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Natalie Duchesne, the new SUNZ North Island Camps Consultant, tells us a little about herself. “I was born in Sydney (but don’t hold that against me!) and then quickly moved to country NSW–a place called Bega that is famous for cheese–nothing sophisticated though, just your regular block cheese. I’ve been involved with Scripture Union since I went on Girls Ag Camp when I was 13–we slept in army tents, had bucket showers and helped out on local farms around rural NSW. I committed my life to the Lord there and went back year after year. After high school I became a leader and eventually the camp director. I have a Bachelor of International Development and a passion for community and leadership development, particularly when it comes to youth and women. Poststudy, I worked at Baptist World Aid Australia looking after their events, supporter trips overseas and church partnerships. I then studied with Venn Foundation in Auckland as part of a Residential Fellowship. Twelve of us lived intentionally together and were encouraged think deeply, live faithfully and serve wisely to shape Aotearoa for the glory of God. It was a life-changing eight months. I assumed I’d then head back to Australia, but I realised just how much my heart had grown for Aotearoa. Part of my study was interviewing Christian campsite managers, pastors and families for Christian Camping New Zealand, and I heard about this SUNZ role when I interviewed SUNZ’s Neville Bartley. I applied instantly and left it to God as to whether this leap of faith was the right one. Camps are a unique tool to experience safe community as God intended. Creation as a pathway to worship and connect with God is also something I hold close, and camps offer the


time and space to explore that more. I’m so eager to give teenagers a taste of the Kingdom, and really just plan to listen to God in how He wants me to create spaces for Him to move in people’s lives–whether that’s teenagers, camp leaders, SUNZ supporters or other Christian organisations. Outside work, you’ll find me on a skateboard, tramping in the bush, or in the ocean—any time of the year is a good time for a swim! I’m a keen gig-goer and try to have my finger on the pulse in the local music scene. I also appreciate a good meal out–whether that’s at a friend’s house (I’ll bring dessert!), ranking the best wood-fired pizza or scouting out a great brunch spot. Thank you, everyone, for your warm welcome. I feel very privileged to be in this role and look forward to connecting with you all about our North Island camps!” NATALIE CREATION AS A PATHWAY TO WORSHIP AND CONNECT WITH GOD IS SOMETHING I HOLD CLOSE. "

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