7 minute read

NEW! SU Mental Health Suite

Introducing our new Mental Health Suite

Sadly, many children and young people today struggle with poor mental health. But thanks to your generous support, we’re now able to help churches to reach out to them. Your gifts have helped us to launch a Mental Health Suite to enable churches to begin to explore the issues with children and young people, as well as outline the hope that Jesus can o er.



and wellbeing

Last year Anne Longfi eld, the Children’s Commissioner for England, observed there was an ‘epidemic’ of mental health disorders in young people, especially teenage girls. She added that NHS clinics were struggling to cope with an epidemic of self-harm, anxiety and depression, fuelled by the pressures of social media and increasingly demanding school environments 1 .

‘Jesus came so that we might have life, and have it to the full,’ says Gemma GEMMA Willis, Head of WILLIS SU’s Development Hub. ‘As Christians, we know that. But there are so many children and young people today who don’t. They don’t know that they are loved, valued and precious to God. They don’t know how to cope with loneliness and anxiety, or with grief and loss. It casts a big shadow over many young lives.

‘So, thanks to your support, our team developed the new Mental Health Suite. This helps churches to begin to explore the issues around health and wellbeing and to share how knowing Jesus can give hope and real purpose to the lives of the children and young people they reach out to. The contributors included Christians that have been through mental health issues themselves and have discovered how being able to lean on Jesus in those situations makes all the di¨ erence. ‘Mental health and wellbeing can be a di¥ cult and sensitive topic, and it’s really important that churches know when a child or young person they’re working with might need extra help. So each of our mental health resources comes with a guide on where to get extra support if needed.’

it’s really important that churches know when a child or young person they’re working with might need extra help.

SU’s Mental Health Suite has been endorsed by the Mental Health Foundation. ‘Scripture Union’s resources are well thought out and accessible to younger audiences,’ says Dr Antonis Kousoulis, their Director for England and Wales. ‘The range of activities is impressive, using a variety of means like video, song, art, and group activities to explore what mental health can mean to di¨ erent people. A real strength comes from the lived experiences of some of the people involved in the resources, ensuring that they overall explore a di¥ cult topic in a balanced way.’

Endorsed by the

1 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6905075/Teenagers-mental-health-conditions-turnedaway-NHS-o¥ cials-warn.html

What’s in the Mental Health and Wellbeing Suite?

At the moment, you’ll fi nd the following resources in the Mental Health Suite. We hope to add more resources over time…

Chloe’s Story • Session outline based around the testimony and video of Chloe – it includes a song Chloe has written about her story • • • Aimed at: Over 13s Themes: Self-esteem and self-worth Context: Groups

Like Me? • Helps children understand that God sees them as special, precious and important (including some of the graphics and content of God Became Like Me, but for use at any time of year) • • Aimed at: 8–11s Themes: Self-esteem, self-worth and self-respect • Context: Groups, particularly school or church



The Lost Sun • Video story and accompanying session tells the story of Daisy who loses the sun from her life and discovers there can still be light in the darkness • • • Aimed at: 5–11s Themes: Depression, anxiety and loneliness Context: Groups

Is Anybody Listening? • Spoken word video explores the pressures of social media and its impact on self-esteem • Aimed at: 11–14s • Themes: The e¨ ect of social media on self-worth and self-esteem • Context: Groups

Through The Woods • Printed picture postcard set about a boy who loses his dog and realises he won’t fi nd him. He discovers he doesn’t have to be alone in facing his struggles. • Aimed at: 5–8s with or without a church background • Themes: Grief, loss and loneliness • Context: Mentoring, one to one

You can download our Mental Health Suite resources at su.org.uk/mentalhealth


Sunday 16 Due to the impact of bushfi res in Victoria, Australia, many summer camps were cancelled. Since then further activities have been cancelled due to coronavirus. Please pray for campers and volunteer teams who are grieving the loss of this much-anticipated experience. Monday 17 Local Mission Partner Christians 4 Education in north Wales praises God for hearing and answering Connecting You prayers. They discovered an excellent volunteer the week it was featured, and prayer for the Higher Tour led to two follow-up groups with unchurched young people. Tuesday 18 Give thanks for the many projects that have been enabled by the Good News Fund. Linx Christian Youth Trust in Paignton, for example, were able to buy some new disco equipment to use at outreach events, and Cafe Church Bristol were able to put on a community event. Wednesday 19 Give thanks for new relationships that are building with many churches across the north of the country. Pray for wisdom in following these up, especially with the restrictions

WEEK BEGINNING imposed by AUGUST 16 COVID-19, and for ways of identifying more churches with whom we could work in 2021.

Thursday 20 Local Mission Partner Christian Connections in Schools is planning for Illuminate Maidenhead with LZ7 in April next year. Pray for a good level of involvement from local churches and for a sense of expectation. Friday 21 SU Mission Enabler Neil Jackson has helped with the development of workshops and clubs using the Diary of a Disciple books in North Yorkshire and is also looking to help with similar projects in County Durham. Give thanks for recent success and pray for the children and young people who attended.

Saturday 22 Local Mission Partner Gobaith Môn (in Anglesey) aims to encourage more work with young people through churches, schools and the community. They have a football cage that they take into schools (when they’re able). Pray that this will lead to building of relationships with young people.


Sunday 23 Scripture Union Honduras thank God for a donation which will enable them to print 60,000 ministry resource manuals for 30,000 children for two years. Pray that the Lord will inspire writers and that the lessons will strengthen the children’s faith. Monday 24 Local Mission Partner Archway (working in villages in Northamptonshire) had to cancel their regular Tea, Toast and Toys groups because of the issues raised by coronavirus and are instead keeping in touch with families over the phone. Pray that this will not lead to a loss of momentum in the work. Tuesday 25 Thank God for all those who faithfully support the movement. This year has seen a number of fi nancial challenges as a result of COVID-19 leading to the cancellation of events. Pray that God will continue to meet our needs.

Wednesday 26

WEEK BEGINNING club because AUGUST 23 ‘you get to play a game AND do Bible stories at the same time’. Please pray for those planning clubs in schools, churches and community settings, so that many more children can share their enthusiasm. Thursday 27 Local Mission Partner Milton Keynes Bridgebuilder Trust thanks God for an open door to Denbigh Academy and for the new emotional wellbeing course. Pray that this will be well-received by all schools once they are able to recommence, and will help young people to cope better with the pressures of life. Friday 28 Pray for the Shine in Schools planning and review conference call involving all partners which takes place today, asking that God will guide their discussion and give creativity.

Mati, Divine and Rachel love their afterschool Guardians of Ancora

Saturday 29 Pray that Local Mission Partner Christians in Schools will be able to develop more lunchtime and after school clubs (Hub Clubs) in primary schools in Stockport where their work is based.

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