ve felt let down on so many fronts during the pandemic. They feel like they’ve been an afterthought. Parents and teachers and other adults close to

Don’t feel that mission to children and young people always demands slick and ambitious mission events! them may understandably have had little time to invest in them whilst juggling a myriad of challenges of their own. The online space that youngsters used to inhabit offers them little support. Social media can’t replace personal connection and can be unforgiving and ruthless if you mess up.

Start with what you’ve got

Children and young people want to be with people they can trust, people that are honest about their own brokenness, who will value them and simply be a loving, encouraging and consistent presence in their lives. And that’s something that most churches can offer, even those


with small congregations and few resources. Don’t feel that mission to children and young people always demands slick and ambitious mission events! Just start with what you’ve got and pray into it. One church I know of began an after-school group with only two children. Each week, they did a simple activity, then over a drink and snack they chatted to the children and found out what interested them. Those two children enjoyed themselves so much that they invited their friends, and those friends in turn invited others. Now the group has 15 children without previous church connections, with around eight coming along each week. Remember the story of the mustard seed? That seed, when planted, can grow and flourish beyond what we might think possible. Perhaps you worry that you’re not young or ‘cool’ or sporty enough. But you don’t need to be. Look at the special relationship that many grandparents have with their grandchildren – the key ingredients there are love, care and acceptance, not Grandma or Grandpa’s knowledge of Minecraft! Don’t worry that you don’t understand young people of today. Asking them what they enjoy

people don’t care what you know until they know that you care and why can be part of your building a relationship with them. At our conference in November, Guvna B shared a Theodore Roosevelt quote that I found really powerful – he said “people don’t care what you know until they know that you care”. So, just be that person who cares. And, in time, that will open up opportunities to talk to children and young people about what your faith means to you, and what it can mean to them too.

Guvna B speaking at our conference in November

We’re here to help! Not sure where to start? Our local Mission Enablers would love to give you practical support and encouragement to get something simple, consistent and relational off the ground. They’ll journey with you as you in turn journey with children and young people in your community. Make contact with your local Mission Enabler at



Prayers Please pray for our church partners!

Sunday 27

Please pray for children and young people who are longing to belong, searching for love and acceptance, and ask God to mobilise many more churches to be a sanctuary where those needs can be met.

Monday 28

Give thanks to God for those churches that have worked so hard to maintain connections with children and young people amid the turbulence of the pandemic.

Tuesday 1

Please pray for God to refresh and restore everyone involved in mission to children and young people after what has been a very challenging couple of years.

Wednesday 2

Praise God that many churches are discovering that mission does not need to be large scale and sophisticated – that simple, regular

get-togethers and authentic relationships are key in sharing faith with the next generation.

Thursday 3

Give thanks for our team of Mission Enablers and ask God to continue to bless them in the months ahead, as they help more churches to restart mission to children and young people in their communities.

Friday 4

Praise God for continuing to meet our financial needs during the pandemic, so that we are ready and able to support churches in developing mission to children and young people at this crucial time.

Saturday 5

So many children and young people across the country are desperate for purpose in their lives. Ask God to guide them to look for it in the right places, and to prepare his church to share his message of love and hope with them.




Sunday 6

Pray that as SU in German-speaking Switzerland hold their annual retreat for staff and board members next weekend God will give them an encouraging, empowering time. Pray too for their general assembly on 28 March asking for God’s guidance in strategic decisions.

Monday 7

Local Mission Partner Christian Connections in Schools has been working in Slough, Windsor and Maidenhead for ten years. Pray that Easter Cracked, run by Wayne Dixon in 10 local churches for around 40 primary schools this month, will bring home to children the love of Jesus. Pray too for guidance as they seek to appoint a primary schools’ worker.

Tuesday 8

Please pray for Simon Barker as he leads the central staff team and supports many Faith Guides, Local Mission Partners and Holiday and Missions leaders in the region.

Wednesday 9

Scripture Union Easter holidays start again soon after a two-year break. Please pray for teams as they rebuild and for lots of children and young people to come and hear the good news of Jesus together.


Thursday 10

Pray that God will give Faith Guides vision to start new grow communities around the country and that the 95 will come with open hearts to these grow communities to connect and hear the good news of Jesus.

Friday 11

The Easter Experience run by Local Mission Partner Impact in Bedford has a new venue; pray for the volunteers involved, good weather and that it will have a positive impact on children and staff. Pray too for schools workers Trish, Becky and Hayley and the trustees as they develop a five-year plan.

Saturday 12

Pray for Eddie Howlett as he coordinates the community for Faith Guides, creating an environment that supports and equips them for their work. Pray that the community will grow and enable Faith Guides to encourage each other and celebrate their stories.



Sunday 13

Scripture Union International’s Bible Engagement Consultation is taking place over three weeks aiming to develop new thinking across the SU Global Family. Pray that it will help Bible engagement thinkers and practitioners to find effective approaches for today. Pray too for the Global Board as they meet at the end of the month.

Monday 14

Pray for all those who use Daily Bread and Encounter with God for their personal Bible reflections, asking that they might grow in knowledge, understanding and love.

Tuesday 15

Thrive Youth Ministries are helping churches across Warwickshire and Coventry to rethink what youthwork looks like today. Pray that churches will be open to face the challenges of change, and that Thrive will help them to try fresh ways to reach out to children and young people in their communities.

Wednesday 16

As part of their 25th anniversary year Local Mission Partner YoYo in York are running a creative writing project aiming to produce an anthology of students’ work which will be showcased

at an event this term. The theme is ‘Good News: Read all about It’. Pray that the project will encourage many to think about the good news of Jesus.

Thursday 17

Please pray that Content Innovator Esther CalvertJordan will know God’s wisdom guiding her as she works on new content so that it will make a difference in the lives of children and young people.

Friday 18

Please pray for our Digital Solutions team (Gill Russell, Meri Suokas, Ian Gooding, Dom Vis, James Gregg and Mark Green) who have done so much in the past 18 months to implement the new supporter relations system, and are now exploring other ways to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the movement.

Saturday 19

The SU Council will be meeting today. Give thanks for each member and pray that they will discern God’s heart during their discussions and that SU’s ministry will be enhanced as a result.


“God’s doing something significant here!” Picture a group of five small semi-rural churches with not even a church hall between them. It’s not the likeliest setting for outreach, but there’s a strong sense that God is at work. And through your support, the churches are stepping out in faith to connect with children and young people in their community. 10

When sharing our Revealing Jesus mission framework at Rochester Diocese in March, SU Mission Enabler Lisa Jones met Becky Parnham, the Children and Families worker for those churches which are near Maidstone. Lisa says, ‘Becky told me they had a few children coming to church, a toddler group and an after-school club on a regular basis. But they wanted SU’s help to connect with children in the wider community. So I arranged to train Becky and five volunteers from across the churches as Faith Guides, and support them to get things going. ‘They had a few issues to overcome – traditional buildings (one with box pews!), no church halls or Wi-Fi, and Holy Trinity Church in Coxheath, the biggest village, is a former workhouse chapel and it’s tiny. But we worked through the challenges, identified what skills and availability each volunteer had, and came up with a manageable plan.’

Before the event, we committed it to God in prayer. Then we opened the doors. Families flooded in – and more kept coming. event, we committed it to God in prayer. Then we opened the doors. Families flooded in – and more kept coming, over 90 adults and children in all. Somehow the crafts and refreshments stretched! We chatted with parents and children and there was a real buzz.’ Afterwards, one of the mums posting on Facebook summed it up as ‘Amazing craft, cake, welcome, atmosphere – just fab! Thank you!’ Another parent said, ‘I can imagine the effort you all went to; it was just brilliant! Lots of engaging and fun activities. I’ve

Becky says, ‘For autumn halfterm, we planned a simple Crafternoon in Coxheath BECKY PARNHAM as the church is near the school. We decided to offer crafts based on Jesus as the light of the world, and refreshments and a reflection at the end. I told the mums at our toddler group about it, we posted on social media and we thought perhaps 30 people might turn up. Before the


come home with lots to go in the fridge!’ Becky says, ‘We’re also hoping to start a weekly after-school drop-in for older children, a safe space with games and a tuck shop. We’ll involve the young people in deciding what to include so it meets their needs.’ At another more rural church in the group, the team invited families to do a creation-themed trail they had organised around the extensive grounds. ‘They had to go and find the answers to questions on a sheet we gave them,’ Becky says. ‘Afterwards, round a campfire, we shared our reflections over hot drinks and snacks. We left the trail up so families who couldn’t make the event can still do it in their own time. And we’ll have a new theme and event every couple of months. Our prayer is that relationships will build and that eventually it will become more of a Grow community.’ There’s a sense of anticipation right across the churches. ‘We all feel that God’s doing something significant

here, as if there’s an undercurrent of energy bubbling up under the surface,’ Becky says. ‘There’s the opportunity for a big harvest. At the moment there aren’t many of us to reap it. But with Lisa’s support, and through committing all our plans to God in prayer, I believe that anything is possible.’

Pray and give to support our Mission Enablers like Lisa Our team of Mission Enablers are supporting churches like those in this article, right across England and Wales. To continue to provide that guidance and encouragement and connect with even more churches, they need your support. Please do pray for SU Mission Enablers and consider giving a gift at





Sunday 20

SU Romania give thanks for their winter camp where volunteers were able to strengthen relationships with one another and with God while enjoying nature and winter sports together. Pray for a lasting impact.

Monday 21

Pray that many will catch the vision and be motivated to give away copies of Jesus died for me? and Welsh version Bu farw Iesu drosof fi? for Easter. Pray that children who read it will want to know more of the love of Jesus.

Tuesday 22

Pray that Mission Enabler Chris Eales may have opportunities to train Faith Guides in Go Wild, an outdoor, experiential way of reaching the 95. Pray for the Go Wild residential at the end of May, for provision of team, children and protection after a long while since the last residential.

Wednesday 23

Pray for clear direction and vision for Local Mission Partner Bridgebuilder

Trust as they celebrate 30 years of serving over 100 schools across Milton Keynes and plan for the future. Pray that they will be able to help children move beyond connecting and ultimately into growing.

Thursday 24

Our first holiday this year will be Kestrels, a sailing holiday on the Norfolk Broads. Please pray for the holiday leaders, Mary JeddereFisher and Phil Maltby, as they get everything in place ready to start on 2 April. Pray for safety on the water and great conversations about Jesus.

Friday 25

Please join us in giving thanks for all our supporters who make SU’s work with children and young people possible, through generously giving, praying and volunteering. Pray that as they partner with us in this work they will be encouraged.

Saturday 26

Zoraida Ali Smith, PA to the Director of Mobilisation, asks us to pray that God will guide the development of strategies for reaching out to supporters so that we can share the good news of Jesus with the 95% of children and young people who have no contact with church.


Prayers Sunday 27

The SU New Zealand Youth Team is developing a new workshop for youth ministry workers called Anamata which means ‘time to come, the future’ in te reo Māori. Please pray for its development and that there will be good uptake as it is rolled out this year.

Monday 28

Please pray for ‘Easter Eggsplored – Our God is Generous’ being run by Local Mission Partner COINS (Christian Outreach in Newbury Schools) schools’ team of Joni, Emma and Kate. Pray for their planning, preparation and in-person delivery of sessions in local churches and schools, and for an enthusiastic response to the event invitation.

Tuesday 29


Please pray for Diary of a Disciple holiday clubs running during the Easter holidays. Pray that as children explore the gospel stories they will encounter Jesus for themselves.

Wednesday 30


Pray for wisdom for Sue Winning, Company Secretary, as she provides leadership for the governance processes across the movement.

Thursday 31

Join the south west region in giving thanks for established Faith Guides, who are connecting with children and young people in very different settings. Pray for opportunities for Faith Guides to journey with the children and young people as they explore, respond and grow in a relationship with Jesus.

Friday 1

Please pray for Local Mission Partner Engage Woking Schools as they continue to take the Christian message into schools through various activities and particularly for the Easter assembly. This will be seen by over 30 schools in and around Woking; pray that it will give children and staff hope and joy in the new season.

Saturday 2

As we enter a new financial year, pray for vision, wisdom and innovative thinking as Scripture Union begins to invest in new resources and missional tools to extend the Revealing Jesus framework into the ‘hybrid’ online/ offline world in which today’s children and young people live.



Sunday 3

Join SU Scotland in giving thanks that their three activity centres have reopened, and that children and young people have returned. Pray for the recruitment of new staff and that bookings made by school groups for this term will be honoured and not cancelled due to Covid.

Monday 4

Local Mission Partner Fleet and Crookham Churches Together in Schools hopes to run a Youth Alpha course in the summer term for those interested from the Christian clubs they run in the two secondary schools. Please pray that it will happen and will be a success.

Tuesday 5

Please pray for John Cartwright and his colleagues in the Supporter Care team as they adapt to the new operating system and phone system. Pray for a glitch-free transition on both and that there would be no disruption in service for our supporters.

Wednesday 6

Please pray for Local Mission Partner Christian Initiative to Schools in Letchworth Garden City and District, in particular their schools worker Christopher Baker as he prepares for It’s Your Move presentations with Year 6 pupils this term.

Thursday 7

GW Tracks holiday starts in two days’ time. Pray for excitement as the young people get ready to go mountain biking in the Quantock Hills. Pray for Nathan and Lucy Johnson as they lead the holiday that they and the team will be equipped in every way.

Friday 8

This weekend we have a residential for Faith Guides and children they are working with. Pray for the team and that there will be good interaction with the Faith Guides and the children and that they will discover more of Jesus’ love.

Saturday 9

Maggie Barfield, Ancora Mission Leader, has developed a new resource collection for Faith Guides called Be More Micah. Please pray that those using them, both the Faith Guides and young people from the 95%, will be inspired and motivated to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with God.


A hunger for more than food In Westcliff-on-Sea, the pandemic caused Lesley Lewis, Children and Family Worker at Avenue Baptist Church, to rethink mission. Thanks to your support, SU Mission Enabler Sam Fowler was able to help her. And Lesley has found that while 95% of children and young people may not be in church, many are open to faith. 16

We used to run a Bible-based children’s group called Waves. Most of the children LESLEY LEWIS involved were from churchgoing families. But during lockdown the group stopped, and the connection with the children was lost. At first it was daunting to think we had to start again from scratch. But then we realised it was a wonderful opportunity to do things differently, that God was calling us to connect with children and young people beyond church in the wider community. But where to begin, what to do and how?

involved a meal as well as board games, table tennis and crafts. Restrictions limited us to 45 people but word got round and every place was pre-booked – we were doing something people wanted. In fact, when we repeated this event last summer after restrictions lifted and we could have higher numbers, over 100 people came! Now, when we’re out in town, people come up and say ‘oh you’re from that church, aren’t you?’

Always ask, ‘what next’?

Sam stressed we should always think about ‘what next?’ so, for the children of those families, we restarted Waves but as a ‘Connect and Explore’ group. We offer activities that the children enjoy and we get to know them. Then I

We realised it was a wonderful opportunity to do things differently. I contacted Sam from SU who took me through the Revealing Jesus mission framework. Those stages of faith development (Connect, Explore, Respond and Grow) made so much sense! So, with my church’s approval I became a Faith Guide and Sam trained me. I recruited some volunteers, Sam helped us develop a mission strategy and the volunteers and I put together plans. Holiday hunger was a big thing in summer 2020, so our first event to connect with our community


Mission to the 95 is not about holding events – they’re just a means to an end. give a short faith-related talk. Early on our theme was ‘emotions’ – what happens when we are sad or angry, who is God to us and how can he help us deal with what we are going through. More recently we’ve looked at the natural world and creation. There’s such a hunger among the children – they are really attentive, ask questions, listen and voice their opinions. We listen to what they say and the following week, while they’re doing activities, we all chat further about the topic. Twenty-seven children now come to Waves – only three are from church. Some are bringing along friends so the group is growing.

A dozen older children (also mostly not from church) come to our Go Deeper group. It’s more social – over a drink and snack, we use SU Rooted cards to discuss issues that are important to them. Again, it’s about doing what they want. It’s really exciting. One older teenager was baptised after lockdown ended and now helps in the group. For when we get to the ‘Explore and Respond’ stage, we’re planning a monthly service which will still have lots of activities but be much more Bible-based. Mission to the 95 is not about holding events – they’re just a means to an end. It’s about building relationships, and you have to be led by the needs and interests of the children and young people. If you’re genuinely connecting out of love for them, they can sense that and conversations about faith are so much easier.

More like this You can read even more stories of God at work through Scripture Union on our website. Go to and click on ‘News and stories’.




Please pray for the spiritual harvest that lies ahead!

Sunday 10

Matthew 9 verse 37 says ‘The harvest is plentiful… ’ Give thanks to God that there is a real spiritual hunger among children and young people without church connections.

Monday 11

Matthew 9 verse 37 also states that ‘the workers are few’. Please pray that God will raise up more Christians with a genuine love and care for children and young people and inspire them to reach out to those in their communities, perhaps for the first time.

Tuesday 12

Ask God to help those involved in mission work to really grasp the importance of building authentic relationships with children and young people, founded on God’s great love for them.

Wednesday 13

Please pray that those churches which are having to restart mission

from scratch are able to look beyond any challenges to focus on the wonderful opportunities.

Thursday 14

Give thanks to God for Lesley, Becky and the hundreds of other Christians who have already become Faith Guides, committed to connecting with children and young people and helping them explore the message of Jesus, respond to him and grow in faith.

Friday 15

This good Friday, praise God that Faith Guides like Lesley and Becky are finding the SU Revealing Jesus mission framework so helpful in planning their mission activities.

Saturday 16

Please ask God to protect children and young people on a journey towards faith, that they are not deflected from the path by those around them who may not share their spiritual hunger.


Prayers Sunday 17

Join SU Kenya in thanking God for enabling them to implement a Mental Health and Wellness Programme across the country. Pray for God’s enabling as they train more people and as those trained continue to support children and young people in need.

Thursday 21


Pray that all the children and young people who encountered Jesus on one of the Easter holidays will be confirmed and strengthened in their faith as they go back to school this week.

Monday 18

Pray for SU Mission Enablers as they support churches in their follow-up to Easter events. Ask God to give them the wisdom to know how best to support this outreach.

Tuesday 19

Pray for Faith Guides using the latest Faith Guide resource collections: SeeKing Jesus (for 5 to 8s); Showtime and Be More Micah (both for 14 to 18s). Pray that children and young people from the 95 will be excited, intrigued and fascinated to discover the good news of Jesus through these new resources.

Wednesday 20

Pray for the Gap Year scheme run by Local Mission Partner Scripture Union Ministries Trust on the Isle of Man, for recruitment, and wisdom to know what changes need to be made as they have moved away from community living. Pray for the staff team – Ruth Walker, Hannah Grove, Sue Yardy, Linda Wildman, Kelly Taylor and Hannah Elphick. 20

Friday 22

Give thanks for all the grow communities and emerging grow communities as well as all the children and young people who attend and are growing in their relationship with God. Pray for those that lead them and that SU will be able to support them in the work that they are doing.

Saturday 23

Pray for Appeals and Legacies Manager Kathy Brooks as she communicates with supporters, external companies and suppliers and SU colleagues to raise funds in a variety of ways.

Prayers Sunday 24

Pray for the extension of SU Pakistan’s ministry work across more cities of Pakistan and for more female staff for their field ministry.

Monday 25

Please continue to pray for our south east team as they work to support Local Mission Partners and Faith Guides in reaching the 95. In June they will also be working to support The Big Church Day Out with their sports provision. Pray that this will provide an opportunity to build connections and share Jesus.

Tuesday 26

A message from New Zealand says: ‘We are in lockdown and found this app to use while we are “home schooling”. What an AMAZING app it is! [My children] are begging me to have devotions each morning so they can play Guardians of Ancora.’ Thank God for the way an app can reach into children’s lives, even during the ongoing pandemic.

Wednesday 27

SU’s Board of Trustees are meeting today. Pray for God’s guidance and wisdom as they finalise the budget and plans for the next phase of our

Revealing Jesus development and roll-out.


Thursday 28

Heidi Beckham, Mission Events Coordinator, writes, ‘Pray that the summer programme can fully go ahead in 2022, and that we have an abundance of volunteer applications to enable the holidays and missions to run safely to their full potential.’

Friday 29

Please pray for those volunteers who will be leading holidays and missions for the first time this summer, that they will know the Lord’s leading and guiding as they step into these roles: Penny Clark at Hexham Mission, Jacqueline Moyo at Mind After Christ holiday and Dan Vickers, Michelle Coe and Chris Martin at the Ka’zoo holidays.

Saturday 30

Jane Webber worker with Local Mission Partner Schools Christian Worker Project in Oswestry has been busy both face to face and online during Covid with new schools asking for assemblies, lessons and prayer spaces. Pray that God’s light will touch both children and staff.




Sunday 1

SU in Congo (DR) praise God for the online training sessions in which more than 110 teams of trainers participated. Pray that the distribution of Bible reading guides for children, youth and adults in the regional areas will reach local churches.

Monday 2

Pray for the Development Hub team: for the Content Innovators as they seek to create fresh and exciting resources, for the Content Managers as they work on the detail of the material, for the support staff who hold it all together, and for Gemma Willis as she heads up and inspires the team.

Tuesday 3

Pray for Local Mission Partner Living Stones Educational Trust working in Manchester, that as they look to rebuild after the death of their Chair of Trustees at the end of last year they will know God’s wisdom and direction and his provision for all their needs.

Wednesday 4

Chris Mason, Sarah Stone, Nancy White, Sophie Tinker and Joan Wright work with Local Mission Partner Christians in Calderdale Schools Trust. Please pray for them as they support and make connections


with students and staff and especially for students they work with who find exams and moving on difficult.

Thursday 5

Give thanks for all the Faith Guides across the country, for their passion and commitment to the Revealing Jesus framework. Pray for their work with the 95 that God will equip them and give them all they need to walk alongside children and young people as they explore the Christian faith.

Friday 6

The central region covers a large geographical area; please pray that the team will have wisdom in knowing where best to invest energy and resource.

Saturday 7

Gifts Administrator Tracey Bell asks us to pray that the new supporter relations system will have a positive impact and that the remaining work to be done on design, data and training will go well and the teams will become proficient in using it.

Prayers Sunday 8

SU Chile ask us to pray that they can find an appropriate strategy to work with children after the face-to-face restrictions of the past months.

Monday 9

Local Mission Partner Christians 4 Education in North Wales praise God for the provision of their new worker Sarah Petersen. These are complicated times to be working with schools and colleges as the situation changes so much. Pray that the face-to-face work will increase and bear fruit.

Tuesday 10

Pray that Stephen Vis, Director of Finance and Services, will have wisdom and guidance as he plans for a little time of spiritual refreshment in the lead up to the summer as time commitments allow.

Wednesday 11

Thursday 12


Pray for the Development Hub team as they put the finishing touches to a brand-new sports resource called Back on Track for youth workers, church leaders, volunteers and Faith Guides to use during the Commonwealth Games later in the year.

Friday 13

Pray that Local Mission Partner Gobaith Môn will have favour in the secondary schools on Ynys Môn and that they will be able to find more workers, and grow their church partnerships and financial support.

Saturday 14

Mission Enabler Lucy Pearson asks us to pray for the Rooted retreat happening next month. Pray that the young people booked on will have the opportunity to explore the difference Jesus can make in their lives. Pray too for the Rooted hubs across schools and communities in England and Wales.

North Wales Mission Enabler Helen Franklin retired on 14 April. Give thanks for her many years of service with SU in a range of roles and pray for the team as they look to God for a successor, asking that the person of his choice will be appointed.


Finding the sun Mental health and wellbeing issues have soared even among young children. Your support enabled us to develop a suite of Bible-based mental health resources including a primary schools workshop, The Lost Sun. Mary Butt, primary schools worker with Manchester City Mission, says it meets such a desperate need that schools are welcoming it with open arms. Mary says, ‘When schools reopened last September, teachers really noticed the decline MARY BUTT in children’s mental health. At their regular Zoom meeting for schools workers, the SU North team told us about SU’s mental health resources, including The Lost Sun. I offered the workshop to schools – they were so keen that now I’m booked up for months! ‘In one school, after the pupils made lighthouses, we closed the blinds and switched off the lights so


it was dark. We asked the children how they felt in the darkness – and how they felt better when the lighthouses were switched on. We showed the Lost Sun video, about a girl who feels like the sun has gone out and asked whether they felt the same. One little girl held her head and said, “I feel so sad in here”. Another got tearful because her grandpa had died. Another was worried because her daddy had Covid. Later, over crafts, we talked to the children more about how they were feeling and how Jesus is the light that promises never to leave them. They were very open – the teacher said she thought it was fantastic how they had responded.

‘At another school, one child who was mute put her hand up during the workshop and spoke! The teaching assistant couldn’t believe it. ‘Schools want to support children’s wellbeing, but teachers are under so much stress. These workshops give them one less lesson to prepare and a chance to observe the children and learn how they are feeling. And the children love having a visitor and doing crafts. I’m just finding all the schools are saying “yes, please!”’

One child who was mute put her hand up during the workshop and spoke!

Why not offer to run a workshop at your local school? Help more children going through tough times to discover the comfort that Jesus gives. Get your FREE copy of The Lost Sun workshop and other SU mental health resources at




Sunday 15

SU in English-speaking Canada is restarting Sports Clubs in local churches. Ask the Lord to equip and encourage their Community Sport Development Coordinator as he facilitates this ministry.

Monday 16

Please pray for the ongoing work of putting together the daily Bible reading guides as we approach the print deadlines for the January–March 2023 editions. Pray for Content Assistant, Annabel Moule, as she manages Encounter with God alongside the development of new Faith Guide Hub materials and holiday club resources.

Supporter Care Assistant Debbie Edge asks us to give thanks for all who support SU generously with prayer and giving and who have been patient during the transition to the new system; she asks us to pray for the Supporter Care team as they get to grips with it.

Tuesday 17

Friday 20

Please pray for the Finance and Services team as they finalise the financial statements and prepare for the auditors to start their review in the next few days.

Wednesday 18

Pray that more volunteers will hear the call to become Faith Guides and begin to connect with the 95 so that more children and young people will hear the good news of Jesus. Pray that we will have the wisdom to know how best to support them and encourage them to go and make disciples.


Thursday 19

Please pray for Mission Enabler Geoff Brown as he supports and helps teams of volunteers to run effective mission and holiday events in the north this summer.

Saturday 21

Local Mission Partner Blackpool Schools and Youth Work has been working in schools for 30 years and is greatly appreciated in schools who welcome the team visits; pray that the doors will remain open and that children and young people will respond to the love of God and grow in relationship with him.



Sunday 22

SU Mauritius has been accompanying some 50 children and young people for 4 years through a school support programme. Pray that they will see Jesus at work in a concrete way, and that their families will also come to know Jesus in a more intimate way.

Monday 23

Reflecting on Ephesians 3:20, let us give thanks to God for faithfully providing for the work of Scripture Union. Please pray for continued provision this year for all Scripture Union’s financial and other needs.

Tuesday 24

While thousands of children around the world are playing Guardians of Ancora, the technical games design team are doing necessary but not very glamorous work to maintain the app. Pray that these essential maintenance tasks are completed well and in a timely way, so that the ministry of the app can continue to flourish.

Wednesday 25

The Go Wild holiday is happening this coming weekend. Please pray that the children will settle quickly and have fun as they make new friends and experience the adventure of following Jesus.

Thursday 26

Pray for the work of the team of Local Mission Partner Wave as they explore their calling and mission

within Swanage and Purbeck. Give thanks for good teamwork and friendship and pray for wisdom, creativity and imagination as they seek to serve the young people of Swanage.

Friday 27

Give thanks for all those who sacrificially give their time to volunteer on Scripture Union events. Ask that God will truly bless them in their service.

Saturday 28

The small staff team which works on our Bible reading guides is supplemented by a much wider team of freelance editors, writers, copy editors, designers and proofreaders. Please pray that they will know God’s enabling and that their combined skills will lead to many meeting God in fresh ways.


Prayer Day We’re holding our annual day of prayer on Monday 20th June 2022. We’ll have more information on how you can take part in the next edition of Connecting You. For now, please save the date to join us in praying for the work of Scripture Union and the children and young people of England and Wales.

Save the date

20th June 2022

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