4 minute read




| SUNZ Children and Families Consultant, Otago & Southland



Back in October 2022, with the help of a wonderful team, I ran the Southland SUPAkidz Camp—Mega Makers. These camps are for children in years 4-6 at primary school. Fifty-four campers and twenty leaders explored stories from the Gospel of Matthew, with a focus on discovering the bigness of God’s love. The camp theme was set in an inventor’s workshop whose latest invention—"The Mega Machine”—could make items placed in it more enlarged and more powerful. This corresponded with the message of how wide God’s invitation to know Him is extended, how our trust in Him grows deeper as we get to know Him, and that His power was demonstrated to grow stronger as Jesus revealed more of Himself. Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, we discovered the greatness of God’s love and the forever and ever friendship He offers us.

We had five main teaching sessions over the course of camp which included songs, memory verses, Bible stories, drama, small group time, crafts, games and more. Our key verse was Ephesians 3:18 (GNB) “I pray that you, together with all God’s people, may have the power to understand how broad and long, how high and deep, is Christ’s love.” There was such a positive response to the message of the bigness of God’s love and His wide invitation to follow Him. At least six campers made a commitment to follow Jesus, and about 25 took home a gospel tract to think more about it and discuss it with their parents/caregivers. All campers got given a Bible reading guide, which we used each day at camp with the hope they would continue with regular Bible reading when they went home. About 20 Bibles were also gifted to campers who did not already own one. I am so grateful for the churches and individuals who supported camp with food and donations, and for the wonderful team who poured so much time and energy into the camp. Through the relationships formed between campers and leaders, the unpacking and exploring together of God’s Word in a variety of ways, and skills taught in spending time with God in His Word, the campers were given opportunity to lay some foundational rocks of faith like “Connecting with God”, “Connecting with God’s Big Story” and “Connecting with Others”. We also prayed that as they headed home with their Bible Reading Guides, memory verses, crafts, small group workbooks and stories that there will be deeper connections between them, their families, and God. One camper wrote: “At camp I really enjoyed the whole experience, but my favourite highlights were how we got taught that God’s invitation spreads wider and wider, our faith digs deeper and deeper and the power of God grows stronger and stronger. My favourite activity was the abseiling. It taught me how to trust the instructors and ropes just like we have to trust Jesus to be saved. From this camp I have learnt more about Jesus and have decided to fully commit my life to live for Him.” A parent wrote: “Our son recently attended the SU camp at Camp Columba. I'm just writing to say that he enjoyed it (and not just the abseiling and zip line) and post-camp has been asking me about favourite Bible verses and songs. He is also enjoying the devotion he received and takes it very seriously when completing the answers. Please pass on our thanks and regards to organisers, leaders, cooks, and any others involved.” May you be encouraged like I am in the way God continues to work through camps ministry to grow faith in campers and leaders alike.

Listen, Israel! The LORD our God is the only true God! So love the LORD your God with all your heart, soul, and strength. Memorise his laws and

Talk about them all the time, whether you're at home or walking along the road or going to bed at night or getting up in the morning.

Deuteronomy 6:4-7

Whakarongo, e Īharaira: Ko Ihowā, ko tō tātou Atua, he Ihowā kotahi; ā, me whakapau katoa tōu ngākau, tōu wairua, tōu kaha ki te aroha ki a Ihowā, ki tōu Atua. Hei roto anō i tōu ngākau ēnei kupu e whakahau atu nei ahau ki a koe i tēnei rā. Whakaakona mārietia atu hoki ki āu tamariki, kōrerotia i a koe e noho ana i tōu whare, i a koe e haere ana i te huarahi, i a koe e takoto ana, i tōu aranga ake hoki.—Tiuteronomi 6:4-7

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