Connecting You Summer 2023

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you Connecting IN THIS EDITION When age is no limit! Celebrating volunteers Fostering faith with Rooted Summer 2023 Inside: Your summer holiday and missions prayer pull-out

Retired but not shy of sharing faith!

Discover how Faith Guide Roger Purdom is doing great things in his retirement to help children come to faith.

Celebrating volunteers: Wendy’s story

Wendy Asher tells us what it was like to volunteer on SU’s Bake Off holiday last year, and why she’s returning this summer.

A real game-changer!

Faith Guide and youth worker Jordan Cousins saw eight young people come to faith on Game Changers, a weekend away he helps to organise.

Sparking conversations about God

Find out how Rooted resources can help you foster young people’s faith, whether you’re an experienced youth worker or doing outreach for the first time.

Did you know?

As a movement, we have a set of values that underpin everything we do. Alongside our vision (to see a new generation of children and young people who have a vibrant, personal faith in Jesus) and our mission (to create opportunities for children and young people to explore the Bible, respond to Jesus and grow in faith), our values make us who we are. You’ll find our values at

More about Scripture Union

Scripture Union is a Christian charity, providing opportunities for children and young people to explore the Bible, respond to Jesus and grow in faith.

With an estimated 95% of under-18s in England and Wales not part of a church, we help churches to step out and take the good news to them in exciting and culturally relevant ways. Visit to find out more.

Contents 4
16 22 Connecting You is Scripture Union’s supporter and prayer magazine, keeping you up to date with what God is doing through the work you support. Connecting You magazine is also available online at: If you have a © Scripture Union 2023 Registered Charity 213422 Limited Company 00039828 Registered in England and Wales story for Connecting You, or a suggestion
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We all have a part to play!

Dear friends,

As we enter another summer packed full of Scripture Union holidays, missions, holiday clubs and other activities, it is my joy to share with you the latest edition of Connecting You.

I’m so encouraged to read stories like Roger’s (page 4) and Wendy’s (page 10), who are using their retirement years to share their faith with children and young people. At Scripture Union, we’d be lost without the thousands of volunteers – with a wide variety of ages and experiences – who have generously given their time over the years to come and serve and share the good news.

There’s a verse in 1 Peter, which encourages us all to ‘always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope that you have’ (1 Peter 3:15). And that really does mean all of us, whether we’re theologically trained or not, and whatever our age. It reminds me of when I was asked to take part in a ‘grill a Christian’ event at my local school, having become known as both a Christian and a scientist.

At the time I was neither young nor theologically trained, but I loved having this platform to give clear, gospel-centred answers to the young people’s questions. That might not be your cup of tea, but we all have something that connects us with children and young people. What’s yours?

At Scripture Union, we’re praying that you and your churches will find ways to share that hope with the children and young people in your communities and we’ve got local Mission Enablers and resources ready to support you as you do.

As you read the stories and pray with us, we thank God for you and your support. We pray that you’ll be encouraged and inspired to be ready to give an answer and share that hope with the children and young people in your communities.

“Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope that you have” (I Peter 3:15).
Myles MacBean, National Director

Retired but not shy of sharing faith!

In spite of some serious health issues in his retirement years, Roger Purdom has chosen to become a Faith Guide and to continue introducing young people to Jesus. He shares some of his story and why he feels that volunteers, whatever their age, have a vital role to play in building the church of tomorrow. 4

Roger has had a long association with SU; he went on his first SU camp in Arthog near Barmouth in 1964. Later he became an SU team leader, helping on different holidays. For many years, he was a teacher at a school in Croydon, and ran SU holiday clubs at the church where he was an elder.

He moved from Croydon to take up the Headship of a Christian Boarding School in East Sussex. This led to new adventures. In 1995 ‘I became the pastor of an independent church in Littlehampton,’ Roger recalls. ‘We launched summer holiday clubs at church, using the SU material. Each year we had 60-70 children attending.’

Opportunities in retirement

Eventually Roger retired, having started a summer camp for local

children in 2003, most of whom had no church involvement. ‘We took them to the beach – a first for many of them, even though they lived so close by,’ Roger recalls. ‘We played games, they got soaking wet and filthy dirty and had an incredible time! Eventually we moved the camp inland to Lodge Hill, an activity centre. The kids could do all sorts of adventurous stuff which they loved –abseiling, mountain biking, climbing. In the morning and evening we’d have Bible stories, worship and a talk. Every year we were oversubscribed. We celebrated 20 years of Summer Camp in 2022!

‘I tried visiting schools too, but initially there was quite a bit of resistance. Then one school heard that I was

Roger Purdom
Ordinary church members of all ages have a vital part to play

trained as an OFSTED inspector and asked if I’d come and do Christian assemblies to help them pass the spiritual aspect of their forthcoming inspection. Word got round and soon I was going into ten primary schools.

‘Those doors have never closed, not even during COVID! It was then that I started doing assemblies on Zoom. Going online has allowed me to continue now that my health is poor, and I’ve done over 100 now. The kids know I’m going to tell them a Bible story and pray, but I usually get a positive reaction and a listening ear from them.’

Investing in relationships

Roger sees the value of being a Faith Guide and journeying with young people longer term. ‘If you want to draw children into a relationship with God, first you have to build a relationship with them (and with teachers and parents too), which is what the assemblies and camps have done. You have to genuinely seek to serve the community first and offer them something they need. It takes time and patience, especially with schools.

‘That’s why I feel ordinary church members of all ages have a vital part to play – if the relationship resides

You could also be a Faith Guide

with the church leader or youth worker, it can falter if those people move on. Not all church leaders have the skills or experience to work with young people either.

‘The world is changing so fast that it’s frightening. More than ever, young people need to hear that God is there for them, loves them and that he will never, ever change – he’s the same today and forever. Nobody is ever too old to share that wonderful truth with them – and I’m looking forward to keeping going!’

As Roger can testify, you don’t need to be in your younger years or a professional to be a Faith Guide. You just need a heart for the 95 and the desire to journey into faith with children and young people. Find out more at 6
If you want to draw children into a relationship with God, first you have to build a relationship with them


Please pray for Faith Guides who work tirelessly to share the good news of Jesus with the next generation.

Sunday 28

Give thanks to God for Roger and all the years of faithful service he has given (and continues to give) in sharing Jesus with children and young people, and journeying with them as they grow in their knowledge of God’s love.

Monday 29

Please ask God to bless all Faith Guides as they commit their time and skills to helping children and young people to learn more about him.

Tuesday 30

Please pray for all children and young people who are struggling to understand their place in today’s world. Ask God to open up opportunities for them to hear his wonderful message of hope, love and salvation as revealed through Jesus.

Wednesday 31

‘Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever’ (Hebrews 13:8) and ‘He will be the sure foundation for your times’ (Isaiah 33:6). Praise God for that wonderful assurance and ask that it takes root in the hearts of

young people living through these times of upheaval.

Thursday 1

‘The harvest is plentiful…’ (Luke 10:2a). Children have been positive about Roger’s assemblies, and there has been no shortage of them wanting to go on his camps. Give thanks that many young people are hungry to learn about God!

Friday 2

…‘but the workers are few’ (Luke 10:2b). Please pray that more ‘ordinary church members’ will grasp the vital contribution they can make in sharing Jesus with the next generation, that it is not just something for church leaders – and that church leaders will understand that too!

Saturday 3

‘Nobody is ever too old to share faith.’ Please pray that God will reveal to older Christians the value of their wisdom and experience and how and where they can share their faith with children and young people in their communities.



Sunday 4

Pray for the Global Board who meet online on Saturday, asking for wise and bold decisions. Pray too for the General Assembly which takes place online from 30 June to 3 July when all the national movement chairs and directors come together to review and plan.

Monday 5

Pray for Fi Messenger, children’s and families’ worker with SU Local Mission Partner Archway Trust, going into mid-Northamptonshire village schools running Bible craft clubs, toddler groups and monthly events. Thank God for the volunteers who support Fi in running these events.

Tuesday 6

Give thanks for the enthusiasm of the partners with whom Ian Kent, Revealing Jesus Pioneer, is working in the Durham Diocese. Pray for the Faith Guides and churches he is supporting and that more churches will catch the vision behind Revealing Jesus and will want to get involved.

Wednesday 7

Following the popularity of our first holiday for families with children who are fostered or adopted, we are offering another similar holiday. All Together Now in the north starts on


Friday – please pray that for the families who attend this will be a time of refreshing and encouragement.

Thursday 8

Pray for Faith Guides, Local Mission Partners and others as they reach out into their communities using A Community Summer, a new resource packed with ideas gathered from experienced Scripture Union staff and volunteers who have a passion for reaching the 95.

Friday 9

Pray for the Summer Assembly Tour which Local Mission Partner GenR8 will start in June. For four weeks, Steve, Siân and other volunteers will reach out to 100 schools across Cambridgeshire and North Hertfordshire with an assembly presentation titled You Can Make a Difference.

Saturday 10

Pray for Senior Content Manager Angela Grigson as she puts the final touches to Scripture Union’s latest holiday club resource, Deep Sea Divers, which is based on Matthew’s Gospel. Everything needs to be with the printer by the end of June for publication in the autumn. 8


Sunday 11

Pray for the Schools’ Team of Northern Ireland as they meet with hundreds of children preparing to make the move from primary to post primary school. Pray that the pupils will understand that God is with them in the changes, choices and challenges they will face.

Monday 12

Local Mission Partner Matlock Area Schools Trust give thanks for the welcome into schools old and new, for new trustees, and for the enthusiasm and fresh ideas of their school visitors Chloe and Hannah. Please pray for more local churches to support them in prayer and financially.

Tuesday 13

Company Secretary Sue Winning gives thanks for the opportunities that Scripture Union England and Wales has to support other SU movements financially. Pray for wisdom and sensitivity as she oversees the grant making process.

Wednesday 14

Pray for our Faith Guide Learning Clusters, as Faith Guides continue to meet

each month for masterclasses. Pray that they will be encouraged and equipped by the session topics and that we can facilitate a useful space for the Faith Guides to discuss and learn.

Thursday 15

Give thanks for our supporters; for those who have been a part of the SU family for many years and for those who are new. Let us also pray for those who are yet to join with us, asking that God will bless us with new supporters from younger generations.

Friday 16

The Youth Net is a Local Mission Partner based in Stafford. Pray for the team Alison, Cathy, Anji, Scott, Sam, Lottie and Jo and for the children and young people. This term the theme for the work in schools is ending well, transitioning and looking forward.

Saturday 17

Debbie Edge, Supporter Care Assistant, thanks God for all our supporters who subscribe to Daily Reading Guides, Encounter with God and Daily Bread, and asks us to pray that they continue to be blessed every day as they use this valuable resource to read the Bible.


Celebrating volunteers: Wendy’s story

It’s Volunteers Week from 1–7 June, and we are so grateful to all who give their time and talents in support of SU!

Wendy Asher tells us what it was like to volunteer on SU’s Bake

Off holiday last year, and why she’s returning this summer. 10

‘My sons used to go to an SU camp each year. Josh, my eldest, then became a young leader and I joined him on an SU camp as a cook. It was fun, but I wanted more contact with the children than serving at the hatch!

‘So last year, after I retired, I joined the team for Bake Off. I was still in the kitchen but this time the children were in there with me!

‘The organisation was superb. Beforehand, the team met up to prepare so they got to know each other. On the holiday, it was clear

what our responsibilities were and the support and pastoral care was great. We were all able to have some free time.

‘It was fabulous to see the young people grow in faith. They came with a real thirst for learning and threw themselves into all the activities 100 per cent. They kept journals, they responded in the prayer times, they grew in confidence. Each day we chose a ‘Baker of the day’. As much as the quality of their baking, this was about how well the young person worked in the kitchen and looked after others.

‘Volunteering was tiring but great fun and very rewarding. It was good to be challenged on how to share your faith with children in ways they’ll understand. I learnt so much from the younger leaders who had done previous SU camps – they came up with some wonderful ideas!

‘I’m volunteering again this year. I want to be able to pass my faith on to children in a vibrant and exciting way so that they understand what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus.’

We are still seeking volunteers for this summer’s holidays. If you’d like to have as much fun as Wendy, visit

Wendy asher
Volunteering was tiring but great fun and very rewarding


Sunday 18

SU’s work in Africa is coordinated by five community groups. The directors of the national movements in Community Group 2 meet online on Wednesday and the chairs on Saturday; the directors of Group 5 meet on 29 June and the chairs on 1 July. Pray for good discussions and God’s guidance.

Monday 19

Lifepath takes place at Brinkburn Priory in Northumberland next week. Please pray that the children will have a great time finding out about Aidan and how he followed God, and will see how they too can follow God.

Tuesday 20

Local Mission Partner Beverley Schools Christian Trust is delivering It’s Your Move books and lessons to primary schools in Beverley and surrounding villages. Please pray for the pupils as they consider the changes and challenges ahead of them.

Wednesday 21

Please pray for the work the Digital Solutions team are doing to manage and improve the security of the IT


systems and data. This year the team has focused on delivering best in class standards for e-commerce, the security of the network, and the increasing number of services hosted in the cloud.

Thursday 22

Pray for Sarah Bowey as she pioneers sports ministry in the north east. She asks that it might grow and flourish in many communities and that God might provide safe spaces and hope to the growing number of young people who are navigating mental health difficulties, anger and self-harm.

Friday 23

The Rooted Retreat weekend, a holiday for Rooted groups coming from the north west, starts today. Please pray for Lucy Pearson and the team as they lead this holiday, and that everyone will settle in quickly and will get the maximum benefit from this short time away.

Saturday 24

Praise God for the many mission partner trusts across England and Wales who join with Scripture Union in using the Revealing Jesus framework to enable children and young people to explore the difference Jesus can make. 12

Prayers Week beginning

June 25

Sunday 25

Pray for the Talking with Young Children about God’s Creation course run by SU Taiwan. The aim is to encourage parents of children aged 3 to 9 to teach their children the truth from an early age. SU Taiwan and the local church are working together on this project to help the next generation find faith.

Monday 26

Please pray for Local Mission Partner The Wave, working with young people in Swanage through the mentoring scheme in the local secondary schools. They also run clubs which include an open mic night, Bible study group and Christian Unions. Pray that they can make deep and lasting connections.

Tuesday 27

Pray for the Development Hub team as they plan for the next 12 months of work producing content for Scripture Union. Ask God to give them wisdom, skill and direction.

Wednesday 28

Please pray for inspiration and wisdom for Ian Gooding as he works to enable staff to use advanced Microsoft services.

This comes alongside the regular work of the IT team to ensure all staff have access to reliable and effective

technology and that our systems remain both compliant and secure.

Thursday 29

Pray for those from the 95 that are part of Grow Communities. Pray that they’ll flourish in their own faith and use their group to reach their friends.

Friday 30

Local Mission Partner Active Christianity in Thanet Schools hope to be able to continue schools work in the area. Pray about the financial position and ask for God’s provision.

Saturday 1

Please pray for discernment as we use the practical experience built up with Revealing Jesus over the last couple of years to define and deliver a refined outworking of our strategic vision. Pray that the refinement will help local churches journey better alongside the 95 in their communities.



Sunday 2

Pray for the Christian events this summer at which SU Finland will have stands promoting Bible reading materials. Pray that these will encourage many to explore the Bible for themselves. Pray too for wisdom as they translate the NUA Origins film series into Finnish.

Monday 3

The South West team are looking for funding for a new worker in the Wiltshire area. A year’s salary needs to be found before a worker can be employed. Please pray for funds to be given quickly to allow a worker to begin the exciting work of reaching the 95.

Tuesday 4 Working together, the Digital Solutions team are delivering projects that have only become possible by combining different skills and experiences. Pray for Mark Green as he leads the team and builds relationships with key technology partners to ensure that we can gain maximum benefit from our digital systems.

Wednesday 5

Give thanks along with Local Mission Partner Brentwood Schools Christian Worker Trust. They are thankful for It’s Your Move lessons

July 2

with primary schools, holding a LifeSpace Prayer Space with a local secondary school and other opportunities to serve local schools this year.

Thursday 6

This weekend the Families Together holiday (led by Hannah and Adam Legge) will welcome the families that Faith Guides are working with, whose children are too young to come on our regular holidays. Pray that the families will form great supportive relationships as they explore faith together.

Friday 7

Many young people care deeply about the environment. Please pray that the Be More Micah Environment Collection will inspire and encourage them to see God’s heart for the world and to work with him to make it a better place.

Saturday 8

Please pray for Revealing Jesus Pioneer Nic Findlay as she contacts churches in the Liverpool area who have no connection

with SU, to share how the Revealing Jesus framework can help them reach children and young people. Pray that this will renew these churches’ enthusiasm for outreach.

Week beginning 14


Sunday 9

SU South Africa gives thanks to God for the successful Children’s Ministry Training events that took place across the country earlier this year, and asks us to pray for those that are still to happen. Pray for the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu Natal regions as they move to working together.

Monday 10

Mission Events Coordinator Sue Hill asks us to pray that she may manage the team clearance for the final events of the season well. She also asks for prayer for the volunteers who generously give their time to support Scripture Union in this way.

Tuesday 11

The summer holidays are nearly here. Please pray for the Mission Events team as they support our event leaders to get everything in place ready for the busy season of holidays and missions.

Wednesday 12

The Scripture Union Board has overall responsibility for the governance and guidance of the movement, sometimes dealing with routine but important matters. Pray for them as they meet today; amongst other things they will be signing off the annual report and accounts.

Thursday 13

This summer, thousands of children will have the opportunity to explore faith and encounter Jesus through our holidays and missions. Please pray that each child who comes will be excited for the adventure ahead, and that any nervousness that they might have about going away to a new environment will be quickly overcome.

Friday 14

Pray for the children and young people attending a holiday with their Faith Guides for the first time, and for their Faith Guides too. Pray that the holiday experience will help them grow and flourish in their faith.

Saturday 15

Pray for Gaenor Hall, Senior Fundraising Manager, as she works on the sports ministry campaign, asking that it will inspire people to give and pray. Pray too that she will be able to support and encourage the fundraising team in all they do and that the fundraising quarterly report will come together.


A real game-changer!

Your support enables us to run SU holidays and encourage Faith Guides to organise their own residentials too. These can lead to powerful encounters with God. Faith Guide and youth worker Jordan Cousins saw eight young people come to faith on Game Changers, a weekend away he helps to manage. 16

Game Changers had been established by Jordan’s predecessor at Waltham

Chase Methodist Church. Jordan invited other churches in the Winchester area to become involved when he discovered they didn’t have the resources to organise their own residentials. He says, ‘Now there are five churches working together so more children can benefit, and having the extra volunteers means we’re better placed to build relationships with the kids and respond to their spiritual needs.

‘Last October, we took around 60 young people to Sussex, some from church and others from schools and

clubs we run. As well as lots of games, crafts and silliness, we had four main meetings. After the Sunday morning talk and worship we decided to have a time of quiet for the Holy Spirit to speak to us all. We told the kids they could pray in their heads, sit in silence, write stuff down. A few of us leaders stood to share any words we felt were appropriate. We all waited eagerly and expectantly for God to meet with us, and he did.

‘The kids really enjoyed that experience – some prayed for each

eight young people shyly came and said they had decided to follow Jesus

other. Afterwards they told us that they felt so peaceful and really loved.

An answer to prayer

‘At the evening meeting I said, “If you want to know more of Jesus and welcome him into your life, I’m going to say a prayer and you can pray it in your head with me if you want to. And come and tell us afterwards if you prayed that prayer for the first time.” Over the course of the rest of Sunday evening and into Monday, eight young people shyly came and said they had decided to follow Jesus – at least three of them have no church background. We gave them packs with a Bible and more information to take home; we had only brought six packs, thinking six young people coming to faith would be amazing.

But God likes to surprise us! (Don’t worry, we got packs to the other two soon after!)

‘Lily was one of those who decided to follow Jesus. She comes to MYC (Monday Youth Club), a weekly club which I hold on Monday nights. Her family aren’t Christians (although they are very supportive) so, for Lily, being part of that club and being able to ask questions about faith since making her commitment has been really important. A residential is exciting, intense and often emotional. Once a young person is home, back into routine, it’s easy for the memory to fade and with it their emerging faith unless you follow up with them. Fortunately, with SU’s support we’ve developed a year-round programme of activities and events, so we’re well placed to nurture and support Lily as her faith develops. That journeying with young people is so vitally important – it’s changing Lily’s life, for sure.’

The power of residentials

We see time and time again just how instrumental holidays and residentials are in children and young people finding and growing in faith. To make a donation and enable us to continue to provide these amazing life-changing opportunities, please visit 18
with SU’s support we’ve developed a year-round programme of activities and events


With the summer holidays upon us, please pray for our holidays and missions taking place in the coming weeks.

Sunday 16

Give thanks to God for the eight young people who made a commitment to follow Jesus on Game Changers! Please pray that he will help their faith to grow and fully flourish and that they will ‘grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ’ (Ephesians 3:18).

Monday 17

Please pray for the children and young people coming on SU holidays and missions this summer. Ask that God will prepare their hearts to receive his message of hope and help them understand what it means for their own lives.

Tuesday 18

Ask God to bless Wendy Asher and all the other volunteers serving on SU holidays and missions this year. Please pray that as they share their faith and God’s love that their own faith will be strengthened and deepened too.

Wednesday 19

Praise God for bringing churches

together, as he has done in Winchester, to jointly organise residentials and other activities that so powerfully help young people to explore, respond and grow in faith.

Thursday 20

Give thanks to God for Jo Morley and the Mission Event Operations team at SU who take care of all the practical aspects of the many SU holidays and missions each year so that volunteers can focus on the children and the team.

Friday 21

Please pray for new volunteers and young leaders helping on this year’s SU holidays and missions. Ask God to give them the confidence and the words with which to share their faith – many will be doing this for the first time.

Saturday 22

Praise God for providing the people and funding needed for SU’s holidays and missions to be able to take place this year.



Sunday 23

Pray for Scripture Union USA’s beach ministry programme that will be held on the west coast in partnership with SUI’s Leadership Lab International and local churches.

Monday 24

Pray for the South East team as they enter the busy summer period hosting numerous camps, missions and festivals. Pray for the team as they support those events, and that groups attending with Faith Guides would meet Jesus and would commit with confidence to journeying with him.

Tuesday 25

Pray for the team at Local Mission Partner Re:Generation as they deliver It’s Your Move to Year 6 children in Harrow. May each child know that God loves them and is with them in this time of transition. Praise God for all the doors he has opened this academic year.

Wednesday 26

This month marks the eighth anniversary of Guardians of

Ancora. Give thanks for those working behind the scenes to keep the app live and active and for the millions of children who have played the game, explored stories from the Bible and encountered Jesus.

Thursday 27

Please join the central regional team in praying for those attending the Dreaming the Impossible Faith Guide holiday. Pray that it would be a special time of relationship building for Faith Guides and their groups, and that the young people would encounter God as they pray, worship and explore his Word together.

Friday 28

Spot the Difference, a holiday for primary age children, starts this weekend. It runs alongside Make the Difference where teenagers can take their first steps into leadership. Pray for leaders Steve and Nicola Clarkson and Ruth Hughes, and that the children and young leaders will feel welcomed and will grow in faith.

Saturday 29

Pray that more churches will join Local Mission Partner Lighthouse Project Crawley so that they will be able to reach more children and young people with the good news of Jesus, giving them the opportunity to explore how it could impact their own lives. 20


Sunday 30

Pray for two of our movements operating in restricted countries. Because they work under extreme pressure from their authorities, they constantly need to be careful of what they say and do; nevertheless, they have started to make plans for summer and one of their campsites is almost fully booked.

Monday 31

Please pray that Isaac O’Brien, who is settling in after joining the Development Hub in April as a Content Assistant, will be grasping the key aspects of the role and that he will feel the satisfaction of knowing that he is making a contribution.

Tuesday 1

North Region Support Worker Sarah Howard-Smith is getting ready for Edale Adventure in the middle of the month. Pray that as she and the rest of the team prepare, they will know God’s guidance and peace. Pray that God will prepare the hearts of the children who come.

Wednesday 2

Local Mission

Partner Bodmin Youth Project praise God for the handful of young people who started in their football outreach and have joined their junior youth group. Pray that they will encounter Jesus for themselves, and for wisdom for the team as they lead and teach.

Thursday 3

Livewires, a holiday that gives young people the opportunity to explore the worlds of computer programming, sound engineering, film, graphics and electronics while developing their faith takes place this week. Pray for Roger Pickard and Joel Fergusson as they lead the holiday, and for the team as they share their passion for Jesus and technology.

Friday 4

Pray for Mandy Hagon as she works with Richard Shaw, Mission Development Director, in various projects enabling regional mission, mission events and the Development Hub to work with and support Faith Guides in their mission to children and young people.

Saturday 5

Pray for Facilities and Administration

Assistant Grace Inwood as she works to make Trinity House more energy efficient and as she provides support to the IT and Finance and Gifts teams.


Sparking conversations about God

SU’s Rooted resources can help you foster young people’s faith as you journey with them, whether you’re an experienced youth worker or doing outreach for the first time.

SU Mission Enabler

Lucy Pearson who developed Rooted says, ‘The idea is to create a safe, welcoming space (a Rooted Hub) where young people can regularly gather to drop in and chat, or enjoy a shared interest – music, crafts; I’ve even heard of one based on Manga cartoons! During the session, you can use the Rooted resources to prompt discussion about issues that interest young people, and what the Bible has to say about them.’

The Rooted collection can be used with young people of different ages and stages of faith, and includes cards with discussion topics, a leader’s guide, and personal journals. ‘Giving a Rooted Journal to each young person lets them explore topics in more depth in their own

time,’ Lucy says. ‘You can also use journals in one-to-one mentoring or small groups, on their own or alongside other Rooted resources.

‘There are journals for different stages of faith. The Rooted Grow Journal is for young people with fledgling faith. It has sections on key topics and what the Bible has to say about each. There’s an action to take, and space for writing prayers.’

There is even a Rooted Retreat in our holiday programme this year, bringing together Faith Guides and their young people to go deeper into some of the key Rooted themes. You can also organise your own, using tips on our website. One young person who did a Rooted retreat says, ‘Having a day away from home has been good; I wouldn’t usually have the chance to sit and pray or look at Bible verses… I thought God stuff was boring before but I don’t anymore.’ 22
Lucy pearson
Check out SU’s Rooted Resources at


Sunday 6

Pray that SU Estonia will be able to overcome the challenges of developing their new Bible app. Pray for renewed energy for the whole team. Pray too that a new camps coordinator will emerge to build the team and recruit new volunteers.

Monday 7

Pray for Trevor Ranger of Local Mission Partner Synergy Christian Trust who will be leading three Holiday Bible Clubs in Wiltshire, Somerset and South Gloucestershire this month. Using SU’s new Restoration Station resource, Trevor will be running a programme of games, stories, crafts and his own allage worship songs.

Tuesday 8

North region Mission Enabler Neil Jackson has sought to free up time this summer to work with Faith Guides in various mission projects. Please pray for effectiveness for Neil and each Faith Guide he supports and that the children and young people will take steps forward in faith.

Wednesday 9

SLAM Llan M, running this week in South Wales, is a sports focused holiday for Faith Guide groups. Please pray for the Faith Guides and the groups who attend, that this

will provide a fantastic opportunity for them to deepen their relationships and to enhance their year-round ministry.

Thursday 10

Bible Reading guides Daily Bread and Encounter with God for the April to June 2024 quarter go to press in the middle of this month. Thank God for the writers and editors, and for everyone behind the scenes who works to make these happen every quarter.

Friday 11

Pray for Local Mission Partner Cadwyn Teifi as they seek a new schools’ worker in the Tregaron-Lampeter area. In the light of recruiting difficulties in the past, pray that an appropriate candidate will both apply and be appointed.

Saturday 12

Several of our beach missions have been sharing the gospel for over 100 years. Criccieth mission, led by Dave and Mary Butt, starts this weekend. Pray for the team as they explore new ways to help people grasp more of the relevance and importance of Jesus.

23 23 week beginning


Sunday 13

SU Sri Lanka thanks God for the orphans and those with parents who are unable to feed them, who participated in a day programme. Pray for God’s guidance as they plan to produce new resources for children and young people.

Monday 14

Pray for Mission Partners Coordinator Bex Jignasu as she helps mission partners to become more effective in mission, especially as we move to a new phase of the Revealing Jesus framework. Pray that they will embrace it and join with us in that vision.

Tuesday 15

Please pray for the Digital Solutions team as they look at the key back office systems we use to run finance and other functions. The team are looking at ways to improve efficiencies and create links between other systems including the new database.

Wednesday 16

Pray for the Wales team as they engage in outdoor sports holiday clubs during the summer holidays across Wales, including Pembrokeshire, the Valleys and Cardiff.

Thursday 17

High Tide Summer Special is a Faith Guide holiday for groups from the Portsmouth area. It proved so popular

last year that this year it will be running twice. Pray for stamina for Jenni Whymark and the team leading both the holidays and pray that the young people will settle in quickly and make the most of the opportunity to explore and grow in faith.

Friday 18

Please pray for south east Mission Enabler Lisa Jones as she supports Faith Guides and Local Mission Partners in applying the Revealing Jesus framework. As a new academic year starts, pray specifically for those who are involved in schools and for wisdom in applying the Revealing Jesus framework to schools’ ministry.

Saturday 19

Please pray for guidance for Local Mission Partner Faith in Schools about how they adapt their work with 30,000 pupils in Newham in the face of declining finances, and that they might discover and have favour with new grant applications. 24


Sunday 20

Pray for SU Hong Kong as they prepare an audio version of their Chinese Daily Bread app. They need a new group of volunteers to help in reciting, recording, and producing in both Cantonese and Mandarin.

Monday 21

Thank God, who owns the cattle on a thousand hills (Psalm 50:12), for all he has given to us out of his abundant supply. Pray that we will see an increase in income so that more children and young people can come to faith.

Tuesday 22

Pray for all the Faith Guides, Local Mission Partners, children’s leaders and schools workers who are planning to run Guardians of Ancora clubs next term. Pray for good relationships and for enquiring and intriguing conversations as they play the game and discover more about Jesus.

Wednesday 23

Every year, children on our activities seek help for difficult issues. Pray that the volunteers who respond to safeguarding concerns and the staff who support them will be able to help them all to get long-term care and support. Pray that the children will

experience the love of Jesus through the way in which this is done.

Thursday 24

Local Mission Partner Hope for the Valleys/Gobaith i’r Cymoedd – working in the Heads of the Valleys, South Wales, gives thanks for Mick Moffet their worker, and the opportunities in various schools and youth clubs. Pray that the light of the gospel would break into the lives of children and young people.

Friday 25

Thank God for the connections Mission Enabler Hannah Legge made at Creation Fest in Cornwall through the sports outreach. Pray that the impact the festival made on the thousands of children, young people and families who attended will be the start of a lifelong adventure with Jesus.

Saturday 26

Please pray that as the Development Hub team continue to look at the sales and download figures of our resources, the information gathered will provide useful data for other teams in Scripture Union.


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date 20th June 2022

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