3 minute read


BY NIGEL WINDER | Children and Families Team Leader, SUNZ

Fake News


While reconstruction work was being carried out on the Christchurch Cathedral, an ancient book was unearthed from amongst the rubble. The local MP who was on-site at the time took this artefact to Wellington for the next cabinet meeting presenting it to the Prime Minister. The PM asked for it to be read in her presence. The words apparently cut her to the core realising they painfully described the reality of a nation that had forgotten its Christian

roots and rejected God. The book described the moral decay and its consequences when other things are worshipped in place of the one true God. The PM was so convicted by the message of this book that she tore her suit and sought immediate and radical law change. She made it a requirement for this book to be read in public and for the core Christian practices of worship, prayer and ceremonial remembrances to be reestablished in the land.

Old News

A story like my scenario previously would certainly make news headlines today, but it is actually very old news in the sense that something very similar happened about 2,650 years ago in the nation of Judah as recorded in 2 Kings chapters 22 and 23. Unlike his father and grandfather, young King Josiah of Judah had a heart that desired to obey God. When the Book of the Law was rediscovered during repair work on the temple, he was ready to respond in obedience. The Word of God had a profoundly powerful effect on him, beginning with humble and sincere repentance for himself and the nation. He then had this unwavering conviction to obey what the scriptures said. Josiah went on a mission to remove the idols and shrines that were competing with the rightful place of the one true God. This led to a significant spiritual revival in the nation and the delaying of God’s punishment on them for rejecting his rule and sovereignty.

New News

While I’d love this story to be true for our nation in this generation, I am not without hope because I continue to see the Word of God have this same effect on individuals’ lives today. I see this in some of the amazing stories that are fed back from our Scripture Union camps, where young people have been convicted of the reality of their broken lives, but also overcome by the love and hope they find in meeting Jesus. The Word of God is continuing to transform lives as the power of God. It is fulfilling its own lofty claims of being living and active. For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrews 4:12 As we know from the Parable of the Sower, the effect or fruit that comes from hearing God’s Word is dependent on the condition of the human heart where it lands.

This story gives us some interesting questions to consider… ¼ How do I view the Bible and its potential to powerfully change lives? ¼ When was the last time reading the

Bible resulted in radical change in my life?

¼ Do I read the Scriptures with an attitude of humility and repentance and a genuine desire to put it in practice? ¼ Is my relationship with God the most important thing in my life and how is this lived out every day?

¼ What should I be praying for my country and its leaders?

Good News

If I prepare my heart right, this living artefact—the Bible—will continue to do its powerful transforming work in me as I grow in my knowledge of God. God changes the heart of a nation one person at a time, so He might as well start with me.

His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 2 Peter 1:3

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