6 minute read





| SUNZ National Youth Team Leader


Jesus-centred leadership is a phrase that is often thrown around in church and Christian circles, but what exactly is it? And is it even attainable?

Well, here at SUNZ, this concept is embedded in our leadership training with youth leaders, camp leaders and our Beyond Experience and Exodus Prime participants. So let's take a quick look at the key parts of Jesus-centred leadership. Different models have different approaches and, here at SUNZ, we have a diagram that shows the intersection point between Character Formation, Biblical Understanding and Context-Specific Knowledge as being Jesus-Centred Leadership. Let me expand on what those three areas look like in the everyday life of a Christian leader. Jesus had a heart that sacrificed everything for the benefit of others, and so a Jesus-centred leader should be constantly asking the question, ‘How do I live out this sacrificial servant heart daily with those I lead?’

We should also be asking, ‘Am I more worried about going where I want to go, or in meeting the needs of those I am leading?’ Jesus' role with his disciples was to help them grow to the potential God planned for them and then to spread the message when the time came. Therefore, as a Christian leader we should be daily asking ourselves, ‘Am I leading people in a way that allows them to grow to their full potential and become the person God designed them to be?’ It's all about communication. Jesus was the master of communication, which meant that not only was he good at getting his message across, but he was also good at making others feel they’d been heard, and that what they had to say was important.

So, daily we should be asking ourselves, ‘Am I truly listening? Do people truly feel they are heard? And am I speaking in a way that others understand what I am truly saying?’ The people who literally followed Jesus around daily were made to feel they weren’t just by-standers but participants in the journey. Let’s ask ourselves, ‘Do those I am leading feel they have a say in where we are going and how we are getting there?’ Jesus modelled the way he expected his followers to live with one another. He himself lived a life of truth and humility and expected the same from them. Let’s ask ourselves ‘Am I being a good model of truth and humility, and is this encouraging others to live the same way?’ Jesus was always challenging the status quo and systems supposedly for the benefit of those they were serving, to ensure they were not just for the benefit of those in power. We need to ask the question, ‘Are we doing this the best way? Or just because it’s the way we have always done things?’ Knowing God’s heart was key to who Jesus was as a leader. He knew God’s heart because spending time with God was a vital part of his day. Jesus modelled this through prayer and his knowledge of scripture. Let’s ask ourselves the question, ‘Am I connecting with God daily in ways that enable me to truly know his heart?’ Jesus made people feel loved through his words and actions. Let’s ask ‘Does the way I speak and act with those around me enable them to feel loved and respected by me, and by God?’ Finally, let’s ask truthfully every day, ‘Is the way I am living and leading for the benefit of those I serve and lead, or to keep me in a position of power and control?’ If we ask ourselves these questions daily—and strive to answer them with positively—then we will truly be Jesus-centred leaders!

SUNZ Jesus-Centred Leadership Diagram


PAUL HUMPHREYS | SUNZ National Leadership Facilitator

Leadership’ is one of those words that conjure up a whole continuum of responses—apt quotations may be offered or examples of effective and ineffective leaders come to mind, and more. Two years ago, SUNZ developed a model for effective leadership framed around the most effective leader—Jesus. You can read about it on page 20. We have used this model in our Beyond Experience (BE) leadership development programme and recently we asked several of our Beyond Experience leaders how BE has shaped their leadership roles, with specific reference to this Christ-centred model. Here’s what they said...

If someone had told me I would be a Team Leader on a SUNZ Camp this past summer I would have laughed! But I felt honoured with the responsibility. It was the invitation to lead in a safe space that was most prominent for me. When it was framed around the three parts of ‘Effective JesusCentred Leadership’ it gave me a complete invitation. This enabled me to learn about how I operate and put me out of my comfort zone, but in a safe way. The three-part model gave me a more rounded view of leadership. Specifically, the ‘Biblical Understanding’ aspect helped me with my relationship with God, and to realise I can't rely on myself. As I continue on this journey with BE and SUNZ, I am excited to learn and grow. It has awakened a big desire in me to dive into sustainability."


The leadership opportunities SUNZ has given me are numerous. In the ‘Effective Jesus-Centred Leadership model there is a close relationship between ‘Context Specific Knowledge’ and ‘Biblical Understanding.’ I gained ability in learning how to unpack Bible studies and to always consider the context. I found it particularly challenging to move from leading on SUPAkidz children’s camps to leading on youth camps, however applying this leadership focus made it more achievable. The ‘Jesus-Centred Leadership’ model intersected with my life and my job and built a lot on what I already do. Yet it balanced well with a future-focused model of leadership. This model also built my confidence in leading studies."


Penny also reflected on the sustainable nature of the model, how it encouraged big picture thinking, and yet the ‘here and now’ of specific opportunities to lead. These two young women are obviously on a long-term leadership journey. They came to SUNZ with an awareness of leadership and it's easy to see how the practicalities of this model have super-charged their leadership skills. This is balanced with the invitation to step outside their comfort zone and yet feel supported along the way. It's exciting to think that around 60 young adults have been involved in Beyond Experience in the last year. Fast forward a few decades and the possibilities of seeing this Christ-centred leadership influencing New Zealand society are thrilling. In other words— watch this space!

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