5 minute read


A life giving legacy JENNIFER BABB | Fundraising Manager, SUNZ


Ben and Lyn Harrison committed their lives to helping children and young people discover Jesus and grow in faith through Christian camps. Their legacy lives on not just through the many lives they impacted throughout their ministry, but through the gifts they chose to give as part of their will. Scripture Union NZ (SUNZ) was one of the beneficiaries of Ben’s will and we’re so honoured to be able to use the Harrison’s gift to impact the lives of many more children and young people. Their son Craig (along with his siblings Shane, Chérie & Darren) kindly agreed to share a bit about his parents’ heart for sharing the gospel and discipling young people, and why their parting gift to continue this work is so important. ‘Two things that stood out to me about Mum and Dad were their passion for camping and their confidence in the Word of God. Christian teaching was always the foundation of the camps. The Gospel was presented explicitly through Bible times and devotions, but also implicitly through the example of leaders. As teenagers, Mum and Dad both enjoyed camping and the outdoors, and this interest shaped their entire lives. They believed strongly in the value of the temporary community for shaping character and passing on Christian values.

It was no surprise to read in his will that Dad wanted part of his estate to go to organisations involved in Christian camping. SUNZ was chosen not only for its strong history of running camps and training leaders, but also because their first value is God and the Bible. This gift will honour their memory. Mum and Dad spent forty years at Christian Youth Camps, Ngaruawahia where Dad was Director, and were also involved in Christian camping throughout New Zealand and the world. Dad was the founding chair of Christian Camping New Zealand, served many years on the International Executive Committee and International Counsel, and for twenty years helped with the development of Palawan Christian Camp in the Philippines. However, the legacy that Mum and Dad left was not contained in their will or in their record of service, but in the countless lives that were touched through their faithfulness to the ministry to which God called them.’ The difference Ben and Lyn made during their lives will be continued through their gift to SUNZ as young lives are impacted by the hope of the gospel. We’re so grateful for the legacy left by Ben and Lyn, along with the many others who have chosen to support SUNZ in this way. Legacies are a significant source of funding for SUNZ, providing income for many years ahead. Some choose to leave a gift in their will to SUNZ because we were a big part of their faith journey. For others like Ben & Lyn, sharing God’s love with children and young people has been their own calling and ministry in life and they want that to continue. Others simply want to acknowledge that faith in Jesus Christ is the greatest gift that can be given, and want part of their estate to ensure that others can discover this incredible gift. When planning for the future, your friends and family come first, but if you are able to help us in any way, you will be making a huge difference to the lives of thousands of children and young people in New Zealand. No gift is too small to be used by God to transform a life. Your generosity can result in even more children and young people discovering Jesus and becoming life-long disciples who serve the world around them. ‘…we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done.’ Psalm 78:4 If you would like to explore the option of leaving a gift in your will to SUNZ, a family solicitor or a trustee company (such as the Public Trust or Perpetual Guardian Trust) will be able to help you with this. For more information please visit sunz.org.nz/legacy, email info@sunz.org.nz or call us on 0508 423 836.

| Ben on one of the camps that he and Lyn ran


for the path MILLIE LAW | Youth Camp Team Leader, SUNZ

During last spring, I had the absolute pleasure and joy of being involved with back-to-back Ruapehu snow camps. We had some great resources jampacked with studies and ideas of how to relate the studies towards different settings and activities. And I got to witness and partake in the different ways leaders and campers interacted with the content. Across the different age ranges of these camps, there was plenty that changed, but one study consistently seemed to bring out conversation and plenty to say. It was on the topic of distraction. What came up most for the majority was that devices are a big distraction in this age. Our phones hold our easiest connections, but it is hard to separate from work or friends when they have constant access to you through your devices. I find that my devotional times vary according to how distracted I am—and how close to a device I am. Even just checking the time is a hazard with all the notifications! How can we make time to hear and be guided by God when our time is so busy? Practising being still and quiet is very difficult, but I have found that it is rewarding in the ways I have been more open to hearing. Today I would like to invite you to turn off your device, put it somewhere out of sight, and let yourself sit with a quiet moment of about ten minutes to reflect on these passages:

‘Show me your ways Lord. Teach me your paths. Guide me in your truths and teach me, for you are God my Saviour, and my hope is in you all day long.’ Psalm 25:4-5

‘Wait for the Lord, be strong and take heart, and wait for the Lord.’ Psalm 27:14

‘But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord,

I wait for God my Saviour, my God will hear me.’ Micah 7:7 How do you feel after giving yourself ten minutes? What did you notice as you read these passages? I want to leave you with my favourite passage from Paul, : ‘Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love.’ 1 Corinthians 16:13-14

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